40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2694: Heaven descends Mingjun!

The news of Emperor Chengwu's ascension to the throne came to the imperial capital three days ago.

Along with the news came the video of the grand enthronement and military parade ceremonies.

Stimulated by the fear of annihilation, the four major electors’ families took out the capital at the bottom of the box and formed a new "Orthodox True Human Empire Protector Army." Although it lost the prestige of the Royal Fleet and the King Kong Fleet, it was at first sight. At first glance, he is also very strong and strong, and it is really intriguing.

In terms of blood, this "Emperor Chengwu" should be the younger brother of Emperor Shenwu. His blood is not noble, but he is also an out-and-out straw bag, just a puppet of the four major families.

The so-called "martialist", naturally, the four major families hope that he can inherit the martial arts of Emperor Shenwu and once again dominate the empire.

The news of the four major clans taking the new emperor to the throne and the grand scene of the military parade spread throughout the empire through the spirit net, as an extremely effective psychological offensive.

The millennium empire is deeply rooted. The idea of ​​“the sky cannot be without the sun, the country cannot be without the monarch” is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even if you know that Emperor Chengwu is just a puppet, and even the enthronement ceremony is not held in the imperial capital, the so-called "Supreme Throne" is temporary It was refined, but once sitting on the throne, it naturally possessed a sacred and inviolable brilliance, which caused a different kind of turmoil in the hearts of the middle and lower cultivators.

Especially when the situation in the empire is so chaotic today, the emperor's righteousness is even more powerful than a combined fleet.

"I know this naturally."

Li Yao nodded, "Emperor Chengwu is just a new puppet."

"A puppet is a puppet, but in many cases, the power of habit is extremely powerful. For a thousand years, the imperial people have always been influenced by the idea of'loyalty to the emperor and patriot.' Many concepts are deeply rooted and cannot be changed overnight."

Li Jialing paused, and said, "It has been almost a year since the death of the first emperor. Now the pseudo-emperors on the four major families have been crowned by monkeys, and they have "encourage the throne" in a decent way. The reformists used to call on the heroes to fight. On the flag, there are eight characters, the last four are "renovation empire", the first four are "respect the emperor to ask for rebellion", now there is no "emperor", the name is not right, the words are not good, how can we fight against rebellion, What about the unified empire?"

"Yes, this is indeed a big headache. General Lei Chenghu has been investigating the candidates of the new emperor recently, and he has dragged me over and inspected many times, but the results are really unsatisfactory."

Li Yao is now a real power figure in the empire. Aside from the support of the Xingyao Federation, he is the 800-year-old "King of the Black Wind", backed by the combined fleet of arsonists, and the number one hero who saved the imperial capital, and The most powerful contender of the "empire's strongest fighter", even if the combat power is not the first, at least the top three and the top five can still fight, and will not fall out of the top ten even if it is not good.

With such comprehensive strength, looking at the entire empire, apart from the "God of War" Lei Chenghu who can also contend with him, the rest of the small and medium warlords have no opponents at all.

Therefore, the current Li Yao is not an elector, but better than an elector. Whether it is the old reformist leader Li Linghai or the new reformist leader Lei Chenghu, to choose a new emperor, he has to respect his opinion. .

However, the royal family has lasted for thousands of years, and after generations of officials’ deliberate indulgence and distortion, it has long been turned into a barren wasteland. The new generation of royal families that grow here is more than "good and bad", it is simply a bunch of crooked melons and jujubes. A "good".

"I didn't have much opinion on the choice of the emperor. I have told General Lei Chenghu several times that this is considered an internal affair of the empire. My position is not embarrassing or embarrassing. I rashly interfere, and it is easy to leave a truthful statement."

Li Yao sighed and frowned slightly, "However, each of those candidates is not decent. There is almost no half of them. They are either eagle-eyed or deer-headed, and their strength and ambition are inconsistent, and their minds are not clear. Chu, in a nutshell, it's the stuff of'not enough success, more than failure'!

"You know, even if you are just a puppet, you should also have the self-cultivation of a puppet. I really don’t care who is the emperor. I just hope that it is a clear-headed, a little longer-term vision, knowing that there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. 'A guy with such a simple reason can temporarily put aside the differences between Xiuzhen and Xiuxian, pinch his nose to communicate and cooperate-but such a simple request can't be found!"

Li Jialing smiled: "It seems that Brother Yao is really dissatisfied with those candidates?"

"More than dissatisfaction?"

Li Yao said, "I helped General Lei Chenghu to design a few small test sessions, and I tried out the ambitions of those guys all at once. Those guys are too hostile to the cultivators, and I can’t wait for the next second. Just eat up the Arsonist United Fleet and the Star Federation!

"I'm not saying that the Emperor can't be hostile to the Starlight Federation, but you have to know your own strength anyway, and distinguish the enemy's priority? Now the four major families have not disappeared, and the main force of the Holy League has not been released. , You are so anxious that you want to massacre the heroes after ascending to the throne, wash away all the cultivators, swallow the arsonist united fleet, and by the way, make an expedition to the Federation of the Star Beach? You are not looking for death like that!

"If these guys' temperament can be tolerated a little, even if they can wait for the settlement of the four major families and the Holy League, before using knives on the cultivators, I still have a slightly higher evaluation of them. Now this is the case, let alone me. , Even General Lei Chenghu is extremely dissatisfied."

"Yes, I accompany Her Royal Highness the Queen in the hospital these days. I often see General Lei come to her to discuss the choice of the new monarch, and I often listen to him complaining."

Li Jialing smiled slightly and said, "Actually, General Lei pays more attention to the selection of the new emperor than Brother Yao, and he definitely does not want to just choose a new puppet."


Li Yao was startled slightly and couldn't help but smile, "Don't be a puppet, does Lei Chenghu still want to get a "Ming Jun" out?"

"General Lei really thinks so."

Li Jialing nodded, "General Lei believes that the source of the turmoil of the empire's decline over the past hundreds of years is that the monarch is weak, and the officials are too strong, and the two sides failed to form effective checks and balances.

"If now, the reformists also choose a new puppet, what is the difference between the puppets of the four major families? Where is the so-called ‘innovator’ and ‘new’?

"Yes, when General Lei Chenghu and His Royal Highness the Queen are present, they can use their iron fist and lofty prestige to suppress the warlords of all parties and ensure that the innovation concept remains unchanged. Fallen, and the Queen has lost all his skills now, it is still unknown whether he can transform into ghost repair, they can't keep that puppet forever.

"If one day, General Lei and Her Royal Highness the Empress fall one after another, and the new generation of warlords are full of wings, how should the puppet emperor deal with it? Even at that time, the reformists will defeat the four major families, will it not be transformed into a new one? The four big families of one generation?"

Li Jialing's words made Li Yao awe at Lei Chenghu: "This is true. General Lei Chenghu thinks long-term. Whether I am an enemy or a friend in the end, I have to admit that he does. He is the purest soldier who never seeks personal gain, is dedicated to his country, and is dedicated to his dedication!

"But, again, there is a clear-minded Mingjun instead of a puppet. Of course it is good, but Mingjun is not a leek in the ground. How can it be so easy to find? These days, General Lei Chenghu Didn’t I dig through all the clan houses on the Celestial Pole star all over the place, I have read all the materials on those rosters, there are really no characters that can be popular on the table, and there are not many who can barely make do with it. It’s not always possible to find a few three-to-five-year-old babies and train them to become'Ming Jun' in decades, right? No, according to the strict standards of General Lei Chenghu, it is estimated that you will have to start training in your mother's womb. Satisfy his request, hahahaha!"

Li Yaogan laughed a few times, but Li Jialing did not respond, and the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing and weird.

"No, why are you talking to me about this?"

Li Yao felt that Li Jialing’s expression was a little strange. He raised his head and took a sip of the potentiation potion. He said, "The matter of choosing the emperor should be handed over to Her Royal Highness and General Lei Chenghu to get a headache. What are the important things you want to talk about? Do you still have to get my support?"

"Brother Yao——"

Li Jialing was silent for a long time, and finally made up his mind, summoned his courage, took a deep breath, and said, "If General Lei Chenghu and His Royal Highness are both interested in me becoming the new imperial emperor, would you support it?"


Li Yao sprayed a sip of the potentiation medicine on the opposite wall, and then coughed loudly, out of breath, and coughing up even tears, "Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough, cough cough cough cough cough cough, you, you prescribe What's a joke? Cough cough cough cough, did you say it wrong or did I hear it wrong or did Li Linghai and Lei Chenghu both have their brains flooded? You, the emperor? You are not a royal family at all, and your surname is Wu Ying!"

"It's a small matter."

Li Jialing was expressionless and said lightly, "Brother Yao should not think that General Lei Chenghu is the kind of foolish loyal man who has to kneel at the feet of the Wuying clan? Today's empire is no longer an empire of one family. General Lei is loyal to the empire that belongs to all mankind, not to Wu Yingqi and his ineffective descendants.

"Of course, for the vast majority of the people of the empire, it is definitely not possible to accept an emperor with a different surname for the time being.

"I am not only the flesh and blood of Her Royal Highness Queen, but also her Royal Highness, Lei Chenghu, the God of War, and Brother Yao, the King of Black Wind, as a guarantor. It proves that I am the thirteenth son of the first emperor. Palace struggle, Heavenly Demon invasion and Holy League assassination... and other reasons, only secretly sent out of the palace, grew up in the Li family secretly, and now returns to the imperial capital, Long Yu Tianji, what can't it?"

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