40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2795: God's heart and human heart, self-sacred and self-evident!

In theory, a perfect bee colony civilization should not have such things as "rebellions".

But this "never betrayal" perfection is based on two prerequisites.

The first is the core "master brain" of the bee colony civilization. It must have endless computing power and be able to observe, control, and calculate everything within the scope of civilization, up to the direction of the entire civilization, and down to each end." The emergencies encountered by the “worker bees” and “soldier bees”, as well as the subtle waves in the depths of their brains, must be discovered and dealt with in time by the “master brain”.

Second, even if the main brain really has vast computing power, it must have a set of "neural networks" that extend in all directions, are intricate, absolutely stable, and have almost no delay in order to transmit its will to all the nerves of the entire civilization in time. At the end, let the "worker bees" and "soldier bees" execute.

If, for some reason, the connection between the master brain and the nerve endings, the queen bee and the worker bees is interrupted for a long time, then no one knows how the "worker bees" and the "soldier bees" are going to be without the guidance of the master brain. What will change and what will be done.

Unfortunately, in the vast universe, these two prerequisites are not possessed by the masterminds of the Holy League.

First of all, no matter how powerful their computing power is, they cannot surpass the category of carbon-based intelligent life, at most close to the Pangu tribe in the prehistoric era, but even the Pangu tribe is far from absolute control over the entire Pangu universe, let alone the monkeys in front of them. And the mastermind of the crown-the supreme masters.

After all, the Supreme Master is a man, not a god, and he wants to think about the development of the entire civilization with his own power, and deal with and confront the huge empire, which is far beyond their limits.

Secondly, Xinghai Storm treated equally, posing a fatal threat to the Federation, the Empire and the Holy League. The Holy League relied the most on the Internet and was most affected by the Xinghai Storm.

Certain remote resource planets, under the ravages of the Star Sea Storm, have severed contact with the Star Battle Fortress where the five Supreme Masters are located for a year and a half. This is a common occurrence.

If they encounter extremely complex abnormal conditions during the period of isolation from the world, or are targeted by the demon from outside the territory, the entire planet may be "eroded" and a large number of demons and heretics will appear.

In a word, just like the avenue of cultivation of the real human empire, if it can achieve the most perfect level in theory, it is indeed possible to prosper the country and strengthen the army, leading human civilization to a new peak-but in fact, this kind of The "theoretically perfect" condition is simply impossible to hold.

The so-called "harmony, efficiency, and absolute loyalty" of the Covenant League is just a tower made of sand and gravel. It looks beautiful, but it cannot withstand the impact of the huge waves of reality.

For this reason, the special profession of "Holy Inspector" came into being.

The so-called holy patrol is a very high-level special priest class in the holy league. Unlike ordinary priests stationed in a fixed temple, the holy patrol has a powerful fleet that specializes in patrolling remote planets in the borders of the holy league. Especially those planets that have been disconnected from the mothership of the Supreme Master for a long time because of the star sea storm or the interference of war.

Its main responsibility is to patrol the place to check whether the local "soldier bees" and "worker bees" are still pure. During the period of loss of contact with the mastermind, whether they were corroded by extraterritorial demon and turned into evil monsters.

If there is, the holy patrol will launch a large-scale purge in the local area. At this time, not only his fleet, but also the nearby regular army "Shen Bless Army", as well as the purifiers and sweepers of the Heretic Interrogation Bureau. , Will also put aside the task at hand, obey the dispatch of the holy patrol, and take "cleaning monsters" as the first priority.

In short, the holy patrol envoy can be understood as the incarnation of the five supreme masters. Most of the time, the holy patrol entrusted the will of the supreme master to bestow the thunder and flames to the contaminated ones. Needless to say, the planet, its power and power.

For a long time, the Heresy Interrogation Bureau has been in the center, and the system of the Saint patrol envoys hunting the Quartet has effectively maintained the stability of the Saint League.

Here, there is only one small problem.

What if a holy patrol envoy was eroded by the demon, betrayed the supreme master, and became a "heresy"?

"The Spirit of Chu" is such a degenerate holy inspector

To be the most trusted ambassador of the Supreme Master, her birth and experience needless to say, she must be 100% perfect.

But this did not save her from cruising on the most desolate, darkest and most desperate planets on the borders of the Holy League, and constantly polluting and sinking souls when confronting the demon again and again.

At that time, the "Black Wind War" between the Holy League and the Empire had begun. In order to invade the hinterland of the empire in one go, the Holy League squeezed all the resources of several large worlds in the border area. It is estimated that within one or two hundred years, every one of these worlds A resource planet has lost the value of subsequent development.

As a result, the "abandonment plan" was implemented to temporarily seal these worlds.

Due to the limited capacity and a large number of transport ships supporting the front lines, except for a handful of useful technicians and priests who were picked up, most of the local farmers and miners were abandoned, leaving them to survive on the depleted planet. Self-destruct.

Perhaps it was the kind of misery that could not be described with pen and ink, which gave Chu Ling's spiritual defense a fatal blow. In short, she "fallen" or "awakened", from the most loyal minion of the Supreme Master to the Holy League The most dangerous "heresy" in a thousand years, the creator of the "God Heart Society"!

She didn't go to the arms of the demon outside the territory, and she was still extremely loyal to the gods, but her thoughts that continued to shape and plump up were a hundred times more evil than the enchantment of the demon outside the territory.

"We are the descendants of the gods, and the gods sleep in the heart of each of us. The heart of God is the heart of man. Listen carefully to your inner voice, that is the will of the gods!

"Actually, each of us has the ability to communicate directly with the gods, but, a long time ago, the extraterrestrial demon eroded this ability, blocking our free communication with the gods, and even pretending to be the messenger of the gods. Our minds and our will are chaotic, making us in a muddle, forgetting the true god, and instead worshipping the respectful and respectful demon from outside the territories!"

"As long as I follow my method, through practice and meditation, there is no need for priests, let alone the supreme master, everyone can directly communicate with the gods, listen to the will of the gods, and be bathed in the glory of the gods!"

"On the other hand, since everyone is the lamb of the gods and everyone is born equal, if we can't communicate with the gods, why can the priesthood and the supreme master be able to communicate with the gods?"

"I, the former Holy Patroller Chu Ling, by chance, mastered the ability to communicate directly with the gods, and saw the gods appearing with my own eyes, and listened to the voice of the true gods!

"The true **** has told me everything, telling me that the so-called'supreme good master' is a disguise of the demon from outside the territory. We should not continue to be bewitched by these false gods. Instead, we should start real cultivation and meditation and directly hear God’s words. Voice, see God’s arrangement, and fight to the end with the so-called priests and the supreme masters-these **** unclean, polluters, and blasphemers!"

This is Chu Zhiling's declaration.

It is also the purpose of the "Shenxinhui".

It is conceivable that such a declaration and such a heresy will have a heavy impact on the structure of the Holy League under the control of the five supreme masters.

It’s just that, at first, Chu Zhiling used her identity as a holy patrol to conceal everything, and she patrolled a remote planet that is located in the frontier, transportation and communication are extremely inconvenient, and the main energy of the Supreme Masters is concentrated on "The Battle of the Black Wind", therefore, it was not discovered in time.

When they found out, the Mars of the "Divine Heart Society" had already burned, spreading wildly on hundreds of planets in dozens of worlds and countless starships.

There is no doubt that in the eyes of the Supreme Master, Divine Heart will almost become a more terrifying enemy than the real human empire.

As a result, they clearly won the "Black Wind War" and a hearty victory, but they were unable to push through the richest and softest hinterland of the empire with one blow and the pursuit of victory.

Instead, he hurriedly drew back a large amount of troops and computing power to extinguish the flames of rebellion and eliminate the "heresy" of Chu Ling!

Although Chu Zhiling's doctrine of "God and human heart, self-sacred and self-evident" is very tempting, after all, the foundation is shallow, and it is not enough to compete with the supreme way of ruling the Holy League for thousands of years.

At that time, the empire was corrupt and incompetent to the extreme. It didn't even detect such important information, so that it missed a great opportunity to join forces with the Shenxin Association and attack both inside and outside.

Of course, even if the cultivator wants to communicate with the heart of God, it is still unknown whether Chu Zhiling claims to be the orthodox inheritor of the true gods and the devil kingdom on the earth-the true human empire.

In short, under the sole leadership of Chu Zhiling, although the Shenxinhui's rebellion was huge and flourishing for a while, as the Saint League fleet was mobilized from the front line to suppress it, it would inevitably be turned into an end.

Even Chu Zhiling himself disappeared in the final battle and died cleanly.

Although her soul and body are annihilated, don’t forget that she was once the most trusted holy patrol of the Supreme Master. In the gene pool deep in the Holy League, hundreds of her hair, blood, and skin are naturally preserved. Even organ tissue samples have all the information about her gene provider and blood related people.

And these genetic samples have become the initial experimental products of the "Magic Boy Project". The biologists and brain experts of Shengmeng have produced countless brothers, sisters and descendants of Chu Zhiling, such as Zhou Xiuyun and Chu Zhi. Yun, etc., with the help of these "magic boys", deeply analyzed the reasons why the spirit of Chu would "out of control".

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