40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2765: Real guy

At that time, the Pangu Civilization Alliance had two concerns about the "Fuxi System".

One is that the Fuxi system can assist a super fleet to jump beyond the black wall, and even send some kind of signal directly outside the black wall, so as to leak the "chance" of the Pangu universe, and it is very likely to attract the "flood tide". .

Although the highest control authority of the "Fuxi System" is definitely in the hands of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, the foresight, wise and rational big men, but no one can guarantee that there will be a frenzied and extremely intelligent lunatic who can hijack it. The entire system did something that would destroy the Pangu universe-judging from the experience of countless civilizations throughout the ages, there are always such lunatics.

Second, the "Fuxi System" itself, which stores almost all the information in the Pangu universe, seems to be increasingly becoming an unpredictable and mysterious existence. Many signs indicate that some subtle and dangerous ripples are deepening in its huge database. Brewing.

Just as human beings are also very worried about "the rise of artificial intelligence", "modern rebellion", and "spiritual nets destroy mankind", the Pangu civilization at that time also reached the crossroads of destiny and faced the same problems.

The two major worries finally converged into a decision, that is, the Pangu Civilization Alliance really "wields a knife from the palace", forcibly destroyed its most powerful Xinghai Voyage Fleet, and castrated the most advanced crystal brain and spirit net technology, or Is it sealed or destroyed 90% of the information and functions of the "Fuxi System".

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to completely destroy the "Fuxi System".

As Professor Mo Xuan once said-since the development of human civilization, it has been impossible to get rid of the crystal brain and spiritual net, and it will never be possible to prevent the birth of a new life form.

The birth of a new life is only a matter of time.

Similarly, the Pangu Civilization Alliance can unite thirteen distinct carbon-based life races, spread to the entire Pangu universe, occupy almost every planet within the black wall, and rely on the extremely developed spiritual web and crystal brain system.

If the spirit web and crystal brain are completely lost, the entire alliance will fall apart in an instant, and each planet will become an isolated island in the vast sea of ​​stars, trembling in the dark invasion, and finally perish silently.

Without the transmission of the spirit web, in the cold vacuum, no one can hear their last wailing.

Therefore, the Pangu Civilization Alliance still retains 10% of the information and functions of the Fuxi system, which can barely be regarded as a "castrated version of Fuxi."

After that, the Pangu Civilization Alliance also self-castrated the "humanity" of the thirteen member races, including entrusting the Nuwa civilization to create humans, etc., and it was inseparable from the "castrated version of Fuxi system"-ultra-high-speed computing without extreme performance System assistance, such as "brain blockade", "soul imprinting", "gene fusion", "mutation and splitting", "artificial reproduction" and other operations are simply impossible to complete.

As for what role the "castrated version of Fuxi system" played in the prehistoric war, there are too many missing materials, but it is unknown.

Li Yao only heard what Long Yangjun said. She suspected that during the Great War, both Pangu and Nuwa had control of part of the "castrated version of the Fuxi system."

Because one side is the "leader" of the alliance, and the other side is using the "Fuxi System" to create humans.

But when the war really progresses to the front line of life and death, when the dead race is extinct, there will be no so many scruples. Perhaps the Nuwa tribe once wanted to restore all the functions of the "castrated version of the Fuxi system", forcing the Pangu camp to have to. In doing so, perhaps Pangu, Nüwa and all the prehistoric carbon-based races will eventually die out, which is also related to the "Fuxi system"?

After all, it is impossible to eliminate Pangu, Nuwa, Houyi, Kuafu... so many powerful races at the same time by being a fashionable and weak human being.

What the facts are, today, hundreds of thousands of years later, there is no way to prove it.

But there is one thing that Li Yao can be sure of.

Regardless of whether the crystal brains currently used by Shengmeng were excavated from the ruins, or self-refined, or seized from the empire, those crystal brains running on these crystal brains are all a low-level Fuxi system.

The Saint League’s reliance on the Spirit Web is much higher than that of the Federation and the Empire. It is the stability and reliability of the Fuxi system that can enable them to maintain their presence among hundreds of large worlds, and they can pass on the "Supreme Master" smoothly Command and connect the "heart telepathy" between each other to form an extremely advanced "bee colony civilization" in a certain sense.

What is the Supreme Master, how did they learn to use the "Fuxi System", and behind the birth of the Saint League, besides the "unintentional trigger" mentioned by Wu Yingqi 3.0, is there a deeper reason?

These questions came up after Li Yao's "jumping" zero-distance observation for a few days.

"Take a good rest, little guy, I'm going back to rest for a while, and tomorrow we will be... very busy."

Li Yao whispered.

"Old Yao, what on earth do you want to do, do you have a good time?"

Tangka became excited and clenched his fists involuntarily.

"Anyone who knows me knows that I am a very kind, reasonable person who dislikes violence. I believe that the most important thing between people is communication. Why can't I sit down and have a good chat? Seeking common ground while reserving differences? So, until the last moment, I really don’t like being so rude with a knife and a gun, so people often say that my mother-in-law is soft-hearted!"

Li Yao said, "What's more, you, the monitor and Xiao Tiantian are involved here-even if that woman is really a fake'Zhou Xiuyun', Xiao Tiantian is also innocent, even if Xiao Tiantian is a tool that has been concocted, she Still so young, there is hope of being saved.

"Maybe I can't save everyone who fell on the Black Fortress, but... now that I saw it, I can save one.

"If you listen to me tomorrow, I will find a way to send you, squad leader and Xiao Tiantian out of the city, to the real refuge, where you are basically safe, the Holy League does not have so much power to sweep the entire underground of the Black Fort star Stronghold, not to mention that the real goal of your senior management is not here.

"Trust me, within a year and a half, my deity will definitely appear in front of you, so that you can see... the real sunshine!"

"Old Yao...thank you!"

Thangka was grateful and confused, "But if this'ultimate test' is really a special experiment, there will be many people watching us secretly, at least monitoring the squad leader, how could we escape the city? What?"

"It's very simple."

Li Yao smiled slightly, "Didn't this woman who calls herself'Zhou Xiuyun' sent you a detailed map? Then their brigade must be in front of the map guide and wait for us to throw in the net? Let's just reverse it. Isn’t there a great chance of escape?

"If everything goes well, maybe tomorrow night, you will be able to reach a safe, warm and secret shelter."


Thangka hesitated for a long time, but still asked a ghostly, "What if it doesn't go well?"

Li Yao's spirit ripples, sharp and sharp, releasing strands of blood, like the sharp teeth of a shark.

"That's not something you should worry about."

Li Yao smiled, "That is what your mentor, dean, and everyone in this purification unit, including the animal who planned this'humanity test', should worry about."


When Li Yao’s soul returned to his body, he found himself lying in a steam-filled "pressure cooker". The nerve interaction fluid and high-energy nutrient solution that had soaked the body had disappeared, and the "pressure cooker" was also known as the cocoon-style launch chamber. The outer walls were severely distorted and deformed, and cracks appeared.

Through the crooked, crooked cracks, he could hear Jing Brain's piercing alarms, as well as Xiao Ming and Wen Wen controlling countless psionic puppets, hurriedly manipulating them.

Li Yao pushed hard twice, unable to push the severely deformed hatch cover at all, so he kicked the whole hatch open and crawled out of it.

"how so?"

Li Yao frowned and looked at the messy surroundings, "It looks like a big explosion just happened?"


Wen Wen cried with joy, "Are you all right!"

"Dad, didn't you do it all?"

Xiao Ming angrily said, "Your body suddenly got out of control just now. It's as if all the mitochondria in your cells are burning frantically, and your body temperature has risen to the point where all the nerve interaction fluids and high-energy nutrient solutions are evaporated. The warehouse was broken, and Wenwen and I were so busy that we barely managed to maintain the stability of the spirit connection. What are you doing, why it seems that the spirit is out of control all of a sudden!"

"so serious?"

Li Yao scratched his scalp, "It seems that the relationship between the soul and the body is still very mysterious. Even if it is close to the level of distraction, there is no way to cut it completely, and nothing is wrong. I'm going to take a good rest. Please, you two are smart. And cute little guy, hurry up and fix the launch chamber, I will use it later.

"By the way, at that time, help me prepare 20 times the dose of "Brain Stimulus" and inject it into the nerve interaction fluid. Okay, I will take a bath and eat first!"

"and many more--"

Xiao Ming suspiciously said, "What do you want to do with so much injection of "Ji Nao Su"? The current neural interaction fluid formula is very stable and very good. "Ji Nao Su" is the latest experimental drug developed by the Empire, although it can greatly improve brain cells. Activeness, enhance the ultimate strength of the soul agitation, but it is quite unstable, and there are many unknown risks and side effects!

"Hey, Dad, shouldn't you encounter any unevenness in the road again, do you have to draw your sword to help? Don't lie to us, we can see it at a glance!"


Wenwen also frowned and pursed his lips and said, "Dad, we all know that you like the feeling of being a thousand riders, but this time is different. This time you have only one soul, "jumping". Thousands of light years away, surrounded by hundreds of millions of enemies, you still have a mission, don’t forget!"

"I know."

Li Yao said embarrassedly, "Hehe, hehe."

"What does ‘hehe’ mean?"

Xiao Ming chased after him, "Is it right? Forget it, you don't have to ask. Seeing your eyes flashing and smiling so flattering, you know it must be! By the way, you are a few hundred years old, why are you still so impulsive? "

"First of all, I am only over a hundred years old. Excluding the hibernation time, I am only a few dozen years old. I am still a young and prosperous young man in the realm of cultivation, thank you."

Li Yao rubbed his nose and said faintly, "Secondly, there is a saying called Gougai, pah pah pah, is a heroic character, does not change his original aspiration, your dad has been like this since childhood, no way, who told me that I have this temperament People, such a passionate man!"

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