40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2921: Lean towards Tiger Mountain!

"The former'God of War' is now too old. He was played by a lieutenant who was born as a star thief, and his arm was cut off for nothing. What's so terrible!"

"The rebels are already in a state of chaos. As long as the heavenly soldiers arrive and launch a thunderous blow, the rebels will inevitably be turned into dust and wiped out!"

"We wiped out the rebels in the Jade Ding Realm, and the rebels of the Extreme Heaven Realm and the Saint Allies were both defeated and defeated. The final victory was so effortless!"

It doesn’t matter whether it’s boasting, or it’s to cheer yourself up, numb your nerves, or force yourself to put up a "convinced conviction". In short, within a long time, set up in and out of Huanglongxing's palace, this kind of argument has been flying all over the sky. Very uproarious.

Below the four major electors, almost all the nobles are eager to fight, and there are not half of them who are as cautious as Song Bugui.

Here, there is another layer that is not a benefit to outsiders. In the rebel fleet commanded by Lei Chenghu at the moment, a large number of starships and soldiers are from the King Kong fleet and the Ace fleet. They are in the Battle of the Seven Seas and the Imperial Capital Offensive and Defense. During the war, captured by the reformists.

In other words, these starships were originally built by the four major families that took hundreds of years and hard work!

Soon after these starships joined the revolutionary camp, the officers and soldiers who operated the starships could not all be washed away. There are still a large number of retained personnel in the old system, and many of them will see the situation badly. It is not always necessary to re-transfer to the old masters. .

At least, the four major electors are confident, and they all think so.

Therefore, of course they have to take the lead, and strive to bring back some of their starships from Lei Chenghu's side, and even capture other starships, which is also excellent.

——Driven by such a complicated and unpredictable mentality, all fleets stationed in the Yellow Dragon Realm completed their combat readiness as quickly as possible.

Not only the main Huitian fleet, but also a few low-Earth orbit defense fleets that are not suitable for large-scale star-sea jumps, and even a supplementary fleet composed of semi-armed transport ships, are all packed with ambitious immortals who want to take advantage of the fire. , Wailing screamed to "defend the glory of your majesty."

In the hinterland of the other few, there are also a large number of starships assembled in a hurry, requesting the jump coordinates of the Jade Ding Realm, and directly jumping over to "cooperate".

These starships are truly rabble, and they usually flee when they hear the name of Lei Chenghu. At this moment, they want to refill their numbers.

In the face of such chaos, noisy, turbulent, self-determined chaotic situation, the Song family has a terrible headache, but there is nothing to do.

Song Lixing was more and more acknowledging Song Bugui’s suggestion—it seems that it is indeed necessary to find a way to gather all the military leaders in one place and monitor them nearby. Otherwise, the ghost knows whether they will pass Song Bugui. Go back, give orders directly to their respective squadrons, take the initiative to fight, and take the lead?

Song Bugui's remarks have completely burned Song Lixing's sanity. He is now thinking about how to defeat Lei Chenghu and become a new generation of "God of War".

Of course, Song Lixing would never force the military leaders of various families to board the flagships under his control. It would be too obvious and too stupid to do so.

Song Lixing understands the mentality of these people, but he just released the news that he will take some of the top of the military committee and board the flagship, "to command the front, and personally fight against Lei Chenghu." Those military headquarters, military and political departments, and base camps. The Gungun princes from the General Staff and the National Defense Committee surrounded them like flies smelling sweetness. They rushed to squeeze into the flagship with him, and they had to "jointly command," "Together with the God of War"

It seems that the nobles of the four major families who "see honor as their life" are unwilling to let go of the great opportunity to "defeat Lei Chenghu", and are not willing to watch Lei Chenghu's head fall into the hands of others. , Huddled together, watched each other, restrained each other, I couldn't get Lei Chenghu's head, and you would never want to get it!

When many high-pitched and confident military leaders and nobles boarded the general flagship, Song Bugui, the head coach of the Huitian Fleet, had been waiting at the entrance of the ship.

These big guys with strong backgrounds dismissed him and swaggered past him.

Indeed, now Lei Chenghu is in a mess, and victory is at hand. When he retakes his own starship, he will naturally rebuild his own fleet. The Huitian fleet is only a deformed product of the transition period. Why is it necessary to continue to exist?

At the beginning, Song Bugui, the "Imperial Fleet Education Director", was chosen as the head coach of the Huitian Fleet because he has always been mediocre and cautious, without much ambition and strength, and is a person that can make all parties rest assured, even if the black pot hits his head. Characters that don't even hum.

Now, or after two or three days at most, it won't be of any use anymore. What's the matter with him?

Only Song Lixing exchanged a meaningful look with Song Bugui when he boarded the flagship.


While no one was around, Song Bugui whispered, "So many high-level executives have all boarded our flagship, but it seems that there are not too many guards?"

"Because there are too many high-level officials belonging to various factions, many people used to have deep grievances and entanglements. No one can rest assured that others will bring too many guards, so simply, I will take the lead and everyone will not bring them."

Song Lixing explained, "Furthermore, the elite soldiers and powerful generals of each family, the highly effective Jin Dan and Yuan Ying, are all assigned to the front-line arsenal ships and assault ships, and they are ready to smash into Lei Chenghu. If you are lucky enough to reap the heads of people in the battlefield, which powerhouse can look at the great achievements in front but be picked by others?

"Aren't you safe here? It's not always possible for Lei Chenghu's starship to crash into our flagship, right?"

"how can that be?"

Song Bugui laughed dumbly, "The chairman has been worrying too much."

"That's it."

Song Lixing took a deep breath, looked at the densely packed starships through the 360-degree virtual porthole, and waved, "Go, Lei Chenghu's head must be ours!"

The tail flames spewed, the stars flickered, and hundreds of thousands of starships shredded three-dimensional space at the same time. The stormy waves set off, enveloped the entire Huanglong world, making many planets and stars covered with a colorful gauze, reflecting the incomparable brilliance.

The impatient Huitian fleet and the noble coalition forces rushed toward the Jade Ding Realm aggressively.

The war in the Jade Ding Realm has been raging for more than half a month. Jade Star and several resource planets are under heavy siege by the revolutionary rebels. The entire star field is full of fragmented wreckage of starships and strong psychic interference field. , There is no way to transmit a large amount of battlefield data.

Until the Huitian fleet and the noble coalition jumped to the Yuding Realm, they could scan the entire star field, establish a tactical communication chain and battlefield data model, and get in touch with the ground defenders.

The distance between Huanglongjie and Yudingjie is not far away. This is a fairly smooth short-distance jump. The Huitian fleet has even maintained a fairly complete formation, and there is no such thing as a “blind jump” that often happens. The starship is blown by a four-dimensional storm. There are things everywhere, scattered within tens of billions of kilometers.

The latest information received one after another has greatly encouraged the morale of the nobles.

First of all, the surface of Yuding Star and several important resource planets are still firmly controlled on their side, and they have not been breached by the rebels.

This means that they have a solid defense and supply base.

Secondly, at a certain coordinate near the low-Earth orbit of the fourth planet in Yuding Realm, there are extremely strong spatial ripples, much like the traces of a large-scale fleet jump.

There is the most fragile space in the entire Jade Ding Realm, where the natural wormholes are the most, and it is also the busiest jumping point in the tradition-this is the "iron proof" of the rush of Bai Xinghe!

Third, the commander of the defending army personally reported that after a day and night of fierce fighting, his low-Earth orbit fleet was still unable to intercept Lei Chenghu's remains, and was even destroyed by 90% of its combat effectiveness.

However, Lei Chenghu did not pursue the victory, destroying the defending fleet and occupying Yuding Star in one go. Instead, he chose to clean up the mess, turned around and ran, and also led the remains of his fleet along the old road of the White Star Sword towards Planet 4. Escape.

According to the garrison commander's report, Lei Chenghu acted hurriedly. He didn't even clean the battlefield. He even left a lot of slower starships. He resolutely withdrew from the battlefield regardless.

"Lei Chenghu knows that the situation is over, and is ready to escape!"

"He must know that we are coming, his end is here!"

"Catch up, never let him run away!"

The starships of the Huitian Fleet are filled with fearless optimism.

On the general flagship, the Dungang princes who participated in the "Supreme Joint Operations Conference" must celebrate with each other and celebrate the most glorious "victory" in advance.

Now, the situation is very good, and there is only one last question left.

First was the White Star Sword, and now it is Lei Chenghu. The direction they fled in haste is the best jumping point in the Jade Ding Realm. The vicinity of Planet 4 is also the center of the tug of war between the two sides for nearly half a month. The entire star field is It is full of strong psychic interference, starship wreckage, and unexploded space mines, which is equivalent to a thick fog of war. Now, no one can scan the situation without knowing what Lei Chenghu is. How many remnants are left, and what is their morale, damage, and combat effectiveness?

As the head coach of the Huitian fleet in name, Song Bugui's performance can be described as "benevolent and righteous."

He suggested to fight steadily, send a small group of scouts, carry a large number of scanning magic weapons and reconnaissance eyes, find out the situation near the jumping point of the fourth planet, and then the large forces will do care.

Such a cautious proposal was immediately attacked by many military leaders.

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