40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2685: One day two days

The confidence in Lei Chenghu's face to control everything and deter everything, peeled off like a mottled wall in the wind and sand.

"Are you crazy?"

He was shocked and looked at Li Yao in disbelief, "You actually...gave the ultimate weapon capable of destroying the imperial capital to two monsters virtualized by Crystal Brain!"

"Pay attention to your words, General Lei."

Li Yao also sank his face, "They are my children, they are some kind of real life forms, neither virtual nor monsters! On the contrary, they can express themselves when faced with a complicated and dilemma. We have to be more sensible and calmer than us, and make the most correct decision after using big data for comprehensive processing in a short period of time.

"A person is worthy of self-knowledge. You said that I am a woman, and I am not worthy of being a qualified'deterrent.' This I admit, I have been thinking from the beginning to whom control of the Jinjing Tower should be transferred to-Long Yang Both Jun and Boss are more suitable candidates than me, but they are naturally more suitable!"

"How can you trust them?"

Lei Chenghu almost threw out the light curtain, roaring like thunder, "No matter what they are, I will never believe them, and I will never let the Golden Tower fall into their hands!"

"They are my children, and they were born based on countless Star Federation's basic data. Don't I believe them, but instead believe you?"

Li Yao smiled and said calmly, "In short, I still have the control of the Jin Jing Pagoda, but I know that it is difficult to take the responsibility, so I signed an agreement with Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, you can also understand it as , I wrote a trigger condition in their logic circuit.

"They will monitor my brain waves, heartbeat, respiration, pulse, adrenaline secretion and other physiological parameters 24 hours a day. Once they judge that I cannot bear the pressure of being a'deterrent', I will be mentally ill. If it crashes, it will automatically take over the highest authority of the Golden Tower.

"Also, if I die unexpectedly, for example, I unfortunately lost my life in a fierce battle with General Lei and your landing troops, they will immediately take over the highest authority of the Jinjing Tower and become the new ‘Jingjing Tower Master’.

"I didn't specifically set what they would do with the Jinjing Tower. I just asked them to use the Jinjing Tower to defend the interests of all mankind to the utmost extent. As for how they understand the'interests of all mankind', I'm sorry, I don't know."

"You do not know?"

Lei Chenghu's eyes turned into two big mouths, and he wanted to swallow Li Yao in one bite. "You don't know what they will do after they get the Golden Crystal Pagoda?"

"Yes, although I believe that Xiaoming and Wenwen are two innocent and kind children, we are two completely different life forms after all. Using our way of thinking to guess their way of thinking is like...like a dinosaur. It's impossible to consider the fighting method of a naked ape."

Li Yao spread his hand and said, "I don't know how they will understand the phrase'defend the interests of all mankind', nor can I predict any actions they will take after they get the Golden Crystal Tower, but one thing is certain-to say coldly. If you are a hundred times colder than me, they may be a hundred times colder than you, because each other’s understanding of life is different. Perhaps in our eyes, the tens of billions of living creatures in the imperial capital, in their opinion, only It's just tens of billions of numbers, tens of billions of instructions.

"If you insist on going your own way and have to forcibly land on the surface of the Celestial Star, or even invade the demilitarized zone near the Jinjing Tower, then your troops will have fierce clashes with Xiao Ming and Wenwen's puppet army. Uh, I really don’t know you. What kind of impression will be left on them, let alone what decisions they will make in order to defend the Golden Crystal Tower, whether they will judge you as the'enemy of mankind', after all-the two of them are still children!"

Lei Chenghu slumped down on his command chair, panting like an ox, staring at Li Yao fiercely.

"You can't do this, you can't give the fate of all mankind to such two... completely different beings!"

His voice was hoarse, and there was a hint of weakness in the incomparable toughness.

"Then you better not irritate me."

Li Yao pointed to his brain, "I'm sick and can't stand the stimulus. Now I am in a dilemma. Should I give the Jin Jing Pagoda to Xiao Ming and Wen Wen? As soon as you stimulate me, maybe I will make a decision. Determined."

This time, Lei Chenghu was silent.

"Look,'taking the lives of tens of billions of people in the extreme heavens as a bet' is indeed not my style, nor is it my deterrent."

Li Yaodao, "My true deterrence is to give up the position of'determinator' to others-I am too soft-hearted and not a qualified deterrent. This is the biggest reason why all forces can accept me as a deterrent. Otherwise, do you hope that Boss Bai, Long Yangjun or Xiao Ming and Wenwen will become deterrents?"

Lei Chenghu lowered his eyelids and thought for a long time.

"in case--"

He said with difficulty, "If you have an accident on other battlefields, such as the battlefield against the Holy League, will the Jinjing Tower also fall into the hands of the two information beings?"

"In the short term, I have no plans to venture out. I am not made of copper and iron. I finally managed to kill Wu Yingqi and save such a big empire. I always have to take a holiday, take a break, and enjoy it. !"

Li Yao said, "I think that by staying on the Celestial Pole Star, nothing can threaten my existence, not to mention, General Lei, don't you also promise to protect me, the'King of the Black Wind'?

"As for the future, as I just said, we can set up a committee in the demilitarized zone, and everyone will study the secrets of the Jinjing Tower together, and the committee will control it.

"The basis of all this is that we must cooperate sincerely, and if we want to cooperate sincerely, I can only maintain the minimum deterrence first-agree?"

Lei Chenghu thought for a long time and took a deep breath.


This tiger roaring like thunder said with a faint mosquito voice for the first time.

Hearing Lei Chenghu's answer, Li Yao took a long sigh of relief and finally showed a knowing smile.

"You won't forcefully demand control of Jinjing Tower, will you?"

He asked again.

"Yes it is."

Lei Chenghu gritted his teeth, "But everything except the Jinjing Tower must be handed over to us immediately!"

"Of course, then, the battle of the imperial capital is completely over, right?"

Li Yao reached out towards Lei Chenghu in the light curtain, "We have won!"

"For the time being, it's just a temporary victory."

Lei Chenghu stretched out his hand reluctantly, and the two of them held their virtual hands together.

"Temporary victory is better than permanent defeat."

Li Yao blinked and said, "Unwilling alliances can also bring precious peace, right?"


No matter how many twists and turns there will be in the future, but with the unremitting efforts of Li Yao, Long Yangjun, Li Jialing, Lei Chenghu, Boss Bai and others, at least at this moment, the light of victory and the hope of peace have really come here. In the sea of ​​stars that was almost swallowed by the wrath of stars.

For the next full month, the reformist immortal cultivators were racing against time and integrating their own forces day and night, including Lei Chenghu’s expeditionary force system, the Seven Seas Star Territory’s Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance system, and those originally affiliated with Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai. The imperial forest army and the deep sea fleet system, the three different forces merged together, became the main force of the reform empire, and also the largest combat power of human civilization.

Of course, the rest of the arsonist fleet and the rest of the cultivator's forces have also joined the reconstruction of the imperial capital in the name of the "Black Wind Legion".

Regarding the existence of cultivators and the role they played in this battle, many cultivators kept secrets, many cultivators were worried, many cultivators were a little embarrassed, and even cultivators couldn't sleep at night, completely unacceptable.

But after all, Li Yao has the legal name of "King of Black Wind" and the strong strength above Hua Shen. Many high-level leaders know that he has completely destroyed the remnant soul of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi and believes in "strong Among the immortal cultivators of "the one is king," this kind of strong impact is enough to offset all differences in positions.

Coupled with the unwilling support of Lei Chenghu, the version most cultivators have heard is-the new generation of Black Wind Lord Vulture Li Yao, commanding the Black Wind Fleet and conquering the cultivator kingdom star in the Xinghai Sea. After the Yao Federation, it incorporated most of the military power of the Star Federation, and returned to the center of Xinghai to participate in the great cause of reforming the empire.

The true human empire was originally born in the Xinghai Republic. The first batch of immortal cultivators were transformed from cultivators. Therefore, there are a large number of ‘cultivators in the process of transformation’ in the Black Wind Fleet. This statement is not so unacceptable.

As for the transformation and integration of the four major family ace fleets, progress has also been quite smooth.

Most of the officers and soldiers of the Ace Fleet were destroyed in the "Project Tomorrow". Even if their spirits gradually recovered, the will to resist was gone. When they realized that their fleet had collapsed, and the Deep Sea Fleet, the Thunder The fleet, the combined fleet of arsonists, and the Imperial Forest Army are completely united, and the fighting spirit for family loyalty cannot be regenerated.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that when they knew that the finalist in the battle of the imperial capital was "Black Wind King, Vulture Li Yao", many people even strongly demanded to join the Black Wind Legion after taking refuge in Li Yao’s saddle. Effectiveness!

Of course, not everyone is willing to surrender.

Many of the forces that invaded the imperial capital by the four major clans still fled back to their hometown in a hurry before the solar storm invaded, especially those troops that were originally deployed on the edge of the extreme heaven.

Hundred-legged insects, dead but not stiff, and the loss of the ace fleet does not mean that the four great families will give up their stubborn resistance. The great nobles are still dormant in their nests, ready to make the final struggle-the fiasco of the imperial capital is instead. They stimulated their unprecedented unity, and even gave up their struggle for imperial power, and with resolute speed, they elected a new so-called "imperial emperor."

In view of this situation, the reformers will certainly not remain indifferent. The "Enthronement Ceremony" of the four major families is about to be held. The reformers must immediately support their own "His Majesty" to invigorate the military and stabilize the people. In the future, real human beings The empire is bound to have the spectacle of "two emperors in one day and two days". Who is the real one and who is the fake one has to see the truth on the battlefield.

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