40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2779: Pray to your god!


The corpses and steel wreckage piled up in the tunnel were finally struck by the guards outside.

The defenders headed the battle with a dozen super-heavy crystal armors, followed by two or three light spar chariots—who would have thought that a terrifying monster like Li Yao would sneak into their secret laboratory. This kind of force is The internal defense of the floating castle is the limit that can be pieced together for the time being.

Li Yao didn’t even look at these fragile toys. His legs were separated casually, and his left arm was raised flat. Every piece of scale armor that wrapped the arm stood up like an angry hedgehog, rotating around the six tubes of his left arm. The crystal magnetic gun is spinning at a high speed, setting off a fierce whirlwind.

A series of murderous streamers were born in the whirlwind, mixed with "crackling" electric arcs, condensed together into a storm of destruction.


Under Li Yao's feet, there was a harsh metal fatigue sound.

The floor made of super alloy, under the ravages of the spiritual flame, first turned into a steaming orange red, and then soft as mud, almost melted.

How high was the temperature under his feet!

"Close your eyes."

Li Yao said lightly to Chu Zhiyun and other "children of heretics," "They will be blind."

After half a second, his left arm, the volcano erupted!

The torrent of destruction winds the magma with an electric arc, and the magma whizzes out in the form of a beam of light. The diameter of the beam of light instantly expanded to more than four or five meters, and the shock wave simply shook out all the "children of heretics".

Even if they were not the target of Li Yao's attack, they still felt the suffocation of thousands of cannons. There was no need for Li Yao to remind them. No young man could open his eyes under such a terrifying attack.

Even if they close their eyelids tightly and cover their faces with their hands, they can still feel the scorching light irritating their eyes, and their eyeballs seem to be pierced by thousands of steel needles, creating a fear of blindness.

There was a roar like a turbulent wave in my ears, I just felt that the entire floating castle, no, the entire planet would collapse in the next second!

It wasn't until half a minute later that the waves gradually subsided, and the most daring teenager among them dared to slightly open his sour eyes and look at the outside environment from his fingers.

Disappeared. The tunnel was filled just now, and the defenders who wanted to rush in in a hurry disappeared, like being bombarded into fine dust by Li Yao, completely annihilated in the electric arc and magma.

Even the tunnels, the tunnels made of super alloy, could not withstand Li Yao's anger. The ceiling and surrounding walls were completely melted, the liquid metal dripped down, and the crystal armor and the spar chariot. The wreckage solidified together, completely blocking the corridor.

Looking at Li Yao again, his left arm was still immersed in the extremely high temperature, emitting a dark red luster, and plumes of white smoke curled up from the fingertips.

But he was engrossed in the crudely crafted giant cannon in mid-air—the "Super Crystal Element Destroyer" composed of dozens of ultra-high compression crystal element reactor cauldrons, and extended his right arm into the giant. In the operating hole behind the gun.

It was like, his right arm swelled deformed, swelling to an extent ten times larger than his body!

The "children of heretics" suddenly widened their eyes, and their scalp numb to the extreme.

Just a casual blow with his left arm, he possessed such a shocking power.

Now that the right arm condenses the energy of dozens of crystal element reactor pots, how exaggerated the destructive power it explodes?

Are they dreaming?

If it is a dream, it must be the most terrible nightmare!

No, they rarely dream, even if they dream, with their barren imagination, they can't imagine such a terrifying scene!

Click! Click! Click!

The "children of heretics" were terrified, and the surrounding bulkheads made piercing noises, but it was Li Yao who stretched out his soul and tore off hundreds of curved steel plates with pale golden tentacles, blocking the teenagers. And in front of the operating table.

"Get down, close your eyes, and slightly open your mouth, otherwise your internal organs will be shattered into a pool of pus and blood."

Li Yaodao.

The "children of heretics" looked at each other, how could there be a second choice?

At this moment, all the adults in the preparation room were terminated by Li Yao, only Zhou Xiuyun's three-dimensional phantom, which had not yet dissipated, still looked at him in a distorted posture.

"It's you."

She was sluggish for a while, and seemed to be sending a request for data retrieval to a higher-level leader, and received an effective response. The corner of her mouth evoked a faint arc, "The lightning-fast refining and modification techniques are unparalleled. The destructive power of, and... the behavioral pattern of recklessness and loneliness, we already know who you are.

"Huh, what if you know?"

Li Yao sneered, "If you don't change your name or sit down and change your surname, yes, I am the biggest enemy of your holy ally. I just turned the tide in Imperial City and became the mainstay of the real human empire. The emperor's first-class celebrity, cultivation base At the peak, his personality is even more brilliant-President of the Demon Hunter Association, Long Yangjun!

"How about it, are you scared?

"It's useless, even if you study my Long Yangjun thoroughly, and even analyze every cell clearly, even if you master a hundred ways to kill my Long Yangjun, it is impossible to stop me, Under the monstrous fury of my Lord Long Yang, all of you scumbags are all going to die!"

Zhou Xiuyun fell into sluggishness again.

However, the sluggishness at this moment does not seem to be confused, not knowing Li Yao's true identity, but it seems strange, how can this "big demon", who is among the best in the Shengmeng dangerous database, be so shameless and not change his face. Don't jump, tell this lie that no one would believe.

"Anyway, stop talking nonsense, wash your neck obediently and wait for me!"

Li Yao grinned, "By the way, you can pray to your'god'!"

boom! Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom bomb

When the word "prayer" blurted out, dozens of ultra-high compression crystal element reactor tripods connected to the right arm exploded at the same time.

With Li Yao's right arm as the center, a supernova-like ball of light was born, expanded, and filled the entire preparation room in an instant.

Even if there is a steel plate barrier, all "children of heretics" still feel that they have been swallowed by the hot sun, deprived of all senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch and so on.

Under this terrifying ball of light, time and space have lost their meaning, and they don't even know whether they are still alive!

When the super arsenal ship's triple-mounted main gun roared with maximum output power, the feeling of the whole person curled up in the barrel is no more than that.

It's as if every inch of their skin was burned, every nerve and blood vessel were torn apart, and even every cell was merged into the wave of destruction, turning into a ripple of anger!

It may be a second, or it may be a full day later that their cells, blood vessels, nerves, muscles, fat, skin, and internal organs gradually returned to their place, allowing them to sense their real existence.

And everything around him has long been totally unrecognizable.

Except for them, who were protected by steel plates, the surrounding bulkheads were burned to black, and there were also cobweb-like cracks and uneven distortions.

And the direction Li Yao's right arm was pointing at was an unfathomable orange-red hole-this hole was like a tunnel drilled by a black light drill, leading straight to the control room at the core of the floating castle. Exudes the smell of burning metal.

Zhou Xiuyun's three-dimensional phantom disappeared, and even the seemingly holy white light was obliterated by Li Yao's fanatical blood flame.


Li Yao manipulated Thangka's chest for ten seconds, which was the only strange thing after his earth-shattering shot.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yao snapped his fingers lightly.

The fragmented remains of the giant cannon peeled off from the right arm, but some of the fragments flew out with a **** streamer, accurately hitting the shackles of the "children of heretics," and smashing all the shackles.

The "children of heretics" moved their sorrowful limbs and were shocked and at a loss.

"Now that you know who you are, there are only two paths before you."

Li Yao said, "Either, join me in this hard-fought passage to fight for freedom and hope that is more elusive than 1%; or, stay here obediently and wait for the new purification troops to come and bind you again. And transformation, accept decades of experiments, just like...they."

The "children of heretics" naturally knew who Li Yao was talking about "they".

Not to mention that when I was just caught here, I saw those students who were tortured, worse than life, and even turned into brains in a tank; just say that these students have just received preliminary surgery, their brains and metal helmets are stout. The classmates who have merged into one crystal cable are definitely not the end that they can bear.

"You...who are you?"

Chu Zhiyun took a deep breath and couldn't help asking, "Are you a **** or a devil? How could you... descend on Thangka, how is Thangka? If you use such a powerful force, he will not Something will happen?"

"Look around you."

Li Yao said lightly, "Do you see a floating castle?"

"……of course."

Chu Zhiyun didn't understand what Li Yao meant, "Aren't we just inside a floating castle?"

"That's right, it shows that I am still carefully controlling my power, and there will be nothing wrong with thangka."

Li Yao said, "If I was really unscrupulous and squeezed his body to the limit, this floating castle would have long since existed!"


Chu Zhiyun and all the "children of heretics" stared.

"As to whether I am a'god' or a'devil', this question is meaningless."

Li Yao paused and said, "Remember, always remember that the so-called "God and Demon" is just a definition created by mankind. In other words, it is man who created the "God and Demon", not the other way around.

"What do you think I am, what I am, what do you think you are, what you are, I can help you, but more importantly, you must save yourself, who is god, who is demon, and what the future is. It's up to you to decide!"

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