40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2704: Heroic sacrifice

The chaos-free valley in the dense fog is like a nightmare for the mentally ill.

Those ruins that have collapsed for hundreds of years are still like tombs with life, in the pale and gleaming with mysterious ghost fire, like countless pairs of eyes, staring at this isolated and helpless reconnaissance company.

The wreckage of puppet war beasts, spar chariots, battle puppets, and even starships are piled up with broken walls-most of the ruins were formed hundreds of years ago, and have long been rusty, covered with moss, vines and all kinds of suspicious bacteria. The blanket, at first glance, looked like the internal organs of a behemoth, exuding a disgusting smell in the thick fog.

Even the crystal armor and the spar chariot can not stop the invasion of this smell, perhaps, this is called fear.

Gao Huanduan sat in the center of a reconnaissance vehicle, buckled his head in a dark gold metal cover, and used the super-sensitive man’s talents to release his brain waves to the limit, feeling the abnormal magnetic fluctuations in the depths of the fog. .

"How about, drunk cat?"

The company commander rarely yelled, but asked in a low voice, "Is the dog nose in your head still as good as it used to be?"

"of course."

Gao Huan squinted his eyes and entered a certain trance and gloomy state, and muttered, "There is indeed something wrong here. There is an intermittent strong magnetic field. In the past week, it has repeatedly shot into the sky with a regular rhythm. It doesn't look like it is formed naturally, but it looks like some kind of artificial...signal, and the surrounding fog exists to conceal the signal.

"It's weird. This signal is too strong. I can even perceive a beam of light rushing into the sky. Even if it is covered by mist, the military's psychic and magnetic counter-forces and the fleet on synchronous orbit shouldn’t be unresponsive. , They should have noticed it a long time ago."

"Ha, that's a coincidence!"

The company commander said, "The commander of the psychic and magnetic countermeasures unit directly under the military headquarters happened to be one of the'four family remnants.' The field was cleansed vigorously, and many officers were quarantined and censored. There was a chaos and chaos. Who has the time to study a trivial signal?

"Forget it, it's useless to talk about it, tell me, which direction is the signal source?"

"should be……"

Gao Huanqiang endured the sharp needle-stick pain in his brain and identified the source of the signal.

Just as he was about to find the answer, a voice suddenly came from the communication channel.

"Boss, Bleu has stepped on thunder!"

When the company commander and Gao Huan rushed to the front of the team, the atmosphere was still quite relaxed. Even if the unfortunate "Bleu", who was immovable and unfortunately stepped on the mine, still smiled nonchalantly, he accepted the ridicule from his companions. He kept sneering at each other.

Although the Holy Alliance’s evacuation, almost every inch of the earth was covered with landmines, but the landmine itself is not too powerful a magic weapon, especially the fighters of the Blade Company have at least the high-level gas refining period to the foundation building period. Low-level strength, with crystal armor defense, can be blown up by half of the sole of the foot, even if one leg is blown off, it will not cry like a woman, as if the end is coming.

What's more, the blade company has the best engineers, and 99% of the mines can be safely removed.

At this moment, an engineer is wearing protective clothing, squatting at the feet of Bleu to study the mine. He carefully sliced ​​away half of the ground, revealing a rusty, bumpy shell, which looks like an old-fashioned Tianhong-1. , Powerful, but not difficult to eliminate.

However, Gao Huan, a super-sensitive person, smelled a weird breath in the air.

This is also the reason why the company commander wants to bring him up to check.

"Wait, the smell of this mine is not right."

Gao Huan prevented the engineer's mine clearance operations, "like using a Tianhong-1 shell with Tianhong-3 combat components."

In a word, everyone in the surroundings took a breath of air-conditioning, and they stepped back more than a dozen steps, opening the psychic shield to its highest strength.

The thunder-stalker "Bleu", who was smiling just now, was even more stunned, as if struck by lightning.

"Really, it's a Rainbow-3 type!"

The engineer was reminded by Gao Huan, carefully perceiving the internal structure of the landmine, his face instantly paled, and he sentenced Bleu to death.

Rainbow-3 type anti-infantry armored mines, or more accurately, "anti-crystal armor mines" are the most lethal to imperial infantry among all types of mines in the Holy League. A hundred meters, there is no grass. Companions who fail to raise the psychic shield in time will be affected. The standard crystal armor used by the empire's grassroots infantry cannot withstand the fragmented attack of its torrential rain!

"Engineer, come back, Bleu, don't move!"

The company commander's face became particularly ugly, staring straight at the "blue spots" stepping on landmines, gritted his teeth, "You have won the prize, you know the power of Rainbow-3, we don't have enough technology and tools to clear mines. , You won’t be able to hold on for long. As long as your heartbeat, pulse, or psychic energy fluctuates slightly, the mine will explode. We can’t do it, the gods can’t do it.”


Every muscle on Bleu's face was trembling, "Fuck, fuck!"

"If you are unlucky, you must take a step first, but it's not yet."

The company commander said, "You have to wait until the brothers are all out of a safe distance, the psychic shield is raised, and you are going to die vigorously, understand?


The bleu face was completely wrinkled together.

"Look at me and listen to me, you are not saved. You know it very well, everyone knows it very well, but you still have a wife and children in your hometown. You have to leave something for them. Every one of us will record it in our crystal armor. In the battle video, I can use the damage of the crystal armor as a reason to delete some videos, but I can’t fabricate it out of thin air-it will be discovered."

The company commander said patiently, "So, you have to die by yourself. The new emperor is about to ascend the throne. He definitely needs some vigorous combat heroes, and will not be stingy to reward the families of the martyrs. If you can be Being a battle hero, your wife and children will definitely be better off, right?"

"Fuck the battle hero, **** the dog emperor!"

Bleu was crying without tears, and the whole person was trembling, "How can it be vigorous? Fuck!"

"Don't tremble, and don't cry like a girl."

The company commander snarled, "Straighten your waist, speak some bold words, defeat the pseudo-emperor, long live your majesty, no no, no, don’t say'long live the reformists', the ghost knows who will prevail in the end?' To the pseudo-emperor, long live your majesty' is fine, no one will think of yourself as a'pseudo-emperor'! If you dare not do it, I can help you, rest assured, the old man will help you, I will count One, two, three, if we count to three, we won’t have any pain, I promise, come on, one..."

"What the **** is this shit?"

Bleu tremblingly said, "Down with the pseudo-emperor, long live your majesty, long live the empire! Just like this—"

Before the last "?" was spoken, the company commander suddenly drew his spear with lightning, exploding Bleu's head.

The headless corpse had not fallen down, and with a "boom", the light like a rainbow fountain burst out from the soles of his feet, covering a space of hundreds of meters in a radius.

Fortunately, all the soldiers retreated to a safe distance of 100 meters away, and the protection work was done to the extreme. Except for the "ding and ding" of the psychic shield, no greater losses were caused.

The spots disappeared completely, and only a circle of even blood spots proved his existence.

"No pain, right?"

The company commander asked the soldiers around him with a sullen face.

"No pain."

The soldiers were silent for a moment and nodded one after another.

"It seems we have found the right place."

The company commander glanced at Gao Huan, "The high-end goods of the'Tianhong-3' are not prepared for us, dirty and smelly big-head soldiers. It seems that there must be something vital behind this minefield. , Engineers, large-scale demining, the rest, polish your tactics, polish your claws, ready to fight at any time!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The mine-sweeping chariot ejected a large number of sub-munitions, igniting dazzling electric arcs, simulating the life magnetic field of the immortal cultivator, and detonating a large number of landmines, just like a splendid firework convention.

The flames above the minefield had not been extinguished, and the blade company couldn't wait to march into the depths of the minefield.

The bad news of the loss of a companion just now did not add much depression, but made these unrestrained soldiers even more angry.

And after Gao Huan has cultivated for more than half a year, it seems that he has increasingly found the instinct of being a "super-sensitive person", keenly perceiving every abnormal psychic wave in the air, fine-tuning the direction again and again, firmly. The center of the dense fog is locked, where the signal source is.

Up to this moment, the depths of the fog still continuously released strong signals to the sky, like a flaming torch.

Even Gao Huan felt that the source of this signal was like a flame flower that was blooming slowly. It had reached the point of being unscrupulous and not caring about being discovered.

When the blade connected under his guidance and finally reached the destination, everyone was deeply shocked by the scene in front of them.

In the depths of the valley, there is a long and narrow crack. The crack is about 100 meters deep underground, but it highlights some kind of cone-shaped magic weapon that pierces the sky high. The four pointed cones form an array, and the arcs surround each other, crackling. Sound, forming a super strong magnetic field visible to the naked eye!

Even more frightening is that in the depths of the gap, under this weird array of unknown purpose, there are countless hibernating bins densely arranged like worm eggs, and a cold holy ally is sleeping in each hibernating bin. Countless holy ally people have been awakened, crawling out of the hibernation warehouse to manipulate the large array, and the remaining holy ally people have also opened their eyes under the glass mask one after another, releasing their eyes without emotional fluctuations.

This planet, which has been occupied by the empire for more than three years and is regarded as the "recovery area", is actually buried in such a secret base of the Holy League!

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