40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2711: Lingtu test

They passed through a square separated by barbed wire, like a transparent labyrinth. There were many patients in blue striped gowns basking in the sun. All patients wore metal rings on their wrists, ankles and necks, and their heads. There are also many sensor patches pasted on it, and their brainwave data are output all the time.

Most of the patients were quite calm, bathed in the warm sunshine, quietly looking out at the almost black ocean.

There are also a small number of patients with deep sunken eye sockets, red and swollen eyes, and chattering endlessly. Gu rotates in circles, looking at others with good intentions—most of these patients are separated by barbed wire and enjoy the treatment of a single room.

Seeing Li Yao and Long Yangjun passing through the passage in the middle of the transparent labyrinth, some patients remained unmoved and continued to look at the sea quietly. Some patients were vaguely talking to them, and some even looked like beasts. Grabbing on the wire fence, weird laughter and low howl at them.

They are like passing a zoo in disrepair, with beasts hungry for three days and nights in the cages on both sides.

"Are these all holy ally?"

Li Yao asked Long Yangjun in a low voice.

"No, they are all ordinary mental patients."

After Long Yangjun finished speaking, he laughed, "However, the mental patients who will be sent to Dean Zhuge are not'ordinary'. Most of them are murderous murderers, heinous lunatics, and destroy humanity. The crimes committed by the beasts are not just pure murder—at least a serial murderer who killed dozens or hundreds of people in one breath, a beast who killed all his family and children without changing his face, or poisoned to death without a psychological burden. The lunatics of all children in an elementary school are eligible to be imprisoned here. They are real scum, complete scum, demons in human skin, deformities and great apes on the human level. In short, you don’t have to have any psychology. Burden, if you have read the files that record their countless crimes, you will definitely treat them ten times more cruelly than Dean Zhuge.

"That said, sometimes I quite like these mental patients-normal people are subject to social and moral constraints, and they tend to hide or even distort their truest side. Cultivators have the morality of a cultivator, and those who are cultivators have the morality of a cultivator. The morality of the cultivator, everyone wears a mask on the soul, but the pattern on the mask is slightly different.

"Only these mental patients, these guys who have been eroded by the outer demon's brain defenses and liberated the deepest inner heart can bloom unreservedly and unscrupulously, presenting the purest and most original side of human beings. In terms of their true self, these guys might have found their'reality' a long time ago.

"Do you believe that the solar storm that Wu Yingqi set off ravaged the entire polar celestial realm, and most of the places on the Celestial Star were affected, but here in the Third Research Institute, both mental patients and doctors were the least affected. Many of the most serious patients, even if they are directly exposed to the'brainwashing light waves', are not in the slightest difference.

"People who die once will not die again. The collapsed high-rise building cannot collapse again. Patients who have a complete mental breakdown may not be brainwashed again, right?

"Putting such mental patients and Shengmeng people together for a comparative study is the biggest feature of the Third Research Institute-we often say that Shengmeng people are a group of inhumane lunatics, but it is difficult to directly conduct research on them. , Then, find another group of inhumane lunatics who are relatively easy to study, put the two groups of lunatics together, study their extremely subtle similarities and differences, and explore the holy ally through a “reference” like the “mental patient” This is the method of Dean Zhuge."

Under Long Yangjun's guidance, Li Yao finally met "Zhuge Jinglun", a spiritual expert who lived on an isolated island.

Zhuge Jinglun fits the image of a "research madman" in his imagination. His hair is like a bird's nest, and his hair is more unbearable than Li Yao. His dirty white coat is covered with all kinds of suspicious stains and liquids. Knowing that I didn’t wash my face seriously for a few days, every crease on my face was covered with black dirt, and there were at least three or four different colored pens behind my two ears. I laughed, my mouth cracked to the base of my ears, and the research outside. There is no difference in objects.

He is the kind of "not listening to things outside the window", the most typical researcher, no matter how the outside situation changes, who the leader above is replaced by, even the enthronement ceremony that sensationalized the entire Celestial Star yesterday, and him There is no half a dime.

The name of "Black Wind King, Vulture Li Yao", the whole empire is like a thunderbolt now, but Long Yangjun introduced Li Yao to him, and he simply said "Black Wind King" and rubbed his hands in a mess, I don't know. What should I say.

He and Long Yangjun are still a little enthusiastic, perhaps because Long Yangjun has given him a steady stream of research funds and "samples" after he took over the power of the Demon Hunter Association for the second time. When he saw it, Long Yangjun's eyes gleamed, and he simply put Li Yao, the "Black Wind King" aside: "President Dongfang, you came just right. We have just completed the improvement of the latest version of the "Lingtu Test", and the accuracy rate is better than that of the old version. It’s increased by more than 2.5%. Would you like to take a look?"

That airy look is quite like an older child who invented a new game.

"The new generation of "spiritual test", of course I have to watch it."

Long Yangjun gave a dry cough, glanced at Li Yao, and said in embarrassment, "However, Dean Zhuge, I told you last time,'Dongfang Mingyue' is the false name I used to break into the rebel, my real name It's Long Yangjun, you should call me'President Long'.

"Okay, President Dongfang, Jun Yang, right? I remember President Dongfang."

Zhuge Jinglun was so excited that he rubbed his hands, "Here, please, President Dongfang, and the King of Black Wind!"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and followed Zhuge Jinglun into the third underground level, the "Lingtu Test Area."

The Shengmeng are bound by the "way of perfection" and do not have seven emotions and desires themselves, but in order to penetrate the empire, lurking and active in the society of normal people, they can simulate the vivid emotions.

The "spiritual test" is a means of identifying "real emotions" and "virtual emotions" in the field of spiritual research. It can also be said to be the last line of defense for the imperial defense against the infiltration of the secret spy of the Holy League.

For hundreds of years, the Shengmeng people have improved their emotion simulation technology time and time again, successfully deceiving generations of Lingtu tests.

The empires are also constantly upgrading the methods and content of the spiritual map test, striving to be more sensitive, more complex, and more precise, and can pull out the holy ally who is hidden among the normal people through extremely subtle differences.

This is "the magic is one foot high, and the road is one foot high".

Zhuge Jinglun took Li Yao and Long Yangjun to a one-way transparent floor-to-ceiling mirror. In the mirror was a narrow test room. On both sides of a large metal table, researchers and testers were seated.

The researcher is a gentle, smiling, young man who gives birth to a good impression at the first glance.

The subject was a middle-aged man with a rosacea and a beer belly. His eyes were fierce, and he was definitely not good at first sight.

The researcher focused on tapping the miniature crystal brain, and from time to time he raised his head and grinned at the tester, making it both well-trained and full of human touch.

However, the tester was firmly tied to the seat by a flexible metal strip, and looked restless and restless. In the deeply sunken eye sockets, the beast-like brilliance burst out from time to time, and the **** still made a "snoring" sound.

The metal table between the two of them turned out to be a huge flat light curtain, flowing with colorful abstract patterns like vortexes, changing all the time, showing an extremely splendid and ever-changing posture.

Gorgeous light and shadow projected on the researcher and tester, as well as on the surrounding cold walls and snow-white ceiling, reflecting the small test room into the brain ventricle of the mental patient.

This colorful light and shadow is the so-called "spiritual map".

"Sorry, I can't cancel these... messy spots."

The researcher finally knocked the last rune on the miniature crystal brain, rubbed his neck, and the tester smiled apologetically, "Don’t shake your eyes, tell me, what do you think they look like? , What does it look like?"

"What the **** does this mean?"

The tester is like a beast trapped in a trap, shrinking his neck, and saying vigilantly, "Did the test begin? This is part of the test. I have to say it, eh?"

"No, no, don't be nervous, relax, relax, it's just—"

Researcher Tan Shou said, "It's just a routine test. You know we are the best sanatorium in the entire empire. Since the crime you committed could not have been transferred here, you are lucky, but we must make sure that you will not Cause harm to others, so...

"Look, I don't know what these spots and patterns are. They are all made by the people on it, those self-righteous clever people. Probably the only purpose is to prove that they are smart. And my job is to sit here every day. Faced with all kinds of people, turn on the switch and ask you some questions, and then you go to enjoy the sun and the sea, I go home from work, and that’s it, it’s a routine thing, so we’ll solve it quickly and go our own way, okay? Relax, Take a deep breath, relax, and start answering formally, okay?"

The subject murmured again and nodded reluctantly.

The researcher smiled slightly, and then opened a miniature magic weapon on the table. It looked like a mixture of a magnifying glass and a scope. Through it, you can clearly see the tester’s rapidly shaking eyeballs, as well as the bloodshot eyes and the reflections in the pupils. .

"What the **** is this, what the **** is this!"

The tester became nervous again.

"Relax, relax, it's just a... trivial gadget. I have been sitting in this room for three years and never cared about what it is. Leave it alone, let's start, shall we?"

The researcher cleared his throat and said, "The first question, imagine that you accidentally raised your arm and found a green wasp stinging on the back of your hand. What would you do?"

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