40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2633: Complete vassal clothes!

The real world, inside the Jinjing Tower.

Li Yao's closed eyelids trembled, and slowly opened his eyes, as if there was a whole piece of night condensed in it.

There was still a trace of confusion on his face, as if he had just had a long and deep dream. While rubbing his temples, he thought in a daze. He also scratched the skin with red marks, as if he was about to tear the skin completely. Rotten, revealing a brand new self.

Then, he saw Wu Yingqi standing not far away.

Wu Yingqi is like a **** mountain, obscuring his entire field of vision.

Li Yao's eyebrows twisted together, and two powerful forces fought fiercely deep in his heart.

His eyelids, corners of his mouth and fingers all twitched frantically.

After a while, he made a vague "grunt" deep in his throat, knelt down on one knee, and expressed surrender to Wu Yingqi.

"Li Aiqing, this is the effect of'Taigu empowerment', how about it does not destroy your thinking ability and free will?"

Wu Yingqi asked lightly.


There were two blushes on Li Yao’s face, and he thought about it carefully, “The minister is still a cultivator. He still adheres to the path of cultivation and loves his hometown. The minister still believes that he should not sacrifice so rashly when he has a better choice. Many lives, but, but—

"But at the moment, we have no choice. Although your majesty's solution may seem cruel, it is the ‘least worst’, ‘most effective’ and ‘most likely to succeed’ among all solutions.

"Therefore,'I am a cultivator' and'I want to support your majesty', these two things are not contradictory, or even taken for granted. If the minister is a true cultivator, he cares about the maximum human benefit and not just himself. If the minister does not support his majesty, he will be a fake cultivator who seeks fame, a scum scum like the fake cultivator, and even more hateful than them!

"All of the above are the conclusions drawn by the minister with a very clear mind, very rational thinking, and independent thinking. They have never been manipulated by any force, let alone some "evil brainwashing". The minister is just... given by His Majesty’s principles. It's just persuaded."

Li Yaoyue said, his expression became firmer and calmer, as if he really used a scalpel to completely analyze his brain.

"Hahahaha, it would be great for Li Aiqing to think so!"

Wu Yingqi laughed, "Yes, the so-called'brainwashing' is actually a more advanced and efficient method to reason. How can there be evil and fear?"

"If your Majesty is going to implement a large-scale enlightenment on the royal fleet of the four major families, the same is true, so that they can understand the truth--"

Li Yao said seriously, "The minister swears to heaven that he will give his life to support your majesty!"


Wu Yingqi narrowed his eyes to look at Li Yao, and suddenly asked strangely, "Why is your face so flushed and sweating all the time?"


Li Yao touched the wet sweat on his neck, took a look, and said, "Just now your Majesty has shown his ministers the future of the new empire and even human civilization, what a majestic fleet, what a glorious civilization, what a happy people, the ministers look at it. After that, the excitement is inexplicable, the heart is ups and downs, and I can’t calm down for a long time. I can’t wait to cross into the future golden age now, ah, your majesty, ah, empire, ah, vomit...

Li Yao suddenly vomited with both hands on the ground, almost vomiting up stomach acid.

Wu Yingqi was stunned: "Li Aiqing, why are you doing this?"

"Chen, I don't know, I just feel dizzy and dizzy. I can't help it."

Li Yao glanced at Wu Yingqi and couldn't help spouting acid water again. He was embarrassed. "Probably there is too much information flooding into the depths of the minister's brain. The minister's brain can't bear it." Does technology have such side effects? This is for your majesty to give advice to the ministers."

Wu Yingqi was silent.

Of course, the "Taigo empowerment technique" has strange side effects. Not to mention that the brain is shocked and nauseous and nauseous. It is not surprising that even schizophrenia, madness, or even a brain burst on the spot.

Moreover, Li Yao's spirit itself is very powerful and weird, and Wu Yingqi can roughly perceive it. Therefore, Wu Yingqi cannot fully understand what negative effects will be caused by the fierce collision of the two spirits.

Concussion will cause vomiting. This should be regarded as the least side effect, right?

"Please don't worry, your Majesty, the minister is fine, and you get used to it, vomit..."

Li Yao's face was pale and he cupped his stomach and said, "Let’s not care about these little things. The minister still has a lot of thoughts in his heart, including the overall plan to be implemented by the minister and the various traps set by the minister. First of all, let the minister help your majesty first and catch the other two rebels. I hope that your majesty will also give them a chance to know when they are lost, and let them all "initiate" like the minister, enjoy... enjoy unprecedented Ming Wu!"


Li Jialing ran wildly through the maze of caves, resisting the heartbeat of tearing his chest, and did not dare to look back for the barrage of the storm. Suddenly, he stepped into a crack with his left foot and suddenly "clicked". There was a crack in the ankle, and the pain caused him tears to shoot, but he did not dare to stay. A Gulu rolled into a downward fork and rolled into the darkness at the end. There was no sound behind him for a long time before he dared to let out a faint moan.

"Sister Long—"

He called Long Yangjun in the point-to-point communicator, "Where are you, I can't hold it anymore, the whole crystal armor battle group is chasing me behind!"

"I'm in a mine more than 700 meters to your left, but it's dangerous here, don't come over!"

Long Yangjun gritted his teeth on the peer-to-peer secret communication channel, "Wu Yingqi, the thousand-year old ghost, has so many masters, and one or two are not afraid of death. The tactics of the same death are the same as the four majors. The fearsome guys in the family are completely different, and I'm stuck in it too!"

"Brother Yao doesn't know what's going on."

Li Jialing sprayed quick-freezing gel and high-density bone growth agent on the swollen ankle, silently running the spirit to promote the healing of the cracks in the bones, while desperately said, "Wu Yingqi has already drilled into the Jinjing Tower, and I am staying with Yaoge. For several hours, what are they doing in there, Brother Yao will be fine, right?"

"Don't worry, good people don't live long, and they live for thousands of years. Brother Yao won't die so easily!"

Long Yangjun snorted, as if he was hit hard by the enemy, "However, if this'scourge' does not come out and figure out a solution, we two'good guys' will not live long!"

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard a loud thunder-like noise coming from deep underground, as if the sky and the earth were torn apart, and the center of the earth was disintegrating.

I thought it was the explosion of a super spar bomb, but the sound of the explosion seemed to be turbulent, continuous, and gradually approaching, becoming louder and louder, and causing more and more violent shocks.

"Is it an earthquake, a huge earthquake?"

Li Jialing and Long Yangjun a few hundred meters away changed their faces at the same time.

The geological structure in this area has been torn and destroyed by the emperor and the blood **** son again and again thousands of years ago, and now it has been drilled by Wu Yingqi's imperial army to be riddled with holes and crumbly.

Such a strong earthquake caused tunnels and mines to collapse, and hundreds of millions of tons of rocks fell from the sky, completely changing the appearance of the ground.

Even though most of the Yulin Army stayed in the pre-calculated safe area, some of the Yulin Army left the safe area to chase Li Jialing and Long Yangjun. They were large in number, large in target, and weak in individual strength, but they were chaotic. The stone smashed his head and face, a mess.

Both Li Jialing and Long Yangjun are masters above the level, and they are not trapped by the boulders for the time being, but the earth-shaking changes around them, and the waves that are higher than the waves, seem to be a never-ending tremor, which still makes the two of them. His face became extremely ugly, and at the same time he thought of a possibility.

Jinjing Tower, it's activated!

After all, Li Yao failed to stop Wu Yingqi's plan. The large-scale brainwashing using solar storms has already begun!

At this moment, a third voice, Li Yao's extremely calm voice, was inserted into the secret communication channel of the two.

"Where are you hiding?"

Li Yao asked.

"Brother Yao!"

Li Jialing was surprised and delighted, "You unexpectedly escaped, where are you, what happened in the Jinjing Tower?"

"No time to explain, I am here."

Li Yao sent them a coordinate, not far from them, "Come here to meet, and then I will tell you everything."

"it is good!"

Li Jialing didn't doubt that he had him, and immediately flew towards Li Yao.

"and many more……"

Long Yangjun was suspicious, "Li Yao, do you have any problems?"

"No, I did have many problems a few hours ago, but now there are no problems. Believe me, I have found a solution. Although there are great risks and many hidden dangers, it is worth a fight."

Li Yao said, "When you see me, you will naturally understand."


Long Yangjun was still hesitating.

However, Li Jialing hopped to the coordinates given by Li Yao, looking for Li Yao's figure amidst the smoke and dust.

Soon, he found a black shadow in the dense fog.

"Brother Yao!"

Li Jialing hurried up to greet him, until he found the black hair dancing wildly like tentacles on the back of the other party's head and realized that it was wrong, but it was too late—his mother, no, some kind of dormant in his mother's body and controlled his mother. Darkness exists, and a face full of mysterious smiles slowly emerges from the fog.

Black Star Emperor, Wu Yingqi.


Li Jialing's blood and cranial nerves were completely frozen, and he let out a desperate inhalation sound.

In the communication channel, Long Yangjun's cries of fright and anger were also heard, as well as the roar of her fighting with Li Yao: "Li Yao, you betrayed us!"

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