40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2717: Kindness

"Very interesting statement."

Li Yao thought of the special profession "original warrior" among the cultivators, who can indeed freely activate the genes from the ancestors in his body, presenting a strange and prehistoric state.

Including Li Yao himself, he has also seen the ancestors of the Primordial Era in the deepest meditation, and has obtained a part of the mottled memory and inheritance.

In other words, there is also a small part of "Nigerian genes" in his body? really interesting.

"This is true, because we modern people are not completely'blank paper.' Everyone has more or less talent."

Zhuge Jinglun said, "Some people are good at refining weapons, some are good at fighting, some are good at mathematical calculations, and some are naturally interested in geography, archaeology, and history. Although these people also have to learn, their learning efficiency is beyond ordinary. Ten times or even a hundred times, the same time, the same teachers, the same courses and training, but they are able to excel and stand out!

"This is not only explained by the high IQ, but the small part of the'Nin genes' at work. They are the ancestors of the ancestors of these people. When they were originally'designed and manufactured', they were molded into a certain Experts in this field, although hundreds of thousands of years have passed, this part of the gene has been diluted to nearly zero, but still faithfully implement the original instructions."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows high.

So, there is a small part of the reason why I can become an expert in refining tools, and I also owe it to the Niren gene in my body?

"Understanding the genetic problems of the Ni people, the mystery of the birth of the Holy Alliance will be solved!"

Zhuge Jinglun said with joy, "When the Holy League captured a tenacious and unyielding imperial soldier or sentimental ordinary citizen on the battlefield, they would send the captive to the equipment called the "temple" for modulation.

"In the first link, they will use an extremely sophisticated technique, which is likely to condense light waves into an invisible scalpel, cutting off the connection between the limbic system and the cerebral cortex in the human brain, and transforming human rationality. Thinking and emotional thinking are completely separated.

"After performing such an operation, people may not forget everything in the past. All memories may be vivid, but he can no longer touch his heartstrings. He has become an absolutely ruthless cold-blooded animal.

"The second link is to activate the'Nin gene' in the human body, showing a special'reversion phenomenon', turning modern people back into the Nin people hundreds of thousands of years ago, and by the way activates a variety of talents. Supernatural powers can be put into work or battlefield in the shortest time.

"The third link, now that the Nepalese genes have been activated, then the way of perfection—the awakening of the three fundamental laws is a matter of course, plus a series of hypnosis, brainwashing, and soul imprinting, a loyal holy alliance. People are fresh out!"

As the three of them were talking, they descended around the town of the Saint ally.

Of course, they didn't walk in directly, but slowly watched along a transparent wall, watching the work and life of the Saint League people inside.

The transparent wall is not sealed, but is covered with dense air exchange holes, and those Saint ally people can also see them.

Li Yao discovered a very strange phenomenon.

Seeing them coming, many of the Holy ally in the farmland stopped working. The Holy ally who was sitting in the middle of the town basking in the sun also stood up, turning his neck like a sunflower, paying attention to them. In the depths of the bleak and indifferent eyes, wisps of bright colors burst out unexpectedly.

Their eyes were so hot that Li Yao couldn't stand it. After a long time of careful observation, they discovered that the Saint Alliance person was not staring at him, but Long Yangjun.

"Why do they... look at you like this?"

Li Yao whispered, "The gaze is so weird, it's terrifying!"

"Isn't this obvious?"

Long Yangjun also whispered to him, "They sensed the breath of Pangu from my body. In their minds, I am probably a ‘half-god’, or at least a ‘supreme servant’, right?"

Li Yao let out an "Ah", and then he remembered that Long Yangjun was a freak, half ancient and half Nuwa, indeed a "half god" of the Saint Allies.

"So, they worship you, believe in you, and obey you?"

Li Yao became interested, and thought for a while, "Can you order them at will, even more holy allies, thousands of holy allies?"

"I know what you mean, but it's not that simple. If I could make all the holy ally people lay down their weapons if I downplayed a sentence, I would have done this a long time ago!"

Long Yangjun glanced at Li Yao and thought for a while, a little embarrassed, "How can I explain to you the relationship between the holy ally and their'true god'? The so-called'absolute obedience derived from genes' is also not Not so'absolute', yes, I can order these holy alliances to do simple tasks that are reasonable, let them work in an orderly manner, bring me tea and water, and even show me what they are best at Skills, these are all right.

"But if it is an order that runs counter to the way of perfection, or something that would obviously harm the interests of the Pangu tribe, and also include an excessive order such as'disbanding the Holy League', they will definitely not do it, and they will even feel resistance to me. ."


Li Yao blinked and said, "I still don't quite understand, where is the limit of'excessive'?"

"Very subtle, for example, let me tell you this way—"

Long Yangjun pondered for a moment, and said, "The so-called'genetic obedience' is roughly such a thing. Imagine that you are an eighteen-year-old young man who is full of vitality but does not know the taste of meat. Driven by genetic instinct, the guy is stiff. , You can pierce the crystal armor. At this time, you just met your girlfriend not long ago and said, as long as you do something for her, she is willing to spend the spring evening with you. I believe that as long as this matter does not violate the law and morality, you are sure Willing, and extremely enthusiastic, will it be done?"


Li Yao pondered for a moment, "Even if it violates the law and morals a little bit, I guess I will go through fire and water, and I can't help it."

"That's it, the "gene instinct" of the Shengmeng people towards the Pangu tribe and the "gene instinct" of the 18-year-old boy towards his girlfriend are almost the same."

Long Yangjun earnestly said, "More importantly, when the Saint Mengmen complete the instructions of the Pangu tribe, the cerebral cortex will secrete a special substance, which makes them feel extremely strong pleasure, which is more exciting than the spring night of boys and girls. , One can imagine how strong their motivation is.

"However, everything has a degree. If this girlfriend wants a teenager to kill someone before she is willing to spend the Spring Festival evening with him, this is obviously an'unreasonable, very excessive' request. The hot brain of the teenager may calm down. , Re-examine the relationship with girlfriend.

"Similarly, if I relied on my identity as a'demi-god' to give orders indiscriminately, they would doubt, hate and even hate me as well!"

"You use such a nasty metaphor to explain—"

Li Yao said, "I understand a lot, no wonder they all stared at you with squinted eyes."

Long Yangjun grinned, and pointed his elbow to a certain holy ally: "Don't just stare at me, look at that guy over there, he also stares at you with squinted eyes!"

Li Yao was slightly startled, and looked in the direction Long Yangjun was pointing, and he saw a maverick holy ally, staring at him with a very strange look. After looking at him for a while, he became suspicious again. He turned his gaze to Long Yangjun for a while, then turned to Li Yao again, his gaze wandering between the two of them.

"No way?"

Li Yao was horrified, rubbing the goose bumps on his arm, "What's wrong with this guy, others are staring at you, but his eyes are sweeping between us, pedaling on two boats!"

"It seems that Wu Yingqi 3.0 did not lie. The so-called'Heizi Project' is true."

Long Yangjun said, "This guy is most likely a'black man'. He is attracted by the breath of'Wu Yingqi 3.0' in your body. He can't distinguish between the two of us, who is his'true god'. Yeah!"

Li Yao suddenly realized.

Think about it, Wu Yingqi 3.0 said that now, about a few thousandths of the Saint League members are "spots" who have been touched by him and absolutely worship him. Calculated according to the probability, even one-thousandth is good. There should also be one or two "spots" here.

Li Yao secretly wrote down the appearance of this holy ally and the number on his chest, and asked Long Yangjun to take special care of him, and must not let this holy ally person die.

After he completely controlled the Jinjing Tower, he could use this holy ally to test the credibility of the "Heizi Project".

"Dean Zhuge..."

Thinking of the "Heizi Project", Li Yao moved in his heart and asked Zhuge Jinglun again, "Liaohai Hou Leichenghu once suspected that the Saint League was on the verge of collapse internally, and he did not hesitate to gather all its strength to launch a strategic decisive battle with the empire.

"You are a research expert in the field of Shengmeng. Do you think Liao Haihou's suspicion is possible? The seemingly orderly Shengmeng will really collapse on its own?"

"The possibility of self-collapse certainly exists. Any ever-expanding high-precision system will inevitably collapse in the end!"

Zhuge Jinglun said, "Maintaining a town with thousands of people and maintaining a civilization with hundreds of billions of people are completely two concepts. The latter will encounter too many problems.

"The key point is that the current Saint League people are not 100% nuns. Most of them are transformed by Homo sapiens. Love of freedom, advocating new knowledge, and endless curiosity are our nature. How can it be completely obliterated? In nature Under the repeated impact of the "Three Principles of Origin", the shackles of the'Three Principles of Origin' are not so indestructible!

"However, to expect the Holy League to collapse on its own in a short period of time, so that the empire will not move without a single soldier and win without fighting. It seems to be too optimistic. After all, there is one The higher "Senior Good Race" is responsible for ruling and purifying, eliminating all the factors that may cause collapse in the budding state."

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