40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2643: Discordant noise

"This is a trap!"

"Retreat, we must... jump out of this **** star field, out of the radiation range of this star!"

"Help, help!"

"Base No. 4, did you hear that, please guide us to the appropriate jumping point immediately, we--"

From the towering main battleships of the four-family ace fleet, panicked commands and even calls for help were heard.

But the voice came too late.

Long before they realized that they had fallen into the black abyss, the solar storm swept across all their support fleets, star battle castles and planetary bases in the outer periphery of the polar sky without discrimination, and created a "spiritual plague" there. The cultivators who are loyal to the four major families have become zombies in a certain sense, but these zombies do not eat other people's brains, they just change it, assimilate it, and infect it.

The Fifth Planetary Base where the four-family ace fleet has just left is also a doomsday scene.

Countless people ran around holding their deformed and swollen brains. As they ran, the brain burst with a "wave". The blood burst into the sky like a fountain, and even ran out of the artificial atmosphere and gravity field, transforming in an icy vacuum. It became a bizarre statue, and it turned black under the shining of the sun, and disappeared into ashes.

There were also people who drove starships, space shuttles, and even crystal armor to escape from the planet, but they were knocked down by soldiers who had been "conscious", manipulating ground anti-aircraft artillery, like a big-headed fly dragging a spiral tail.

The officers who are still loyal to the four major families have formed islands and resisted in vain the tide of attacks by the soldiers at the bottom. However, under the double attack of depletion and extreme fear, their brains are also extremely easy to be infected, and they are often beaten. A "traitor" appeared inside, and after a period of sluggishness, his eyes turned to deep black, and he stabbed him behind his back.


I don’t know if it was a mad soldier or a desperate officer who detonated the largest ammunition depot on the fifth planetary base, triggering the martyrdom of the spar. Throwing into the sky, it was another burning meteorite, splashing down in the form of a celestial flower, causing a greater degree of destruction.

The whole planet seemed to be burning, lit by the brilliance of the black sun.

The same scenes abound in the outer star domains that have been occupied by the four major families.

Almost no starship can start a star-sea jump before reacting, and escape from this...the swamp of the black sun.

Although the implementation progress of the "Plan for Tomorrow" is less than 20%, the ace fleet formed by the four major families no longer exists. The wave of steel has completely turned into a stunned mud, and every starship has become an island of death. , Every cultivator is in a state of hypnosis, panic, or despair, and has lost his combat effectiveness!

The same scene happened in the reformist Imperial Forest Army and the Deep Sea Fleet.

The Imperial Forest Army and the Deep Sea Fleet have long been prepared. Before the "Project Tomorrow" was launched, they parked the starship in the atmosphere and shut down most of the magic weapon units. There is also atmospheric protection, thus avoiding the super strong solar storm. Radiation and particle flow destruction.

However, the public communication channel on their starship was completely open to Wu Yingqi, so that Wu Yingqi's will can be driven forward for a long time and achieve a better brainwashing effect.

The soldiers and officers on these starships dressed in the black military uniforms of the early empire a thousand years ago are like neatly arranged statues, quietly listening to the "hadith" of "Your Majesty", and in the tranquility and order, they have achieved unprecedented results. Mingwu, with ethereal and secretive smiles on each face.

When they looked at the sea of ​​stars again, their eyes had changed.

If they were worried about the imminent catastrophe—the full-scale invasion of the four-family ace fleet, then they are now firmly convinced of their victory, but they are gearing up for it, preparing for a day or two. To receive the defeated ace fleet.

They will be the first members of the glorious "Imperial Capital Fleet".

They will be the heroes of the new empire, the ancestors of the new mankind, and they will also be the first people to break out of the small universe.

Long live the empire, long live your majesty, long live the Black Star Emperor!

On the Celestial Star, the supreme power of the solar storm also swept here.

The Celestial Star has a thick and dense atmosphere, which temporarily blocks more than 90% of radiation, super particle flow and extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves. The madness and destruction here will only take place twelve to twenty-four hours later than the Star Fleet. .

Even so, various abnormal phenomena have heralded the coming of the end.

First of all, the most sensitive species of birds. The organs that perceive magnetic fields in the brain have been severely disturbed. Ten thousand birds vacated in the sky, flying around like flies without their heads, and even countless crows formed a mighty tide and rushed between high-rise buildings. The horrible scene of breaking the glass, crashing into the building, flapping wings.

When these crows flutter their wings and want to continue hovering in a small room, but they burst their heads in mid-air with a "wave", this kind of nightmare image is destined to be unforgettable for all witnesses.

This is true for birds, and so are beasts. Residents near the forests and mountains have witnessed an incredible torrent-a torrent composed of countless snakes, insects, rats, ants, jackals, tigers and leopards, hurriedly fled their homes to the human cities. Ran madly.

The beasts who were supposed to be natural enemies to each other no longer care about each other or where they are going. Many times they just go around the city or even bite their tails in circles, just like this. Another lap, and finally died of exhaustion.

There are also a large number of rats gathered into a mighty army, all the way towards the wilderness, to the shore, a cliff with a drop of hundreds of meters, and then jump off the cliff without hesitation, and disappear into the black tide below.

After accepting the sacrifices of these creatures, the tide became more and more violent and violent.

In the Silver Moon Sea, an unprecedented level 12 super sea tornado has taken shape, like a huge straw that is grounded by the sky, sucking all the seawater out of the atmosphere.

On the tranquil ocean, the super hurricane that Celestial Star has never experienced in the last ten thousand years has also slowly expanded its tentacles, blooming the most ferocious fangs towards the human cities on the coast, even without the meteorological bureau’s detection magic weapon, just Looking at the coastal city with the naked eye, you can see that half of the sky is turned into shocking black, like a huge black spot, swallowing three-dimensional space, about to swallow the entire planet.

This kind of alienation should have caused everyone to be extremely frightened, insane, and completely collapsed.

But the inhabitants of countless celestial stars seemed to have heard the call of a mysterious voice.

This voice calmed their hearts and condensed unprecedented thoughts. It made them realize some kind of grand mission other than the tiny life, and gradually turned them into ants in the literal sense-as long as the grand mission can be completed, their tiny Life can be sacrificed at any time, for the empire, for the ant colony!

Countless people staggered out of the room and the refuge, looking up at the sun covered with dark spots, intently accepting the baptism of black light, even if the retina was completely burned, it was still happy.

Almost all the immortal cultivators and senior doglegs of immortal cultivators living in the surface cities are shrouded by Wu Yingqi's will, either turning into deformed monsters, or irritated patients, or spiritual zombies.

On the contrary, the "primitive people" who live between two to three hundred meters to twenty to thirty thousand meters below the ground, the situation is slightly better.

The atmosphere is the first layer of protection, and the thick rock is the second most solid protective shell. No matter how strong radiation and particle flow, it is difficult to penetrate the tens of thousands of meters thick crust instantly. Even if it penetrates, it is often exhausted. .

Therefore, when the entire extreme heavens, the super strong, super strong, strong and strong doglegs of the entire extreme heaven, the celestial star star are caught in a spiritual plague and cannot extricate themselves, these most "humble" underground primitive people can even enjoy a moment of sobriety.

The "Plan for Tomorrow" needs the brilliance of the sun to take effect. However, thanks to the "Government" of the immortals, 90% of the underground primitives have never seen what real sunlight looks like in their lives, so it is naturally difficult to be "Planned for Tomorrow." Corroded, this "everyone knows that I am alone" state is simply a kind of speechless irony.

Of course, in Wu Yingqi's original plan, these underground primitives were not taken into consideration.

Anyway, they are weeds and ants, they can't change anything at all, and they can't affect anything.

No matter whether they are sober or crazy, in the ensuing natural and man-made disasters and material shortages, they are doomed to a dead end. Even if they serve as the fuel for the advancement of civilization, they will not be able to set off even a small spark.

Under the Celestial Star, inside the Jinjing Tower.

"I am the universe."

Wu Yingqi’s soul surging to its limit, with the help of the power of stars, it stretched to almost the entire polar world. Under the resonance of hundreds of millions of souls, he also gained unprecedented understanding. He has never believed this so clearly-he is The sun, he is the universe, his victory is the victory of human civilization, his future is the future of human civilization, he is the highest will of human civilization, no, he is human civilization itself!


Perceiving the surrender and reverence that hundreds of millions of people gave back to the depths of his soul, Wu Yingqi was also swollen to nowhere. The images and streams of violent information he instilled in hundreds of millions of people were also repeatedly instilling peace. Hypnotizing himself, making him believe in his own existence and mission.

The progress of the "Plan for Tomorrow" has exceeded 30%, and the most difficult part has been passed.

The royal fleet of the four major families is completely in chaos, and it is impossible to regain its establishment within three or five days, and the four major families have neither, nor dared to send reinforcements into the extremely heavenly realm shrouded by the black sun at this moment.

The Imperial Forest Army and the Deep Sea Fleet are also being "awakened" in an orderly manner. Soon their loyalty will be raised to a new level, and they will be able to take over the royal fleet of the four major families.

Even if Lei Chenghu is unwilling to submit, it will take at least ten and a half days for the chaos in the Seven Seas Star Region to be cleaned up. At that time, whether the Thunder Fleet jumps or not, the new "Emperor Capital Fleet" will be in his Under personal control, rise above the sea of ​​stars!

No more power can stop him.

There is no more power that can stop the revival of human civilization!

Wu Yingqi was immersed in the resonance of the souls of hundreds of millions of people, immersed in the worship and cry of countless people's allegiance to him, and immersed in the magnificent and magnificent movement.


In this magnificent grand movement from eternity to the future, it seems to be mixed with two small noises.

The movement is so smooth and harmonious, so it seems that these two noises are particularly harsh, as if they were laughing at him.


The black sun opened his eyes slightly and cast the harshest light on the dust named "Li Yao".

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