40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2743: First purification

Purifiers must have the ability to recognize dangers, which means that they must have logical thinking and self-awareness that are much higher than those of ordinary holy ally, and even to some extent, they must understand-at least recognize the name "emotion." s things.

This also means that they are fighting on the front line against the demon, and are exposed to the risk of infection by the demon all the time, and they are more likely to become slaves to the demon than ordinary holy allies.

Therefore, only the purest, most loyal, and most persevering holy ally can pass numerous tests, resist the thousands of attacks by the demon outside the territory, and become a true "purifier".

Thangka is only one step away from the "purifier".

But he suddenly felt a little flustered, and he felt like standing on top of a tall building with his feet on the air.

Can he pass the ultimate test and resist the invasion of the demon?

—— Take the class as a unit, clean up this imperial town that has just been occupied by the Holy League, recover all available materials, so that all "pollutants" are disinfected, purified or destroyed, and in the process, ensure that you and your classmates Not being corroded by the demon, and still maintaining absolute loyalty and sacred belief in Pangu God, this is the entire content of the ultimate test.

Thangka has not performed similar "purification missions" in the past, but they are all coordinated by a large number of instructors and real "purification troops", and these students are just attackers and assists.

This is the first time he has been alone, performing purification tasks alone with his classmates.

The entire planet is too large after all, and the strength of the Holy League is seriously insufficient. Those strong adult soldiers are responsible for the fierce battle with the empires on the frontal battlefield. It is impossible to perform this troublesome and dangerous purification task. .

For the sake of testing, even their mentor and dean stayed in the camp outside the city, just pushing them, the "children of the holy light," into this imperial town full of rancid and dark atmosphere.

Thangka felt like she was trapped on an isolated island in the turbulent waves, surrounded by bottomless whirlpools, and in the depths of every whirlpool, there was a shrill grin of the celestial demon outside the territory.


Not an illusion, he really heard a harsh scream.

Thangka was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted instantly. It was his wrist screaming, and while screaming, it made a faint electric arc, stabbing his wrist severely.

No, his "purity value" fluctuated abnormally, and he gave birth to the thought of "fear", this is the extraterritorial celestial demon eroding his soul!

Shengmeng people should not have emotions, especially their "children of the holy light", future purifiers.

In order to monitor whether they have generated unnecessary emotional fluctuations, each teenager’s portable crystal has a special monitoring chip embedded in his brain, which can comprehensively monitor their breathing, heartbeat, adrenaline secretion, and so on. The level of the index.

When they keep their mood calm and the ancient well has no waves, their physiological index remains on a uniform straight line, that is, "purity value 100%", which shows that they are pure and flawless and have not been invaded by the gods.

But Thangka was seduced by "prudence", and then fell into the quagmire of "worry" and "fear". The physiological index naturally fluctuates, and the purity value drops below 95%, and the portable crystal brain automatically issues an alarm.


Thirty students on April and Tuesday all turned their faces, expressionless, staring at Thangka coldly.

They didn't mean the slightest "mocking"—the Saints shouldn't mock their companions, and "mocking" was also a very strong emotional fluctuation that was never allowed.

But this kind of unwavering gaze made Thangka even more unbearable, feeling that he had become a stranger among his classmates.

"Calm down, be calm!"

Tangka silently ran his mind, and a few sharp lightning flashes in his brain, smashing a series of emotions such as pride, worry, fear and shame that had just been born.

While killing the inner demon, he recalled what the dean once said.

The Saint Allies are engaged in two wars, one is a war with the "Earth Demon Kingdom-the Empire of True Mankind", and the other is a war against the demon in their own heart.

It is easy to destroy the Demon Country on earth, but it is difficult to destroy the "Devil Country" deep in one's heart.

The gods are tricky, incarnate thousands of people, they are inexhaustible, and they cannot be killed. Therefore, you must always raise your vigilance to the limit and prevent the slightest failure. As for getting deeper and deeper, making a big mistake.

Thangka took a deep breath and instantly recovered her calm.

Fortunately, his "purity value" did not deviate too much. He had just entered this sinful town and was attacked by the demon. Such weak emotional fluctuations are still within a tolerable range, although points will definitely be deducted. , But not yet "expelled from the examination room" immediately.

He still has a chance, but in the following test, he must be up to 120,000 points!

Tangka's eyes became clear again. As soon as he looked up, he saw his squad leader "Chu Zhiyun", Zhengzhuo standing on the wreck of a spar chariot not far away, staring at him intently.

Thangka's face turned red again, as if he had chewed two **** of fire in his mouth.

Fortunately, they were all wearing gas masks, and no one else could see his monkey-butt-like cheeks.

Thangka didn't know what was going on with him. He was fourteen years old and had known Chu Zhiyun for fourteen years, and the other party was familiar with him as part of his body.

But in the past year or two, he has become less and less able to see Chu Zhiyun’s eyes. Every time he sees Chu Zhiyun’s eyes, he feels that countless extraterrestrial demons are about to move in their hearts, even, not just "inner", but A certain part of the heart down.

"Slash the demon and slay the devil, slash the demon and slay the devil, and cut!

Countless lightning bolts sprang up in Tangka's mind, smashing all the messy thoughts, biting his teeth, and nodding to Chu Zhiyun lightly, indicating that the squad leader is OK and can move on.

Chu Zhiyun's face was expressionless, and he jumped down from the wreckage of the chariot, raising his arms high, stretched straight, and falling down like a knife, signaling all the students to continue forward and go deep into this sin-shrouded area. city.

They walked for a long time between ruined walls and broken streets, and finally passed through the line of defense once fought by the Holy Alliance and the Empire, and entered the almost intact urban area.

During this period, no one spoke, and no one looked around, with hands and feet like twenty or thirty neatly aligned chess pieces.

They stopped at the same time until they entered the main road in the city, narrowed their eyes, and stared at the things on the square in front of them.

It was a statue that was not very tall and delicate, even slightly rough and naive, as if it were made by a layman.

The statue is of four teenagers about the same age as Thangka and the others, two men and two women, dancing around hand in hand. Although they are statues, the pores on their faces seem to be all opened, and their faces are full of the atmosphere of the heavenly demons.

Surrounded by the four people, there is a flower of unknown species, which is blooming slowly, and the stamens are jumping lightly like flames.

A line of small characters is also engraved on the base of the statue:

"Across tens of millions of light years, our brand-new home-the first anniversary of the construction of Xinle City".

Thangka knew that this was not the military base of the Imperial Army, but the imperial civilians. Those colonists who were desperate in their hometowns came here all the way to build a town.

Compared to such civilian towns, Thanka prefers military bases, because the items left in military bases are relatively simple, and the ideas of those imperial soldiers are easier to understand.

In civilian towns, all kinds of weird and unpredictable things will appear at any time.

For example, a statue like this.

Thangka didn’t know why the empires were wasting precious resources and time to build such a... useless building. Does it have any practical uses? Can it output productivity or combat power? Can it be used to guide the navigation of starships? , Or resist the enemy's attack?

It's useless. There is no practical use. Apart from being possessed by the gods and confused, Thangka can't think of a second explanation, why the empires like to build statues.

Also, the dance on the statue-dance, is another thing that is useless at all, it will only waste precious physical energy and indirectly consume precious resources.

Pangu God bestows human life and resources, not for humans to dance, stupid, absurd, and irresponsible!

The carefree smiles of the four peers in the statue burned Thangka's eyes.

However, having said that, Thangka is not qualified to "like" or "dislike" something. He should be like others, calmly, unwaveringly, and ruthlessly, carrying out the orders of the Supreme Master and carrying out Pangu. The will of the great god.

"Class 1 dangerous goods."

Squad leader Chu Zhiyun said lightly, "Purify it thoroughly."

Thangka and the classmates raised their guns together.

Their guns can emit special high-frequency oscillations, and within a certain distance, destroy most seemingly indestructible things, which is the most energy-saving and most efficient means of destruction.


Tangka pulled the trigger and blasted the head of one of the dancing teenagers.

After the annoying smile disappeared, Thangka's mood improved inexplicably, but he was still wary of his heart, to ensure that this happy mood would not increase and spread, so as not to cause the "purity value" to drop to 95 for the second time. %the following.

It’s easy to destroy the statue in front of you, but it’s even harder to get rid of the inner demons in your body!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Like Thangka, all the teenagers pulled the trigger blankly, debris splashed, steel bars softened, and the statue collapsed. In a moment, the four dancing boys and girls and the flame of hope they guarded disappeared, leaving only The corpses of broken rocks all over the ground.

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