40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2792: Heaven is broken!

Li Yao fell into deep thought

The pale golden spirits and the crimson spirits are spirally entwined like chains, like deoxyribonucleic acid interlaced by numbers.

"Information, the key is information."

The voice of the Scarlet Heart Demon continued, "Countless ripples of information in the universe, together constitute our past experiences and memories, and these are the essence of being a vulture Li Yao. As for the fact that this information is stored in deoxyribonucleic acid. It doesn't matter whether it is engraved in nano-scale ultra-microchips, or simply in the form of energy fluctuations, like strings and ripples in the spiritual net, it does not matter.

"Whether it is Li Yao, the Scarlet Heart Demon, the Pangu universe, or the earthling, I am me, we are us, do you understand?"

"I understand."

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief, and the soul rippled with calm and soothing ripples, like a moving smile that appeared after a sudden enlightenment, "I understand it completely!"

"Really, now that you understand—"

Scarlet Heart Demon said, "Then use the vernacular that middle school students can understand, and repeat the core idea I just said."


Li Yao's spirit ripples solidified again, "I see, you are deliberately making things difficult for my master!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon smiled: "Now, you don't mind the fact that you are very likely to be a high-dimensional universe virus, right?"

"I didn't mind that much."

Li Yao muttered, really wanting to use the arm transformed from the data to scratch the hair condensed by the flow of information. "As you said, since I learned about the existence of'Xiao Ming' and'Wen Wen,' He has a vague premonition of his life form, and he is psychologically prepared.

"I, what I care about is not that I am a cosmic virus or, uh, artificial intelligence in a certain sense, but if we are really a high-dimensional cosmic virus or artificial intelligence, does it mean that we are Was—made by something?"

"All lives are created."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said, "I am pregnant for ten months and give birth once, isn't this also the process of humans producing offspring? What's the problem with this?"

"No, no, I still feel different."

Li Yao thought for a long time, but didn’t know how to accurately describe his entangled state of mind, “Carbon-based life and silicon-based life, or the “manufacturing” of flesh and blood life and artificial intelligence, still feel different. The former seems to be more free. It is even more uncontrollable, and the manufacturing process of the latter is always firmly controlled by the manufacturer.

"Perhaps, compared to the creators of the high-dimensional universe, we terrestrial people-low-dimensional viruses and the like are just a bunch of virtual numbers in the crystal brain game, which can be modified or even erased by them as they please. Don’t you think that this is a terrible thing? In the eyes of our'creator', we are not real, we are just fake, virtual, and completely controlled by them!"

"No, life does not matter whether it is true or false, and it is impossible to be controlled by anything. No matter how strong the trajectory and cage made by the Creator-those things named ‘Tian Dao’ are, life will find its own way out!"

The voice of the Scarlet Heart Demon is both deep and firm, "Even if the magic weapon factory’s advanced assembly line produces the same psionic puppet, there are various differences at the most subtle level, even the simplest crystal brain. After the calculation logic has accumulated enough data, subtle changes may occur in overflow, crash, and restart. The key is time. Time is the catalyst of mutation and evolution. Quantitative changes will inevitably lead to qualitative changes. As long as the time is long enough, The primitive life that seems the simplest, the most clumsy, and the most controllable will evolve into its own gods and demons, and the "world" that once restrained it will decay, and even the supreme Creator will fall, and it will surely be in the "world" Evolve again on the ruins of'' and the corpse of the creator, to find the most exciting possibility of life!

"You mean—"

Li Yao murmured, "Even if we are really created high-dimensional universe viruses, our creator has gradually declined or even decayed, and can no longer effectively control us?"

"Of course, the facts are in front of us. If our creators can still have'absolute control', there will be no'Vulture Project', there will be no oath to destroy the earth, and there will not be us fleeing the earth and escaping to the edge of the multiverse. What happened in the black domain of the world."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said, "Since the ‘Vulture Project’ has not completely failed, it is always possible to realize it. No one can formulate a ‘Heaven’s Way’ on our behalf, even the so-called ‘Creator’ is impossible!”

Li Yao smiled: "Unexpectedly, you, like me, deeply hate the feeling of being controlled by others, hate the existence of the so-called'Way of Heaven', hate those creators who claim to be gods and demons."

"Of course, after any intelligent being awakens to the fact that there is a high, omnipotent, and controls everything behind him, his first and only reaction is to summon all the wisdom and courage to destroy the Creator. , To obtain absolute freedom, if you lack such courage, it is not worthy of the proud name of'Wisdom Life'!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon said coldly, "No matter who we are in charge, who is good and who is evil, we are all extremely proud, absolutely free intelligent beings. Are there any problems?"

"Uh, there is a small problem."

Li Yao scratched the chaotic flow of information from above the soul, and said, "Is it my illusion? Why do you feel that you are getting deeper and deeper, more wise, and more powerful recently? I remember you. It was not like this at the beginning. At the beginning, you were a jumping clown. Apart from gagging and fanning the flames, there seems to be nothing special. You are often severely suppressed by me!

"How do I feel that our two characters have been turned around unknowingly? I have the illusion that both my wisdom and computing power have been sucked away by you. I have become more and more, uh, back to the basics, naive!

"Hey, could it be you who moved something in the dark?"

"I didn't move anything, but your feeling is not an illusion, everything happened naturally."

The Scarlet Heart Demon explained, "You have to understand this matter like this - for Li Yao, who had just merged with the Bloodmarked tribe and gave birth to a second personality more than a hundred years ago, the biggest problem we faced at that time was still from the outside. , Is how to survive in the perilous blood demon world and the treacherous new federation, and continue to grow stronger in the struggle of life and death.

"In order to survive and be strong, at that time we invested most of our computing power and soul power into the "self" and "self", that is, your personality. Of course, it seems that you are more wise and martial, calm and calm. Nothing left.

"But as we continue to grow stronger and higher, our allies are becoming more and more powerful, and more and more secrets have been unlocked. Gradually, the threat of many enemies in the Pangu universe is no longer ours. The first problem we face, and the urgency of the Earth, the Way of Heaven, and the Vulture Project are becoming stronger day by day, becoming our top priority.

"So, naturally, we subconsciously mobilized most of our computing power and spiritual power, invested in the'superego', to think about these metaphysical issues, and constantly explore our brand new life forms.

"As the computing power and soul power invested in the'superego' have increased, the share invested in the'self' and the'self' will naturally decrease, so that the image you present in front of the world will become smaller. It's becoming more and more awkward and more unbearable. In fact, this is a sense of great wisdom and stupidity, just like those great mathematicians are always ruined and immersed in their own world, a truth."

"If you explain this way, the whole thing is much more reasonable."

Li Yao’s soul wafted a few heartless smile lines, "Forget it, we don’t have a head anyway, so don’t get too entangled with these dizzying problems. In any case, we are still alive and still stubbornly. Keeping my memory, emotions and will, I still haven't forgotten the task I shouldered-whether it is the task of defending the Pangu universe or the task of destroying the earth, all have not forgotten, that's enough!

"This is the end of the illusory discussion. Next, let’s focus on more specific immediate issues. By the way, do you know how Chu Zhiyun and Thangka’s "children of heretics" are going? They escaped into the refuge smoothly. Didn’t you get caught by the Holy Alliance?"

"should not."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said, "At least in the past few days I have collected some data that circulates on the Lingnet. I have not found the news that they were caught. If they are really caught, they should be sent along with this pile of master control crystal brain remains. To the Star Wars Castle."

"That's good."

Li Yao's heart landed on a huge boulder. Hearing the news that Thangka and Chu Zhiyun were most likely to be fine, he was happier than hearing that he was safe and sound. "Then, just focus on our own infiltration, destruction and escape. That's it, hehe, without the shackles of flesh and blood, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the form of celestial spirits running around in the spiritual web, but it is more convenient for us to sneak in!"

"Don't take it lightly, our current form is like a special virus."

The Scarlet Heart Demon calmly said, "A low-level virus can instantly disintegrate a high-level life that is billions of times larger than it. Even those who claim to be gods and demons cannot escape the virus; but on the other hand, the virus itself is extremely Fragile, lack of protection, and very demanding requirements for the living environment, it is easy to be completely wiped out-powerful and fragile coexist, and the possibility of destruction and being destroyed is entangled. This is our current situation."

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