40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2934: Dying imperial capital

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Starting three days ago, the sky of the entire celestial star, day and night, reverberated with a thunderous roar one after another-it was not the sound of guns, but countless starships, space shuttles and crystal armors rushing through the clouds and rushing to the battlefield. , And the sound of them falling into fragmented wreckage.

When the sun shines on this precarious planet, the sky that should have been blue was swept by a huge crimson wave. Between the clouds and the clouds, you can see the huge and vague shadows of countless starships—that is, the starship generals. It can shield the shield to the limit, and the radiation emitted, diffracted and diffused in the atmosphere, is like a man-made, cruel, and deadly rainbow.

In just three days, the tentacles of the Fuxi fleet broke through the heavy defenses on the periphery of the Polar Celestial Realm, and plunged into the low-Earth orbit of Celestial Star.

The worst result of a fierce battle in low-Earth orbit is that after the two sides are blown up, the wreckage of the starship that has lost all its power is easily captured by the planet's gravity, and it spins down like a headless fly. planet.

Regardless of whether you are foe or foe, most of the wreckage of starships is made of super alloys and special ceramics that are resistant to high temperature and pressure. It is extremely difficult to burn in the high-speed friction of the atmosphere. It often turns into a flaming meteor, falling as fast as lightning. The cities and military bases on the ground are the most headache threats.

——Falling from outside the atmosphere, even in various chaotic collisions, with extremely high initial velocity, even fist-sized debris, it is possible to crash into a crater with a diameter of several thousand meters, and burst out of the mountain whistling tsunami. The energy and the shock wave caused all lives within a radius of dozens of miles to be devastated and turned into a purgatory. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

And every second, thousands of such debris invade the surface of the planet, becoming the main target of the Celestial Star's ground air defense firepower.

At this moment, there is even a Saint League arsenal ship with a length of more than three kilometers, like a scarred bull, miraculously breaking through the orbital defense of the imperial forest army, breaking into the atmosphere, and forming a bright arc under the super-high-speed friction. firewall.

This arsenal ship has completely lost its control and power, and all the crew inside have been killed by shock waves and super radiation.

But this does not prevent it from transforming its huge mass and kinetic energy into the most terrifying destructive power.

Countless imperial starships, space war shuttles, and crystal armor rushed forward, pouring rain-like firepower on it, trying to completely disintegrate it in the atmosphere.

But its size and mass are too huge, even if it was shot to the ground, there is still no sign of disintegration or annihilation.

Only the bow and stern, because of the different degree of damage and quality, have endured different stresses. Under the situation of increasing acceleration, they finally burst and broke down into two halves.

Among them, the wreckage of the bow was getting faster and faster, and finally fell into the sea near the Black Star Continent, setting off a huge wave hundreds of meters high, swallowing several coastal towns in one bite, and the residents of the towns did not have time to flee, and there were countless casualties.

The wreckage at the stern, but unbiased, fell straight towards the imperial city.

Inside and outside the imperial city, countless lines of fire formed a dense fire net, unable to stop this huge wreckage. Seeing that it was about to hit the downtown area not far from the imperial city, it knocked out craters with a diameter of tens of kilometers and thousands of kilometers. The shock wave also destroyed a large number of military powers including the Senate. A golden streamer suddenly burst from the imperial city, piercing the wreckage of the starship in mid-air, and cut the wreckage of the starship in half with just one knife, and then continued. Hundreds of flashy, gorgeous slashes that were indistinguishable by the naked eye, the wreckage of the starship was all broken down into fragments with a diameter of more than ten meters, which were finally completely destroyed by the air defense fire net and turned into a bright firework.

As the fireworks bloomed, the golden streamer gradually solidified, and in the depths of the pupils of the residents of the hundreds of millions of imperial capitals, it turned into the image of a majestic giant soldier, a golden lion.

"It turned out to be... Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty personally took action for the safety of our wait!"

"Your Majesty cut the huge starship wreckage into pieces with just one knife. It's strong, absolutely strong!"

"Long live your majesty, long live the empire!"

Regardless of the immortal being or the "primitive", hundreds of millions of people cheered for joy, and the despair of dying a moment ago was thrown out of the sky. Your Majesty Li Jialing has become the greatest hero and hope in their hearts.

Li Jialing drove the giant soldier for a half circle in the air, allowing more people in the imperial capital to see his mighty and domineering image, and then he swaggered back to the depths of the imperial city.

However, when he crawled out of the giant soldiers, the little emperor's expression was extremely bleak, like a tens of thousands of fierce battles.

Of course.

The falling frequency of various debris in the sky is getting higher and higher, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

This shows that the battle area is gradually approaching from the periphery of the star field towards the synchronous orbit of Celestial Pole Star, and even the Holy Alliance has mastered the battlefield initiative and can deliberately launch a large number of debris with extremely high initial velocity to Celestial Pole Star.

It is still an ordinary wreckage, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it will become a spar bomb with a fuze and a large number of fragments, or a surprise team carrying a large number of airborne troops.

The loss of air supremacy and the intensive ground air defense firepower will not help.

To reach this point in a general battle means that the defender has completely lost its strategic initiative, and can only be passively beaten on the planet, and be bombarded by the enemy in vain.

Li Jialing was also aware that his morale and situation were on the verge of collapse, so he had to go into battle in person and perform such a performance to boost morale and inspire the morale of the army.

But this kind of performance is at most once or twice. It is impossible for him to circle the celestial star all day, not doing business, and patronizing the wreckage from the sky.

The little emperor drew back to the doctor who wanted to come forward to examine him, gritted his teeth, and hurried back to the command center of the command.

Over the large-scale communication platform of the command center, hundreds of shining light curtains appeared, connecting the outer space of the star field, neighboring planets, satellites, synchronous orbit, and several command posts on the ground and underground. , To understand the latest battle situation in the most intuitive way.

At this moment, most of the light curtains were severely disturbed, with a little frost and severe distortion, and even some frontline commanders in the screen were roaring loudly, and they were swallowed by darkness and completely lost contact.

"Report to the command center. The Sixth Squadron of the Imperial Forest Army has emptied the last round of ammunition. We are really out of ammunition and food. We request immediate support. Even a supply ship, even a supply ship is good! Otherwise, we will Within three hours, completely lose the current line of defense!"

"Report to the command center that Star Battle Fortress No. 101 was attacked by a small group of infiltrating forces from the enemy. The number of enemy troops is not large, but there is a giant soldier that is raging inside our army. It’s not good, the enemy’s. The attack direction turned out to be our spar warehouse. Do these lunatics want to exchange a giant soldier for a starry sky battle fort, burn all jade and stone, and completely break through our line of defense? Ah!"

"Your Majesty, the enemy's firepower is too fierce, the offense is too determined, the ministers and others all have the heart to kill and become benevolent, but, but -"

One after another light curtains, after being extremely distorted, plunged into a vortex of flames or a dark abyss, the smoky forest army in the picture only had time to let out a scream, adding to this tragic defense battle. Trivial footnote.

Li Jialing's face was uncertain, and his sharp canine teeth were deeply embedded in his lips, but his pale lips could not flow any blood.

Perhaps, his blood vessels and nerves have been scorched by the flames of war long ago.

At this time, bad news came from deep underground, too bad to be worse.

"Uncle Little Emperor, it's not good!"

Xiaoming and Wenwen with anxious faces appeared in the mottled light curtain, and said in shock, "Our network has been attacked on a large scale by the Holy Alliance, not only the battle net in the sky, but even the ground is connected to the commander. The center's network and all the main control brains were simultaneously attacked on a large scale.

"Such a fierce attack, such a sophisticated algorithm, is simply unheard of, even the two of us have never encountered it.

"Somewhere in the depths of the opponent’s fleet, there must be one or many super-crystal brains that far exceed ours in computing power, and some unimaginable horror algorithm that integrates these super-crystal brains. , Condensed into a perfect whole.

"We, we don’t know what the enemy will do now. In short, we will resist at most for a while. The ling net line of defense will definitely be breached by the enemy. At that time, not only a large number of starships, military bases and towns with tens of millions of people will be paralyzed. , Even the two of us may be eroded by the enemy. It's terrible, you must think of a way!"

For the first time an emotion called "fear" appeared on the faces of the two little guys. After stammering, they sat back in the control cabin, closed their eyes, gritted their teeth, and resisted the spirit net from the Fuxi fleet. Invasion.

Li Jialing snorted, his face that was originally pale, it was more like a layer of arsenic, and it was even more frighteningly white.

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen-these two incredible information beings were originally Li Jialing's biggest trump cards. He also thought that when the two starships were completely entangled and their spiritual webs were severely disturbed and torn, these two small The guy can invade the starship of the Holy Alliance and paralyze the enemy on a large scale like a virus!

Unexpectedly, even Xiaoming and Wenwen were helpless, and they might be eroded and paralyzed by the enemy.

Damn the holy ally, what are their true colors!

"Your Majesty, there is no way, the Yulin Army has tried its best-after all, this is a second-rate force that hasn't really been used for hundreds of years. It is a miracle to be able to persist under the indiscriminate bombardment of the main force of the Saint League until now; and The battlefield on the eastern front is deadly silent. Liao Haihou has no news. It is estimated that it will be impossible to get out of the quagmire for a while, so..."

Half a step ahead of the sea, Li Ling whispered in Li Jialing's ear, "Transfer, right?"

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