40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2912: Unfinished for a thousand years!

On the edge of the polar celestial realm and the celestial star, in the endless darkness, there are a large number of billowing scout-specific crystal eyes and self-detonating magnetic mines. The runes engraved on the surface emit a dim luster, transmitting simple data and commands, and sometimes condensed. Formed into a ball, and sometimes scattered into a beautiful network, floating, cruising, and wriggling.

If you imagine the universe as a warm and humid ancient ocean, the cold lumps made of these metals and spars may have initially met the definition of "cells", just like primitive fungi condensed into a blanket. It has gradually developed into a multi-celled life and embarked on a brand new and incredible evolutionary journey.

If you think of the universe as the interior of a huge “super-living body”, these lumps are like white blood cells that are always on guard, monitoring the slightest abnormal spatial changes within a radius of millions of kilometers, even a bunch of the most subtle. The ripples and ripples in the space will not let go.



"Didi, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip.”

The instructions given to them by human beings are broken down into various complex ripples and simple symbols, which circulate in the thousands of circuits they control the chip, and are transmitted to more distant places.

Occasionally, when they leave the coverage of the human spirit web and enter a barren land without a network, the special instructions and programs stored in their memory chip will also be automatically activated, giving them a certain degree of autonomy and allowing these unconscious irons. Knot, can perform a variety of "missions."

——If you get rid of the limitations of carbon-based intelligent life and look at it from a more diverse perspective, why can't this scene be a primitive life form, slowly awakening, and embarking on the beginning of the road of life?

However, such a beginning was interrupted by a sudden alarm.

In the depths of the Star Sea, which is more than 74 million kilometers away from the extreme heavens-in terms of the scale of the universe, this is almost a finger distance. The originally stable three-dimensional vacuum is like being attacked by karma from four-dimensional space. , At first, red, orange, blue, and green halo appeared out of thin air, and the halo on the plane quickly bulged into bubbles. The bubbles expanded and expanded rapidly, and finally burst silently, and then a halo appeared. An unfathomable black hole, in the center of the black hole, the stars are dotted, as if leading to another universe hundreds of millions of light years away.

A cluster of wormholes with a diameter of several million kilometers was born quickly and became bigger and bigger.

Ripples in space, like stormy waves, swept all around.

A large amount of matter is about to break through the impulse and descend on the periphery of the extreme heaven.

In an instant, sensing the intense fluctuations of space ripples and the anomalous data about the imminent arrival of large-mass and high-density objects, all the nearby reconnaissance crystals and magnetic mines were awakened.

They are like discovering the fungus of the prey, or sensing the white blood cells of the intruder, fully energizing their working fluid power unit, spraying out dazzling tail flames, and converging into a terrifying steel wave. The coordinates of the birth of the wormhole rushed.

Reconnaissance crystal eyes as close as possible to the opponent, collect more data and send it back to the rear before being torn apart by the ripples of space; magnetic mines rush to the center of the wormhole group to merge into the opponent's massive and high-density objects The magnetic field, and at the last moment, it exploded fiercely, bursting out the brightest brilliance of their "life", disturbing the other party's jumping.

At this moment, the reconnaissance crystal eyes and magnetic mines still can't realize the meaning of "life", they are only faithfully executing orders from the depths of the Celestial Star.

Just like the original fungi, bacteria, and cells, it is impossible to understand what is called "life", they just follow the instructions called "instinct" in a muddle-headed manner.

Wormhole clusters appeared in all directions of the polar world, and tens of millions of magnetic mines were also activated at the same time, rushing to the nearest wormhole cluster, like a warrior who gave up his life, turning himself into a bright fireball. Prevent the further expansion of the wormhole group, and tear apart those starships that have just jumped in half.

For a time, the entire sea of ​​stars was illuminated, and the super-strong radiation erupted from the annihilation of the wormhole group eclipsed the hundreds of millions of stars. Even the observatory set up on the surface of the celestial star can observe the sky fires that ignite outside the galaxy. , The sky fire gathered into a river, a burning river!

In just one hour, countless wormhole groups that had just been opened were severely disturbed or even annihilated.

But for the largest invasion of the Covenant League in a thousand years, such automated defense is far from enough.

Fuxi had collected a large amount of intelligence on the defense system of the imperial capital and deduced thousands of different changes. Such conventional tactics were completely within its calculations.

As a result, the first batch of battleships that jumped along the wormhole were not the main battleships such as the super arsenal ships with strong guns, and even the "starships" were not even the "starships". They were just unmanned space shuttles with the defending side. And a small self-detonation magic weapon similar to a fully automatic magnetic mine.

It is also made of cold metal and spar. It is also low-cost and large in quantity. It can also automatically search for and approach the enemy's densest coordinates and burst out fiercely. The only difference is that these batches refined in Fuxi In the "Blast Mine", there is even a small cockpit, with flesh and blood, living puppet warriors who can huddle inside like babies, lock the enemy and launch a sprint-given the simplicity of this magic weapon, lack of fuel and attack mode Once dropped from the mothership into the Star Sea, it is almost impossible to recover. The driver’s mortality rate is 100%. Therefore, even the extremely brutal Imperial Army is not equipped with similar magic weapons. Only a system like the Holy League can find it. There are enough soldiers who are highly brainwashed and fearless to death, and they don't care about their life or death.

This is a silent war, and even more a "inhumane" war. When the Saint League fighters sit on dozens of tons of high-explosive spar, they rush to the opposite steel defense line with no expression, and put their **** on the opposite side of the steel defense line. When the spar underneath and their own flesh and blood all detonated, their souls were also highly frozen and sealed, without the slightest fear of death.

However, a magnetic mine from the Saint League exploded spontaneously, but it could trigger an overwhelming psychic storm, which strongly interfered with the information transmission and psychic circuits around it, and made all nearby high-precision magic weapons invalid.

Countless imperial magnetic mines, reconnaissance crystal eyes, and unmanned cosmic war shuttles all dimmed in the ravages of magnetic storms and lost power. They could only rely on inertia to move forward, finally leaving the target area and becoming lonely dust.

However, the magnetic mine of the Saint Alliance is controlled by a death squad. Even if it loses most of its automatic functions, it will not affect it to reach the general attack area on a rampage, and then another psychic storm comes!

Through this frenzied tactics, the Saint League’s main fleet kept the normal opening and continuous expansion of most wormhole groups, and established a solid “beachhead position” outside the wormhole groups, no matter how indiscriminately the defenders bombed. At last, several of the largest wormhole clusters were finally opened, just like the eyes of the demon that kept opening, enough to allow the largest battleships to pass through.

As a result, in the eyes of the devil, a series of intricate transparent lines are quickly outlined. The lines form the outline and structure of the battleship, constantly fine and clear, and in the end, it is like a piece of black veil tearing like a cicada's wings. , The mighty and mighty starships appeared one after another.

The outer shells of these psychic jammers, super arsenal ships, cruise mother ships, and Star Wars Castle still have ripples contaminated when they travel through four-dimensional space, making their shapes in the three-dimensional universe seem uncertain, as if they are surrounded by strong The smoke of gunpowder is like the real domineering of a giant star beast. This domineering alone is enough to shred several layers of defense and smash up to the Celestial Star.

When the five supreme battle castles representing the highest combat power of the Covenant League, also under the guard of many starships, appeared on the periphery of the extreme heavens and swallowed unscrupulously killing intent and domineering, finally, there was no doubt.

This is not a feint, it is not a sly attack or a trick to lure the enemy, it is indeed the main fleet of the Saint League coming out of the nest to make a thousand-year-old break with the empires!


Under the Celestial Star, in the depths of the Jinjing Tower, the control center.

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen were sitting on a control chair condensed by countless crystal brains and crystal cables. The eyes of the two shone, as if infinite data flashed by.

Li Yao's body is still intact in the hibernation cabin, but there is a thick crystal cable connected to his back of his head. The crystal cable extends all the way to the ground and passes through a launch pad to numerous communication base stations floating in the starry sky. Connected together, in this way, if Li Yao's spirit can return to the extreme heavens, it is possible to return to the body through these base stations-this is Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, a very slim hope.

But at this moment, the two little guys couldn't care where Li Yao's soul was.

They were all deeply shocked by the astonishing number of the main force fleet of the Saint League and the extremely resolute will to fight.

"How many starships are there? Our reconnaissance eye can't even count it!"

Xiao Ming exclaimed.

"The Holy Alliance people seem to have concentrated all the starships in a small battlefield. What are they trying to do? Did they ignore all the defenses of the world behind them and completely abandon them!"

Wenwen did not understand either.

"According to the preliminary estimate of the number and combat effectiveness, the imperial capital alone can't hold it. They don't seem to come to'attack', but to completely'destroy' this place!"

Xiao Ming came to a desperate conclusion.

The two little guys looked at each other and saw the bloodshot blood bursting rapidly in each other's eyes. Such a complicated and chaotic situation instantly surpassed the limit of their computing power, barely relying on themselves to maintain it, and the little heads of the two little guys would burst. Up.

"Quickly notify the little emperor and the queen mother, the main force of the Saint League has really appeared, and the power is far beyond our imagination!"

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