40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2827: The game is over, my fellow citizens

Li Yao's attention returned to the "catch ghost action" before him.

If the road ahead is a mess, at least the puppet king-Lu Qingchen is the only clearly visible "thread". If you grasp this thread first, you can peel off the cocoon and sort out all the truth step by step.


Massive data is transmitted to the Yasha squad through the main control crystal brain of the spider chariot.

Li Yao seemed to see that at the edge of the well boundary, several ultra-long-distance communication base stations that were originally used to communicate with the outside world were all shut down, and a large number of psychromagnetic jamming ships were also ready to go. If there is a slight change, it will be able to spread the sky. , The implementation of blockade, interference and suppression of the puppet king.

Li Yao also saw that on the bridge of the Eternal Bright, a large number of crystal brain experts were scanning the master crystal brain and internal network with serious expressions, striving to eliminate all viruses and logical traps in the shortest time.

In Guangming City, the nine arrest teams were silent, and at the same time rushed towards the target.

Although Guangming City has a population of millions of people, it seems to be a large-scale city by the standards of the vacuum of the universe, but there are not many hiding places for the puppet king to choose.

The most important thing is that he needs a powerful super crystal brain, even an array crystal brain group that occupies a large scale and consumes a lot of energy, in order to invade every nerve ending in the entire Saint League.

Such a super crystal brain cannot be born out of thin air, let alone hide it.

Therefore, the puppet king can only use the existing facilities in Guangming City.

Based on the calculation power of his previous virus attacks, there are no more than ten facilities with such calculation power in Guangming City.

The most suspicious of them is naturally the series of Lingwang coordinates that Li Yao locked half a day ago.

After translation, the address represented by the series of coordinates is the crystal brain center of "Yangfan Academy".

The "Yangfan Academy" is a place in Guangming City that specializes in cultivating starship commanders and planetary transformation experts. In other words, it is the place where the residents here "think" to train starship commanders and planetary transformation experts.

Three or five hours ago, the puppet king should have been here.

And Li Yao and Guan Qixing have extracted the video data of all the suspicious people who entered and exited the "Yangfan Academy" within these few hours.

Because today is the "Rainbow Celebration", everyone, including the teachers and students of Yangfan Academy, took to the streets or flew into the air to have a cake fight. The Yangfan Academy is rarely empty and deserted. It takes a few hours before and after. No suspicious people came in or out.

Therefore, this is still the most suspected target hiding place, and the Yasha Squad is personally responsible.

When Li Yao, Chu Zhixiao and others braved the rain curtain of flowers and cakes, lurking to the outside of Yangfan Academy, the other capture teams were also in place.

Three minutes later, they will launch a surprise attack at the same time. I believe that in these nine facilities with super crystal brains and super computing power, there must be several strongholds of the Shenxin Society. Even if there is no trace of the puppet king, they can be found. A large number of members of the Sacred Heart Society and their criminal evidence.

"Porco Rosso, let us finally report the situation of the outside blockade and the progress of the remaining eight arrest teams."

Chu Zhixiao stretched out a finger, hooked up a strand of hair hanging from the corner of his eye, staring at the empty campus ahead, and said coldly, "I want to seal every inch of space and every crystal cable. Even half a virtual mosquito would never want to fly out!"

With his own calculations in his mind, Li Yao seemed to be very clever to transmit massive amounts of data to the tactical brains of Chu Zhixiao, Yuan Kou, Yun Haixin, and Guan Qixing.

At this time, he suddenly found that "Black Dream" Yun Hai's expression was a little tranced, and the frequency of his chest fluctuations was quite random, as if he was very nervous.

"Weird, Yun Haixin is not a meditation master who is proficient in the secrets of the soul, is she still experienced?"

Li Yao secretly surprised, "Even doing things like surrendering to the Holy League alive, what can he be nervous about? He was not like this when he was hunting down the puppet king in the psychic temple just now."

"It seems that something is wrong with him since he entered the Eternal Illumination."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said, "Even though he conceals it very well, I can still faintly feel that there is crazy surging waves deep in his brain. This guy's spirit is on the verge of collapse and will get out of control at any time. You have to be careful. !"

"But why?"

Li Yao couldn't figure it out, "No reason!"

"At the last minute, the teams prepare!"

Chu Zhixiao gritted his teeth and issued an order in the tactical network, "After fifty-nine seconds, all teams will ‘catch ghosts’ at the same time!"

"Maybe it has something to do with the puppet king-Lu Qingchen."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said, "Don't forget our suspicion just now. It is very possible that the puppet king has already noticed the existence of the Yasha Squad, and even he deliberately set up the game to deliberately attract the trackers including the Yasha Squad! "

Li Yaodao: "But—"

"There is still half a minute!"

His thoughts were interrupted by Chu Zhixiao's murderous voice. The Slaughter Goddess pulled out a blue barking short blade from the army boots inlaid with steel plate, and buckled it upside down in the palm of her palm. The serrations on the blade reflected a fine light. It seemed that she had a real killing intent.

At this moment, the celebration in Guangming City has also reached its highest peak.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!"

It seems that 10,000 virtual fireworks exploded in mid-air at the same time, which is the "center" of the city, exploding a piece of bright flowers and gorgeous vortex that cannot be described with pen and ink.

All the residents flew up in the air, using themselves as balloons to collide with strangers. Everyone was drinking wine, chewing cakes, hugging and laughing, laughing like a group of heartless children.

"Dozens of seconds back!"

Chu Zhixiao's face was blue. She didn't know if she hated the puppet king or couldn't bear the illusory and beautiful atmosphere here. She tore off the "biochemical muscles" stuck to her body one by one, and restored the vigorous body like a cheetah. "Nine, eight, Seven……"

"I have a vague hunch."

Li Yao murmured, "It will never be that simple. I seem to... It's been a long time since I had an accident."

Before the words were over, the earth-shattering explosion sounded from a place far away from Guangming City in the direction of the bridge.

The power of the explosion was so powerful that even the pictures of the candy-colored sky and clouds on the surrounding bulkheads flooded with distorted ripples and turned into botched color spots.

A large piece of steel plate embedded in the bulkhead fell from mid-air. Fortunately, the artificial gravity field is still working. These steel plates did not hit people, but flew around in mid-air with people.

But this kind of "fortunately" lasted only a short second.

After a second, the artificial gravity field in some areas completely disappeared, including all the mess on the ground, everything floated into the air.

In other places, artificial gravity has increased three to five times, which is higher than that of dense planets, causing many local residents floating in mid-air to fall severely, breaking their muscles and breaking their brains.

People were too late to panic and all the lights went out at the same time.

Including the three-dimensional light curtains on the surrounding bulkheads, the dazzling sun and candy-colored clouds; the glass curtain walls that just reflected the smile on the high-rise buildings; and the "street lights" floating in mid-air with magnificent brilliance. All go out.

The whole city was in darkness, and only the little ghost fires left by the virtual fireworks in the mid-air reflected the dumbfounded faces of people more and more bewildered.

"What, what's going on!"

"What about the lights, what about gravity?"

"Ah! Ah!"

"Hurry up and repair it, hey hey, is there anyone, hurry up and repair it!"

The residents of Guangming City have been indulged in the quagmire of safety for too long, so that they have lost the ability to cope with the crisis, and even the ability to express fear is close to zero. They have never encountered such a large-scale energy cut-off state. Except for the screams of people who fell from mid-air and broke their tendons, most people didn’t even react to “panic”, but stood stupidly, sitting or lying on their stomachs, with their mouths half open. , Looking at the air, as if as long as they complain loud enough, someone will always show up, restore energy supply, and restore good order.

However, Li Yao knew that the hope of these simple poor creatures would be lost.

Because, at the moment when the entire Guangming City was cut off from lighting sources and energy supplies, at the level of Lingwang and data, a more powerful and vast black wave invaded from all directions, suddenly cutting off the Yasha team and the outside world. Link.

Their tactical network was severely disrupted. Li Yao could only come into contact with a chaotic vortex at the level of data interaction. He could not even reach the several capture teams close at hand, let alone the bridge and bridge of the Eternal Bright. The battleship of the Holy League is more peripheral.

In the world of data, they become an island in half a second.

The trap of the puppet king really started!

Li Yao instantly condensed the soul into an unstoppable blade, and expanded his perception to the limit, searching for every ripple in the air that contained the characteristics of Lu Qingchen's soul.

And such ripples... overwhelming, everywhere.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Just as people were at a loss in the dark and complaints gradually sounded, the glass curtain walls of many high-rise buildings re-shined again, and the same person appeared in all the pictures.

That was a...pure white fat man.

Li Yao knew that using the word "white and flawless" to describe people was very weird, but this was his first feeling when he saw a fat man.

Almost all the residents of Guangming City are fat people, but this fat person is extraordinarily...consummate, as if it were made up of large and small spheres.

His eyes are round, his nose is round, and his mouth is round.

And on the two round eyes, there is a dark spot that is constantly twisting and changing at the center of the eyebrows, which sometimes becomes an exclamation mark, sometimes a question mark, and then becomes a blooming lotus flower.

"The game is over."

On the curtain walls of countless high-rise buildings, the mellow fat man smiled and greeted the residents of Guangming City, "My dear fellow human beings."

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