40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2865: Temporary strategy for a million years

It turned out to be such a reason!

Li Yao couldn't help thinking of a story.

That was a story told to him by Master Kuchan of the Buddha Sect in the ancient sacred world.

The ancient sacred world was not wise. When Master Kuchan traveled around, he often contained the truth in easy-to-understand short stories and told the people of Li people to enlighten the people's minds.

Master Kuchan told Li Yao that a long, long time ago, the humanity of the ancient sacred world was beginning to flourish, and there was a very timid noble in the chaotic era when even the Yunqin Empire was not established.

This nobleman was so timid that he would hide under the table and shiver when he heard the thunder in the sky. In the chaotic era known for his bravery, he naturally became a laughing stock among the nobles.

However, once heard that his monarch was in trouble and needed rescue, the timid nobleman stepped forward without hesitation, even though he was afraid, to rectify his chariots and to rescue the monarch.

His family discouraged him, saying that he could not even hold the sword and the chariot could not stand, so how could he go to battle.

Other nobles laughed at him even more. A timid person like him was afraid that when he heard the drums of the two armies on the battlefield, his legs would become weak and unable to move, and others would rescue him. Why should he be so embarrassed?

The nobleman responded with a serious face: "Timidity is my nature and my personal business, but saving the monarch is a matter of the country, a matter of the public family. How can one'disregard the public' for private purposes?"

As a result, the timid nobleman finally refused to listen to the dissuasion of his family and other nobles, and insisted on going into battle. As a result, the horse stumbled and fell from the chariot, and he was scared to death.

At that time, Master Kuchan and Li Yao and the "Ten Ancient Sages" said that the background of this story was that they were discussing whether they should assist the Star Federation, and they were only part of the ancient sacred world, even if they joined the chaos. Among them, can it compete with the Black Wind Fleet?

The ending of this story is not very satisfactory, and it seems that it has nothing to do with "courage" in the usual sense.

Even Li Yao didn't quite understand the protagonist of this story, whether this timid nobleman was brave or cowardly, and whether he should go to the battlefield and died in such an absurd manner.

But at this moment, when he heard the choice of the strongest of Pangu civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago, he suddenly understood this choice of "cannot abandon the public for personal reasons".

As individuals, these Pangu civilizations have every reason to feel confused, fearful, desperate, discouraged, and even mentally broken when faced with a force billions of times stronger.

However, in addition to their personal status, they are the commanders, commanders and elite fighters of the Pangu Expeditionary Army. They must also guard the strongest barrier of the entire civilization. The Pangu civilization has gathered hundreds of thousands of years and resources to make it the sharpest. His sword is the biggest and only hope of hundreds of millions of compatriots!

They have no room for confusion, no reason for fear, and no power to despair!

Even if you delete the deep love for your loved ones, even if you block the perception of goodness, even if you castrate your emotional fluctuations and hope for hope, alienate yourself from a flesh and blood person into a ruthless, insensitive, mechanical tool for executing orders , They all have missions that must be completed, and they all have to continue fighting, even if the enemy is a shady maker or flood tide, they must grit their teeth and persevere.

What kind of spirit is this!

Li Yao deeply sighed that any civilization capable of breaking out to the mother universe is destined to be great, brilliant and noble. Such a civilization will never lack heroes and lofty individuals who are willing to give everything for it and make heroic sacrifices.

"Don't be fooled, pay attention to squeeze the water in Fuxi's words."

The Scarlet Heart Demon was a little calmer than Li Yao and reminded, "Even as a temporary strategy, the'seal emotion' has a certain effect on the remnants of the Pangu Expeditionary Army, but this temporary strategy is maintained at most until they will "Hong Chao" Legion Wreckage and Shady Technology are brought back to their hometown, so can they be stopped?

"Why not only did it not stop, but it continued to expand. From a small number of elites who have been to the Outer Realm to all individuals in the entire civilization, they were deprived of their emotions and castrated their will?

"It can be seen that Fuxi must have concealed many details, and these details are its conspiracy, pay attention to distinguish, do not believe it entirely."

"I see."

Li Yao said, “I’m not in a hurry to tell it right now. I won’t say it until it’s finished. The most brilliant lies are nine true and one false. It wants to deceive Lu Qingchen, a thoughtful and intelligent person, and it will definitely tell a lot of truths. Bait!"

Sure enough, a touch of emotion flashed between Lu Qingchen's spirits, but he quickly recovered his calm and sharpness, and said unmovedly: "What then?"

"After sealing all emotions, the remnants of the Pangu Expeditionary Army finally recovered their ability to work normally. They devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the work of analyzing the'shadow technology' and the'Hongchao Corps' day and night, and after hundreds of years, they brought a lot of The result is back home."

Fuxi said, "And my predecessor, the Fuxi System, has also been given a crucial "highest task", which is the "meta-logic" I just mentioned. That is to exhaust my computing power to think, how To save civilization, how to preserve our civilization for a long time, and at the most appropriate time, in the most perfect form, to break out of the shady and enter the outer realm."


Lu Qingchen was startled slightly, "Pangu Civilization didn't give up its plan to enter the Outland?"

"of course not."

Fu Xi said, "Although no one can resist the fear of the outer domain and the despair caused by their own smallness from an emotional point of view, all fears have been sealed and deleted at this time.

"Thinking in the mode of'absolutely rational', there is always no future in the hometown. No matter how tight the shady is, there will be a day to be found and torn apart. There is a difference between lingering and waiting to die. There is a difference between ten thousand years and one hundred million years. ?

"Therefore, after civilization has developed to the extreme, it is the only choice to enter the outer domain and explore the multiverse. Even if the end of this choice is destruction, it will not hesitate.

"The only problem is the right time and perfect form.

"We must choose the most appropriate point in time, the best time is the furthest time for the'Hongchao' and the'Hongchao Corps' to leave our universe covered in shady, and our civilization must also develop to its limit. All the resources and information in the shady scene are integrated and used to the extreme, and even a drop of energy can no longer be squeezed out. At this time, if you rush out, the chance of survival is greatest.

"Along these two paths, I began to think about the issue of'ultimate salvation', and together with the remnants of the expeditionary army who returned, I carried out aggressive'social surgery' on the entire Pangu civilization, and gradually sealed a large number of them. Unnecessary technology, and... people’s emotions."

"Hmph, the fox tail finally leaked out!"

Lu Qingchen sneered, "Even if what you just said makes sense, the remnants of the Pangu Expeditionary Army have to seal their emotions in order to obliterate fear and complete the task, so why seal the emotions of all the people?"

"You don't understand the social form of the Pangu civilization and the spiritual needs of the people. This is the result of the precise calculation of the'Fuxi System'."

Fuxi explained, "After hundreds of thousands of years of development, Pangu civilization has reached its highest level of civilization. People are not like human beings who can still be troubled by firewood, rice, oil and salt, and attracted by sensual dogs and horses. No, these very low-level things are far more satisfying. The ordinary people of Pangu civilization are no longer there.

"For 100,000 years, the Pangu civilization existed for the goal of'advance into the multiverse'. All the people got rid of low-level tastes, thinking about the development of civilization, the truth of the universe, the meaning of existence, and other philosophical issues, expeditions The army is their only hope, the only fun, and the only answer.

"Everyone hopes that the expeditionary force will bring back news of the multiverse and can tell them how to make a leap of civilization. If at this time, the expeditionary force will bring back such bad news, all the individuals of the entire civilization will collapse, at least Will be discouraged and uninteresting.

"Our mission is so difficult. It originally required every individual to continue to perform their duties, dedication, and continue to burn for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years in order to see a thin line of vitality.

"After decades of precise calculations and logical deductions on the return route of the'Fuxi System', I found that once the truth is told to these unprepared people, the entire Pangu civilization may fall apart or even suddenly collapse. In addition to extreme despair, any maddening things can be done.

"Famine, riots, civil war.

"Bloody, violence, mutual destruction.

"In the most optimistic future, people will also completely lose the courage to enter the multiverse because of fear and despair, and re-indulge in low-level fun such as sensuality, eating, drinking, prostitution, variety entertainment, etc. After millions of years, it eventually died out without a problem, and disappeared, just like the countless civilizations that have appeared from the "shadowmaker" to the "Pangu civilization".

"This kind of future is in great conflict with my'metalogic'. For the'ultimate salvation', I will never allow such a future to happen.

"Therefore, I awakened some of the expeditionary commanders who were hibernating, and showed them the many futures that I had deduced-civil war, collapse and death without disease, and pointed out to them that the'seal emotion' is the only way to preserve the entire civilization. Efficient operation, let everyone continue to work hard, contribute silently, sacrifice a hundred or even a thousand or ten thousand generations, and ultimately save the entire civilization.

"No, at that time, I didn't want to castrate the emotions of all individuals in the entire civilization forever. This is still a temporary strategy, but the scale of'temporary' has been enlarged to hundreds of thousands or even millions of years.

"Several millions of years later, when the tide recedes and our civilization has the ability to travel through the multiverse, it is natural to release the sealed emotions little by little."

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