40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2752: Phantom of the Supreme Master

Under Li Yao's "successful temptation", Thangka practiced all night in the quilt to control breathing, heartbeat and even brain wave diffusion.

Li Yao told him that the trick to let his soul lie deep in the dark, seemingly obscure, is to imagine the will as a lump of magma that has been crusted or frozen on the outside, but is still hot as fire inside, or in a waterfall. All the edges and corners were washed away under the impact, but the hard pebble remained.

Before dawn, when the wake-up call sounded around the camp, Thangka finally heard his heartbeat and the sound of blood pouring through his mind in the absolute cold silence.

This is a very strange feeling, as if his body and thoughts are completely separated. No matter how his thoughts are active or how excited his emotions are, his body can remain expressionless, his expression is cold, and his heartbeat and breathing are extremely uniform. status.

Li Yao told Thangka that this is usually a technique that snipers or assassination experts will master-these dark assassins must converge all physical activities around the body to the limit, even as cold as a dead corpse, completely integrated with the environment One, but at the same time, the brain needs to be in ultra-high-speed operation, planning and perfecting every detail of the assassination operation, in order to seize the most critical 0.01 second, hit the target, and travel thousands of miles.

Li Yao himself is one of the most powerful assassins. Such skills are used to help Thangka conceal his true feelings and thoughts.

Thangka opened his eyes, as if a brand new door had been opened before his eyes, and the whole world had become different.

He sat up straight, looked blankly at the same blank-faced classmates around him, and suddenly a strange thought popped up in his mind-I don't know how many of so many classmates really have no emotions of their own. And will, how many people are like him now, the emotions and wills that are clearly surging in their minds, but the surface does not reveal a trace?

Squad leader...is it really as cold and pious as her appearance?

No, the squad leader must also have a demon, just like his own demon.

But I don't know, what will the squad leader's demon look like?

Suddenly, Thangka didn't really hate the feeling of being possessed by the demon, it seemed that it was quite interesting.

Could it be that everyone actually has a demon in their bodies, but everyone doesn't say it?

In the rush of whistle, Thanka stopped his cranky thinking and started a super-heavy morning exercise.

Shengmeng pays special attention to the physical exercise of young people. Perhaps it is a heavy-load exercise that completely squeezes the energy out, and there is no strength to think about it, right? Even if he has to perform heavy purification tasks during the day, the morning exercises have not been reduced by a minute, but Thanka has long been accustomed to all of this. For an entire hour, load-bearing running and fighting training under ten times the gravity are nothing. He can even While exercising, cultivate the magical powers that hide emotions and will!

After the morning exercise, when the slimy and tasteless synthetic food is not yet on the table, it is the second most important moment of the day after the "bath of holy light" at dusk.

All classmates, tutors, and even officers and soldiers of the purification unit stationed nearby activated the portable crystal brain to a special channel, and a three-dimensional light screen shot out from the front of the crystal brain, condensing into five different figures.

Those were five sacred and serene old men, clothed in linen, tied with thorns around their waists, cross-legged and barefoot.

Their eyes can’t distinguish the whites of the eyes and pupils, they are like a tunnel to the deepest part of the universe. No matter how they move the three-dimensional portrait, they seem to stare deeply into the eyes of the crystal brain holder, and even follow the eyes all the way. See through the brain and heart of the crystal brain holder.

They are the "water, wood, gold, fire and earth", the five supreme masters of the five major races of the Holy League!

"Praise the gods, let your most beloved lamb see the dawn of a new day, the heavens tell of your glory, the sky spreads your reputation..."

Thangka, together with many classmates and mentors, prayed silently under the leadership of the Supreme Master.

After the brief prayer, he summarized what he did yesterday to his best master, including reflecting on the sins committed yesterday at night, whether any demon was born, **** them, etc., and asked for instructions to Good master, whether his mental state is stable enough today, whether he can withstand more attacks from demons, and whether he can continue to perform the arduous and dangerous purification task. After obtaining the permission of the supreme master, he said a prayer again. , The end of the "early prayer".

Throughout the morning prayer ceremony, Li Yao has been dormant in the depths of the young man's soul, and did not come out to ask questions.

It’s not that I’m afraid of being discovered by the great master on the opposite side, but I’m afraid of distracting the teenager and being noticed by others. After all, the teenager has just learned the methods of controlling brain waves and physiological indexes. The methods are not stable enough and the mind is not very mature .

Until everyone finished their morning prayers, the steaming "paste" in the big bucket came up, and everyone buried their heads in the paste bucket, Li Yao asked in a low voice, "Just now, that is your Supreme Master. , You have to do this every day... ask for instructions in the morning and report in the evening, telling him the whereabouts of the day and the demons that arise, including the tasks that will be performed next?

"Yes it is."

Thangka swallowed the paste, and the ghosts and spirits in his mind resurfaced the scene of yesterday's squad leader who forcibly stuffed a lollipop into his mouth-that lollipop was so sweet, it was so sweet that he couldn't bear the usual The food is out.

It's strange, why didn't he think that the food he had eaten for more than ten years was so unpalatable, it was like...a bucket of melting candles!

Thangka swallowed a large mouthful of synthetic food with difficulty, trying to manage the facial micro-expression just like the students around him, telling Li Yao in his mind, "Although it is not common to see the deity of the Supreme Master, the Supreme Master uses this method. Caring for each of us and guiding us forward, every day."

"I just noticed that there were about a thousand people praying together in the entire camp. If you add the garrison next to it, it will be even more."

Li Yao groaned, "Also, all the holy ally people do'early prayer', how do you calculate the time of early prayer? Is it calculated according to the rotation cycle of each planet, sunrise and sunset, or all The planets all adopt a unified time?"

"If you land on a habitable planet, considering the biological clock and energetic issues, we will perform morning prayers and evening holy light baths according to the sunrise and sunset times of the planet itself."

Thangka told Li Yao, "But if you live on a starship and travel between the stars and seas, the biological clock can be adjusted at will. There is no need to be limited to the rotation period of a certain planet. Most starships are It is to adopt a unified timetable."

"That means, at least tens of billions of people prayed at the same time."

Li Yao analyzed, "But there are only five Supreme Masters — five are right, no matter how high their realm, no matter how powerful they are, it is impossible to handle the prayers, requests and reports of tens of billions of people at the same time. .

"But I saw clearly just now that even the same supreme guru will react differently when facing different prayers.

"In other words, it was not the deity of the Supreme Master that received your prayers just now, but a phantom simulated by some kind of information, which is false-can it be understood that way?"

Thangka was stunned for a long time.

"We never thought about this problem."

Thangka said, "The Supreme Guru is the'first apostle' who has been blessed by the gods. He was made with the last drop of blood flowing in the world from the gods. He naturally possesses the supernatural powers of tens of millions of incarnations, and he listens to millions of people Pray, what's so strange?"

"Well, let me change my question."

Li Yao asked unwillingly, "Have you ever seen the deity of the Supreme Guru with your own eyes, the kind of flesh and blood, steaming, and urinating?"

Thangka was silent for a long time.


He said, “We generally feel the existence of the Supreme Master in the morning and evening prayers, which is the holy light bathing ceremony. Occasionally, the Supreme Master will also bring the'Holy Light' to us. In a person's body, let someone become his avatar to convey will and enlighten sentient beings, or the Supreme Master will present a huge illusion in the sky with boundless divine power and issue the most important divine decree.

"As for you... there are flesh and blood Supreme Masters, then, then I have not seen it, it is not surprising, after all, the Supreme Masters are so busy, most of the time, they have to fall into deep meditation, and the gods Communication, how could it be possible to waste time on an unknown person like me?"

"Uh, I don't want to blaspheme your best masters and gods, so I can't say that their tricks are fake."

Li Yao paused and said, "I can only say that-assuming that I can control the entire Black Fort star's spirit web system, and have a weather force that is good at calling the wind and rain, and creating sound and light effects, I can also simulate The appearance of the Supreme Master?"

Thangka's brows furrowed deeply.

Fortunately, there was the cover of the "paste bucket", and he instantly found out that he was wrong.

"How could you have such a blasphemous idea?"

Thangka said, "That's the Supreme Master!"

"Well, I was wrong. I never meant to pretend to be the Supreme Master. I just discussed the technical feasibility with you."

Li Yao turned the subject away, "Tell me about your mentor, is your dean dining here together?"

"No, the dean seems to be dining with the commander of the garrison next to him, but everyone eats the same thing."

Thangka pointed out his mentors to Li Yao one by one.

It's a pity that there is no second "spot" among these instructors, at least Li Yao did not perceive such a cordial breath as Thangka in them.

Among the thousands of students, there are a few breaths that have caught Li Yao's attention, but since they are all students like Thangka, "jumping" in the past is of little significance.

"Jumping" once, the consumption of the soul is extremely high, and the risk factor is extremely high. If it is not a very suitable target, Li Yao does not want to act rashly.

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