40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2678: Life is a constant battle!

Only one unique magical power can present such a domineering spiritual flame form, and that is the "Long Yu Tianji" by the emperor, the strongest human civilization 10,000 years ago!

The emperor’s supernatural powers were naturally mastered by the Blood God Child, and passed to Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi after thousands of years. When Li Yao met Li Linghai for the first time in the sand barbarian world, he had seen this violent and overbearing power, and At that time, I mistakenly thought that Li Linghai was the emperor's successor, and started cooperating with her.

Unexpectedly, today I felt the same power in Li Jialing's body.

It seems that Li Jialing has swallowed all the power of Wu Yingqi 2.0, and the control of psychic energy can be raised to such an exquisite level.

Li Yao looked at Li Jialing's hand, and then at his hand like a chicken paw, and suddenly grasped his wrist and shook it vigorously.

It was so easy for Long Yangjun to suppress the waves of blood in his body and swayed up. He just saw Li Yao trembling like an electric shock. He couldn't help but curiously said: "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to see if I can also shake out such a gorgeous spiritual flame, and make a little domineering like'True Dragon Revealing Saint, Emperor Flame Thrilling'."

Li Yao trembled for a long time, and a trembling gray mist rose from his palms, which looked like a disease. A little distracted, the "poof" disappeared into nothingness, making him very depressed, "Is there anything wrong, everyone? Obviously, Wu Yingqi has inherited Wu Yingqi, but Wu Yingqi actually left ninety-nine percent of his strength and combat experience to Jialing. He only left me with an inexplicable... chance to become an evil dragon? Too partial!"


Li Jialing looked at the Emperor Sword in his palm intoxicated for a long time. The sharp blade formed by the purple flames suddenly shattered, turning into purple flames, annihilated in the void, and he seemed to be drained instantly. With all his strength, his face was pale, he fell on his knees, vomited, and vomited a mouthful of deep purple bruises. There were still strands of black silk in the blood clot, like countless black nematodes hung in the body, which he vomited out. .

With the blood spit out, Li Jialing completely recovered his sanity, but he also became more and more depressed.

After all, he is a young man in his early twenties. He first fought vigorously with Wu Yingqi, and then inherited an immense power. In a moment, how could he stand it and how could he control it?

Li Yao hurriedly helped him up and injected a weak psychic energy into him.

Both of them absorbed the huge energy of the Emperor Flame Orb, and also swallowed Wu Yingqi's inheritance. To a certain extent, they are all in the same line, and each other's strength is easy to digest and absorb.

Li Jialing whispered, his eyelids trembled, and murmured: "I, what's wrong with me, I seem to have a long, long dream, it hurts, and my head hurts."

"Yes, we all had a long nightmare, but now, the dream wakes up."

Li Yao said solemnly, "Remember who I am and who am I?"

"I'm...Li Jialing."

The boy looked at Li Linghai who was lying not far away, his confused eyes became firm again, "You are Brother Yao, we are fighting Wu Yingqi, we have defeated Wu Yingqi!"

He was so happy that he wanted to jump up, and once again involved in the wound, he couldn't help but let out a painful cry, involuntarily stretched out his hand to touch the wound, but he touched his delicate skin like a newborn baby.

"Me, all the golden retrievers on my body have fallen off?"

The boy suddenly reacted, his smile gradually widened, and he couldn't help being ecstatic, "Not only did we defeat Wu Yingqi, I am back to my original shape! No, my hair has grown a lot, and there are strands of blond hair. This is regarded as a'golden lion'. "The last trace? Hey, Brother Yao, too, there is a lot of gray in your hair!"


Li Yao grabbed a handful of his hair and said, "Is it popular to highlight this year."

"I'm still a little dizzy, there are a lot of things in my mind, a lot of mess, weird, incredible things."

Li Jialing held his head, curled up into the shape of a baby, and muttered, "I remember, I remember that I, Brother Yao and Sister Long were cheating on Wu Yingqi, and then I was fainted by him, and then it seemed to happen. After so many things, I saw a violent black sun and a rising red star, and then...

"After that, the black sun shattered, and countless fragments gathered into a black river of magma, poured into the depths of my brain, and burned my soul!

"I fell into a place like the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, and saw Wu Yingqi from the past in the abyss of black flames, and saw him step by step from the whole process of transforming from a cultivator to a cultivator. During this period, there was another one. A very tempting voice chattered in my ears, trying to convince me that Xiuxian Avenue was correct.

"I'm almost sinking, I'm really going to sink completely, but at the most critical juncture, I vaguely heard someone screaming like a pig, there,'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Hey, I have never heard such an unpleasant voice, the feeling of tearing the soul apart, life is worse than death, and even the torment in the'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua' in the past is not so difficult."

Li Yao: "...Okay, you don't need to talk about the specific details, just talk about how you feel now?"

Li Jialing took a deep breath and stretched out his palm again.

The eyes of Li Yao and Long Yangjun were focused on his palm.

This time, no matter how concentrated Li Jialing was, he couldn't stir up the true dragon purple flames anymore.

But there was a faint purple dragon-shaped psychic energy, spreading its teeth and dancing claws under his palm skin, slowly circulating, like a hidden dragon dormant under the ice layer.

Suddenly, Zimang flashed.


Li Jialing's palm seemed to be burned, and he screamed, with an instinctive reaction to shrink his hand.

When he opened his palm again, he found that the purple dragon with its teeth dancing claws had merged with his palm prints, turning his palm prints into a brand-new form, and there were still faint strands of purple light.


Li Jialing blinked his eyes quickly, and said in confusion, "I remember that my palm prints are obviously not like this, so open and overbearing, I really can't help...I can't help but want to grab something with the palm of my hand, go Grab all... the stars."

Seeing all the strange things Li Jialing had just shown, and thinking of what Wu Yingqi had said to him before 3.0 annihilation, Li Yao twitched the corners of his mouth a few times.

It should come, always come, the **** fate, you can't avoid it no matter how to hide, you can only muster the courage to face the challenge head-on!

"Brother Yao, what happened to me?"

Li Jialing clenched his palms tightly and looked confused.

"Yeah, Li Yao, what happened to you and Li Jialing during the five-minute coma and struggle, Wu Yingqi - really dead?"

Long Yangjun was also full of confusion.

"This matter is very mysterious, we have limited time, let's make a long story short!"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and said, "Just now when I, Jialing and Wu Yingqi were in the final fight, Wu Yingqi detonated his soul and split into two different personalities. Among them, the bright and righteous personality invaded my brain, and The dark and evil personality invaded Jialing's brain, vainly eroding our souls and turning us into his inheritors."

"and many more--"

Long Yangjun raised his hand to indicate, "What are you talking about? The light and righteous personality invades your brain and choose you to be the heir, while the dark and evil personality invades Li Jialing's brain and chooses the little lion to inherit those insidious and shameless. , Something dark and depraved? Are you sure you made no mistake, shouldn’t it be more reasonable to reverse it?"


Li Yao stared at Long Yangjun fiercely, and exclaimed, "Of course I am not mistaken, because this so-called ‘bright justice’ is an illusion at all, it is actually more despicable than despicable, and more evil than evil!

"In short, now Jialing and I have swallowed part of Wu Yingqi's personality, soul, and power. As for the consequences, thinking about the benefits, we completely killed him and got his inheritance without paying any price. The world once again Peace is restored!"

Li Jialing thought for a while, and said, "Then, what do you think of the bad?"

"To the worst, even though we have destroyed his spirit, we will still be affected by the personality in the subtle way, and gradually fall into the darkness without knowing it, until in the end, we become another Wu Yingqi, or even another...blood. Son of God."

Li Yao said, "Of course, there is a worse possibility. In fact, we have been completely swallowed by Wu Yingqi or the blood god, but they have imitated our way of speaking to deceive others. I may not be The real Li Yao, you might not be the real Li Jialing, and maybe even Li Yao and Li Jialing are both pretenders. In fact, the real Wu Yingqi or the blood **** son has already run into Long Yangjun's body?"


Li Jialing was startled, "This, this is too exaggerated, how can we verify it?

"Don't be afraid, it's a bit exaggerated. I'm just saying it to open up everyone's ideas."

Li Yao was still in the mood to laugh, "As for the illusory ultimate question of'Who Am I', it is impossible to verify and never find the answer.

"What's more, it is not necessary for Wu Yingqi or the Blood God to do bad things. Even if we are not corroded by the power of Wu Yingqi or the Blood God, don't we get lost and depraved step by step? Many times, Wu Yingqi or the Blood God, but It's just an excuse for our own evil thoughts."


Li Jialing was stunned when he heard it, "I feel that after the battle between Brother Yao and Wu Yingqi, he spoke a lot more mysteriously, and his temperament and realm have improved a lot!"

"That is required."

Li Yao crossed his fingers, combed the gray hair at the temples very chicly, and grinned, "So, don't be so entangled, life is a constant battle, at least we have won this battle right now. What will happen in the future? Recruiting soldiers will stop them, and the water will cover them. It's better to dismantle them as you see them."

While speaking, there was another violent shock from the depths of the Jinjing Tower.

"No, the Jinjing Tower is still running!"

Long Yangjun exclaimed, "But our giant soldiers are damaged. It is impossible to destroy its core for a while, what should I do?"

"It's okay, I can control it."

Li Yao lightly patted Li Jialing on the shoulder, abruptly got up, his eyes burst into light, and he strode towards the depths of the Golden Crystal Pagoda. As he walked, he used a voice that only he could hear. Said, "I must, and will definitely control it!"

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