40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2691: After the distraction!

"What, what!"

Li Yao stammered again, "Why is the Holy League and the Tomb of God related again?"

"What does it mean to have a relationship? Opening the tomb of the gods was originally the purpose of the establishment of the Holy League!"

Li Linghai said, "If you think about it, the people who make up the Holy League are all those who believe in the'way of perfection' and are deeply bound by the'Three Principles of Origin'. People without souls and thoughts, they regard themselves as pure tools. , Are the servants of the ancient civilization, their only meaning is to awaken or revive the ancient civilization.

"And the tomb of the gods is very likely to be a refuge for the most powerful people. As long as the tomb of the gods is opened, the glory of the ancients can be restored-when the holy alliance collected the legends of the former emperor and discovered the existence of the tomb, How could they not be interested in the tomb of the gods?"

"That's true."

Li Yao scratched his hair and said, "In other words, for the Saint League, their ultimate goal is actually to open the tomb of the gods and awaken the most powerful people-as long as they can achieve this goal, it doesn't matter whether they can defeat the empire or not. The Holy League and the empire are both damaged and annihilated, but as long as the most powerful can be resurrected, their goal will be achieved!"

"Yes, this is the terrible thing about the Saint League."

Li Linghai smiled bitterly, "I won't be afraid of a normal country like your Star Federation, even if it is a hundred times stronger. At least everyone is a normal person. They can understand each other's goals and strategies. They all need territory, population, and a stable society. And the evolving civilization.

"But the way of thinking of the Shengmeng people is completely different from ours. They are more fanatical than the most extreme fundamentalists. They don't hesitate to sacrifice hundreds of millions of lives to revive the ancient civilization. They don't care about their territory, population, resources or the future. , How do you deal with such a lunatic?"

Li Yaoxin said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, the key to open the door of the tomb of the gods is in our hands."

"It's not necessarily."

Li Linghai said, "The key to unlock the tomb of the gods may not be the only one. The tomb of the gods may not have only a door or a way to open it. Even when a certain time comes, the tomb of the gods can be opened from the inside. It can be seen-if the tomb of the gods is not only a tomb, but also a refuge from the wild, wouldn't the strongest of the wild set a'wake-up time' before going to sleep?"

Li Yao was shocked.

I think that when I go on a long hibernation voyage, I do set a wake-up time every ten or eight years, even if nothing happens, I must wake up forcibly.

The similar equipment of the ancient civilization, of course, also has similar functions.

"Our time should be running out."

Li Linghai said, "At least, the information Wu Yingqi received from the Blood God Child contains a hint of urgency. If time is not pressed, there is no choice, and the Blood God Child will not risk to hand over all the inheritance to Wu Yingqi. Therefore, I highly doubt that the purpose of this desperate battle of the Holy League is not just to completely conquer the empire. With the current size of the Holy League, it is impossible to eat the entire empire by a war, but it will severely damage the empire. At the same time, it may be possible to eat the tomb of the emperor."

"Yes, if this is the case, the Holy League's strategy of losing its armor and armor in the imperial counterattack and losing a large area of ​​territory makes sense."

Li Yao muttered to himself, "The Covenant League cannot be regarded as a normal country. It is purely a collection of lunatics. The territory and the people are not important. The opening of the tomb of the gods is the most important... Damn it!"

Li Yao felt that the situation that had gradually become clear had become confusing again.

Fortunately, his personal goals have become clearer and firmer.

The first is to help the reformers to defeat the four major families, and in the process, rebuild the influence of the cultivators in the hearts of the people in the middle and lower classes of the empire.

The second is to prevent the Holy League from attacking the empire and maintain the strategic balance in the center of Xinghai.

Of course, he can't let the Holy Alliance people open the tomb of the gods to awaken the terrifying predecessor, if there is really an "external observer", he can only reach the level of distraction!

When he thinks of a way to open the tomb of the gods without awakening the most powerful people, and get all the Scriptures of the Conferred Gods, it may be time to cross the black wall and explore the vast world beyond the Pangu universe.

I believe that at that moment, the mysterious earth will also surface and show its true colors!

If Pangu represents conservative, Nuwa represents radical, emperor represents security, and blood **** son represents the impatience to rush out desperately, then Li Yao is more inclined to the side of Nu Wa and blood **** son.

This was not because he was too impulsive, nor was he under the influence of the Blood God Son, but because of calm and rational analysis.

The biggest reason for those who tend to be conservative and safe is that the terrifying flood is very likely to still linger beyond the black wall, and must not be discovered by it. Even if a sampan is put out, it will lead to the destruction of the Pangu universe.

The problem is that Li Yao's existence has proved that the black wall is not insurmountable. Information, ripples, or living bodies from the outer universe can pass through!

Since Li Yao can travel from the earth to the 40,000 years of cultivation in the Pangu universe, could Hong Chao never find this place?

Hiding here, you can only wait and die. Human civilization has no choice but to face the challenge!

"Even if the foundation is not solid, but I must attack the distraction!"

Li Yao's eyes shot out a huge flame that could penetrate the black wall, clenched his fists, and said every word, "I will definitely break through the realm of distraction!"

"Even in the Empire, it has been a long time since no one can break through the realm of distraction, especially the combat-type distraction!"

Li Linghai looked at Li Yao with a complex expression, hesitated for a while, still couldn't help pointing Li Yao, "Your courage is commendable, but although the distraction and transformation are only a word, the requirements for the soul and the essence of life His understanding has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"At the time when I was possessed by Wu Yingqi, I also slightly spied on some pathways to the realm of distraction. That is really... the mystery that cannot be described with pen and ink. It can even be said that it is from'individual wisdom' to'cluster wisdom' Hard to cross."

Li Yao's heart moved and hurriedly listened.

"You know, we humans are the descendants of thirteen carbon-based lives. Our genes have condensed the genetic essence of 13 carbon-based lives. But these 13 carbon-based lives are not all individual wisdom. There is also Houyi among them. The wisdom of a swarm like a tribe is similar to a swarm of bees or a swarm of insects."

Li Linghai said, "A single insect or bee does not have wisdom, only simple stimulus responses, but as the number accumulates, reaches the limit, and breaks through the threshold, they have what can be called'wisdom', and with With the continuous division and cohesion of the cluster, wisdom can also spread among them, flowing like water.

"There is no concept of an'individual' in such a life form. Individuals form small groups, small groups form large groups, and large groups form total groups. The total group sublimates into a'super group', just like our body is composed of infinite cells. A cell is not the annihilation of life. For a civilization of cluster wisdom, even the loss of more than half of the individual does not mean the end of life.

"Individual wisdom and cluster wisdom have their own advantages and disadvantages. They are both a choice for survival. There is no difference between superior and inferior. We human beings are individual wisdom in general, but our genes are also embedded with Houyi gene fragments. , Cultivating to a certain level can also inspire certain supernatural powers of the'cluster wisdom', which is the mystery of the realm of distraction.

"You were attacked by Wu Yingqinxin in the Seven Seas Star Region, the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Alliance. In a sense, Wu Yingqinxin is a clone controlled by Wu Yingqi. I, Wu Yingqi, and Wu Yingqinxin There are other people who form a "small group" together.

"Of course, the display of cluster wisdom, like a domain, has a certain distance limit, or it depends on the transmission of brain waves by the spiritual network to achieve it, and Wu Yingqi has only a ray of remnant soul left, and he cannot display the mystery of distraction. Incisively and vividly, otherwise, if he can completely control the hundreds of bald-headed men in the Jinjing Pagoda and form a life together to become a'big group', do you think you can defeat him?"


Li Yao originally wanted to say "disgusting", but when he reached the point of his lips, he changed it to, "magical?"

"Does it feel too mysterious and unbearable?"

Li Linghai saw through his true psychological activities at a glance, and smiled, "Indeed, the cultivation level reaches the Nascent Infant realm, and the human body's strength and even the strength of the soul has almost reached its limit, and then it hits a new realm, and it is more about the essence of life. There are indeed many unacceptable concepts in the understanding of the universe, and even the understanding of the universe. In the final analysis, human beings are just the dust of the universe. How can a dust of dust want to understand all things without being impacted?

"Distraction is the gene that activates the'cluster wisdom' in the body, splitting one's soul into tens of thousands, and'combination' is the integration of all the individuals in the cluster, and the tens of thousands are returned to one. Further up, it is the realm of "Lianxu" or "Dongxu" in the legend. It is said that one needs to see through the false essence of the universe, but it is necessary to look for the truth in the false. Alas, it is even more mysterious, incomprehensible, or even unknown Does it exist!"

Li Yao listened intently, and couldn't help asking: "So, what about after Dongxu?"

"After the hole is empty?"

Li Linghai smiled, and said, "The combination of refining qi, building foundations, forming pill formation, and Nascent Soul is a level that reaches the limit of human beings; the three realms of transformation, distraction, and integration are regarded as one level, surpassing human beings. The emptiness is a level alone, it is the level of insight into the reality of the universe and the true and false of life. As for the emptiness, this universe, I am afraid that it will not be able to tolerate you completely, right?

"This is the blood **** son, Wu Yingqi, including me. After summarizing the many cultivation classics from ancient times to the present, the condensed realm divisions, as for other crossings, consecrations, Mahayana, etc., either the ancients exaggerated or reached a certain level. The various aliens and trials that have emerged from time to time are either rumors in the process of spreading. In fact, how can they be so exaggerated?

"In short, it's already so difficult to surpass humans. How can the wisdom of dust describe the new world after the hole? There are too many divisions in the realm, and all kinds of incredible aliens and abilities are added, but it is only adding to the cultivation of latecomers. It’s just the troubles of the time."


Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly, "Don't think so much, just practice hard, I will treat myself as a luminous dust, and light up wherever it floats. That's great!"

"If this is your truth, I believe that one day, you will surpass distractions and even lighten the secrets of the universe."

Li Linghai smiled brightly in his eyes, "But for now, let's practice honestly. By the way, you might as well go to the recovery room at the back and ask Jialing to practice with him-he has something extremely important, and I have to tell you personally."

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