40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2613: Full cleaning

"I know."

Li Jialing said, "This is the area where the human right hemisphere controls emotions. The left and right hemispheres of humans have different divisions of labor. The left hemisphere is in charge of memory, logical thinking and mathematical analysis, while the right hemisphere controls emotions, music, pictures and other functions. There were a lot of bleeding spots and abnormal swelling in the left and right hemispheres, indicating that this person's memory and emotions are controlled, at least it is disturbed by high-intensity stimuli."

"It's roughly correct, but it needs to be corrected a little bit."

Long Yangjun nodded and said, "I know that many brain experts and meditation masters have thrown out the idea of'asymmetric division of labor between the left and right brains' in various writings, and they have also divided the brain into'memory areas' and ' There are different functional modules such as'emotional area', but in fact, human memory and emotions, including self-awareness, are extremely mysterious, unfathomable, and mysterious. It is not possible to simply use the word'control' to describe their purpose. .

"You have to know that even if the brain is completely destroyed, people will become ghost repairs, as long as more than 50% of the soul is retained, and then carried by a radiation-proof shell and high-precision crystal brain, most of the memories and memories of life can still be retained. Emotions-then, the so-called brain tissue can completely control the soul, it may not be true.

"In my opinion, the relationship between the brain and the soul is more like the relationship between the soil and the fruit tree, or even the fruit produced on the fruit tree.

"The quality of the soil, of course, can determine the quality of the fruit tree, and even whether the fruit is sweet or sour, but once the fruit tree grows and bears many fruits, even if the soil is removed and transplanted into some kind of'soilless culture' environment Or it is possible to pick the fruit off, store it in a vacuum with the fresh-keeping talisman array, and leave it for decades or even hundreds of years without decay.

"In other words, the brain is the soil for condensing the soul and will, but after the soul and will are completely formed, the need for brain tissue is not so strong.

"We can only say that stimulating that area of ​​the left brain can interfere with people's memory to a certain extent; and stimulating this area of ​​the right brain can temporarily change people's emotions to a certain extent.

"Even if these two areas are completely removed by surgery, people will lose their memories and emotions and become an empty and insensitive machine in the brain."

Li Jialing thought for a while: "Like a Saint League person?"

"From the perspective of the density of bleeding spots and the degree of organic changes, it has not yet reached the level of complete extinction of the seven emotions and six desires of the Saint League people-the two areas of the Saint League people are relatively atrophy, but they are not so red and swollen. This The officer should still have a strong emotion, but I don't know where his emotion is pointing."

Long Yangjun thought for a while, and said, "This level of change is somewhat similar to the worry-free believers who have practiced "Wangyou Jue". Everyone is of the same level, but the direction is different."

Li Jialing was stunned: "After practicing "Wang You Jue", will it actually cause organic changes to the brain?"

"Even if you don't practice "Wang You Jue", in that kind of extremely scarce resources, living in an environment of extreme fear every minute, the brain will also produce qualitative changes!"

Long Yangjun glanced at Li Jialing and said, "Awe the brain, but don't imagine the brain so mysterious. After all, the brain is just a normal organ of the human body.

"For example, if a person is in a state of famine from birth to grow up from time to time, and has to eat weeds and bark for eight out of ten days, will his body be qualitative? What about the changes in the face, skinny, skinny, gastrointestinal atrophy, broken teeth, and the breeding of various diseases?"

Li Jialing blurted out: "Of course!"

"So, when resources are extremely scarce, extreme gastrointestinal atrophy is normal. Then certain areas of the brain shrink and mutate. What's wrong?"

Long Yangjun said, "The so-called "Wang You Jue" is just to help them adapt to this change calmly and safely."

"Okay, you are the gods, and you are the ghosts. In short, you have finished saying everything."

Li Yao said, "You don't need to put gold on your face. Let's talk about your problem later. Now we are mainly studying Wu Yingqi's problem-the cause of this crazy officer has been found. It seems that he is indeed brainwashed, but he can't bear it. I’m crazy about the side effects and sequelae of the disease, but I don’t know what others are doing. I also want to see the brains of healthy soldiers.”

Li Jialing was shocked: "Brother Yao, you don't want to cut open the heads of these four soldiers alive, right?"

"What are you thinking about!"

Li Yao flicked on Li Jialing's forehead, "Isn't there still several corpses here? Well, this corpse originally had a brain crack, so we don't need to do more!"

The two of them carried the second corpse onto the floating dish, and Long Yangjun himself managed the sword and found the target area like a cat.

"It's the same. The left and right sides are covered with dense bleeding spots, and the brain tissue is slightly deformed and swollen, like repeated scars that have been damaged hundreds of times and continue to grow."

Li Jialing observed carefully and came to a conclusion, "However, it seems that this soldier is not as serious as a frenzied officer, and is still within a controllable range."

"In other words, all the officers and soldiers of Wu Yingqi's underground secret weapon base were all brainwashed by him, but to a different degree."

Li Yao concluded, "These brain damage areas of officers and soldiers are consistent with Wu Yingqi's attempt to attack my brain area in the depths of the Seven Seas Market. It is his technique, or the technique of the Saint Allies.

"This kind of short-term and high-intensity'hard brainwashing' is extremely damaging to the brain. However, whether or not you get into trouble depends on your physique, cultivation level, and luck. This officer estimated that in the past high-intensity training, The brain has accumulated a lot of hidden injuries, which have been suppressed forcibly, and as a result, it has been repeatedly brainwashed. Eventually, the cerebral blood vessels burst and the brain cells proliferate and die.

"Such a terrible brainwashing method!"

Li Jialing was shocked, "Is it too incredible?"

"There is nothing'unbelievable'. Brainwashing is not a weird nonsense, and there is nothing weird and powerful. They all exist objectively and can be studied, analyzed, and copied."

Li Yao pointed at Li Jialing’s head and said, “Since Wu Yingqi’s ultimate secret weapon base has become more and more closely related to'brainwashing technology', we must first figure out what the so-called'brainwashing' refers to. .

"In my opinion, brainwashing can be divided into two types,'soft brainwashing' and'hard brainwashing'.

"What is'soft brainwashing'? The simplest example, we two get along day and night, and I babble next to your ears every day, "buzzing" like a fly, and I want to implant the Taoist heart of a comprehensionist into you In his mind, he even often leads by example, being a chivalrous hero, saving people from fire and water, and deeply imprinting the tall and glorious image of a cultivator in your heart. As a result, after one and a half years or three and five years, you have truly transformed into A cultivator, in this process, can it be said that I have brainwashed you to some extent?

"I think, if you really want to say it, it can be counted, but this is a very slight degree of soft brainwashing, just like the advertising window that pops up from time to time on the Lingnet, like how you can instill a certain product on how fun, a certain game No matter how it is stimulated, it is the softest and softest brainwashing method."

"Brother Yao said so, I understand!"

Li Jialing slapped his hands, "Soft brainwashing is the worst effect, the most gentle method, just like a mosquito bite, a painless way of brainwashing, just like Brother Yao has been brainwashing me for so long, and there is no way to stand you up in my head. The tall and glorious image, whatever you say, I still think you are quite funny!"

Li Yao: "...Almost, don't worry about these details anyway. Let's make another analogy. Children are educated in school, learning the mainstream values ​​and worldviews of society, and they have been instilled in the Dao of Cultivation or the Dao of Cultivation in decades. , Is this a kind of brainwashing?

"I think that what you have to say can be counted, but it depends on whether you are telling the truth during the indoctrination process, whether you conceal something, and whether children are forbidden to come into contact with various opinions through other channels.

"If you can tell the children all the advantages and disadvantages of various avenues and even the serious mistakes and glorious achievements caused by the past with an open, tolerant, and upright mind, then this kind of brainwashing will be softer; if it is to deceive, conceal, and distort the facts , And accompanied by corporal punishment, material stimulation, etc., then this kind of brainwashing is harder, simpler and more rude.

"Imagine that Wu Yingqi spent decades or even hundreds of years implanting his supreme and invincible thought into the hearts of several generations of imperial youths-this of course can be regarded as brainwashing, but we don't care about this now, right. Right?

"All of the above brainwashing methods have two common characteristics. First, it takes too long, a short period of one and a half years, and a long period of several decades or hundreds of years, to completely deceive people.

"Secondly, none of these brainwashing methods will cause organic changes in the brain. In other words, the changes are subtle and moisturizing. During the long brainwashing process, even if the brain is really damaged, it has long been damaged by the self. Fixed it.

"Therefore, I classify all these methods of brainwashing as'soft brainwashing.' Many times you can hardly distinguish the difference between'soft brainwashing' and'education'.

"And the tragic deaths of the Yulin Army in front of us, they are obviously not the victims of'soft brainwashing', but have undergone high-intensity'hard brainwashing', that is, in just a few days and weeks at most one or two months. Part of the brain is affected by excessive radiation or strong magnetic fields, and even mustard-level minimally invasive brain surgery, causing serious organic changes in some areas of the brain, affecting their memory and emotions, and distorting their minds. Self-awareness-this is the narrow sense, or brainwashing in the true sense!"

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