40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2738: The law of jumping

When Li Yao's soul returned to the bottom of the Jinjing Tower, inside his own body, it was like floating from the bottom of the sea at a depth of 100,000 meters, and he had never felt so tired and gloomy.

The Scarlet Heart Demon is right, repairing the brains of others at a super long distance is not the same as repairing one's own brains.

It's like lifting a kilogram of weight with your hands, and using the magical power of the air defense to lift a kilogram of material a thousand kilometers away, the difference in difficulty and consumption is the same.

Li Yao has not completely repaired the brain of "Fang Gang One Two Three"-the trauma and "cleansing" he suffered from childhood is too serious. The palace of the brain is crumbling and fragile. The more refined, the more Li Yao needs to pay. Hundreds of times the spirit and power.

However, they finally got off to a good start.

At least to the end of the restoration, when "Fang Gang One Two Three" heard a light and cheerful song, his spirit rippled with pleasant ripples, like the purest smile of a child.

For Li Yao, such a smile is enough to eliminate all pain and exhaustion.

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen closely monitored Li Yao's every move and recorded a large amount of data about the fluctuations of the soul. On the one hand, to ensure the safety and health of Li Yao, on the other hand, they are also trying to use Jing Brain to simulate Li Yao's control and treatment process— -Their ultimate goal is to build a super giant super crystal brain array group, which can replace Li Yao in the implementation of the "Heizi Project" in the future, awakening all the "Heizi" and even all the holy allies.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to save many people by relying on Li Yao's brain alone to wake up one by one. It would really drain all the brain cells.

"Dad, you must rest this time."

Xiao Ming cut off the connection between Li Yao and the brainwave amplifier without any explanation, and stretched out a few psychic prostheses to release special frequency psychic ripples to help Li Yao massage his brain and repair his soul. It’s been six hours, your brain condition is as bad as the fiercest battle you have just gone through for six hours. One more second, even if your soul stays outside for an extra second, your soul may disappear and become disintegrated. For a lonely ghost!"

"Yes, take a good rest, at least three hours of deep sleep, before you can "get out of your body" again to perform delicate work such as repairing your brain."

Wen Wen also said in a low voice, "This is for your good, and also for the ‘black man’. You don’t want to connect his brain nerves or blood vessels wrong, right?"

This reason was very good and convinced Li Yao.

Li Yao lay down like a broken machine, stretched his limbs, and groaned contentedly.

"As the first'Super Long Distance Spirit Out of Aperture', we have a very good start."

Xiao Ming continued, "We have collected enough data to establish the first rule-super long-distance spirit out of the orifice consumes a lot of mental and psychic energy, which is equivalent to the fiercest battle in the case of anger. , And entering the brains of others, the environment is very complicated, and you will face various unexpected situations at any time. Even if ordinary people or low-level fighters stir up the power of the soul, they may also cause harm to the soul that we invade, just like some kind of ... The same as'rejection reaction'.

"If the other party's brainwave oscillation frequency is more consistent with ours, or is a specially modulated product such as'spots', the'rejection reaction' will be minimized, but this does not mean that the danger does not exist.

"So, be careful, be careful, be careful.

"Okay, Dad, take a good rest, is there anything else you need?"


Li Yao's eyelids were just drooping, and the first snoring sound was heard in his nose. His left eye suddenly opened strangely, and a dazzling red glow appeared. He squinted and said, "The Xiaolong is too narrow for me now. , Can you help me build a brand new body as soon as possible. It’s best to have the most advanced array of super crystal brain as the "brain" like you? I can’t stand sharing a body with this self-righteous idiot anymore. I want to leave him, as far as possible!"


Xiaoming and Wenwen said in unison, "It's you!"

"If you want a brand new body, maybe Boxing Master has a better way than us. He is a combat type and is more suitable for your existence."

Xiao Ming thought for a while and said, "Master Boxing is designing a new generation of'Big Iron City', which is to transform the entire Star Battle Fortress into his own body, and it can also transform into a superpower dozens of times larger than the Titan Soldier. How about the giant, I wonder if you are interested?"

"It's amazing here?"

The scarlet heart demon's left eye shone brightly, "Of course I am interested, please help me with one!"


Wenwen said, "Even if you can get into your new body smoothly, are you sure you can get rid of your father's entanglement?"

The face of the Scarlet Inner Demon collapsed suddenly.

"Well, you are right. Absolute good and absolute evil cannot exist alone. Even if I leave that idiot one hundred and eighty thousand light years away, his pedantic, absurd, and ridiculous kindness will still be pursued relentlessly. Go to me, entangle me, nagging and chattering in the depths of my soul, like **** quantum entanglement."

The Scarlet Heart Demon gritted his teeth, but said helplessly, "I can't be separated from him. I'm just joking. It's... annoying!

The Scarlet Heart Demon closed his eyes, cursed first, then muttered again, and fell into the deepest sleep in less than half a minute.


From this day on, Li Yao almost never left the Jinjing Tower, racing against time to launch the final test of the "Heizi Project".

Maybe it’s a mistake, and good rewards. He really just wanted to heal the brain trauma of "Fang Gang 1, 2, 3". However, during the treatment process, he discovered that this is also a very effective method of cultivation. It can help him adapt to the state of being out of his body as quickly as possible, and refine the most sophisticated magical powers.

As the brain of "Fang Gang One Two Three" recovers day by day, Li Yao's psychic power and the magical powers that control the psychic travels for nine days are also advancing at an incredible speed day by day.

Li Yao referred to the magical power of this spirit being amplified and shot out by the Jinjing Pagoda, driving the spiritual net, radiation and high-energy particle flow to chase the wind and electricity, and shuttle the stars and seas, called "jumping."

On the second day of the test, his soul "jumped" to another Celestial Star, another continent symmetrical to the "Black Star Continent", and quickly shuttled through dozens of cities.

On the third day of the test, his soul tore through the atmosphere and "jumped" to the fifth planet adjacent to Celestial Star. "With my own eyes" he saw the scene of the rebuilding of the military base there in full swing, and the boxing champion was going there. The "Second Generation Iron City" refining plan.

On the fourth day of the test, Li Yao’s spirits used an ultra-long-distance communication base, entangled in a large amount of data streams, passed through the four-dimensional space, and "jumped" to another great world.

The taste of the soul traveling through the universe has not been personally experienced, and it is absolutely impossible to imagine.

Even if you use a million words to explain, or depict thousands of lifelike patterns, you can't describe one billionth of a millionth of the wonderful.

The moment the "jumping" happened, Li Yao felt like a tiny plankton, wandering quietly in the depths of the sea without boundaries.

If Dao Xin is not strong to his level, the vastness and absolute silence around him are enough to crush a person like a billion tons of sea water.

Xiaoming and Wenwen also established the second "Law of Drifting" based on Li Yao's test data.

The farther the "jumping" distance, the greater the constant consumption of the soul, and the weaker the perception and control of the soul itself, the more severe the interference will be.

When Li Yao's spirit "jumped" to the back of the planet, he could still use his own power to "see" the magnetic fields of heaven and earth and the magnetic fields of life around him.

When he "jumped" to a neighboring planet, he could only feel a hazy stream of light.

And when he "jumped" to the neighboring world, as just said, it was like a plankton that had lost 99% of its sensory organs. It had no eyes, no ears, no skin full of tactile organs, and only extremely weak light. sense.

At this time, he has to rely on other people's brains, share other people's vision and perception, to observe a whole new world.

"The farther the'jumping' distance, the weaker your ability to interfere with the target world. If you continuously traverse dozens of large worlds and enter the'thick soil world' on the front line, you will have to endure uninterrupted magnetic interference. Your ability to interfere will be too weak."

Xiao Ming concluded, "Basically, you in that state are like a weakened version of the'grandfather', who can only rely on constant chatter and painstaking efforts to interfere with the target and influence the target's actions."


The text brought hope to Li Yao, "If the target is really persuaded by you, and the brainwave frequency is surging to the same area as you, it may trigger resonance between you, so that your power can be continuously transmitted to Target, strengthen the target’s perception and body, and even allow you to control the target’s body for a short time and display incredible magical powers!"

Immediately afterwards, they established the third law of "jumping", which is the law of searching for targets.

Basically, when Li Yao’s soul has continuously traversed dozens of great worlds and entered the thick soil world, his search and attachment abilities are already very weak. It is impossible for him to accurately control all the conditions of the "spots", and he can do whatever he wants. If you choose one among 10,000 "spots", you can only find the nearest ones, choose the most suitable one, and attach it to the other side's mind.

"The key is what is meant by ‘relatively most suitable’."

Xiao Ming said, "Although we can understand Dao Xin of Dad, after the soul has traveled through dozens of great worlds, you can no longer treat another'spot like Fang Gang One Two Three', which is far beyond Beyond your ability and safety."

"Fortunately, not all Saint League members are'Fang Gang One Two Three' such low-level soldiers whose brains have been severely destroyed-such'soldier bees' cannot perform high-level tasks that require strict logical thinking capabilities."

Wenwen said, "So, if you can find a slightly higher level and smarter ‘spot,’ it shouldn’t be that complicated."

"However, the highest-ranking and smartest'spots' are also the most likely to contradict your treatment and orders-don't forget, you are not the real Wu Yingqi 3.0, and you are unwilling to use simple and rude methods. Force them."

Xiao Ming said, "Then, a younger elite who is being trained may be the most suitable target. Such a person is best deceived."

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