40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2919: Honest people are angry too!


Song Lixing said, "What advice?"

"The general thought that the chairman should find a way to bring all the military systems of the four major families, the military command, the military and political department, the base camp, the national defense committee, and the military committee...all together and bring them to the front line."

Song Buhui said, "The chairman should know that these guys have very serious interference with the Huitian fleet, especially the several squadrons that belong to the other three families, which are beyond our complete control.

"If these guys stay in the Yellow Dragon Realm, or simply enter the flagship of their own squadron, they are really on the battlefield. If they don't follow the command of the end general, there is nothing the end general can do!

"Therefore, in order to ensure the victory of the'Jade Ding Campaign', these people must be lured to the general flagship of the final general. Only in this way can we'drive the tiger and devour the wolf' and let the final elite of the other three families. , And fight against Lei Chenghu’s remnants, but it is our Song family that will harvest the final result."


Song Lixing squinted his eyes, a greedy light radiated from the depths of his eyes.

"The general will go and say that they may not be willing, so it is still necessary for the chairman to come forward and board the general flagship of the general with them. The reason, even if it is... joint command."

Song Buhui said, "Chairman, don't worry, even if our flagship jumps to the Jade Ding Realm, it will definitely stay at the core of the battlefield. Faced with the chaotic Thunder Chenghu, there will never be the slightest danger.

"Once you win a complete victory, it can be said in publicity that the chairman of the committee, you're "promising the arrow and defeating the **** of war". Such a supreme glory, but a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. At that time, the chairman will even become our Song family for hundreds of years. The first person to come!"

"This one……"

Song Lixing groaned a few times, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help being pulled apart, and he took a deep look at Song Bugui, "Why, don't you want to defeat the God of War yourself and enjoy this glory?"

"In the end, I will know myself and know who brought everything I have."

Song Bugui bowed his head deeply, preventing his superiors from seeing the mysterious light and shadow in his eyes, and said humbly, "The chairman is the end general’s all hope and greatest support. The chairman seizes the extraordinary merits, and the end general can follow. Dip the light, that's enough.

"After all, the chairman is the orthodox government of our entire real human empire. Everyone knows that he is the brave general of the three armies. Without you backing up, the final general would really not dare, and I really dare not fight against Lei Chenghu. ."

"Okay, this chairperson understands what you mean. Don't worry, you are so loyal to the family, and the family will never treat you badly."

Song Lixing still wanted to hold the air, but couldn't help but betrayed him deeply with the upturned and trembling corners of his mouth. He waved his hand and laughed, "I have my own opinion on this matter, the pig in the court I will deal with the dogs. Your task is to prepare the Huitian fleet for a raid within 24 hours. The rise and fall of the empire is in this battle. Let’s execute the order!"


Song Bugui had his legs close together, his waist straight, and he saluted the hardest military salute in his life.

The light curtain dimmed again, and the dark mirror surface was like a dark swamp, reflecting the face of the head of the Huitian fleet.

It's just that, compared with the confusion and distress just now, his face now looks calm, calm and secretive.

Song Bugui lightly rubbed the sides of the bridge of his nose, pondered for a long time, and summoned his eldest son who was serving as a communications officer with the ship.

"Juncai, now in the entire Huitian fleet, how many soldiers do we have-at least those above the high-ranking stage of the base construction period?"

Song Bugui half closed his eyes, still pressing his fingers on the bridge of his nose, holding half of his face, and asked in a low voice.


The eldest son didn't know what the old man meant, and said cautiously, "Father, more than one-third of the soldiers in the Huitian fleet are from the Song family, don't you know that?"


Song Bugui leaked cold eyes from his fingers, staring at his eldest son a little angrily, "I didn't ask the Song family, I asked us!"

"Aren't we... the Song family?"

The eldest son blinked his eyes. It was not that his response was slow, but that Song Bugui had always left the impression that he was a cautious and committed mediocre person inside and outside the family. Even the eldest son often complained that the old man was too honest sometimes, so much so. For a while, he didn't feel the sharpness of Song Fugui's words.

"The Song family is the Song family, we are us!"

Song Bugui increased his tone. The anger he didn't vent at Song Lixing just now all burned to the eldest son, "Is your father the Patriarch of the Song family? Is your father the elect? Your father can speak in the entire Song family. Are you saying good things?"

The eldest son was stunned, took a deep breath, and finally sensed the murderous aura flowing from Song Bugui's fingers, shivered, and understood.

"The real blood relatives of our own family, plus the old generals who have been with us for more than a hundred years, can probably make up five hundred warriors who are unstoppable."

The eldest son paused and added, “It’s all children who practice personally on weekdays, who dared to pin their heads on their belts and poke a hole in the sky. There are not only high-level base-building phases, but also a lot of alchemy phases. Go to those few battles that outsiders don’t know about..."

"Enough, you don’t need to go into details about the few Yuan Ying’s things. I’ll give you twelve hours. No matter what means and excuses you use, you can mobilize them all to the flagship. No, five hundred is too much, really do it For the big event, I don’t need so many people, so choose the 300 most loyal ones."

Song Bugui said, "Feed them all, and carefully selected crystal armors and weapons and ammunition, and then one person sends out the crystal marrow of the universe ring and the treasure of heaven and material. After the matter is completed, there will be Ten times the reward, let them wait!

"Of course, these are the words of ordinary dead men, Jin Dan and Yuan Ying, bring them here directly, and I will speak personally.

"Yes, father, no, father..."

The eldest son’s nose was a little hot, like the first day he met his father, he stammered, "You, what are you doing?"

"Don't do anything, just be prepared."

Song Bugui said indifferently, "Listen, within twenty-four hours, the Huitian fleet will complete its final combat preparations, and the entire army will go to the Jade Ding Realm. According to reliable sources, Lei Chenghu’s deputy Bai Xingjian mutiny and defected. Lei Chenghu's fleet was in complete chaos and collapsed without a fight.

"If this is the case, we will fight to the death and smash the sign of the'God of War' in one go, and become the orthodox government of the true human empire, the greatest hero!

"In this case, we don’t need these three hundred dead men. Let them protect the safety of us and the adults. After all, hum, if I guess right, our flagship will be very lively later. There are many adults who are coming to'joint command'."

"What, Lei Chenghu's lieutenant defected? Me, I understand!"

The eldest son actually didn't understand, he chewed his father's words carefully, and frowned, "Father seems to have something in his words. You said,'It's true,' and we just do it. Could it be that there is a second possibility?"

"Is there any second possibility? You have to plan ahead, otherwise you will be used as a gunman for nothing, and you won't know how to die in the end."

Song Bugui insisted, "Have you heard clearly? If you are clear, go ahead and do it."

"Do not……"

Known father Mo Ruozi, in a short moment, thousands of thoughts flashed through the eldest son's mind, and he gradually understood. With an expression of excitement, fear, and troubles entangled with each other, he trembled, "But, but, my father, mother , Grandfather and so many of my brothers and sisters, and my wives and children, including so many grandchildren and great-grandchildren of you, thousands of people in our line, still stay in the mansion of Huanglongxing, and are imprisoned by the family. Keep it under control, what do they do?"

"I know, I know, I originally wanted to retreat from the position of the Education Director of the Imperial Fleet. If anyone chooses, who would be willing to be the chief coach of the Huitian Fleet and face the pigs in the rear. The dog and the **** of war ahead!"

Song Bugui was silent for a moment, and said, "Juncai, do you think that being your father is so kind and deceptive that anyone can ride on his father's neck and rub his head like a dough? Rounded up?"


Naturally, the eldest son cannot answer this question.

"Huh, Yun Xuefeng, Song Yushi... So many cultivators with sharp edges and treacherous cultivators have all fallen, but as a father, they can stand for a hundred years. Do you really think Song Bugui is a good man and a believer who eats the Buddha?"

Song Bugui finally took off his hand covering half of his face, clenched his fist, and slammed into the console in front of him. There was a loud roar and smoke curled up.

Losing the shadow of the shadow, his red eyes, as well as the ferociousness that was stronger than blood in the depths of the eyes, were exposed in front of the eldest son.

"The arrow is on the string, and I have to send it. When I continue to break it, I will suffer from the chaos. Everything I do for my father is forced. Anyway, it is the end of the full-fledged chaos. It is better to give it a go. Can the relatives stranded in Huanglongxing escape It depends on their... good luck.

"Go, Juncai, trust your father once, this may be the only way to save your wife, children, young and old."


The blood glow in Song Bugui's eyes burned to the eldest son's body like a flame. The eldest son also felt that his eyes and the depths of his brain were burning like a volcano. He paid a military salute to Song Bugui and hurried away.

Seeing the eldest son gradually disappearing in the darkness of the tunnel, Song Bugui once again sat back in the handsome position, licking the blood that splashed out when he just smashed the console, while summoning the combat staff and other bridge crew members. Thinking blankly.

Before the entire bridge group and fleet command level arrived, the experienced empire veteran, the head coach of the Huitian fleet, and the few remaining strategically minded immortals of the four major electors' coalition forces, smiled bitterly. In a small voice like dust, he said to himself:

"This empire... is going to end!"

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