40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2658: Split the darkness of the universe!

Li Yao went crazy and extracted various medical supplies and tools from Qiankun Ring.

He first clenched a gleaming silver injection syringe, and injected a large amount of fragrant pale green gel into Li Linghai's open heart, which sealed the blood pouring from her heart.

Immediately afterwards, a circle of nutrient medicines was injected into Li Linghai's neck, and these medicines were used to build a microcirculation to provide oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

In this way, even if the body is completely damaged, the brain can remain awake at the end.

After finishing all this, he gently pressed Li Linghai's temples with both hands, and input a series of subtle electric currents to stimulate her brain cells, so that her soul would not fall into a complete sleep.

Li Linghai's eyelashes finally trembled again and opened his eyes slightly.

When she saw Li Yao clearly, shame, regret, unwillingness, worry and relief flashed in her eyes.

"Don't talk, take a good rest!"

Li Yao read Li Linghai's meaning from his eyes, categorically cutting the railway line, "I will definitely rescue Li Jialing, and I will also save the extreme heaven realm and the celestial star!"

The ripples under Li Linghai's eyes rippled for a long time, and they gathered into two crystal clear tears, slowly running across the corner of his eyes, exhausted the last trace of strength, weakly said: "I was wrong, I...really wrong!"

"Yes, you did make an unforgivable mistake."

Li Yao took out a can of freezing spray from Qiankun Ring. This spray can put the injured person’s brain into a temporary hibernation state, waiting for rescue to come. "Then in the days to come, think clearly about your original intention and spend the rest of your life. Come make up!"

Li Yao gently placed Li Linghai on the ground, covered her wound with a torn shirt, suddenly got up, staring at the direction where Wu Yingqi's remnant soul disappeared.

At this time, Long Yangjun had also solved the last bald demon, and the two simultaneously released their spiritual thoughts, searching every inch of space in the Jinjing Tower.

They did not find Wu Yingqi's remnant soul, not even a trace of it.

But I found something extremely fearful-the giant human pupa that imprisoned Li Jialing exploded from the inside to the outside.

It was like an over-blooming flower, with an extremely hard steel shell curled and drooping, but the inside was empty, and there was no figure of Li Jialing.

Li Jialing's body was taken away by Wu Yingqi's remnant soul!

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other, and they saw the deep fear in each other's eyes, as well as the blazing warfare that gradually surpassed the fear.

"In any case, fix the Universe Ring first!"

Long Yangjun said, "Even if he really got into Li Jialing's body, in such a rush, it would never be too stable!"

Li Yao nodded his head and released his spirit like an octopus, looking for the repair tools that had just been scattered.

Every maintenance tool was made by his painstaking efforts, and his soul brand was deeply engraved inside and outside, and there was a mysterious telepathy with him, which was quickly locked by him and came back one by one.

Taking advantage of Long Yangjun’s vigilance and patrolling around, Li Yao sat cross-legged, his face calm and indifferent, between exhales and breaths, the two ring of heaven and earth floated in front of him, blooming more and more transparent The brilliance.

In the depths of the Jinjing Tower, there was a burst of low laughter again.

The laughter was somewhat like Li Jialing, but also more and more like Wu Yingqi.

The monstrous blood wave, the boundless black fog, made a comeback.

However, Li Yao turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear to his ears. All his minds got into the universe ring between square inches. The strands of spiritual thoughts that were as thin as hair quickly dredged the spiritual patterns that were blocked by the extraction of the talisman, forming a new spatial loop.

boom! boom! boom! Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The entire Jin Jing Pagoda gave out earth-shattering shocks, as if a huge beast with no friends came out from the bottom of the tower, swallowing the Jin Jing Pagoda, the Celestial Pole Star and even the entire star sea.

"Such power is not just as simple as taking homes, it is..."

Long Yangjun was fully on guard, perceiving the ripples surging from the depths of the Golden Crystal Tower, his face became particularly ugly, "Giant Soldier!"

Within the vision of Li Yao and Long Yangjun, an extremely strange scene appeared.

The space in the depths of the Golden Crystal Pagoda began to twist, and there appeared a pitch black that could not be described with pen and ink.

This pitch-black edge is very vague, and it continues to expand to the surroundings. Wherever it expands, it will be dyed into darkness. Any light will be absorbed in, and no matter can escape the darkness!

It was as if the whole world was bitten by an invisible beast, missing one piece, and turned into a...black hole!

When Li Yao and Long Yangjun’s gaze, perception, and spiritual thoughts scan this dark area, they are like mud cows entering the sea. They never go back. They can’t scan what is hidden in the darkness, or there is nothing at all. The body is absolute darkness!


Long Yangjun stomped heavily and stirred up hundreds of sword fragments from the ground, surrounded by hundreds of streamers, and shot towards the darkness. It was also swallowed at the moment of contact with the darkness, as if it fell into a very viscous piece. Gum, can't make any ripples.

This kind of alienation reminds Li Yao and Long Yangjun of a giant soldier, a super giant soldier who is absolutely qualified to rank in the top five in the history of human civilization war, the exclusive vehicle of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi— —The heart of the black hole!

The "heart of a black hole" is certainly not a real black hole.

But it has the strongest force field distortion, stealth system, and energy-absorbing design among all giant soldiers. It can shield more than 99.99% of the enemy’s scanning and locking, and swallow most of the destructive power the enemy shoots at it. It’s really like A black hole of death that can swallow all creatures in the battlefield!

A thousand years ago, when Wu Yingqi was active, the emergence of the heart of the black hole represented the end of war and the beginning of massacre.

Thousands of years later, Emperor Flame will reignite, and the blood rain will come again!

"Ho **** ho **** ho ho!"

Wu Yingqi's frantic laughter came again in the darkness.


The black hole was headed, Li Yao was ignorant, and dropped two drops of pale golden blood on the two Universe Rings, and handily returned one Universe Ring to Long Yangjun, and at the same time activated the withdrawal gesture of the Universe Ring.

Space ripples and floods. Two super-steel gods, "arsonists" and "celestial crystals", who are also qualified to rank in the forefront of the active-duty giants' combat power list, finally struggled to crawl out of the void and descended. world!


Li Yao was in the spiritual house of the “arsonist”, allowing the “little black” to turn into liquid metal to wrap his body. The endless stream of information rushed through his mind, like lightning flashing around his body, with hundreds of limbs and strange creatures. The eight meridians are all comfortable to the extreme, so refreshing that he wants to roar wildly.

With the "arsonist" in hand, even if it is a real black hole in front of him, he will be bombarded alive!

"Your stupidity is more than your shamelessness. Do you really think that I will bind my soul to Li Linghai's remnant body?"

In the heart of the black hole, the voice of Wu Yingqi and Li Jialing gradually merging together, "Activating the Jin Jing Pagoda will greatly damage the body, especially the brain cells, even those who are strong in the gods cannot withstand the backlash of the stars. I have been prepared long ago. After a large-scale initiation, replacing a whole new body, unexpectedly you will send Li Jialing's body to me in its entirety!

"Just now, I was just delaying time with you, speeding up the refining of Li Jialing's body-this body originally absorbed a large amount of the power of the'Emperor Flame Orb', and was modulated to be extremely suitable for accepting my soul. Coupled with the cleansing of the'transformed golden figurines', I can instantly have a brand new, powerful and perfect body!

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, now I have the ability to control the'heart of the black hole','arsonist'?'Sky Crystal'? In my eyes, it's just scrap copper and rotten iron!"

"Let's save effort, everyone is the same person, there is no need to tell such low-level lies and insult each other's wisdom."

Li Yao said indifferently, "How dangerous it is to take the house with the soul, not to mention that you are not taking the house with the complete soul, but with the remnant soul-or a remnant soul that was beaten to pieces by us, like a bereaved dog. .

"I don't believe that your fragmented remnant soul can invade Li Jialing's body 100% in just half a minute. If it were so convenient, you would have done it!

"I firmly believe that my brother Li Jialing will never be suppressed so easily by you. He will have to rush to the Imperial Capital to save his mother. His determination is stronger than anything else. He is our last. Secret weapon!

"Jialing, brother, I believe you can hear it. We will never give up on you, and you must never give up on your mother. You will definitely live on and be reunited together. Now, fight side by side with your eldest brother, and we will be together. , Blast this offal completely!"

Accompanied by Li Yao's earth-shaking roar, the "arsonist" knelt on one knee, opened his arms, and opened all the offensive magic weapon hatches that could be opened. Out, almost covered half of the golden crystal tower, and shot towards the heart of the black hole!

However, the agitation of the flames did not make any sound or waves, and was completely swallowed by the darkness.


From the depths of the darkness, Wu Yingqi's contemptuous laughter came, "Don’t you know the characteristics of the'Black Hole Heart', even a ten times stronger attack will be ineffective against the'Black Hole Heart'. This is, The strongest giant soldier in history!"

"is it?"

Long Yangjun's "Tianjing" also joined the battle group, as if it had become a crystal clear turret. Every cross section of the crystal around his body sparked a dazzling arc, slamming into the darkness fiercely, "I don't believe it!"

"you guys--"

Wu Yingqi's voice became obviously tense and hastily, and the darkness that seemed to swallow everything also trembled slightly, gradually separating the depth and edge.

"Wu Yingqi, your skin is blown up!"

Li Yao keenly sensed the dark tremor, and laughed, he almost wanted to use every drop of blood in his body as fuel and send it to the power unit of the "arsonist". "The fact is in front of you. After all, you are not a god, but a mere mortal. , You are not driving a real black hole, just a giant soldier, no matter how powerful a giant soldier has its limits, it needs a real strong to control it, you are not a real strong, just a despicable villain !

"Even if you are driving a real black hole, we will be completely bombarded today. Even if you can control the darkness of the entire universe, today I will split the light in this darkness and die!"

Amidst the roar, the arsonist burst out with red flames that burned through the sky. With both arms raised high, the broken-wing knife and the folded-winged sword merged together into a two-handed giant sword nearly fifty meters long. The whole golden crystal tower was split in half.

Li Yao swung his huge sword and rushed towards the black hole!

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