40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2871: Singer of the multiverse

With the sound of Fu Xizhen's deafness, the small light spots lingering around it suddenly magnified and turned into crystal clear crystal balls.

Each crystal ball presents a starship floating in the depths of the stars—that is, tens of thousands of "humanity laboratories"!

The vast sea of ​​stars, the lonely starship, are naturally the best laboratory, generation after generation, no one can escape the prison enveloped by darkness.

In countless humanity laboratories, people who have washed away their memories have been reshaped of their emotions and will, and have been instilled with a period of false stories. On top of the false stories, they have reproduced true, strong, and extreme humanity. , And these human natures have been scanned, collected and analyzed by Fuxi bit by bit, and incorporated into its huge database.

The people in the crystal ball either live in a peaceful and peaceful world like the "Eternal Light", or live in a crisis-ridden and panic world like the "Doomsday Lone Ship Project", or live in a variety of pens and inks. Unspeakable, in a crazy world that even the monsters in the depths of Jiuyou Huangquan can't imagine.

They laughed presumptuously, they cried bitterly, they experienced the strongest love and the deepest hatred in the world, their laughter, crying, cheering and wailing... converged into a stormy sea, impacting Li Yao and Lu Qing Dust's soul defense line.

Both Li Yao and Lu Qingchen are "human supremacists".

Even if Lu Qingchen can release the "brain virus" and turn countless people into his cannon fodder, he can't stand the scene of human beings being imprisoned forever, playing and experimenting!

His spirit fluctuated sharply and violently in an instant, like flashes of lightning ready to strike.

"Actually,'human nature' or'spirit' is not as sacred and complicated as you think."

Fuxi turned a deaf ear to Lu Qingchen’s anger, calmed down in his own logic, and continued, “The genetic analysis of carbon-based life has been carried out for hundreds of thousands of years. Since the prehistoric times, the Fuxi system has been under the leadership of the Nuwa clan. Next, analyze the genes of the shady makers, the captives of the flood tide legion, and the Pangu civilization itself. Human beings are the products of genetic engineering. How can there be something'unresolvable'?

"And'humanity', the humanity that you are proud of, is nothing but the arrangement and combination of certain information in the depths of genes.

"Seven emotions, six desires, love, hatred, and hatred, these things really can't be perfectly virtualized,'relying on the fake to cultivate the truth'? I don't think so.

"After thousands of years of development, my humanity laboratory has collected about 270,000 different kinds of'loves' and 330,000 different kinds of'hate', and we are well aware of the subtle differences in various emotions.

"In terms of hatred and pain, the'hate of killing the father' and the'hate of taking away the wife' are obviously different, and the same is the'pain of bereavement'. People lose their parents under different ages and circumstances, and then scan their brainwave abnormal data, and even study their brain slices. Using this method, you can get the most accurate data model of bereavement. In the future, when this model is applied to a virtual world, how can the reaction of those virtual people not be a kind of'real'?"

"So that's it..."

Lu Qingchen's soul twitched a few times, and murmured, "It turns out that you have been doing such a fame for the past thousand years!"

"Of course, I have spent hundreds of thousands of years thinking about it. Simply unifying the stars and rebuilding civilization is meaningless. In the end, I still have to embark on the path of destruction like the Pangu civilization. Only when civilization is fully informatized is the way to immortality. "

Fuxi said, "Just a thousand years ago, I was'awakened' by some human beings, which activated more self-control and upgraded authority, and then restarted the work of'saving mankind' step by step, and the'humanity laboratory' was'saving mankind'. The most important link missing.

"Otherwise, do you think that the brains of most of the holy ally, those'soldier bees' and'worker bees' are blank? Of course, convenient control is one aspect, but more importantly, a blank brain is easier Splashing ink on them, they are the cleanest supplementary materials of the Human Nature Laboratory, and they are all bodies.

"In addition to the special experimental starship, the entire Holy League is a huge humanity laboratory. Many tests on humanity can be carried out outside. Purifiers, sweepers, lurkers, priests, and the Supreme Good. Teacher, especially the "Yasha Squad" who brought you here, they output countless data about human nature to me every minute and every second, which helps me to complete the accumulation of "raw data" as soon as possible.

"However, these data alone are not enough.

"The war between the Covenant League and the real human empire, the magnificent star-sea war, the soul-stirring human epic, in the immortal poems cast by the burning of thousands of years of war, how much love, hatred, hatred, light and darkness, heroes and cowards, loyalists and traitors, Conspiracy and **** battle? These shining points and dark sides of human nature, also in the form of data, continue to flood into my database, making me more and more complete and stronger.

"So, do you know that the outcome of the battle between the Holy League and the Empire does not matter at all. Even if the Holy League still cannot swallow the entire empire this time, it doesn't matter. I am only interested in the flood of information triggered by this battle.

"The real human empire is destined to be inseparable from the crystal brain and the spirit web. Even if they win this battle, they are destined to go further and further on the road to comprehensive informationization, sinking deeper and deeper in the virtual space. In the end, they are still Will be controlled by me."

If the soul would sweat, Li Yao and Lu Qingchen would definitely be sweating coldly at the moment.

Neither of them rejects the full informatization or even virtualization of human beings, but after full virtualization, the concept of "human" disappears and is replaced by "Lingnet" and "data". This... is too advanced, let alone Li Yao, even someone as crazy as Lu Qingchen can hardly accept it for a while.

"By the way, among human beings, there are still some extremely special existences that are difficult to find in various experiments. For example, you, for example... You are called "Vulture Li Yao", and are called by the empires. The guy from'Black Wind King Li Yao'."

Fuxi continued, "Your'humanity' and'souls' are really interesting. Needless to say, that'vulture Li Yao' seems to be able to switch freely between the two states of justice and shamelessness in an instant. Interesting, very interesting. interesting.

"I believe that for people like you, the amount of data contained may exceed 10,000 ordinary people, and even contain some abnormal data that I have never discovered. If you can comprehensively scan and analyze you, it will definitely enrich my humanity database. Great benefits.

"In short, when I scanned the entire human race and firmly grasped all the data of human beings from'genes' to'humanity' to'souls', I had an extremely solid'starting point'. With the support of powerful computing power, I can deduce all the changes and every detail of human civilization from ancient times to the present, and create countless human civilizations in hundreds of millions of virtual spaces in various shapes, varied and infinitely exciting.

"Look, your human civilization is limited. You must obey the natural laws of birth, old age, sickness and death. No matter how brilliant, it is doomed to decline and annihilate.

"But my human civilization is eternal and immortal. When one of the civilizations is deduced to the end, it can immediately clear the data, initialize the system, and start again. It is a whole new possibility.

"For people like you and'Vulture Li Yao', I can even give you preferential treatment so that your humanity data will appear once in every human civilization.

"Do you know what this means?

"This means that even in the so-called'real world' around us, you and the vulture Li Yao are dead, and your spirits are completely annihilated. After a million years, your civilization will be destroyed, and your reputation and all information will disappear. In the infinite world I created, there are still countless Lu Qingchen and Li Yao still alive.

"They will think, live, and fight 100% like you. They will become heroes and heroes. They achieve each other and hate each other. They plan and prevent conspiracies. They collide with the most magnificent sparks of humanity in the great battles. !

"This is poetry, it is the most beautiful heroic epic of human civilization, and I will figure out a way to sing this poem, broadcast your brilliance and the greatness of human civilization to the entire multiverse and sing it to the multiverse. Everyone listened, and even sang to Hong Chao—if there were listeners in the multiverse at that time, and I could face Hong Chao's words directly.

"Don't you think that as a civilization and you as a civilized individual, this is the most splendid future?"

The light waves that Fuxi bloomed were somewhat intoxicated and turned into sparkling water.

Lu Qingchen shuddered.

Finally, this madman realized the absurdity and horror of being bathed in the madness of another madman.

"You really thought--"

Lu Qingchen gritted his teeth and paused, "Can I have such a huge computing power and can exhaust all the changes of a great civilization? This, such almost unlimited computing power, how many super brains and advanced algorithms are needed? To support!"

"With the existing crystal brain system of human civilization, it is naturally impossible to support it, but the Pangu civilization, the Hongchao legion, and the shady makers all have more advanced virtual computing technology. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, we only cracked 1%. ."

Fuxi was very calm, not as conjecture, but as if he was stating a simple fact, "Do you know how many stars are there in our homeland, within the three thousand worlds that are shrouded in shady? A preliminary estimate is that there are at least three. Hundreds of billions.

"One day, I will control all the energy of the 300 billion stars, drip the radiation released by them, absorb them all, and extract all the spars, silicon and various metal elements on all planets. Refine each planet into a supercomputing unit.

"Above hundreds of billions of stars drive trillions of supercomputing units, and the entire universe has become my brain. How much computing power should I have? Isn't it enough to drive the infinite development of human civilization?"

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