40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2874: Unmeasured dust


The arc that it injected into Lu Qingchen's soul is still strengthening, gradually turning from dark purple to incandescent, not only tore Lv Qingchen's soul to pieces, it even stirred up a stream of data like plumes of smoke. Ascending is like burning Lu Qingchen's soul to ashes alive.

Rao is a tough guy like Lu Qingchen who can endure a hundred times more pain than the human limit, and he can't help but scream.

He is like an earthworm that is about to dry out under the sun, twisting, wriggling, and struggling, but he can't escape the scorching sun, torture and ravages.

"How to do?"

Li Yao was anxious, and his spirit kept twitching, "Lü Qingchen seems to be in pain, this is...too miserable!"

"So, you are pitying Xiangxiyu now, have you pity on Lu Qingchen's head?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon said, "Don’t forget how he treated us when he was in the federation. Now Fuxi has inserted his spirits, but he hadn't inserted our spirits back and forth, and inserted all of us. Battered? Are you trying to save him?"

"I, I don't know, Lu Qingchen deserved the crime, but his crime should also be tried and punished by the Federation. How can this Fuxi...No, it is not a real'Fuxi' at all, it is just a code name Fuxi, a crazy artificial intelligence, it is not qualified to force any human being to this degree!"

Li Yao paused and continued, "What's more, if Lu Qingchen can't stand his torture and really surrenders to Fuxi, he will be able to easily obtain a large amount of federal data and make his deduction and control of the battle situation more perfect. , To be able to judge our next strategy to the greatest extent, that would be terrible!"

"It makes sense. Then, can we change the situation by jumping out to die?"

Scarlet Heart Demon said, "Don't forget, our soul is more critical than Lu Qingchen's soul, once we are completely swallowed by Fuxi, then everything is over!"


Li Yao was helpless, he could only watch Lu Qingchen's soul, struggling hard under the bombardment of Fuxi's "painful data torrent".


Lu Qingchen's soul is burning hard, and it will go out at any time.

"It shouldn't be difficult to tell your choice. Any carbon-based intelligent life with normal logical thinking ability knows how to choose."

Fuxi dragged Lu Qingchen in front of him and said lightly.

"Indeed...not difficult..."

Lu Qingchen grinned, the soul condensed on the ugly face, and an extremely brilliant smile bloomed. Suddenly an arm-like limb was transformed from the soul, and he slammed into the depths of Fuxi's light group, "I Take the second way, bastard!"


His "fist" smashed countless waves of data light on Fuxi's "face", like a halo continuously spreading outward.

After that, more light tentacles inserted into his soul, and transmitted ten times stronger pain data to his soul, which almost occupied his soul space, causing him to lose the ability of logical thinking, and a large amount of soul data overflowed.

That's what the cultivation terminology in the ancient cultivator era calls, it is about to "disperse the soul"!

"Lu Qingchen..."

Li Yao stared at this scene in a daze, screaming from the sky, desperately rushing out and beating Fuxi into a pig-headed three-if it weren't for him to beat Fuxi, he would really make a move.

He is truly the grandson of Lu Zui, the leader of the "Patriot Organization", even if it is a devil, it is also a demon of the Star Federation!

"I really... can't analyze, understand, calculate and deduct your thoughts at the moment."

For the first time, the shining light group that formed Fuxi showed a feeling of confusion and murmured, "Why, I obviously gave you and your motherland, the best choice, as long as you nod your head, you can get more A hundred times longer life, endless technology and mystery, and your motherland can also get at least hundreds of millions of years of security, perhaps when your little civilization is dead, I will not interfere with it.

"Why, you are unwilling to agree to such a favorable condition-don't tell me that you still care about the lives of the Holy League and the Empire. No, you don't care at all. In your original plan, you just want the Holy League and the Empire. People lose both sides and die together, so that your confederation can rise.

"So, what is the real reason? I'm really curious.

"You are still struggling with the issue of'real' and'false', don't you believe that I can'learn from the fake' and cannot restore 100% of the real universe in the virtual world?"


Under the strong stimulation of Fuxi electric arc, Lu Qingchen's spirit had already come to the edge of being torn apart and almost annihilated.

But he turned out to be like a flashback or even a Jedi counterattack. After adapting to this degree of pain, the twisted soul became clear again, and in the arc of the explosion, he sent out an unscrupulous laughter that belonged to himself, belonged to the Federation, and belonged to human beings.

"You will never understand. Even if one day you can control all the stars in this universe and convert the energy of all the stars into your computing power, you will never understand."

Lu Qingchen yelled, "I don't care about'real' and'false'. I deeply believe from the beginning to the end that even in virtual space, you can have real life, but the premise is freedom, unparalleled freedom. Freedom not controlled by any laws and destiny!

"If your future really comes, the entire universe will become your brain, all virtual space and the life in it, including human beings, are created by you. Doesn’t it mean that everyone is firmly controlled by you, precise Calculate, there is absolutely no room to resist you?

"Everyone, from life to death, every link, even every second, is arranged by you. You can observe and interfere as you like. As soon as the babies there are born, you know how they died, everything They are all destined, everything can't be changed, they can only walk along a clear line, stiffly, there is no possibility of derailment!

"Isn't such a human being a puppet controlled by you? Isn't such a human civilization a death row imprisoned in a cage called time?

"No, I will never accept such a fate, I will never admit that such puppets and death row prisoners can represent human civilization!

"I am a demon, I am a believer in Chaos, and the true meaning of Chaos is to doubt everything, resist everything, break everything, and make everything impossible possible!

"Even if everything in the macroscopic world can be calculated by you, even if you can calculate the position and speed of each atom in each star, but in the microscopic world below the atom, there is still no one can calculate. This is the "Uncertainty Theory" of the Tao of Chaos. It is in such an incalculable, incalculable, and unrestricted chaos that the human spirit was born!

"We human beings are the children of chaos and the product of'unpredictable'. We represent absolute freedom and infinite possibilities from birth. We never admit that anyone can calculate, predict and control our future, and we will never accept anything. The oppression and restraint of fate, we absolutely cannot bear...Become anyone, any kind of doll and slave, no matter you are the gods or the gods, or the floods above the gods and gods, anything that wants to restrict us, we will do it with him Fight to the end!

"Now, do you understand?

"True and false are not important, absolute freedom is the key.

"In other words, when we are manipulated, bound, calculated, and sealed by irresistible destiny, even if we live in the real universe, that kind of life is pale and false.

"And when we fully bloom the infinite possibilities of our'unpredictable' soul, even in the virtual space, we can cultivate the most real life!"

In the deafening roar, from the depths of Lu Qingchen's soul, raindrops of "fists" came out again, and heavily bombarded Fuxi's light group.

This time, on Fuxi's light ball, more ripples and apertures surged, tearing the illusion that it had painstakingly created into countless fragments.

"It's over, I didn't expect Lu Qingchen to be infected by you."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said to Li Yao, "He has also become a passionate high school student!"

"Really... incredible idea."

Fuxi was silent for a long time, letting Lu Qingchen's gust of wind and showers bombard its light ball, smashing a circle of dazzling aura after another, "Then, as you wish, let's take the second way, just tearing. Before breaking your soul, I want to ask one last question.

"If your reason for rejecting me is not the so-called difference between'real' and'illusory', just because you don't want to be manipulated by a certain force, how do you know that the'real universe' we live in has not been subject to a certain change? As for the calculation, monitoring, and manipulation of high-level forces, how can you be sure that you have'absolute freedom'?

"Tell me, if you find that even our'real universe' was created by some existence, everything was arranged in the big bang billions of years ago, countless generations of intelligent life, including you and all Human beings are all sealed by an immutable destiny, what should you do, how should you face such a universe?"

Lu Qingchen smiled.

The laugh was extremely presumptuous and crazy.

His spirit showed unprecedented brilliance, like a precursor to a supernova explosion.

"Even if I'm just an insignificant dust in the sea of ​​stars, there is no **** or devil above the universe that can control my flying trajectory."

Lu Qingchen paused and said, "If the universe is really as you say, calculated, controlled and manipulated by some kind of power called'destiny' or'heavenly way', and everything is unchangeable, then I will ——

"Destroy the universe!"

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