40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2923: Deadly pearl necklace!

The eldest son looked at his father's gloomy face, and then looked at the elite dead men who had followed him for decades and hundreds of years, hiding in the darkness of the tunnel, and he understood everything.

He nodded, grabbed the short handle at his waist and exploded the spear, and walked away quickly.

Song Bugui lowered his eyelids, said nothing, and stopped trying to open the door of the conference room to disappoint, persuading the smug generals, ministers and chairmen to proceed with caution.

What's more, even if he wanted to spend more time talking, it was too late-under Song Lixing's direct order, even the flagship at their feet suddenly accelerated, joined the wolf rushing pigs camp, and turned into a tiger at full speed. The remnant array rushed.

All of a sudden, the entire Huitian fleet split into four or five sharp blades, and each sub-squadron drove its speed to the limit, leaving no room for maneuver.

"Two million kilometers, 1.5 million kilometers, one million kilometers, and it is expected to meet the enemy in five minutes!"

All starships fought their fate and turned their power units, squeezing every drop of energy in each spar, and burning the psionic shield covering the shell of the starship and the magic core in the turret to orange-red. At first glance, It is shining like billions of meteorites that have broken through the atmosphere, and like a raging wave, about to sweep and crush the fragile towns on the coast.

In the assault cabins of those large battleships, the armor masters who were ready to take up the side and charge for a hand-to-hand charge were even more excited. The eyes of every nobleman were burned into a nearly transparent color, as if at this moment, they had already turned " "God of War" Lei Chenghu's head is firmly in his palm!

Indeed, compared with their hurricane, the situation of Lei Chenghu's remnant formation can be described as "worried".

It was originally a broken starship that was riddled with holes, scars, and run out of ammunition and food. It had to brake and turn 180 degrees to form a solid battlefield while fleeing at a super high speed. The mentality of all officers and soldiers was changed from " "Fleeing from the wasteland" reverses to "a last fight", it is more difficult to reach the sky!

A large amount of starship’s fuel is supplied to the power unit, which cannot be transferred to the defensive layer for a while, and the barely raised psionic shields are extremely dim. It seems that one round of salvo can make them all fragmented, and the sparse battlefield is still There is a disorderly arrangement of battleships, which even shows the frustration and helplessness of Lei Chenghu.

Even at the end of the battlefield, several starships ignored Lei Chenghu's orders and continued to flee towards the back of Planet 4, trying to forcefully enter a jumping state!

This shows that Lei Chenghu's control over the fleet has fallen to the bottom. Perhaps as long as one charge, his fleet can be completely broken up and can no longer be assembled.

That is, a total massacre!

"Five hundred thousand kilometers, four hundred thousand kilometers, three hundred thousand kilometers, two hundred thousand kilometers, and finally one hundred thousand kilometers!"

The Huitian fleet is getting faster and faster, and every starship's bridge resounds with murderous howls.

When the distance between the two battlefields was only the last 50,000 kilometers, the Huitian fleet first issued its own battle cry. Hundreds of thousands of beams of light that were thicker and a hundred times brighter than before instantly dyed the entire star sea into a vast expanse of white. All kinds of projectiles with strong electromagnetic ripples rushed like a meteorite rain from Jiuyou Huangquan. A large number of crystal armors and cosmic war shuttles followed closely behind them, flying like wild bees, courageously stepping forward!

The remnant formation that Lei Chenghu reluctantly built could not withstand such an "awe-inspiring" attack. The Aegis ship, the psychic interference ship and the last batch of integrated supply ships in the forefront immediately exploded, and the supers that were hit Large wafer reactors are like devastating bombs. In just a few seconds, they have completed the entire process of combustion, expansion, explosion, diffusion, and annihilation, turning them into countless ultra-high-speed rotating debris.

Under the cover of these wrecks, Lei Chenghu's remnant array barely swarmed with tens of thousands of weak beams of light to counterattack.

However, such scattered and weak firepower is simply not enough to break through the defense layer of the Huitian fleet. Not only can it not play a role in deterring the enemy, but it makes the Huitian fleet more confident and courageous-that is, that. People who dare not fight ligers will involuntarily infuse their courage in the face of falling dogs.

"Come on, let the damned traitor see how good we are!"

"Lei Chenghu's head belongs to Ben Hou, so don't even think about robbing Ben Hou!"

"This seat is the new generation of God of War. Let me make a final decision and completely defeat Lei Chenghu's flagship!"

Both fleets maintained the highest sprint speed that a starship can withstand, from 100,000 kilometers to passing by in just a short moment, but at this moment, about 10% of the starships belonging to Lei Chenghu were destroyed. More than 20% of the starships have lost their psychic shields and power, and can only turn around and become live targets. The remaining 70% of the starships are also damaged to varying degrees, completely losing the concept of formation. To say that he fled in a hurry, it would be better to say that he was "wriggling in despair" in the starry sky like a black desert.

Looking back at the Huitian Fleet, even though the squadrons belonging to the major families have their own way of doing things and making their own decisions, they can finally maintain the most basic battle formation, with sufficient ammunition and fuel, and the morale is even higher than that of Lei Cheng. The remnant of the tiger is more than a hundred times better.

More importantly, through this hand-to-hand charge, they not only shattered Lei Chenghu's remnant formation, but also inserted between Lei Chenghu's remnant and the jumping point of the fourth planet, cutting off Lei Chenghu's escape route.

This is the most important thing.

"Lei Chenghu's remnants are really vulnerable, and the eagle of victory has hovered over my head!"

On the flagship of the Huitian Fleet, the military geniuses of the four major families and the next God of War candidates all think so.

Many people also looked at Song Bugui, who was prying his head at the door, with contemptuous eyes: "Have you seen, the enemy is so weak, and he really wanted to run just now. If according to Song Cishuai, you have to be careful and step by step. It will miss the opportunity and return to the mountain!"

Song Bugui didn't say anything, not even the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes moved halfway.

He was just very light, very light, sighed very lightly, and retracted his head again.

The Huitian fleet continued to advance.

Having just completed a super-high-speed sprint in billions of artillery fire, the starship cluster still maintains a very strong impact, at least one million kilometers in the maneuver before it can mobilize the second round—perhaps the final round of charge.

At this time, they are still subject to the interaction of their own inertia and the gravitational circle of planet 4, moving forward along a synchronous orbit.

With the help of the massive mass of Planet 4, the synchronized orbit is regarded as a huge "gravitational slingshot" and "thrown out" itself to reduce fuel consumption and increase the fleet speed by another step. This is a normal operation of the Xinghai Battle.

During this period, there were already a large number of mobile and flexible crystal armors and cosmic war shuttles, which firmly contained the remnants of Lei Chenghu, and bought deadly time for the assembly and sprint of his army.

Seeing that they have reached the stretching limit of the "gravitational slingshot", they are about to be thrown out severely, to vent their anger and killing intent a hundredfold.

At this moment, 99% of the people in the Huitian fleet no longer doubt the inevitable victory. It is just a matter of time, whether it is an hour or a minute.

And their entire fleet, unknowingly, came to the back of Planet Four.

Then, they saw the scimitar.

That handle was as thin as a cicada's wings, curved like a crescent, and gleaming across their channel, as if a scimitar that could cut even the tail of a comet and cut the planet in half.

"Do not……"

The nobles looked at each other for a long time before someone realized that it was not a real moon scimitar, but a small fleet, composed of thousands of spangled assault ships and destroyers. Assaulting the fleet, the distance between each other was compressed to the point where they almost collided together, and the thousands of tail flames were completely condensed together. At first glance, it looked like a blade of light cutting through waves.

In this way, this silent assault fleet reduced its reflection ripples to a minimum, and with the help of planetary shadows, fragmented battlefield debris and distorted space ripples, it miraculously escaped the scanning of the Heavenly Return Fleet!

And now, this assault fleet that has been compressed to its limit is rapidly expanding and spreading its own light, just as the sword light has changed from a dangerous white to a more dangerous blood!

The most dangerous sword in the entire sea of ​​stars has been unsheathed.

"This is-White Star Sword's fleet!"

Finally, a few well-informed nobles, who saw the clue from the frantic surging data, issued a howling like a pig.

It wasn't just White Star Sword's fleet that shocked them.

No matter how sharp Bai Xingjian's sword is, it is only the scale of a few thousand destroyers, and it is not enough to reverse the entire battle.

However, behind the White Star Sword Fleet, in the shadow of Planet 4, in the mysterious fog of war, there is a string of things like pearl necklaces that gleams and forms an almost perfect circle.

Around the "Pearl Necklace", there were supposed to be a little bit of stars, but now it turned into the deepest black, as if the entire space had been dug out of thin air, or in other words, a fan, ten fans, hundreds of fans were dug out. The gate leading to Xinghai Beach.

"Yes, it's the star gate, it's a super giant star sea jumping beacon, something has jumped over, there are... countless super massive objects have jumped over!"

On every starship of the Huitian fleet, the cheers that were so excited just now were replaced by horrified screams.

The alarm system used to monitor super-mass objects and spatial ripples screamed sternly, almost piercing the eardrums of all the nobles.

In fact, without warning from the alarm system, the nobles stuck their noses to the portholes, and they can see with the naked eye just how magnificent the super-large star gate hidden behind planet 4 is, and it is How magnificent the star sea jumps guided!

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