40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2750: Things are strange!

"So you guys are pretty great!"

Li Yaodao, "Can you tell me about the specific courses you are studying in the'Holy Light Academy'?"

"We learn how to identify and dispose of'dangerous goods'."

Thangka said, “For example, for foods that are packed with flowers and colorful flavors and are easily tempting to commit crimes, they must be stripped of their packaging, minced and mixed to remove the flavor, and only retain nutrients before renewing them. Filling.

"Plastic toys, silk clothing, and cosmetics that are of no use are directly incinerated.

"The so-called'artwork' is the most dangerous thing. Our instructor tells us that'artwork' symbolizes the worship of gods by mankind, and is an intuitive reflection of mankind's subconscious'chaos'. Once discovered, it must be thoroughly and thoroughly immediately. destroy.

"Of course, there are also many things that contain great value, such as magic weapons used by the empires and jade slips. These things can be handed over to the Holy League fighters to use after careful inspection and erasure of the evil information."


Li Yao said, "Anything else?"

"Also, we will also learn from the intricate relationships among the people of the country, such as parents, relatives, families, and the large and small interest groups built by these relationships."

Thangka said, "The instructor told us that the imperial people paid special attention to the so-called'parental bloodline' and'family honor' and other vague things. They were too persistent to pass on their genes and completely ignored the fatal flaws in their genes. This led to very serious resource mismatch and class consolidation, and even family vendettas, contradictions, and wars, so that a huge empire, which clearly occupies the most resource-rich world in the sea of ​​stars, is torn apart, fighting endlessly, and wasted. A large number of precious resources, for the entire millennium, have not only failed to make civilization leap, but have gradually declined. Yao Lao, is this true? The empires have lost precious resources just because of the reason “someone is my child”. Limit wasted on people who are not appropriate?"


Li Yao wanted to touch the nose that didn't exist. "That's right, but the matter is very complicated, and it's not clear in a word."

"Also, we also study the social status and stratum composition of the'Earth Devil Kingdom-True Human Empire'."

Thangka said, "The instructor told us that the real human empire is a country where demons dance, material desires, smelly, and evil. It is a ghost society where people exploit people, people oppress people, and people cannibalize people. Ye Shengge, Jiuchi Meat Forest, living a life of extravagance and desperation, but the weak can only curl up in the dark and damp ground, relying on some residue that leaks from the fingers of the powerful to survive, and never make it. day.

"Even the powerful still have the power to play with the weak at will, override the power of the gods, and treat the weak as their own slaves-is this true again?"

"Well, when you say that, I also think that the real human empire is indeed the "Earth Devil Kingdom"!"

Li Yao said, "But, having said that, isn't there such a phenomenon in your covenant alliance? There is no such thing as the powerful bullying the weak? Didn't you just say that your nursery school and even the division of occupations are both high and low, and many people are Injured or even died in the practice of'Innate Awakening'! You are qualified to retain advanced logical thinking ability and keen emotional perception ability, but those'soldier bees' and'worker bees' don't exist. Isn't this a kind of exploitation and oppression? "

"How is this the same?"

Thangka was startled slightly, and said, "Of course we Saint Allies have different occupations and levels, but this is just a different division of labor, and there is no distinction between high and low, regardless of the lowest level of'soldier bee' and'worker bee', or Special professionals such as'purifier' or'lurker', or high-level leaders such as'commander','sacrifice wine', and'good master', everyone is the most beloved lamb of the gods and the most loyal The servant and the bravest warrior, we are all the same!

"In order to use limited resources to build a better world, there are indeed many Shengmeng people who must work hard in a harsh environment, but every bit of their work is used to improve the natural environment and discover more. The ruins of the wild and desolate have been restored to the grand status of the old Pangu civilization. There is absolutely no single bit of it. They have been used for the lusts of commanders, wine sacrifices and supreme masters-because we don't have any'selfish desires' at all!

"In the evil real human empire, when the lowest-level miners are struggling in the depths of the cold and dark mines, those mine owners and the bosses and suzerains above the mine owners are in the golden palace with big fish and meat. Extravagant desires, waste of resources nonchalantly.

"And in the Covenant League, when the miners are working in the depths of the mine, the special professionals, commanders, sacrificial wines, and supreme masters above are also suffering the same amount of suffering and living the same poverty and holiness. Dedicated to the most sacred cause.

"Although I haven't seen the life of the Supreme Master, the teachers eat and live with us every day. Apart from the difference in nutritional content, our food has no taste. The slightest difference, and the instructors do not have any so-called'entertainment' and'enjoyment', let alone play with the body of the weak to get the evil pleasure-this is absolutely non-existent!

"As for the cultivation of'Awakening Talent', there is indeed a very high casualty rate, but this is the case for everyone, including the instructor and even the dean.

"The most important thing is that there are no privileges. Every test is absolutely open and fair. It doesn't matter whose child or parent you are. As long as you are talented, you can be sent to the right position for the public. God serves and exerts the greatest power. If there is no talent, he will be sent to the temple for purification, and then become a hard and holy "foundation stone".

"I heard that this is not the case in the empire. In the empire, as long as the descendants of the powerful, even without any talent, they may be piled up by massive resources and carried to extremely important command and management positions; and if they are weak and small Even if the descendants of the emperor are blessed by the gods and possess incomparable talents, they are still extremely likely to be buried, trampled, and even murdered-Yao Lao, is that true?"

"I can't answer your question."

Li Yaodao, "Perhaps so, but the real human empire is also undergoing innovation recently, and I believe that earth-shaking changes will occur..."


Thangka asked, "Will it become like our Covenant Alliance, where everyone is equal, and there is absolutely no oppression, exploitation and selfishness?"

"This seems to be difficult."

Li Yao said, "Hey, hey, kid, your requirements are too high!"

"As long as there is selfishness, all changes are useless. It is just a temporary solution instead of a permanent cure."

Thangka came to a conclusion, "It seems that all the evils and abuses that the teacher said about the real human empire are true. I was still thinking, will there really be such a terrible country and such an absurd system in the universe? In contrast, our Saint League is more perfect!"

"Wait, my mind is a bit messy now, please allow me to calm down."

Li Yao said, "It sounds like your course is really complicated and difficult."

"It's really hard, especially the part about understanding'emotions'."

Thangka said, "Our ability to perceive emotions must not be too slow. If it is too slow, we will not be able to understand the dangerous meanings contained in many imperial items. You know, many times the traps of the gods are not on the surface of the item, but hidden in the seemingly Between the lines of plain words, we must perceive it keenly and pull it out.

"But our ability to perceive emotions shouldn't be too sensitive. If we are too sensitive, we will be more vulnerable to the influence of the demons and become slaves to the demons.

"In short, if a hundred students enter the Holy Light Academy, probably only one person can hold on to the final'ultimate test'. The rest are eliminated and have to be sent to the temple for preparation and to engage in relatively simple tasks.

"The last seven days, no, there are still six days left. As long as I can pass the test, I can become a real'purifier', so I definitely don't want to make any trouble, whether it's me or my monitor, as long as It's good that we can successfully become the "purifiers", Yao old, please help us!"

Li Yao was silent for a long time, his thoughts spinning and colliding rapidly like billions of light spots.

"Listen, kid, of course I will help you, but I carefully analyzed what you said just now and compared it with the information I know, and I found something strange."

Li Yao cautiously said, "First, I feel that you and all the classmates around you, your brain activities are too strong, really, in my perception, your brains are like colorful torches. It is absolutely different from the cold, silent, and dim luster that I have been in contact with in the past.

"You might say that this is the professional characteristic of a'purifier', but I still think there is a problem-such a purifier is too dangerous.

"Secondly, I have also come into contact with some'lurkers' before. I know the brain structure and the morphological characteristics of the lurkers. The lurkers are not'repressed emotions', but'simulated emotions'. They do not need to be suppressed, because they There is no emotion at all.

"I think, if I am the Supreme Guru, why not let all the purifiers adopt the same method as the lurkers?

"Third, I appeared-this incident itself shows that there must be a lot of strangeness here, because every time I appear, it is always accompanied by strangeness, conspiracy, deception, betrayal, disaster, chaos and destruction, this time? Can you make an exception?"

Thangka was dumbfounded: "...what!"

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