40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2698: Enthronement ceremony!

Seven days later, the celestial star, the imperial city, the red sun is gushing, and there is no cloud.

Although I have been on the ground for almost a week, I have gradually become accustomed to the blue sky and white clouds, and will not be fussing about the scorching sun, but facing the endless square, and the crowded scenes, all the people from the ground, including Xu Zhicheng and Bingbing, The representative still felt dizzy, shrouded in a huge shock, and his brain was blank.

space! So vast, so extravagant, almost unlimited space!

This is an experience they will never perceive in the dark and sullen underground.

All the representatives of the underground people are like "reincarnation" and have come to a completely different new world.

In addition to space, there are people, millions, tens of millions or even countless people.

The space here is vast enough, but it seems that no matter how vast the space is, the emperor can get enough people to fill it up. Streets, buildings, squares, relying on anti-gravity units suspended in mid-air VIP viewing platforms , Not to mention that there are battleships that tear through the sky and descend from outside the atmosphere!

The phalanx of the underground delegation walked on the main road for more than three hours, from the dark night before dawn, through the morning with red clouds, and when the sun turned from red to gold, it found itself. The position of is like a small black dot embedded in a dot matrix composed of countless black dots.

Standing on tiptoes and looking around, the heads are moving, like a black ocean, spreading to the horizon.

Needless to say, the restlessness of the crowd, but suspended in mid-air, decorated with magnificent large speakers, roared from wave to wave, sometimes playing impassioned marches, and sometimes "Wow Wow" announced one after another. New edicts and policies, and sometimes announcements that the enthronement ceremony has begun, all the voices are like golden torrents colliding together, they are not clear at all, but it makes the underground people more dizzy.

Xu Zhicheng stood on tiptoe and stared in the direction of the imperial city for a long time. He couldn't see clearly the scene of the new king ascending to the throne on the high platform. He simply retracted his neck and read the few beautifully printed flyers and poorly made pamphlets in his hand again.

Although the empire’s spiritual web is extremely developed, and the news of the new king’s ascending to the throne has spread in all directions, there are some places after all-such as deep underground, remote resource planets, territories of the four major families, and the forefront of the expeditionary force just restored. , It may not be the first time to get news from Lingwang. These officially printed leaflets are used to make up for the deficiencies of Lingwang. After the enthronement ceremony, people who come to watch the ceremony will be taken back to their hometowns and spread to the empire. Go to the thinnest nerve ending in each bundle.

The leaflet contains the introduction of the new monarch, and the evaluation of the new monarch by Emperor Shenwu, such as "the character is precious, and we will be able to overcome the great unification".

The emperor of the true human empire is different from the emperor of the ancient dynasty after all.

The emperor of the ancient dynasty can succeed to the throne without considering the perceptions of the people, and does not need to care about the social impact. Anyway, the monarchy is granted by God, as long as a few nobles and warlords approve it.

But the real human empire is a modern country. In the past few hundred years, it has followed the line of imaginary monarchy. It has a taste of "constitutional monarchy". The emperor is the representative of the country and the idol of the whole people, not just simple and rude. Dictator.

Especially now, the new emperor elected by the reformists has to compete with the "Emperor Chengwu" elected by the four major families-Emperor Shenwu has died almost a year ago. The legitimacy and legitimacy of these two new emperors They are all a little suspicious, so we must pay more attention to the image building.

This beautifully-printed and extremely luxurious flyer contained the original plan of Xinjun’s life. What the first emperor’s thirteen sons were afraid of being harmed by treacherous men and deliberately hovered among the people, and so on, it was all Bingbing once. I told Xu Zhicheng.

Xu Zhicheng is not interested in this leaflet, which is completely representative of the official position, and therefore quite satisfactory and tastes like wax.

What he studied carefully was the poorly printed pamphlet.

The booklet is also about the origin of the new king, but the content is too exciting, and I don’t know who made it, and how it spread to the market. Almost everybody has a copy of the guests attending the ascension ceremony.

According to this pamphlet, before the emperor died, one day he was sleeping soundly in the hall after working **** government affairs. When he did not know why, he suddenly saw a golden lion flying with double wings and ribs. Entering the hall, flying around him three times, and on the forehead of this golden lion, there is actually a shining black star inlaid!

This black star golden lion took a deep look at him, jumped up again, flew out of the hall, and disappeared into the harem!

The first emperor woke up from his dream and learned that the queen gave birth to her thirteenth son.

Because of this abnormality in the dream, the first emperor paid special attention to the thirteen princes.

It’s a pity that the palace was densely packed with minions from the four major families, and the news of the first emperor’s dream was spread out somehow. The four "pseudo princes" naturally did not allow this "black star golden lion reincarnation" prince to be full of wings, but It is the first to attack the thirteen princes.

Who knows, the black star emperor’s blessings, the real human empire’s luck is still unstoppable, a killer unexpectedly discovered that he experienced a series of scenes of civet cats for princes, Li Daitao stiff, and the thirteen princes were secretly transferred. Take it out of the palace, and in line with the consideration of "the most dangerous place is safer", he boldly sent it into the Li family!

After that, the thirteen princes naturally experienced a series of wonderful growth stories, and at a critical moment, they awakened their blood and identity. In the two loyal ministers with blood and iron, Li Yao, the black wind king and the president of the Demon Hunter Association With the assistance of Dongfang Mingyue, he came out of the Li family, expedition to the ground, and then moved around the Seven Seas Stars, and finally returned to the imperial capital, smashed the four great families, and won an incomparably brilliant victory, and also regained the throne that was destined to belong to him!

During the period, naturally, a series of white dragon fish costumes, pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, and the wonderful stories of Qianlong in the Yuan, there are also dramas that the laboring public likes to see, such as "probating the underground people and subduing the white boss of the star thief".

Xu Zhicheng didn’t know who had compiled such a pamphlet. The language was straightforward to vulgar, and the content was utterly absurd, but it did hit the most exciting psychology of the public, and it was hard to bear after reading it. Living in the bottom of my heart, there is a brilliant image of the new king who is born extraordinary, young hero, and assistant of heroes. In a word, he is the real son anyway!

This booklet certainly does not represent the official position.

But Xu Zhicheng is not a fool. If the official objections were true, such pamphlets would have been completely banned. Now the guests attending the enthronement ceremony have almost one copy, which in itself explains the problem.

While Xu Zhicheng was pondering, the "rumbling" above his head suddenly became ten times more intense. When he looked up, the blue sky had turned into a golden ocean, but thousands of starships were tearing open the sky at the same time, and it came down. Over the Imperial Capital!

Thousands of starships are placed in the vacuum of the universe, perhaps just a drop in the ocean.

But in the atmosphere, even lowered to a low altitude of only a few hundred meters from the ground, that kind of aura of light smashing through the sky is enough to crush everything!

The sun was completely melted in the flames of the starship, and the mutual interference of the gravitational field formed huge psychic vortices. The sunlight was refracted and diffracted by the vortices and turned into colorful fragments, adding a bit of brilliance and brilliance. The feeling of splendor is just like the most gorgeous fireworks presented to the new emperor ascended the throne.


Xu Zhicheng couldn't breathe at all, and could only shout loudly with millions, tens of millions, and even more people around him.

Even as an underground rebel, he was originally not proud of his identity as an "imperial man". At this moment, stimulated by the grand scene of thousands of starships tearing the sky, a burst of blood gushes from the depths of his blood vessels. Impulsively inexplicably.

If Xinjun is really the young Li Jialing he knows underground, and is assisted by Li Yao and Wangyoutian, then perhaps their underground people can really look forward to it, and they can also integrate into this unparalleled power. Really become part of the empire, right?

boom! Boom boom boom boom!

Xu Zhicheng was almost startled by the sudden artillery fire.

Fortunately, he thought of the process of observing the ceremony that the ceremonial officer had repeatedly taught them a few days ago. It did say that when the new king became the throne, there would be a "fire salute" link.

Sure enough, the deafening roar did not cause any damage. Tens of thousands of naval guns from thousands of starships fired at the same time, but they spewed out a dazzling flame, like paved a golden avenue from the sky. The power of the universe was transmitted to the front of the imperial city, on the high platform!

Huh! Swish Swish!

Countless three-dimensional light curtains spread out in the sky, showing the new king slowly stepping onto the high platform. The tens of millions of people who participated in the ceremony, the nearly 100 billion people in the entire imperial capital, the imperial capital controlled by the reformists, the Xinguangfu area, and The border world, even the Great Thousand World under the control of the four great families, can see clearly.

I saw that Xinjun was a tall, heroic young man wearing a golden gown that was dragged more than ten meters away. The gown was embroidered with pale golden scales. At first glance, it looked like a golden dragon slowly stretching. With his minions, he stepped onto the high platform step by step, pressing the sword of the emperor with one hand on behalf of the emperor.

The waterfall-like black hair is mixed with strands of gold, dancing as if it has life; deep in the eyes, golden light and purple electricity are lingering and fighting, bursting out hot sparks; every step is taken. It’s like embedding the footprints deeply into the ground. The image alone does not know how many times better than the "Emperor Chengwu" elected by the four major families. Many people who already know his origins on flyers and pamphlets With awe, I faintly perceive that this new monarch is completely different from the "puppets" of the past hundreds of years!

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