40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2926: The rage of the speaker!


Trainee staff Meng Xiaolang was stunned, thinking he had heard it wrong.

He, he, he, what did he hear just now, the speaker of the Supreme Council of the dignified Star Federation, the leader who should be above the temple, is actually going to take the lead in the charge?

It is one thing to be on the front line, to take the lead in the charge, to be at the forefront of the entire battle formation. This is another completely different thing. Looking at the history of human civilization over the past 100,000 years, how can there be a supreme leader so... Not afraid of death?

Meng Xiaolang blinked his eyes, then looked at his colleagues around him, everyone was shocked and confused.

But looking at the bright red blood and burning robe in the light curtain, they all realized that they had not heard it wrong. The Lord Speaker with the title of "Red Flame Dragon King" really wanted to, really wanted to act as a federation. Above the tip of the sword, the most shining edge!

Meng Xiaolang’s face was still a bit frozen, but the blood vessels and nerves and the internal organs were already burning with power. I don’t know who was the first to start roaring. In short, within half a minute, the frantic roar sounded through Meng Xiaolang’s surroundings. , Also resounded on every warship of the EFF.

"The Federation Army, crush all the enemies blocking our future, go forward, go forward, go forward!"



Even all the congressmen and strong men on the "Kunlun" were taken aback. No one knew what was going on when they looked at each other. The Federal Speaker personally attacked such a earth-shattering event. How could they not know it at all? Wouldn't it be? Ding Lingdang has his own opinion, this is too, this is too--


"This is too messy!"

On the EFF’s flagship "Liaoyuan", the chief of the general staff, Bai Xinyi, uttered a hysterical roar for the hundredth time, "Who does she think she is, a strong general with well-developed limbs and simple mind? This is our first attack. Once! We didn’t even know the details of the enemy. We don’t even know whether the so-called "friends" are really that reliable or whether they dug a pit to frame us. As the supreme leader of the dignified federation, she is cultivated and civilized. It symbolizes that she is going to rush out regardless? Is there no procedure for such a big matter, and there is no need for a democratic vote in the parliament?"

Bai Xin was furious for a long time, and went through the many regulations of the Parliament and the Military Law in his mind in an instant. It seems, uh, it seems that he has not found it. "When the Federal Speaker wants to charge into the battle at all costs, the voting procedure of the Parliament" .

Also, the ancestors who formulated the federal law, the basic law of comprehension, and the parliamentary voting procedure, who could have foreseen that the federal people would elect such a barbaric speaker!

"It's too messy, we must stop it. No wonder she is unwilling to make an all-army speech on the bridge. She has to deliver it in the hangar. She also said that there is more atmosphere with the vast number of grassroots officers and soldiers. The atmosphere is so ghostly, she is A guilty conscience is hiding from me, I should have thought of it a long time ago to make my own way!

Bai Xinxing blew his beard and stared, anxiously trying to connect to the speaker's communication, but, not surprisingly, Ding Lingdang had cut off the communication with him.

Perhaps, she would have to wait for her "Great Flame Dragon Sparrow" to rush to the forefront of all starships before she dare to resume dialogue and happy communication, right?


Bai Xinxing knew that it was too late to rush to the hangar to stop him. He was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry, and pulled his hair straight, "How come you stand on such a speaker?"


"Sir, don't you think this is too reckless, should you think twice?"

Jin Xinyue opened her arms and stood in front of Ding Lingdang in the maintenance workshop of the Giant God Soldiers of the "Liaoyuan". One-third of her eyes were admiration, and one-third of her eyes were confused, but there was still another third of her eyes. His eyes are firm without hesitation.

Rao was so bold and reckless as the demon girl who was able to come up with the "Dark Moon Project", but she didn't expect her speaker, her teacher-mother, and her life's strongest competitor, to be bold enough to such an extent.

To say that Ding Lingdang is "reckless" is already saving face, and it should be said that it is "crazy"!


Ding Lingdang stopped, brushing his head full of burning purple-red hair behind his head, and simply tied it up with a super alloy headband, and looked at Jin Xinyue with a smile, "It's just'reckless'. Don’t you really want to say something like'crazy, stupid, brave, well-developed, simple-minded'?"


Jin Xinyue was completely confused, "Speaker...Sir, since you all know, why do you want to go your own way? You are the Federal Speaker. No matter what accidents happen, it will greatly affect the morale of the Federal Army. I'm sorry if you don't give it. Give a satisfactory explanation, I will never let you take a risk, just for a while!"

"is it?"

Ding Lingdang's eyes and mouth were bent, looking at Jin Xinyue with a serious face, smiled, "Only you, can you stop me?"

"Can you stop it."

Jin Xinyue gritted her teeth and said, "This is my duty, just as your duty is to sit in the center and never take risks easily!"

"So, if I am not impulsive, but after careful consideration, do I have a reason to go? Not one reason, but three."

Ding Lingdang stretched out three fingers, not waiting for Jin Xinyue to be surprised, he said to himself, "First, you should be very clear, although our main force is to come out in full, jumped over in time, and caught up with the most critical battle of the empire's civil war. , But because of the pursuit of speed too much, our fleet is not ready at all. A large number of starships lack sufficient fuel and ammunition, and even only have a firepower reserve of three to five bases; there are also many starships who are attached to the ship are improvised. Many people are new recruits who have just been pulled out of the military academy. They have not even seen blood; there are even many starships that are low-level warships suitable for low-Earth orbit defenses. They have not completed the enhancement and transformation. Injured into battle.

"Not only are you and I clear about these situations, but many grassroots officers and soldiers and high-level powerhouses are well aware of this, knowing that we are bluffing. In a sense, this is not just a military adventure, but also a strategy. Fraud' depends on whether the enemy is bluffed by us.

"Therefore, our cooperation is not tacit, and the morale of the officers and soldiers is definitely not high.

"What's more, this is our first battle in the center of Xinghai. It is our first time in the true sense. Facing the legendary main force of the empire, the officers and soldiers will hesitate and even get nervous. It is normal. In this case, besides me taking the lead in the charge, what other way do you think can make the whole army muster up 120% of the courage to launch a decisive impact in just a few minutes?

"Hehe, anyway, I am a misnomer of the'Supreme Commander of the Three Armies', originally not good at strategic command, large fleet mobilization, etc., so I shouldn’t interfere with professionals like Chief of Staff Bai to deal with professional issues. Do you have a little light in your area of ​​expertise?"


Jin Xinyue pondered for a moment and had to admit that Ding Lingdang was telling the truth.

"Second, you know, even though the parliament reluctantly passed the bill of'come out of the nest', there are still many people who oppose such military adventures. I am afraid that if the frontline war goes unsuccessfully, these people will make another moth. Retracted back again."

Ding Lingdang continued, "The Federal Speaker personally played, regardless of the victory or defeat, even if I was seriously injured, he could arouse extremely strong public opinion among the people. Even the mere reason of'revenge the Speaker of the Speaker' can force those fearful and fearful. Those who are hesitant, can't go back, and it is impossible to overturn the resolution of'come out of the nest and fight to the last drop of blood'!"

"That's it!"

Jin Xinyue suddenly realized, but it was like meeting Ding Lingdang on the first day.

"Third, the most important point, do you think I am reckless and crazy, right? That's right, I just want to leave such an impression on everyone, especially the immortal cultivators in the middle of the Star Sea!"

Ding Lingdang smiled slightly and said, "Compared with the real human empire, the Star Federation is a small country. Even if we help the new empire win this battle, we still don't have enough bargaining chips at the negotiation table.

"If our negotiator is a sufficiently rational person, a standard politician, it is difficult to get any benefits, and it is easy to be eaten to death by the reformist cultivators.

"But what if our negotiator is an irrational, unscrupulous, overbearing, and outright lunatic?

"Sometimes, a madman who doesn't play cards according to common sense and dared to throw the table at any time is more likely to muddy the water and win greater benefits at the negotiating table.

"Don’t the guys in the center of the Star Sea treat our Starlight Federation as a savage country in a remote country? Then let me, the'barbarian queen', go wild and leave them with a profound sense of'unreasonable, frantic' Impression, let them know that I don't care about anything, I dare to do everything, if I don't meet my requirements, I will shoot and break every minute, and everyone will die together!

"I pretend to be'crazy' and you pretend to be'rational.' When you and I sing together, the little emperor of the new empire, a little thing called'Li Jialing' or'Wu Yingling', will be stunned by us. So, as me How can I not charge in the first battle of this'barbarian queen, gorgeous debut'?"


Jin Xinyue was dumbfounded, and the Three Views were greatly impacted, even "frightened."

She originally thought that only her charming face with a melon face would play tricks.

Unexpectedly, even her dearest teacher, Ding Lingdang with big eyebrows and big eyes, would have failed to learn!

"Don't look at Madam in shock like this, as if Madam is really a big brainless savage woman."

Ding Lingdang stretched out two fingers, gently lifted Jin Xinyue's chin, and smiled slightly, "Even if she is really a barbarian, the chairperson has not been in vain in recent years. How can she be as impulsive as in the past? Don't worry about doing yours. By the way, help me explain to them to Bai Xinxing. I believe he must be so angry now!"

Ding Lingdang pushed away Jin Xinyue and strode towards his giant soldier "Great Flame Dragonfinch".

"By the way, there is another trivial, small personal reason."

Climbing on the breastplate of the Great Flame Dragonfowl, Ding Lingdang has already put down the faceplate engraved with nine dragons, only a pair of burning, fierce eyes are exposed, but he turned his head and said to Jin Xinyue. "Li Yao was lost in the depths of the sea of ​​stars, and I was anxious to find him, but these short-eyed clutters still got in the way in front of me. It was really maddening.

"It doesn't matter whether it's the emperor, the emperor, or the gods and monsters, who prevents me from finding my husband, I will die!"

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