40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2714: Dean of Mental Hospital

The researcher was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, expressions of confusion, hesitation, panic, anger and grievance flashed across his face one by one. Everything was vivid, at least not even Li Yao could see the difference.

"President, what do you mean!"

The researcher took two steps backwards, shouting hoarsely, "Do you suspect that I am a Saint ally?"

"Not in doubt, but sure. Look at your brain scan just now and compare it with this cold-blooded murderer's brain scan."

Zhuge Jinglun extracted several new scans from the miniature crystal brain, and the dancing butterflies overlapped one another.

Several heads leaned forward, frowning again.

"It's not the same at all!"

The researcher roared, "Blind people can see that my brain scan is completely different from the scan of the murderer. My reaction is normal, and the brain activity is up to the standard!"

"It is very standard, the standard is perfect, perfect to an incredible degree."

Zhuge Jinglun said, "I almost forgot to tell you that this is not your brain scan today, but a version of your brain scans in the past twenty-seven tests. Do you see the problem? His response was perfect. Twenty-seven tests were all without any confusion, almost exactly the same!

"Even if normal people face the same problem for the second time, subtle differences will appear in their thinking and reactions, so if they overlap their brain scans, the edges will be very blurred.

"What kind of guy is able to respond with extreme precision when thinking about the same question twenty-seven times, as if it was not his real reaction, but some kind of...pre-entered program?"

The researcher was dumbfounded, looking at the scan of his brain during the twenty-seven tests, and couldn't say a word.

"Don't worry, this dean won't just make a conclusion like this-such a hasty inference is simply an insult to the dean's profession."

Zhuge Jinglun threw out a new brain scan, "Unlike the previous 26 tests, we have added a new question in today’s test question bank, which is, “The omnic rebellion, am I a human or a machine?” 'The choice, this question is highly confidential. You never saw it before unlocking the question bank, did you?"

"Yes, so what?"

The researcher quickly said, "My reaction is normal!"

"It's the same sentence, too normal."

Zhuge Jinglun said, "As a control group, we used this question to test the reactions of thousands of ordinary people in advance. When we told these ordinary people, their memories were instilled. They weren't real human beings at all. When the world is turned out of recognition by the'omnic', they will more or less hesitate and think, and even some people with fragile minds really start to doubt whether they are humans and whether their memories are true or false. .

"Whether it is the tester or the subject, it is the same, and they will be suspicious to varying degrees. Many people even need psychological treatment.

"Only you, when you first faced this problem, the level of brain wave stability was the highest among thousands of people. Your brain wave stability index far exceeds those who have a stronger cultivation base than you, by more than 30%. You have not wavered in the slightest, your faith is indestructible, you don't believe in any nonsense such as'omnic rebellion', and you have never thought about whether you are a human or a'modern'. Why?

"Because, you know very well that, in a sense, you are indeed a ‘omnic’, but a ‘omnic’ condensed from flesh and blood, a holy ally!"

"Fake, it's all fake, I'm not!"

The researcher was stunned for a long time, and suddenly screamed hysterically, and even wanted to pounce on Zhuge Jinglun, "I am not a holy ally, you can't be so arbitrary, I am a living human, long live the empire, long live the mankind, defeat the Holy League! Look, I am not a Saint League member, I am not!"

Of course, Li Yao and Long Yangjun would not let this crazy researcher harm Zhuge Jinglun.

Instead of using the two of them, there were already a few burly men lying in ambush around, grabbing the researcher, smashing the heaviest shackles, and dragging them down.

The researcher struggled all the way and howled all the way, really like a normal person who was wronged, until he was dragged into the corner for a long time, he could still hear him screaming in grief, "I am not a holy ally, no, no!"


Zhuge Jinglun grinned and rubbed his hands, and showed jagged teeth at Li Yao and Long Yangjun, "It's a wonderful performance, isn't it? This guy has been lurking here for three years. The previous six versions of the spirit map The test didn't catch him, and after the new version, he finally exposed his true colors!

"Oh, thank you also for the question provided by President Long. The'Modern Rebellion' is really interesting. It can help us test a lot of new brain wave abnormal data. Wait, I almost forgot. It's not President Long. You changed your name. , I should call you President Dongfang now, right? Sorry, President Dongfang."

"It's President Long..."

Long Yangjun leaned his forehead and said.

"Wait, I still feel something wrong."

Li Yao looked at the corner where the researcher was being dragged away. There were dazzling bloodstains in the corner. "You can judge whether a person is a holy league only by the subtle changes in the brain scan and some strange questions. People, how accurate is it, will you wrong the good people?

"For example, he is born with a very good psychological quality, and he will not be easily shaken by illusory nonsense, or he is a person with little imagination and can't understand the meaning of'modern rebellion', or... even if he is really a man. A ruthless guy who lacks the ability to empathize, but ruthlessness does not mean that he is a lunatic, he will definitely break the law and commit a crime, right?

"It's like the middle school teacher just now, if he weren't taken to the casino by his friends, maybe he would pass by in such calm for a lifetime, he wouldn't necessarily become a cold-blooded murderer, would he?

"So, if you make a mistake in your Lingtu test, what should you do? It's not always possible that the accuracy rate can reach 100%, right?"

Zhuge Jinglun glanced at Li Yao in surprise, as if he was surprised that he would ask such a naive question.

"Of course there is an error. This is a never-ending game where the magic is one foot high and the road is high."

Zhuge Jinglun said, "But the so-called'accuracy rate' does not lie in how many good people we misjudged. The point is that we must never let go of a bad person, right, those innocent people-let's call them'innocent people', anyway. They are all potential lunatics and criminals, and the number should not exceed 5% of the total. They can only be regarded as sacrifices that have to be made in this war."

Li Yao understood.

I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go.

"Sacrifice that had to be paid," a word that a cultivator would often talk about.

Li Yao's eyes gradually became cold. He didn't like the dean Zhuge Jinglun, who looked crazy and cruel in his bones, and didn't care about life at all.

"Sure enough, it was a very interesting test, which opened my eyes."

Li Yao said coldly, "Then, Dean Zhuge, I wonder if you have thought about a more interesting question-since the Saint League Secret Spy can penetrate into your Third Research Institute for several years, how can you ensure that you are Isn't it another secret spy that hides deeper?

"Of course, you may have passed countless lingtu tests, but it is meaningless, because these tests are created by your own hands. Of course, you have drilled through the loopholes and perfectly concealed them.

"So, how do you prove your innocence, how do you wash away other people's...suspicions of you?"

Li Yao originally thought that Zhuge Jinglun would be stumped by this question, but he did not expect that the insane head of the psychiatric hospital shone out from the mung bean's small eyes and extended his thumb to Li Yao: "A good question, it is indeed difficult to prove, so the whole empire is not limited. I have a Saint League Research Center here, and the Lingtu Test does not have an authoritative standard, but there are thousands of versions.

"The Black Wind King should know that the entire empire does not have a unified, official, and most authoritative research institution for the Holy Alliance? Don’t you think it’s strange. We have the Demon Tribunal and the Demon Hunter Association, but we are facing a thousand years of entanglement. The enemy, but there is no unified official authority to study and contend?

"It's very simple, and the reason is very simple-if there is such a most authoritative research institution, as long as the Holy League people infiltrate and master or even tamper with the standards of the Lingtu test, then it is over, then we are all over!

"Now, we do not have an authoritative organization, but dozens of large and small, hundreds of semi-official, and non-governmental organizations research at the same time, each launching different spiritual map testing standards and methods, and the heads of these organizations conduct regular research. Cross-testing, although it will cause a certain amount of confusion, but also guarantees the greatest degree of safety.

"Of course, even this will not prevent the infiltration of the Shengmeng people. After all, the Shengmeng people's simulation emotion technology is constantly improving. Maybe someone can pass the cross-testing of dozens of different institutions? Maybe that person is it. Me, maybe that person is the Eastern President or the Black Wind King, hahahaha, who knows, who knows?

"Even, maybe the empire and the Holy League do not exist. The world around us is totally fake. It is the memory and data that has been forcibly poured in. On the contrary, the'modern rebellion' is the truth. We are all the latest models. What about smart machines? Maybe we pry open our skulls, there are really brilliant, jewel-like crystal brains inside?

"President Dongfang, King Black Wind, are you interested in prying open your skull to see what is inside? Hahahahahaha!"

Zhuge Jinglun's laughter was like a pig cry of "humming".

But it is one of the most terrifying voices Li Yao has ever heard in his life.

"Dean Zhuge..."

Li Yao squinted his eyes and said, "Do you have regular mental tests to ensure that you are not affected by so many mental patients around? Or are you a hopeless mental patient?"

"How do you know?"

Zhuge Jinglun was full of stunned expression, "This dean is indeed a critically ill patient. He has spent nearly a hundred years in 13 mental hospitals on seven planets!"


Li Yao couldn't believe it, "Then...how can you be the dean here?"

"It's very simple."

Zhuge Jinglun blinked at Li Yao and smiled, "At the last mental hospital, the management there was relatively lax. At that time, a doctor named Zhuge Jinglun came to study me, and I ate him with bones. Clean, the brain and internal organs are fragrant and fragrant. Well, it's delicious when I think of it!

"After eating, I patted my stomach and left there under the name of'Zhuge Jinglun', but thinking about it, I still miss the days and friends of the past, so I regarded mental illness research as a life's business.

"Hush, this is my little secret, please be sure to keep the Black Wind King secret for me, don't let them catch me back, please, hahahaha!"

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