40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2672: Factory settings

Li Yao took a deep, deep breath.

I also think of the big iron factory nearly 10,000 meters deep underground, those worry-free believers who are not as good as death.

Perhaps Long Yangjun was right. The first batch of Saint Allies were not made by the Pangu tribe. On the contrary, it was the human beings who made them.

"You are alone, how can you discover the ‘man-making factory’ or the ‘psychic temple’?"

Li Yao heard himself asking in a cold voice, "Did the local warlords discover your conspiracy?"

"Wrong, they found out right away, or in other words, I took the initiative to tell them part of my plot."

A mysterious and strange smile appeared on Wu Yingqi 3.0's face, and said lightly, "Don't you understand, thousands of years of wars have completely distorted the hearts of the powerful people in Xinghai Beach. Although these powerful people are still labeled as'Cultivation The name of the'zhe', but they are not cultivators like you at all, they are just worms in the skin of cultivating.

"These worms are fighting each other, fighting to the death and the life. They have already become crazy beasts. Their desire for new weapons and new resources is extremely strong. As long as they can kill their old enemies, any price can be paid.

"When I told them that there is a way to continuously create a large number of ‘super slaves’ and ‘super warriors’, who do you think will not rush?

"I hide my strength from the Blood God Child, pretending to be an archaeologist who has no power to bind a chicken, and'inadvertently' unearthed some psychic temples and relics of man-making factories, and'inadvertently' was taken by the locals. A certain warlord knew that the idiot was really fooled and held me hostage, asking me to work for him, creating an invincible army and helping him unify dozens of nearby worlds.

"Of course, he also provided me with a lot of resources, so that I can further research and repair the ‘psychic temple’ and the ‘man-making factory’.

"The twists and turns and repetitions in the process do not need to be said. In short, it took me a few years to really repair a'man-making factory' and the supporting'psychic temple'. In fact, a'man-making factory' is quite rare It’s not something, because human beings have very powerful reproductive ability. Using a man-making factory to cultivate new humans from embryos is too resource intensive and time is too long. It is better to catch a large number of ordinary people and enter the'psychic temple'. It is convenient to directly wash away their seven emotions and six desires and brand them with souls. Although the quality of slaves and soldiers produced by doing this is not stable and the quality is uneven, the quantity is sufficient and the cost is low. Until today, it is the routine of the Shengmeng to produce fresh blood. the way.

"This warlord has acquired a large number of slaves who have no emotions, hard work and no complaints, even if they vomit blood, they will die on the job, and they have also acquired an iron-blooded army who will complete the task even if they die with the enemy. , The power suddenly expanded, and as expected, several great worlds were engulfed.

"But the good times didn't last long. Just as he was advancing and victorious, his old enemies also obtained this technology, unearthed his own'psychic temple', and made countless people under his control. Emotions, absolutely loyal slaves and soldiers-as smart as you, it is natural to think that this is me who secretly gave out the news, and even pretended to be another identity, to guide those warlords and establish their own "psychic saints" temple'."

"I see, the slaves and soldiers brainwashed through these psychic temples are loyal to the local warlords on the surface. In fact, in the depths of their genes, brains and even their souls, there are some underlying commands hidden in them so that they can "Activate" in an instant and become loyal to you!"

Li Yao coldly said, "It's a pity that your plan eventually went wrong. You thought you could play with all the warlords in applause, but you didn't expect to trigger the most primitive functions of the psychic temple in the end. The allegiance of the brainwashed has become the old Pangu!",

"Yeah, what you said is not wrong, but the problem is not with those warlords—those stupid ones, I can easily deal with them as long as I mobilize 10% of the computing power."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 said, "The problem lies with the blood **** son, it is the conflict between me and the blood **** son that caused the whole thing to get out of control."

"The conflict between you and the blood **** son?"

Li Yaoqi asked, "What is the serious conflict between you and the Blood God Son, so that you actually killed him in the end?"

"Everything is my fault, it's the fault of the despicable, weak, evil, naive, and ridiculous Wu Yingqi 2.0."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 muttered, "You have to know that at that time, no matter how many adventures and strengths I had, I was in essence a weak person, a common man, deeply trapped in seven emotions and six desires, and could not extricate himself from sensuality. Poor bug.

"The emperor and the blood **** son, whether they are evil, good or evil, they are engaged in a great battle. They consider human civilization, and even the ultimate mystery of the universe that transcends human civilization. The matter of the year is a question that may not be able to find the answer to hundreds of millions of people in their lifetime.

"And these problems, these seemingly vague pursuits, were incomprehensible to Wu Yingqi 2.0 at that time.

"In Wu Yingqi 2.0, the pursuit of the Blood God Child is really ridiculous. Even if the multiverse really exists, crossing the black wall is a life-threatening and extremely dangerous thing. What's more, even if you jump out, who knows what the outer universe is like? , So what if I know it, there is too much uncertainty, too illusory!

"Even if the blood **** child is right, if human civilization does not jump out, sooner or later, it will follow the old path of the Pangu tribe and the Nuwa tribe and countless ancient civilizations, and be annihilated in this small universe, but this'sooner or later', at least There are still tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years. Then, why should such a small and weak person like Wu Yingqi 2.0 break his heart for people hundreds of thousands of years later?

"If Wu Yingqi 2.0 really controls an invincible iron-blooded army with the blood **** son's method, he has a lot to do-he can avenge happily, and he can trample underfoot the cultivators and ordinary people. , He can be the king and hegemony in this small universe, he can establish sects, create his own thoughts, and transform everyone according to his own will. He can stay in history, and he and his descendants can rule the world at least a thousand years!

"He has so many things to do, so how can he go crazy with the madman of the blood goddess, go mad across some black walls thanklessly, look for some multiverse, in all likelihood, he will sink into the sand in the star sea storm. , The soul is destroyed, even half of the cell can't be left?

"The future of mankind is not important, his own present is the most important. This is the philosophy of Wu Yingqi 2.0. Therefore, when he discovered how powerful he could control, he did not hesitate to betray the Blood God Son.

"Originally, he should do his hands and feet in the psychic temple, so that those who were brainwashed by the psychic temple, obey the orders of the blood **** son, inherit the blood **** son's will, and have the lofty ambition to explore the universe.

"But he tampered with the blood **** son's instructions and changed the object of allegiance to himself, but he wanted to completely erase all the loyalty, awe and obedience of these brainwashed people to the blood **** son.

"Unexpectedly, his instructions and the instructions of the Blood God Son had serious conflicts at the genetic and spiritual level of the brainwashed, which led to a certain kind of'snipe and clam contention, the fisherman's profit', which caused most of the brainwashed people. Restored...You are a refiner. You should know that many magic weapons have the concept of "factory settings". When a magic weapon has a serious data-level failure, you can restore the factory settings with a single tap, right?

"The same goes for these brainwashed people, because Wu Yingqi 2.0's instructions seriously conflicted with the blood **** son's instructions, which caused chaos at the genetic and spiritual level. As a result, a dormant command hidden at the bottom of their genes and spirits was activated, and they all Restored the oldest'factory settings', that is, absolute loyalty to the Pangu tribe.

"In the end, the situation was completely out of control. These guys who restored the'factory settings' did not obey the local warlord or Wu Yingqi 2.0, and did not have the slightest loyalty to the Blood God Child. Instead, they did their own thing and set it up hundreds of thousands of years ago. A certain mysterious mode of, controlled the'man-making factory' and the'psychic temple', expanding their ethnic group like a virus, and trying to find and resurrect the Pangu tribe.

"The local warlords are simply unable to resist the expansion of these humanoid puppets, and I don't know how to control this absurd situation.

"Fortunately, I have collected enough experimental data at this time, and I have a deeper understanding of how to improve brainwashing-the initiation technology of Daigo and the transformation of Jinjing Tower, so I patted my butt..."

"You just patted your butt, leaving such a mess and gone?"

Li Yao couldn't believe it, "You really are an irresponsible bastard!"

"Yes, Wu Yingqi 2.0 is indeed an out-and-out bastard, but I still have to defend him with my conscience--"

Wu Yingqi said 3.0, "At that time, we did not have such a deep understanding of the power of the'psychic temple'. No one knows the extent of the chaos. After all, it is a poor country on the coast of Xinghai. Be optimistic and think, maybe Before long, these humanoid puppets, which don't have much resources to use, will fend for themselves.

"Holding this idea, Wu Yingqi 2.0 finally came to Xinghai Republic with experimental data and the wealth he collected from the warlords, and developed his own power step by step in the following decades.

"It's just that, with the lessons learned from the last time, he dare not touch the'psychic temple' again this time. After all, this thing is too dangerous, and it will be swept back by any carelessness.

"He spent many years in the Xinghai Republic in such a calm and calm manner. It wasn't until the news of the ‘Covenant League’’s aggressive offensive that he was really taken aback, and he was scared into a cold sweat.

"However, calm down and think about it. The appearance of the Saint League also gave him an opportunity, creating an excellent opportunity to allow him to aspire to the highest power of the stars and the sea!"

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