40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2627: Daigo empowerment!

Li Yao has never seen anyone who can "brainwash" such a ridiculous and evil thing, and it is so natural and upright.

Perhaps this is the skill that every emperor or leader must master.

Despite this, Li Yao still spread out confused ripples in his eyes, murmured: "It seems...something makes sense, but this is brainwashing after all..."

"No,'brainwashing' is just ordinary people with low intelligence, confined to past experience and imaginary fears, the name after the demonization of this advanced technology, as I just said, after seeing modern surgery, the ancients will It is dismissed as "witchcraft"! Li Yao, I believe that you are not a simple-minded and self-proclaimed ordinary man. You should be able to look at the advantages and disadvantages of the new technology in the most rational way and with the most forward-looking perspective. It brings revolutionary positive significance to human civilization!"

Seeing Li Yao faintly shaken, Wu Yingqi showed a few beams of joy on his crescent-like face, and stepped up to bewitched, "In a word, no matter whether the Yaozu Dynasty, the Xinghai Empire, the Xinghai Republic, the True Human Empire, or the kingdom of your cultivators At the end of the future dynasty, the root cause of all the problems encountered is nothing more than two-the star sea is too big and the people's hearts are too scattered.

"If we want to solve these two problems, we must rely on the technological explosion, and use more advanced communication and transportation methods to shorten the distance between the various worlds, so that the central power can be quickly deployed to the place, but the technological explosion is not easy. No matter how civilization develops, as a three-dimensional living body, navigation and communication in four-dimensional space are always extremely costly and risky.

"Since the distance between the stars cannot be shortened in the short term, we can only start with the hearts of the people and use brainwashing methods to reach consensus and gather people's hearts. In fact, this is also the basis and prerequisite of the technological explosion-people's hearts are not. Gather, why gather the world?

"However, I still don't like the word'brainwashing'. A more accurate term should be'initiation'."


Li Yao subconsciously said, "Taigo empowers?"

"Yes, this kind of technology based on direct stimulation of the cerebral cortex to generate common emotions, memories, and will can increase the efficiency of human information exchange and knowledge transfer by hundreds to thousands of times, just like the legendary'initiation'. It can make the selfish traitors repent, and they can also be called the obscure ordinary people. It is indispensable for human beings to evolve from planetary civilization to star-sea civilization, and to further evolve to the real "universal civilization". Key technology."

Wu Yingqi said, "Perhaps you might think that I got this technology from the Holy League, and even if there is any unseen collusion between us and the Holy League, then you are very wrong, its origin and what's evil. 'Brainwashing' has nothing to do, but goes back to the early days of the Primordial Era. When the Pangu Civilization Alliance was established, its purpose was not to enslave anyone, but just to empathize, understand each other, and coexist in harmony among the different civilizations forming the alliance. That's it."

"Early in the Primordial Era?"

Li Yao didn't expect Wu Yingqi to obtain such an ancient technology, and couldn't help being fascinated by it.

He held his breath and raised his ears. He didn't seem to realize that when Wu Yingqi was speaking, more and more long black hair was turning into spider silk nerve bundles, burrowing into his body along the pores.

The consciousness of Li Yao and Wu Yingqi was wonderfully connected through this inexhaustible way.

Every word Wu Yingqi said next seemed to contain infinite information, not only the sound, but also a lifelike picture, and even a paragraph of intuitive stories, like a spar bomb, bombarded indiscriminately. The spirit of Li Yao didn't arouse Li Yao's disgust and vigilance—because that sounded nothing to do with the current war.

"With your wisdom and deduction ability, it is certainly not difficult to imagine that in order to maintain the long-term survival of a huge empire that spans the heavens and all realms, the most critical point is how to gather the common understanding of the people so that everyone can have empathy and empathy. ', have the same memory, the same emotion, the same glory, and on the basis of memory, emotion and glory, the mainstream values ​​and social consensus have been condensed."

Wu Yingqi calmly eroded Li Yao’s soul, “If the country’s territory involves only one planet or even a continent, it’s very simple to build consensus. However, if the country’s territory covers tens of thousands of light years apart. The two planets, a frozen planet, a desert planet, and the two planets are often cut off due to stellar storms. Sometimes they can’t be contacted for a year or a half, and even if they are in contact, they can only send a few small ones. The small transport ship has been developed alone for hundreds of years and thousands of years. What kind of "common memory and common interest" exists between the residents of the two places? Contradictions and divisions are inevitable!

"Two planets are already so troublesome. What if it is 20,000 planets, or even two million planets?

"Before the establishment of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, the situation in the universe was even worse than it is today-no matter how chaotic the empire today, no matter how uneven the hearts of the people, at least all citizens are humans, with roughly the same physiological structure, language and culture, going back ten. They were all born in the same way for tens of thousands of years.

"The Pangu Civilization Alliance includes thirteen completely different carbon-based beings, and not long ago, these 13 carbon-based beings have just fought, and they are endlessly dying!

"The difference between carbon-based life can also be too great to imagine. To give the simplest example, the Houyi and Kuafu tribes who once fought the'Ten Day War' around ten suns.

"The origin of the Houyi people is a kind of insects with black carapace. They are like an evolutionary version of bee colony. A single individual has no consciousness and wisdom at all, but in the long evolution, their solar carapace is A pattern similar to the “psychic circuit” has grown. When countless zergs gather together to form a “swarm” and shake the carapace, the crisscrossing psychic circuit spurs a spark of wisdom and produces a common “bee”. Group consciousness'.

"From this point of view, the concept of the'individual' and the'whole' of the Houyi tribe is very vague. Each Houyi tribe is actually a dense swarm of bees, or a life-bearing group of bees. The hive of free movement. When a Houyi tribe is severely injured and 90% of its insects are lost, the remaining 10% of the insects can still fly to other bee colonies and become part of the body of another Houyi, and part of it The past information is transmitted to the new honeycomb.

"Therefore, many Houyi people think that'they' are immortal-this is also the reason why the Houyi people are brave and do not care about life and death.

"The Kuafu clan is different. They are not so much an ‘animal’ as they are a ‘plant’ in origin.

"The Kuafu tribe is a race of giants. The adult Kuafu tribe can grow up to hundreds of meters, like towering mountains or tall buildings, and is the largest group of the Pangu thirteen races.

"But who could have imagined that the newly born descendants of the Kuafu tribe are just a small seed — the Kuafu tribe has no concept of gender, but adopts the method of'symbiosis and co-cultivation' to reproduce. When the coming, the adult Kuafu tribe will be affected by the stellar magnetic field and condense a fingernail-sized seed of life in the body. They use a special gas whisker to pierce the seed of life deep into the ground, so that the fragile seed can avoid the poisonous star radiation. , And accept the nurturing of warm soil.

"After that, every Kua father who has passed through the seed burial ground can sense the existence of the seed, and will also pierce its own tentacles into the ground, and water the nutrient and genetic information to the seed, boasting For the parents, this is the most sacred blessing, and it can also be understood as their way of mating and breeding.

"Usually, a seed has accumulated enough nutrients and genetic information after the blessing of 20 or 30 adult Kua fathers, and it can break through the ground.

"But if you can pass the blessing of forty or fifty adult Kuafu clan, that is the strong one in the clan.

"And if more than one hundred Kuafu tribes give it nutrients and genetic information, then it will definitely become the leader of the tribe, the strongest of the Kuafu tribe, and even the height of the future will exceed 100 meters, which will truly cover the sky. Giant-here is the literal meaning of'covering the sky and obscuring the sun', because many research materials assume that the so-called'ball of Kuafu' is composed of countless bodies of the Kuafu tribe.

"But no matter what the future is, the Kuafu clan that just broke ground is a small sapling. It doesn't even have the ability to move itself. It can only use a special breath and magnetic field to attract a species called'yellow snake'. The ancient beasts come to work for them, protect them from the enemy, and get enough food for them. Of course, the life magnetic field of the Kuafu clan is also very good for the evolution of the yellow snakes. This is a wonderful symbiosis. relationship.

"The young Kuafu clan will have to spend decades or even hundreds of years of infancy under the service of the Yellow Snake, before they can completely rise from the ground and become adult giants that can move freely and join the ranks of civilization-of course, in With an extremely developed civilization and possessing a variety of soilless cultivation and fast-growing technologies, the Kuafu tribe has created a variety of strange new methods of reproduction, but the memories of early ancestors deeply rooted in the earth are still etched in the depths of their genes. I can never forget.

"You said, Houyi and Kuafu, two completely different carbon-based civilizations, have just experienced an endless **** battle. How can they shake hands and reach a consensus? How can they understand that each other is also the same. A highly developed intelligent life, not an'evil alien'?"

Li Yao was silent.

His thinking was completely immersed in the illusion created by Wu Yingqi, as if he had really become the Kuafu clan and the Houyi clan.

Indeed, whether it is the Houyi tribe with insect swarm consciousness, or the young plants, adult animals, and Kuafu tribes who integrate their corpses into the "ball of Kuafu" after exhaustion, I am afraid it is difficult to understand the life form of the other party, let alone It is also a kind of civilization to recognize the other's form.

"At the time, if the war between the two civilizations could not be prevented, the Houyi and Kuafu tribes might all perish."

Wu Yingqi said, "The Pangu tribe, the'mediator', uses what you call the'evil brainwashing', that is, the advanced technology of'Taigu Empowerment', which allows the two civilizations to'empathize and empathize' and share each other's feelings. The memory and growth environment of the ancestors, they perceive each other’s joys, sorrows, sorrows, and desires, understand the various forms of civilization, and finally reach an agreement, usher in peace, and preserve the two civilizations. Of course, it also allows them to understand the Pangu tribe. There is no need to be afraid of the Pangu people’s over-advanced technology."

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