40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2734: may I come in?

The closer you are to the city, the more you can feel the raging fire of human life, the brainwave magnetic field blooming like colorful flowers, and the ever-changing sounds and images are continuously transmitted to Li Yao.

Of course, it is impossible for him to hear people's "voices" directly, but if someone's emotions are too excited and their brain waves are surging to the limit, they may leak out a piece of information, like a high-pitched and sharp wave crest, which is received by Li Yao.

Those huge and chaotic memory fragments are more like kaleidoscope-like mottled and extremely gorgeous images, wave after wave hit Li Yao's soul.

This kind of alienation not only failed to bring the slightest pleasure of spying on others, but also caused Li Yao to endure unspeakable torture. He was like being caught in a stormy sea of ​​emotion and reason, screaming, crying, roaring, and grief. The wave of utter sobs intertwined, tearing him to pieces in all directions, and suddenly seemed to have fallen into an abyss composed of millions of people's pain and troubles. He was also infected by the black emotions, heartbroken, and unable to extricate himself.

"too frightening!"

Li Yao tried his best to withdraw from this sea of ​​emotions, watching his fading and fading spirit, he felt a lingering fear.

He finally understood why "telepathy" is so efficient and so effective, but humans still resolutely abandon it on the evolutionary road, and use seemingly less efficient language and writing to communicate.

Because the former’s information interaction efficiency is too high, so high that the same emotion and way of thinking will quickly "infect" each individual, and even form cross-infection, group resonance, and in the end, the entire group will have only one emotion. A way of thinking.

When one person cries, the entire ethnic group will cry with him, and when one person laughs, the entire ethnic group will laugh with him. If one person is furious, this kind of anger may spread to the entire ethnic group in an instant, and maybe it will set off in the next second. In-field war!

What kind of "civilization" is there to talk about in such a social structure?

Only a bee-swarm civilization like the Houyi tribe, or an absolutely sensible mechanical civilization like Xiaoming and Wenwen, can fully adopt information interaction methods such as "telepathy".

The human brain is a strong castle. The human soul can hide in it and think calmly and independently. It will not be affected by stellar radiation or cosmic storms, nor will it be excessively disturbed by the emotions and thinking of others. On this basis, all kinds of thinking modes and emotional states can be born, so that all kinds of flowers can bloom and explore the endless future!

However, for Li Yao at this moment, his soul had already left his body too far.

It was like a soldier who had taken off the crystal armor, even tore the mustard combat uniform, and fought naked in the face of a blazing barrage in the face of gust of wind and rain!

Rao is that his spiritual strength has reached its limit, but it is impossible to contend with the emotional waves of hundreds of millions of people.

The fire of his soul is like a candle in the wind, faltering and dying.

"What a terrible state!"

Li Yao thought to himself, "Now I can firmly shrink my soul into a ball, so that I can barely resist the emotional impact of thousands of people, but if it is a real "distraction state", then I will split the soul into inexhaustible threads. , To resonate with the life magnetic field of hundreds of millions of people, and draw the strength of tens of thousands of people to practice-a little carelessness, wouldn't it be necessary to go crazy and cultivate into the worst schizophrenia?

Li Yao finally understood why he had only been in retreat for seven days and seven nights, so he could easily see the way to the realm of distraction.

It seems that the most difficult thing is not how to rush to the realm of distraction.

But how to rush to the realm of distraction, the soul can break out of the shell as it wants, and after it is split into inexhaustible threads, it is still not affected by the magnetic field of other people's lives, and it can still maintain its own heart.

Think about it carefully, after Wu Yingqi stepped onto the realm of distraction, what he insisted on was still his heart?

In other words, the tens of thousands of conspirators, careerists, and villains in the center of Xinghai, as well as the tens of thousands of ordinary people suffering torment, condense the darkness in their hearts, and finally create a so-called Savior, where is Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi?

If Li Yao is indulged in the vortex of the emotions and wills of thousands of people, and is gradually influenced by everyone, led by everyone's desires and worries, what will his soul become in the end?

Li Yao's heart shrank, and his soul shrank more tightly and solidly.

He can't rush into someone's mind.

The brain is the fortress of the soul. Even the brain of ordinary people is the strongest domain of ordinary people. In that domain, ordinary people are their own kings.

As strong as Li Yao, rushing into the brains of others, it is also an away game. If the sheep enters the tiger's mouth, a little carelessness will be forever, just like the unlucky Ou Yezi, who died alive and miserably in the head of others.

"Cultivators, adults, energetic, vigorous people, murderous soldiers... These people have very strong life magnetic fields, and their brain waves are constantly jumping like the brightest flames. Once my soul is near , Extremely vulnerable to their influence, and even extinguished and swallowed by them.

"These people are the most difficult to access and exchange information.

"Old people and children, people who are born with serious illnesses, people who are at the bottom of their lives, people who are shrouded in negative emotions, people who sleep, and people who dream, their life magnetic field is very dim, and their brain waves seem to be unhappy. The river is not too dangerous. I can barely insert my virtual nerve into their life's magnetic field and transmit some simple information to them.

"Hey, why does it sound like the lonely ghosts and demon foxes in ancient Xiu's notes?

"Ancient Xiu's notes often say that men have three real fires on their shoulders, and they are not easy to be invaded by demons and evil spirits. The soldiers who kill on the battlefield are even more energetic. Whenever they encounter soldiers, they must retreat. On the contrary, it is the elderly, children, patients, and others. Heartbroken people are more likely to see foxes and ghosts when in a trance. So, this is not a feudal superstition, but the latter’s life magnetic field is weak, and they are more likely to be disturbed by aliens and their retinas and optic nerves. !

"There is also the popular popular saying of'to dream'. It is the same if you think about it, because people's vigilance and defense during sleep will be minimized, and information from the outside world will more easily penetrate into their brains. By stimulating brain cells, they Appeared in his dream.

"Including the most dangerous'ghost upper body', as far as I am now, it may not be impossible to choose a person with a weaker body, a trance look, and an unstable soul to invade his brain and hijack part of his brain nerves. , Especially the cranial nerves responsible for motor functions, can use his body in a “remote control” way. Of course, this is very dangerous for both parties, and it is extremely expensive. It is not a last resort. There is no need to do this. Stupid things.

"In short, the ancients did not know the method of systematic research, but simply summarized these phenomena, which coincides with what I see and feel today."

Li Yao's mind turned around, groping for new magical powers.

He should have been groping for ten and a half months, or even a year and a half, before he could gradually adapt and master.

But time doesn't wait for me, now the center of the star sea is full of flames, how can he have time to study it slowly?

Li Yao condensed the soul into a slender streamer, attached to a psychic energy transmission pipeline, and swiftly left the city and swept towards the east coast of the Black Star Continent.

In a blink of an eye, the black shore was near.

Li Yao continued to follow the psychic energy transmission pipeline and dived into the depths of the sea. In a short while, a dotted archipelago appeared in front of him—it was Zhuge Jinglun’s "Third Spiritual Research Institute".

Li Yao's spirit leaped up from the waves, and looked at the mental hospital under the night sky in mid-air.

The life magnetic field of mental patients is a hundred times more violent and weird than ordinary people, like a mouthful of randomly distributed vortices and black holes, making Li Yao feel terrified.

He carefully bypassed these mental patients, followed the ripples of the psionic pipeline and wireless psychic net, and marched towards the holy alliance towns deeper in the island.

In the depths of the island, there is no distinction between day and night. Even though the night is deep outside, here is still brightly lit. Thousands of holy ally are working hard like tireless machines, relying on instinct to build their own lair-like being locked in a zoo. An animal that doesn't know it.

The life magnetic field and brain wave form of Shengmeng are completely different from ordinary people.

If the brains of ordinary people are just blooming flowers, colorful swirls, mysterious and complicated labyrinths, and dazzling kaleidoscopes, then the brains of the Saint Alliance are like a dry mouth. A dry well, a frozen lake, a pile of hard rocks, nothing more.

If it is said that Li Yao "dare" to get too close to the brains of ordinary people, then it seems that there is nothing worth exploring and studying for the brains of the Saint Allies.

Despite this, Li Yao found the suspected "black man" among the thousands of Saint Allies at a glance.

This time, directly using the magnetic field of life to perceive, this "Heizi" has a feeling of standing out from the crowd and out of place.

Even though he was practicing as much as the other Saint League fighters, but that was what made Li Yao feel different.

I don't know if it is because of Wu Yingqi 3.0's remnant soul, Li Yao actually felt that this "black man" looked very kind, as if...connected by blood!

Li Yao couldn't help but float towards the head of this "black man".

And the brain of this "black man" didn't have the slightest vigilance and resistance to him, but instead gave birth to an inexplicable suction force that seemed to welcome his arrival!

Nevertheless, Li Yao is not Wu Yingqi after all.

He is civilized and polite.


Li Yao separated a strand of spiritual silk, got into the temple of this "spot", entangled a bunch of his auditory nerves, and asked politely, "Hello, can I come in?"

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