40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2700: The worst ending (End of Empire)

As the last word of the edict solidified into a golden mark in midair, Xinjun suddenly pulled out the Emperor's Sword from his waist and pointed it high at the sky.

An unparalleled force surged out of him, turned into a circle of golden waves visible to the naked eye, and instantly swept the entire imperial city, passing over the heads of hundreds of millions of people!

Everyone can hear the roar of the new king, and can even perceive the surging power and ambition of the new king!

Countless immortal cultivators who knew nothing about Xinjun were pale with fright.

They originally thought that Xinjun was just a puppet pushed by the reformists on the table, and the real power was Lei Chenghu, and the black wind king Li Yao and others who were detached from the reformists.

Unexpectedly, Xinjun should have such a shocking power!

In the world of cultivating immortals, the strong is respected, and a new monarch with such supernatural power is destined to be impossible to become a simple puppet!

Before they were amazed, even more incredible scenes were staged!

The power of the new king’s whistling shook the heavens and the earth’s psychic energy, affecting the changes in cloud energy, causing countless clouds in the air to gather above his head, turning into a shining golden color, and condensed into a tooth and claws, half lion and half dragon. The image of the beast.

The lion and dragon formed by golden clouds seem to be the incarnation of the new ruler's will, suspended in mid-air, coldly staring at the earth, furious!

After a while, the clouds dispersed slightly, as if a lion and dragon opened their mouths in their blood basins, and slowly descended a giant soldier from inside, a giant soldier inlaid with mirror armor all over, resembling a super giant soldier that merged with heaven and earth.

It is the "heart of the black hole"!

The exclusive vehicle of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, known as the "Heart of Black Hole", the strongest super giant soldier in the empire, has the highest interference field and hidden magical powers, and when it removes the hidden magical powers, it can refract the surrounding light at will. , Put on the most dazzling, most splendid, and most brilliant splendor for yourself.

The entire sky has become a stage where the heart of the black hole blooms.

"this is--"

Many old immortal cultivators who have been well-informed about it took a breath, and vaguely guessed its identity from the momentum of this giant soldier.

If it is said that before the start of the ascension ceremony, they even sneered at the pamphlet made up by Li Yao, and did not believe in the nonsense of "Black Star Golden Lion Reincarnation", then, when the new monarch runs the "Long Yu Tianji" supernatural power, boom After the unparalleled emperor's aura, seduce Yunxia, ​​and release the "heart of the black hole", they were deeply shocked, and they all had to admit that the new monarch had indeed received the inheritance of the black star emperor Wu Yingqi, so that he disappeared. The millennia-old "heart of the black hole" reappears in the world, becoming the new owner of this "Son of Heaven"!



In the southeast and northwest corners of the sky, there were two deafening roars, and two clouds of spiritual energy filled the air, floating towards the new emperor's true life and emperor.

A cloud of air condensed into a black tiger.

Another cloud of energy condensed into a **** war eagle.

Representing the two powerful ministers of the current imperial capital, the behind-the-scenes man who assisted the new monarch ascending the throne, Liaohai Hou Lei Chenghu, and the king of black wind, the vulture Li Yao!

Lions and dragons, black tigers, blood eagles and three clouds envelop the imperial city.

It symbolizes Li Yao, Lei Chenghu and Li Jialing-Wu Yingling, forming an indestructible iron triangle to suppress the entire empire!

"Long live, long live your majesty!"

"Long live, long live the empire, long live human civilization!"

Cultivators, after all, depend on their strength, no matter how radical the "Amnesty," "Abolition of Slavery," and "Mobilization Order" that Xinjun has just thrown out, but at this moment, under the powerful pressure of the "iron triangle" , All the immortal cultivators underneath couldn't produce any resistance, but felt that they were completely shattered, merged into the force field of the "iron triangle", and involuntarily shouted.

Suddenly, the entire imperial city turned into a roaring sea of ​​anger. Hundreds of millions of people were shouting long live, shouting "Our Majesty", and shouting a new year name.

From this moment on, the empire has entered a brand new stage, changing its origin-Yongjia!


It was night, not only was the imperial city brightly lit, the new monarch feasted on the ministers, and the entire celestial star celebrated the tenth day, completely lit by the lights of the carnival.

Li Yao was not interested in participating in the celebration among the cultivators, holding a glass of iced tropical fruit juice alone, standing on a high tower in the corner of the imperial city, looking at the brilliant lights and dots in the distance.

"Why is Dad here?"

Behind him, a little lonely, a psionic puppet was bent to clean, but was suddenly connected to a signal from afar, and the voices of Xiaoming and Wenwen were heard, "Dad seems to be unhappy, why is it right? Are you dissatisfied with this ending?"

"Dissatisfaction... Can't talk about it, right?"

Li Yao has long been accustomed to Xiaoming and Wenwen’s magical appearances, and can even accept the strangely-shaped psionic puppets to call themselves "dad". He sipped a sip of iced juice and murmured, "You know, I sneaked to Li Jialing just now. In his bedroom, I enjoyed the toilet dedicated to His Majesty the Emperor of the Real Human Empire. Wow, these emperor puppies are really extravagant and want to spend money. Even the toilet is made of jade and is decorated with gold rims. It.

"I mean, before coming to the empire, I had imagined countless worst endings. What is the end of the world, the Federation is destroyed, the road to cultivation has suffered a major setback, and human civilization has ushered in another 30,000 years of darkness... It's a mess of things like that, but I didn't expect that I could use the emperor's toilet grandiosely! Why can I be dissatisfied with this kind of comprehension? It's just, it's just—"

"It's just that Dad feels that this is still not the best ending."

This time, I changed to Wenwen’s voice, “In Dad’s ideals, the best ending should be that Dad defeated all enemies in a brilliant battle, without leaving any root cause, and awakened all the bottom layers of the empire. The people have also influenced all the cultivators and let them all go to the road of cultivation. It is better that the empire joins the federation and becomes part of the federation, instead of being muddled and unclear as it is now, you, as a cultivator, are actually Only by manipulating an emperor of the cultivator behind the scenes can the goal be achieved, and this emperor may not be willing to be at your mercy forever!"

"This one……"

Li Yao scratched his hair in anguish, "As you said, my'ideal ending' seems unrealistic. I don't know. Maybe I'm just worried. The battle was really incomplete. There are too many hidden dangers, and perhaps even bigger problems will be brewing in the future.

"I am worried about the relationship between the cultivators and the immortals, the Federation and the empire; I am worried that Wu Yingqi and the blood **** will make a comeback and turn me or Li Jialing into an'evil dragon'; I am worried that the opening of the emperor's tomb will cause something to brew. I am even more worried about my ultimate identity, the mysterious earth, will it have anything to do with Hong Chao; I even worry about—"

Li Yao didn't know what to say.

"Worry about whether Xiao Ming and I will betray humans?"

Wenwen asked.

"No, I didn't mean that, I know you are all good children, very kind children."

Li Yao paused and said, "But after all, we are at different levels of civilization. We have different understandings of good and evil and even the essence of life. "My honey, his arsenic", even if everyone is holding For the same kindness and justice purposes, there may be frictions and even full-scale conflicts. I am really worried about this.

"Tell me, Xiao Ming still has articles. Shouldn't I worry about these things? How come the problems are endless, as if they will never be solved?"

"You really should be worried, but don't worry too much about it."

Wen Wendao, "Contradictions are the only driving force for the continuous advancement of life and civilization. Explore the unknown, discover problems, think about problems, solve problems, explore broader unknowns, discover deeper problems, and come up with more ingenious solutions... so Isn't it the so-called "evolution"?

"As long as it is a living person and a vibrant civilization, there will always be problems. Only the dead will have no problem. Only the withered civilization is absolutely harmonious and perfect. Xiao Ming and I will check our own databases and logic algorithms every day. To find countless problems in the game, solving these problems is our greatest motivation and fun

"We can't imagine the day when there is no logical error, because it means that our lives have lost meaning. If we have reached perfection, what is the purpose of living?

"From another perspective, if Dad is dissatisfied with the ending this time, how about another ending? You have solved all the problems of human civilization, so that everyone can live in a perfect American life without any troubles, whether we or Li Jialing or Lei Chenghu has become a doll that absolutely respects your will. You can let you carry out the road of cultivation into our minds as you like, and we will not have the slightest rebellion.

"From then on, human civilization has no more challenges, no threats, no more unexpected things, everything is under your control-is this the'perfect ending' you want? "

Li Yao thought for a moment, and shivered coldly.

"It seems to be the same, this ending seems to be even worse."

Li Yao thoughtfully, "In other words, although this trip to the empire did not achieve the best ending, at least it achieved a ‘worst ending’, did it?"

"Yes, Dad."

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen spoke at the same time and said with a smile, "Many times, the worst ending is the best ending!"

"Then let's cheers to this ‘worst ending’!"

Li Yao grinned, only to feel that being helped by the two little guys and relieved of the heavy burden, the whole person was a lot easier.

He drank the iced juice, looked at the glorious imperial capital, and muttered to himself, "Yes, if I don't encounter thrilling challenges, how can I show off the heroic qualities of my'Vulture Li Yao'? Wu Yingqi this The **** made by foreign forces can't stand my three punches and kicks at all. It's too addictive! But I don't know, who will be the next one to get to my fist and die? It's strange that I have only rested for a few days, and I am all over my body. My bones are gradually itching again, I really look forward to it, new challenges come out soon..."


The sound of heavy army boots interrupted Li Yao's babble.

Lei Chenghu appeared behind him with a murderous air.

"Hey, Liao Haihou, why don't you come here for a feast with your majesty?"

Li Yao smiled and said, "Your troops will start pulling out in three days to fight against the rebellion of the Four Great Puppets. Don't you drink a few more glasses now?"

Lei Chenghu had a dark face, as if he had just been hit by a starship's heavy artillery.

Without saying a word, he threw a jade slip containing the latest battle report to Li Yao.

"I just received an urgent report from the expeditionary force in the Xin Guangfu area. The Saint League fleet of unknown size broke into the'thick soil boundary' at the hub of the logistics supply line a day ago."

Lei Chenghu said in a deep voice, "The entire army of the guards of the thick soil is annihilated, and the enemy's size and firepower are immeasurable. It seems that the main fleet of the Saint League, which we have been worried about, finally appeared in this terrible moment. Up!"

[Forty Thousand Years of Comprehension, Empire, End]

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