40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2942: Miracle man

The sea of ​​stars is burning.

In the past ten days, every star field, every channel and every piece of space in this vast star sea has been swept by the tail flames and artillery fire of countless starships. The collision of steel and the roar of mankind have echoed, and they have been dyed the deepest red by the hot blood.

Even now, they seem to be cold, returning to the darkness and coldness of the past, and there are not too many traces of the flames of war.

But under the cultivator's induction and the scanning of magic weapons, the distorted space is still full of colorful radiation, like a roaring sea that never goes down.

For a moment, because most of the war was swept around the synchronous orbit of the Celestial Star, there was a brief calm in the periphery of the star field.

But soon, the calm of the roaring sea was completely torn apart by the raging waves rising from all directions. .

It is like tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of angry whales, floating up from the deepest seabed, jumping up between the criss-crossing waves, revealing their most magnificent posture.

Because all the star torches were torn apart in the fierce battle, let alone the giant starry sky gate, these angry "whales" were not effectively guided. The coordinates of their appearance were random, evenly distributed in hundreds of diameters. 10,000 kilometers on the battlefield.

Therefore, when the first batch of starships leaped over, they still looked a little sparse and lonely, and they were not enough to illuminate the whole world with their shining tail flames.

These warships had not yet got rid of the entanglement of the ripples in space, they were discovered by the security forces of the Fuxi fleet cruising around the star field.

A large number of puppet starships rushed towards the uninvited guests, desperately trying to seal the shiny gaps in space.

But the uninvited guests who have just jumped over have the will to fight above the Imperial Forest Army. Even if there is only one starship, they dare to rush towards the densest point of the puppet starship battle formation amidst the impassioned roar. In a short moment, he emptied all of his ammunition reserves and invested in fierce battles and hand-to-hand combat, so as to release all the fuel and burn himself and the enemy to ashes.

Using such tactics of fearing death and burning jade and stone, they won precious jumping and recovery time for the latecomers. The battlefield with a diameter of millions of kilometers is like a small pond that has been attacked by heavy rains, overflowing with spatial ripples everywhere. The spreading ripples, more and more starships tore through the void, and descended on the imperial capital. Their tail flames and the death lights of their main guns are like one star, two stars, ten stars, one hundred stars, one Thousands of stars, ten thousand stars, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, billions of shining stars, converge into a shining giant wave that surrounds the entire world.

Although the shells of these starships were severely distorted, and even a large number of torn wounds appeared, they were simply repaired and bonded, and they appeared to be riddled with scars and scars, as if they had just experienced one or countless blood battles.

Although the fuel filling of these starships is not very sufficient, the dim psychic shield cannot cover all the vital points of the ship's hull, just like a dead soldier rushing into the battlefield with his shirtless upper body.

Although these starships do not have a semi-lattice concept, they are just scattered and unscrupulously distributed among the stars.

But the murderous intent and fighting spirit that spewed from each of their main guns, every gap and every tail flame, still penetrated through the vacuum and directly pierced the Fuxi fleet.


Even the puppets on the Fuxi fleet who had no emotion and free will, were surrounded by this sudden and huge fleet, and there was a brief silence and stiffness.

——The infinite information and data flow brought by the huge starship that was used to manipulate their masters suddenly broke the limit of calculation, causing problems such as data overflow, crystal brain overload and so on.

After rigorous calculations, the super crystal brains pointed the final result to "?", which meant that they had encountered a situation that they had never deduced before and could not have encountered.

Lei Chenghu's flagship.

"Emperor Capital did not fall, and the three-star blitzkrieg flag was still flying between blood and fire."

The "God of War" looked at the shining light group and fell into the bombardment of the Celestial Star, and said to the "Boxing King" lightly, "Furthermore, the main force of the Saint League fleet entered the synchronous orbit of the Celestial Star and was strongly disturbed by the planet's gravitational circle. It is difficult to put up a defensive formation in time to counter our total offensive-they are in the most unfavorable situation of being attacked by the enemy!"

On the alloy virus number.

"True cultivators can really fight."

Elder Bai squinted his eyes, drank the tropical fruit juice in his glass, licked the corner of his mouth, and muttered, "After this battle, maybe you can select a batch of the most kind sailors from the Imperial Capital and join me to break Multiverse, exploring the mysteries of higher dimensions, haha, it's interesting to think about it, hahahaha!"

On the Kunlun.

"Here is the center of the sea of ​​stars, the extreme heavens, the celestial stars, the place where the former emperors created the Xinghai Empire, and the heart of human civilization.

Peng Hai, Wu Mayan, Fire Ant King and other strong federations all expressed emotion, "Emperor Capital, the federation is here!"

On the Liaoyuan.

When everyone was immersed in the joy and excitement of arriving in the imperial capital in time, only Bai Xinxing frowned and sighed as always. He looked at the Ding Lingdang gearing up beside him many times, and stopped talking.

"Really, it's too messy!"

Finally, despite the blazing atmosphere, he complained to Ding Lingdang again and again, "After two consecutive **** battles with every effort and danger-the Battle of Yuding and the surprise attack on Huanglong, our fleet and soldiers have reached Exceeding the limit of fatigue, although the ammunition warehouse was barely filled with the resources of the Jade Ding Realm and the Yellow Dragon Realm, almost all starships, giant soldiers, and crystal armors have not been repaired, and the officers and soldiers did not get even a second of rest. , And didn't practice how many times the battle plan after coming to the imperial capital.

"Now, whether we are the arsonist united fleet or Lei Chenghu’s rebel army, they are all at the end of the war. Although there are many in number, they are absolutely unorganized, undisciplined, unformed, and have no continuous combat capability. They are simply a group of empty blood. The brave mob.

"And our enemies have extremely powerful magnetic interference and battlefield communication technology. After so long of **** battle, their formation has remained relatively intact. It can be seen that the combat effectiveness is quite solid and has not hurt the root.

"And the unique brainwashing technology of the Holy Alliance makes them have no concept of fear and retreat. As long as the best masters are willing, they can fight to a single soldier. They will never be like the four major families. We are defeated with a single charge, and it is unknown whether we can survive a single charge!

"So, we seem to have arrived in time with awe-inspiring, but in fact we are still seeking our own way of death. Unless a miracle occurs, we are still not the opponents of the holy ally.

"Miracles, are miracles so easy to happen? In just over ten days, we have hit two miracles in a row-defeated and persuaded to surrender in the Jade Ding Realm, the Huitian fleet was the first one, and the surprise attack on the Huanglong Realm was a big success. Victory is the second one. The probability of the two miracles happening together is close to zero. Now we have to count on the third, a bigger miracle. This probability is zero, that is, Lord Speaker!"

"is it?"

Ding Lingdang stared at the distorted space ahead, the flying debris, the crisscrossed radiation and particle streams, and the celestial star in the distance, a charming smile evoked at the corner of his mouth, "The third... miracle?"

"There are no miracles, no!"

Bai Xinxin clenched his hair vigorously, and shouted, "Two consecutive miracles are the limit. It is impossible to have three consecutive miracles, absolutely impossible!"

"Leave aside the ‘miracle’, Chief of Staff Bai, have you heard of the ‘cockroach theory’?"

Without waiting for Bai Happy’s response, Ding Lingdang continued, “The theory is that if you find a cockroach crawling around at home, then rest assured, this will never be the only cockroach in your family. In an invisible corner, there must be hundreds of cockroaches gestating and growing. The one you found is only one in a hundred.

"What if you replace ‘cockroach’ with ‘miracle’? Since two miracles have been performed in a row, why can’t there be the third, the fourth, or even the tenth thousandth?"

Ding Lingdang smiled happily and brightly.


Bai Kaixin is desperate, "Sir, when is it now? Do you still have to learn Li Yao's way of speaking and talk about such a boring and inferior metaphor? What is the relationship between cockroaches and miracles!"

"It doesn't matter, I just think that you are completely wrong about things like ‘miracle’."

Ding Lingdang's eyes were gleaming, and he couldn't tell whether it was an angry flame or a starlight. "You think that a'miracle' is something that falls from the sky. It takes extremely lucky to be able to'hit' it. That's why you pay attention to probability.

"In my opinion, the so-called'miracle' means to deeply believe in miracles and is willing to burn all of their lives for greater miracles, betting on dignity, pride, will and soul... and everything, The probability of one in a billion is created by a person who is clenched in the palm of his hand, and then blasted out with all his strength.

"As long as you believe in miracles and are willing to give everything for the miracle, let alone the third miracle, even one thousand and ten thousand miracles can be created. If you feel that your power alone is not enough, then gather hundreds of millions. A "man who creates miracles" like you, what other miracles can't be born in your fist?

"If I said that when I jumped to the beginning of the star sea, I still had some doubts, then now, I have no doubt or fear at all-because two consecutive miracles have completely proved me, we are the people who create miracles. , Then we only need to burn blazingly and move forward bravely to win greater miracles and more glorious victories.

"Well, since the magnetic interference on the battlefield is so severe, our starships are so scattered, and everyone's training and rest are severely inadequate, then no tactics are needed. Order the entire army to advance at full speed and crush everything. An enemy that can be crushed!"

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