40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2754: Mission and truth


The flaming flames reflected every child's face with extreme excitement and ferociousness. Their portable brains screamed one after another. Everyone except Chu Zhiyun and Thangka had significant changes in their physiological indexes, especially Deputy squad leader Liao Meng, his portable brain screamed while emitting a dangerous red light, indicating that he was on the verge of losing control.

It's like there are dozens of small souls, scorching in flames, struggling and screaming.

The screams lasted for three full minutes before the children's emotions stabilized slightly.

"Am I out of control?"

Deputy squad leader Liao Meng looked at his trembling hands and muttered incredibly, "I lost control?"

The rest of the children are a little guilty, afraid to look into each other's eyes.

It seemed that they were hiding something together in a tacit understanding, and kept silent about their performance just now.

They originally wanted to set this place as a rallying point, but facing the black buildings and the burnt-in carousel, everyone was reluctant to stay for half a second, so they went forward for a while and set the next building as a rally. point.

Then, everyone fled and left each other, went to a secluded corner, facing a deeper level of themselves alone.

"Squad leader, don't you think everyone's performance just now was very weird?"

Going back to the supermarket yesterday, and just locked the door with a thin arm's chain, Thangka couldn't wait to say to Chu Zhiyun.

In fact, he wanted to share with Chu Zhiyun a series of weird things that happened to him from last night to today, including the slimy crotch, the "Yao Lao" falling from the sky, and the toys left by the children in the kindergarten just now. When I was with the painting, I felt almost... ashamed.

The real-world kindergarten was burnt out in the flames, but another colorful kindergarten rose up in his mind, piercing his root system deeply into every bundle of nerves and every brain cell, no matter what Are lingering.

What do you say?

"I could have tolerated darkness if I had never seen light."

Thangka felt that there were some unexplainable emotions in his heart that were just about to move. As Yao Lao said, it was the cracked ice layer and the verdant green emerging from the ground, which made him gradually unable to bear the things in front of him. Including the kindergarten just now, as well as the colorful and dazzling supermarkets.

His eyes could not help but glance at these colorful foods that looked very delicious, and there seemed to be a sinful voice whispering in his mind: "It's okay, take a piece of it, it's okay, in the whole supermarket Everything is yours, you can enjoy yourself, hehehehe..."

"and many more."

Thangka said silently in her heart, "Old Yao, isn't it really you talking, right?"

"Yeah, I think you endured so hard, it's unnecessary!"

Li Yao's voice came, "Eat if you want. Expert research has shown that eating more carbohydrates can help keep your mood happy and mentally focused, really!"

Thangka: "..."

"Others are weird and not, and it has nothing to do with me. I didn't want to be a'purifier' anyway. The weird the others, the better, then no one will pay attention to what we are here."

Chu Zhiyun said nonchalantly that she was much more active than Thangka. She picked up a jar of candied fruit and tasted it loudly. While rolling the candied fruit with the tip of her tongue dexterously, she said, "As long as I can discover my talent , To prove that the Supreme Master is wrong, that's it-open your mouth!"

She couldn't help but put a candied fruit into Thangka's mouth.

"Uh, uh, don't!"

Thangka's face was red, his heartbeat started to speed up again, and he stammered, "We, we can't do this!"

"Useless things, if a mere candied fruit can defeat you—"

Chu Zhiyun snorted coldly, "Then your loyalty to the gods seems too weak? Don't spit it out. Chew it hard and swallow it. If you dare to spit it out, I will put another ten in your mouth. Go in, sore you to death!"


Thangka's face was even redder, and Li Yao had been thrown out of the sky for a whole night of training. Somehow deep in his mind, a bold squad leader appeared again. He was wearing a red dress and was **** with thorns.

"Wait, let's make sure—"

Li Yao said, "Is your wish to go to the hero to save the United States when the squad leader is **** by the five flowers, or do you simply want to watch the squad leader get **** by the five flowers and then be beaten?"


Thangka was really embarrassed. After a long time, he said, "Squad leader, why do you have to be so persistent in pointing out the mistakes of the Supreme Master?"


Chu Zhiyun stood on tiptoe and walked towards the women's clothing area, "This is the meaning of my existence, this is what I sensed, the mission given to me by the gods!

"If you think about it, the Supreme Guru is also a human being. If he is a human, he will make mistakes. Then someone must always point out the mistakes of the Supreme Guru, so that the mistakes will not become more serious and even lead to the collapse of the entire Holy League , Right? But have you heard of anyone who pointed out the mistakes of the Supreme Master? No, never, so why can't that person be me?"

"I, I don't know, I still feel..."

Thangka plucked up the courage and said, "You have been possessed by the demon, and you will have such strange thoughts."

"Yes, the demon is cunning and ever-changing. If we are not paying attention, we may be possessed by the demon."

Chu Zhiyun's cold face moved a little, and it seemed to make a "slightly smile" expression, "If we are possessed by the demon, the instructor will be responsible for helping us exorcise the demon. If the instructor is possessed by the demon, the courtyard The elder council is responsible for exorcising the mentors. As you move up one level, there are always higher levels that will exorcise the people below, but if you think about it, if the supreme master is attacked by the demon without knowing it, there will be Who can exorcise them?"


Thangka couldn't believe her ears, couldn't believe that the squad leader said such a rebellious thing, the blood in her body almost solidified, and she froze for a long time before saying, "Profanity, you are the most serious blasphemy!"

"I thought that only suspicion of the gods is blasphemy."

Chu Zhiyun said coldly, "The Supreme Master can't reach the level of the gods anyway, right?"

"Even if it can't be reached, it's almost the same."

Thangka once again emphasized, "The Supreme Guru is made up of the last drop of blood flowing from the gods in the world, and is the'first apostle' of the gods. How could they be eroded by the gods?"

"Even the gods will be eroded by the heavenly demons. Wasn't the Nuwa tribe among the gods eroded by the heavenly demons, which led to the tragedy of the prehistoric war? Most of the gods fell one after another, and all the surviving gods fell asleep? ?"

Chu Zhiyun asked, "The Supreme Master possesses at most 1% of the gods' powers, so why won't he be eroded by the gods?"

"No, no, it's not like this!"

Thangka shook his head like a rattle, "The ending of the Great War has long been expected by the gods. They did it deliberately and used this method to test and save us humans."

"Yes, then how do you know what the test the gods gave me is? Maybe it's just for me to point out the mistakes of the Supreme Master."

Chu Zhiyun took a deep breath and opened his arms, "Have you never doubted the world we live in even for a second? You see, everything we know is told by others, including us. Who is the parent of the gene provider, it’s just a few lines of information, and how we practice every day, what tasks we need to perform, and what ideals we have are all told by others, and this "other", There is another higher level'other' who tells him exactly what to do.

"In this way, layers of'others' are built up until the top is the Supreme Guru. It is said that the Supreme Guru is watching us every minute and every second, carefully guiding us and protecting us. We are not attacked by the devil, but in the final analysis, the Supreme Guru we see is a phantom illusion, we have not even seen the true Supreme Guru!

"My devotion to the gods is unmatched, but does belief in the gods mean trusting the best guru who is known as the'first apostle'? And to believing in the best guru, does it mean trusting oneself Is it a bunch of three-dimensional illusions of the Supreme Master?

"Thangka, look at my eyes, move your mind to think about it, suppose, I mean suppose, some day long, long ago, the extraterritorial demon invaded the bodies of the five supreme masters and usurped them. God’s soul, pretending to be the image of the most good guru to give orders to us-then what should I do?"

Deep in Thangka's bone marrow, there was a gloomy chill.

"This, this kind of thinking is too absurd and too dangerous!"

Thangka almost begged Chu Zhiyun, "Stop thinking about it, squad leader, this is not something we should think about."

"Aren't we supposed to think?"

Chu Zhiyun sneered, "Who should think about it then?"

Thangka blurted out: "The Supreme Master."

As soon as the words were spoken, the young man realized the absurdity. Sure enough, Chu Zhiyun said coldly: "You want the Supreme Master to think about whether you have been possessed by a demon. Isn't this going to be pulled up by one's own hair? "


Thangka finally said from the bottom of his heart, "I am very worried about you. I am worried that once your thoughts are known to others, they will arrest you in the temple, thoroughly purify your thoughts and emotions, and you will... Don’t know me or yourself anymore!"

"If the Supreme Master is the most loyal apostle of the gods, he would never do that."

Chu Zhiyun said with confidence.

"...What if they are not?"

Thangka was taken aback by his own problems, and didn't understand how he was so bold.

"Then I should stand up and point this out. This is my mission and my duty!"

Chu Zhiyun said of course.

"Squad leader, what exactly do you want? How do I think you want more than just being a'lurker'?"

Thangka murmured.

"The truth, I only want the truth, all the truth about the gods."

Chu Zhiyun tried several times, and finally succeeded in showing the perfect smile on his face.

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