40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2889: Glorious epitaph

"Your speech just now is very reasonable, and the concerns and concerns are also very likely to happen. Regarding the trade-offs between the military and politics, it is not the old man’s chief, but the old man listens to it, and it’s full of ears. Controversy of interests, but I rarely hear you talk about the "Great Way", so the old man will come to talk about the "Great Way", and talk about the Federation's "Dao Xin"!"

Gui Shoushou held the ebony cane with his eyebrows drooping, like a stubborn stone on the coast, and a rusty ancient clock. With these words, he beat everyone's minds, and then he pondered for a moment before slowly saying "To be honest, it seems inappropriate to talk about the way of federation and the way of comprehension from the identity of the old man, and the so-called "Dao Xin" is a mysterious and elusive thing, and countless experts and scholars have painstakingly studied for hundreds of years. For thousands of years, no one has been able to thoroughly analyze what the so-called "Dao Xin" is.

"But the'Dao Xin' really doesn't exist, it's just an illusion of self-deception, some kind of strong self-suggestion? I'm afraid that can't be said.

"Here, my old man, there is a newly released survey report from the Institute of Life Sciences, which traces the training and upgrade data of tens of thousands of strong people in the past 100 years, combines them and conducts a detailed analysis to arrive at a graph.

"From these graphs, it can be seen that in the past hundred years, the training and upgrading of the federation's powerhouses and the prosperity of the federation are inseparable, and they are mutually cause and effect.

"The stronger the federation, the faster the training speed of these powerful players, and the higher the success rate of upgrades. Conversely, more and more powerful players emerge from the federation, and the overall national strength and war potential will also explode.

"Is it just a coincidence, or is it just because of the abundance of resources, the improvement of technology and the stability of the cultivation environment, that the cultivator's rapid progress has been triggered? Combining a large amount of data, including the psychological sketch of the cultivator, we have come to different conclusions. ——Besides the material, the more important thing is the spirit. It is these cultivators who firmly believe that they are taking the right path, defending justice, and the road to all stars and the sea. Only with this kind of belief, they can move forward. The momentum is like a broken bamboo, constantly hitting the limits of mankind!

"Our Institute of Life Sciences summed up this phenomenon in one sentence-the cultivation of people requires their own hard work, but more importantly, it is the torrent of history, the righteousness of the country, and the spirit of civilization!

"In the past hundred years, countless cultivators have firmly believed that they are the defenders of justice. Their crazy practice and hard work have defended not only their relatives, compatriots and homes, but also the best, purest and most kind-hearted mankind. They are not only fighting for the four words "Star Federation", but also for the five words "human justice". In other words, the Federation is equal to justice!

"Such beliefs are the source of their strength. It is the cultivation speed and upgrade success rate of the Federation cultivators that are far higher than the imperial cultivators. In just one hundred years, the Federation has caught up with the development speed of the empire for four to five hundred years. The biggest reason for the final victory over the Black Wind Fleet!

"To be honest, the old man has lived intermittently for almost a thousand years, and from the historians of the predecessors, I have collected the rise and fall of countless countries and tribes of various colors over the past thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. I have seen all kinds of countries, Governments and even tribal forms, countries with various poses and weird shapes, have never seen a federation like today... People of all races and life forms can live together without any stubbornness, the low-level people’s upward path is unimpeded, and the high-level people are relatively incorruptible. There are ideal ambitions, a vibrant, and thriving golden country.

"The Xingyao Federation is certainly not perfect, but compared to the empire, the Holy League, and the various small nations scattered along the coast of the stars, this place is already called the'hope of human civilization'.

"So, if we don't treat the Xingyao Federation as an ordinary country, but as the'Hope of Human Civilization', how should we face the battle at Xinghai Central?

"At this moment, in the middle of the Star Sea, countless people are living in dire straits, leading a life of darkness, life is not as good as death.

"Even such unspeakable days cannot last long. The fragile order is about to be completely shattered. Countless worlds and habitable planets will fall into a sea of ​​fire. Tens of billions and hundreds of billions of people will be silent. He died without leaving his name and screams.

"People who are lucky enough to not die will also become puppets of the Holy League, washing away their independent emotions and will, and then branding the seal of the'Three Principles of Origin', leaving irreversible sequelae.

"Or, they will be in a world where resources are extremely scarce, and the entire planet will be deserted. They will kill each other like wild beasts and madmen, linger and panic, just like... the'Nietu Paradise' in the Wuying world, they will perform asura hell-like. Survival game.

"--If we don't stop it, all of this will happen in the next two or three years. There is no power to help the poor people in the center of the star sea to escape their tragic fate.

"Of course I cannot say that the propositions of the'deferred warrior' are wrong. From the perspective of an ordinary country, a dedicated commander and commander, of course, he must be responsible for the lives of every soldier under his command and every citizen behind the soldier. It is a matter of course and righteousness to seize the greatest degree of national interest for your own country.

"However, knowing that the hundreds of millions of people in the center of Xinghai are about to fall into the abyss of destruction, they still watched them die and live better than death, extremely calmly calculating the consumption between the empire and the Holy League, the best entry point for the federation. …Wait until two or three years before joining the war. At that time, even if the Federation has achieved victory on the battlefield and rich material returns, how should it face the tragic deaths of thousands of people, and how should it face the Federation’s own way? Heart? The cultivators of the Federation, when hitting a higher level, how can they tell themselves honestly-I am practicing for justice, for all mankind, and for the future of human civilization, so justice will surely bless you Me, all mankind will support me, and thousands of human compatriots will stand by my side and fight with me?

"Don’t you think that the old man is using illusory principles to suppress people. The great path leads to mystery, but there are also traces to follow. In the past 100 years, the average training efficiency of federal cultivators has increased by 13% compared with the previous century, which is more than what we recently collected. By the way, the average cultivation efficiency of immortal cultivators in the empire in a hundred years is more than 20% higher. Do you think that this is just good luck,'God Blessed Federation'?

"The old man thinks that this is the core of the problem-the core is how you view the Starlight Federation.

"If you think of the Star Alliance as an ordinary, muddled, soulless country-it is no different from the many countries that have flourished in the stars for a while in the past ten thousand years, and the Federation, the Empire, and the Holy League The war between them is just a common interest battle. It is a war for the supremacy of the universe. It doesn't matter, it's normal, and it should be continued even if you continue your deliberate discussion of interests.

"It's just that the old man must remind you that in this way, the Federation will completely lose its advantage on the avenue. The cultivators, the cultivators, and the holy ally are just the difference between hypocrites and real villains. What is the difference? Come, the federal cultivators will no longer want to get the slightest blessing from the Taoist heart, never want to get a higher training efficiency and upgrade success rate than the cultivators, and never want to get the support of hundreds of millions of people in Xinghai Central.

"How can such a federation that has lost its Dao Heart and soul compete with the Empire and the Holy League?

"However, if you, and thousands of cultivators and warriors, think that the Star Federation is not just an ordinary country, but a country with soul, righteousness, kindness, and justice, which is a burning hope for human civilization. , A country that is destined to liberate all mankind is not only for the benefit, but also for the four words of'justice' and'liberation'. I believe that the faith of all the practitioners and federal fighters will be stronger, and the Taoism will be certain. They will be more pure, and their spirits will definitely be firmer. Their training efficiency and upgrade success rate will be greatly improved as if they are injected with a heart booster, and even things like'battlefield breakthrough, immediate breakthrough, decisive breakthrough, and leapfrog defeat of the enemy' will emerge in endlessly. It has caused completely new changes in the entire federation practice world, bringing you great surprises!

"Haha, I'm sorry to let you all listen to so much nonsense.

"Old man...I know that in such a high-profile and critical meeting, regardless of the balance of power between the enemy and ours and the balance of national interests, they talk about "justice" and "spirituality". It is a bit out of date, even Something absurd.

"And I am an old immortal from a monster race, in front of all the cultivators, going to talk about the avenue of cultivation is more like a kind of irony.

"However, in addition to being a monster race, I am also a historical recorder, and...the tombstone builder of human civilization.

"Man is inherently dead, no matter how wonderful and brilliant life is, in the end it is just a short line of epitaphs on the tombstone. Isn't it the same for a country and civilization?

"How I hope that when the Star Alliance is facing its own life and death decision, it will not forget its original aspiration, carry it through, and leave a strong mark on the tombstone of human civilization; how hopeful that after hundreds of millions of years, the Star Alliance's History should not be mixed with the histories of other ordinary human countries, wiped out, without a trace, but can leave behind its own unique spirit, a generous and fierce ending, with the greatest spirit and the most firm belief, Become a line of shining epitaphs, and continue to inspire a new civilization after hundreds of millions of years!"

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