40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2950: Golden opportunity!

"Fortunately, fortunately, this kid has some conscience!"

Lu Qingchen's heartfelt words made Li Yao a little relieved and automatically filtered out "cockroaches, rats, earthworms" and the like. Anyway, it means that it doesn't matter whether he or Lu Qingchen wins. The key is not to let Fuxi succeed. correct!


Fuxi wailed weaker and weaker claws under Lu Qingchen's deeper and deeper claws, completely defeated by Lu Qingchen's logic.

"As I and the earthworm said, I did commit all kinds of unforgivable mistakes in the past, full of limitations and fatal loopholes, so that I reached the limit of cultivation and was completely trapped by myself."

Lu Qingchen sighed, "So, when the remnant soul was drifting in the stars, I did reflect a lot, and I wished that time went back and started all over again.

"Time can't go back naturally, but life may not be impossible once, so that I can completely get rid of the baggage and shackles of the past, and embark on a new journey with a new attitude.

"Therefore, this is not only a trap or a scam, nor is it just a gamble that I made with my life, it is a practice that I have no hesitation in!

"I plunged myself into the abyss of death, looking at my ugly and deformed soul in rebirths, and washing my devastated Dao Heart with the huge waves of red dust, I let myself be hypnotized, digested and absorbed by you, It was through your digestion and absorption to get rid of the dirt and impurities attached to the deepest part of my soul, making the soul more clear and psychic. Until the end, I heard the call of the earthworm and grabbed a billionth of it. A chance to return to the light.

"Even if my plan did not succeed, I died at that time, without any regrets or regrets-I have contributed all my strength to the motherland and human civilization, and at the last moment of my life, I really saw myself clearly. , What can I regret?


"Since I am not dead, and I am reborn with a new face, there is no power to prevent me from carrying out my will in the eight wastes, six spheres, the heavens and the world, and even the high-dimensional space outside the multiverse and multiverse. Find...unparalleled freedom!"


Accompanied by Lu Qingchen's most overbearing roar, the "head" representing Fuxi's core database was actually crushed by him, and the fragments turned into countless chaotic little spots of light, like a burning moth, fleeing in haste.

"What to escape? Don't you like to merge with me and explore the wider world outside, then come and give me everything about you, hahahaha!"

Lu Qingchen laughed wildly, his ugly face suddenly split in half, his chin almost drooped to his belly button, and a black hole-like mouth of the blood basin was turned into a mouth that released infinite gravity. With just one mouthful, Fuxi splits all the data. Debris, all swallowed in!

"Do not--"

Fu Xi let out the last scream, the scream was extremely stern, even if Li Yao listened to it, he felt frightened.

"Crack, click, click!"

Lu Qingchen remained unmoved, indulged in chewing, and for a while, he thoroughly chewed up the last bit of Fuxi's data and merged it into his own soul.

Fuxi, this head was born hundreds of thousands of years ago in the great famine era. After the pangu and Nuwa tribe’s apocalyptic battle, it did not die. Instead, it became stronger and stronger, almost reaching the peak of evolution. The "weak artificial intelligence" was finally completely annihilated. .

In other words, the old Fuxi is annihilated, but the new generation of Fuxi rises like a shining sun, shining the entire ocean of data to an incomparable glory.

Of course, it also contrasts how weak Li Yao, who is running and wriggling in the data ocean, is.

Li Yao and Lu Qingchen, these seemingly destined competitors, quietly confronted each other in the ocean of data.

In terms of image, spiritual strength and computing power, there is a huge gap between the two at this moment.

Lu Qingchen inherited most of Fuxi's computing power and algorithms. The Soul Structure has just completed a "perfect upgrade" of Nirvana Rebirth. Although it is still at a rather weak stage, it grows crazily every second, and even swallows it. Part of the data comes from the depths of Li Yao's soul, the earth.

However, Li Yao exhausted the last drop of power in the depths of the soul in the head-to-head duel with Fuxi. Even though he had undergone earth-shaking changes, he did not breathe for ten and a half months, so he could not recover.

Just taking advantage of Lu Qingchen and Fuxi's nonsense for a long time, he also frantically swallowed the surrounding data and information, the only result was... an extra flagella came out.

"This is a ghost!"

Li Yao waved his flagella and wanted to shed tears of regret.

Lu Qingchen looked at him with deep and thoughtful eyes.

"Now, only you and me are left, oh, and these two cute little guys."

Lu Qingchen said simply, with an unfathomable expression, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

"Yes, yeah, that crazy ultimate devil was finally killed by you and me. The stars and the sea have once again returned to calm. It is really gratifying, gratifying."

Li Yao scratched his head with his flagella, feeling a little embarrassed. He really didn’t know what to say. Seeing that Lu Qingchen didn’t seem to be going to be mad at once, he tried to cautiously said, “Nephew Lu Xian, we don’t need to say anything. , Shall we meet each other?"


Lu Qingchen smiled, "Next, do you want to say that I can only rebirth under your'initiation', so from a physiological point of view, you are my father?"

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong!"

Li Yao shook his head like a rattle, and said sincerely, "I am a self-knowing person, a new generation of hegemons like you, and even the super artificial intelligence of the ancient era was beaten to death by you. , And noble sentiment, you never forget your motherland before you die-you are so outstanding, there is no one in all, you can be called the number one master of the Pangu universe, I can be your uncle generation, call you "big nephew", I'm already satisfied, really, I really don't dare to expect more!"

Lu Qingchen stared at Li Yao intently.

Li Yao's flagella gradually stiffened, and he stammered: "Don't, don't stare at me like this, nephew Lv Xian, friend Lu, hero Lv, I am weak now and can't stand your punch, let alone we are all for Xing Yao The Federation and human civilization, even Fuxi, were killed by us. I really can't think of any need for you or me. You must kill you to death and life? The big deal, what are your dissatisfaction with me, I change it, can I change it?"

Lu Qingchen stared at Li Yao for a long time, faintly relieved, and exhaled countless data streams full of resentment towards Li Yao.

"I don't like you, I have never liked you."

Lu Qingchen bluntly said, "It's not a question of personality. Although your personality is indeed a bit insidious, shameless, and occasionally very insignificant, but these are all subsections and have nothing to do with me.

"The reason why I don't like you is just because of your naivety and stupidity. You are the kind of ‘stupid and good person who does not succeed and fails.’

"Is there something wrong with enthusiasm? Is there something wrong with being kind? Is there something wrong with being a good person?

"In most cases, of course it is true, but these are just the virtues of ordinary people."

"And you are not just an ordinary person, but you are the top three masters in the Pangu universe, a strong man who can lead the entire human civilization forward, a superman who can affect the operation of several great worlds with a gesture or even a cough!

"Whether you are willing or not, but you have reached this level, and if you hold on to the'ordinary virtues', you will only miss the opportunity in the indecision and indecision, dragging down or even killing more people, and these The civilization that was killed by you or even ruined by you cannot blame you for anything, because you are really kind and really stupid!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Li Yao nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "Nephew Lu Xian has taught me that I was wrong, I will change it!"

"...Forget it, dogs can't change eating shit, you and my Dao Xin has been forged, how can it be so easy to change."

Lu Qingchen said, "What I want to say is that although I don't like you, I am not a person who disregards public affairs for personal reasons.

"Don't underestimate me, thinking that I will still be worried about the failure of the'Void Spirit Project' and seek revenge from you for that kind of boring thing.

"Today, we have all been reborn from Nirvana. The grievances between Lu Qingchen and Li Yao in the past will remain in the fading yesterday. The brand-new Lu Qingchen and Li Yao should put aside all the burdens, grudges and hatreds. There is one A fresh start, right?"

"Yes, yes, my eldest nephew, I didn't expect it!"

Li Yao was stunned when he heard it, and then he was ecstatic, "I didn't expect it, your enlightenment is very high, it seems that you have really changed your mind and rebirth from Nirvana, hahahaha, it's really worthwhile Uncle Li's life It's great to save you, great!"

"and so……"

Lu Qingchen said deeply, "Are you not opposed to our'seeking common ground while reserving differences" and starting new cooperation based on the common interest appeal?"

"That's for sure."

Li Yao nodded hurriedly, "In your opinion, what is our greatest common interest?"

"Of course it is the Star Federation. No matter what you and me are, what you pursue, and the difference between Dao Xin, at least we are all true patriots. We all hope that the Star Federation can flourish, rise in the center of the star sea, and even lead the entire mankind. Civilization advances."

Lu Qingchen stared at Li Yao, "So, we should join hands for the rise of the Federation, unite sincerely, and unite externally, right?"

"This... must be correct!"

Li Yao scratched his head with his flagella for a long time, "However, how do I think there is something in your words? Fuxi has been wiped out, and the Fuxi fleet is also in the process of collapse. The dust is settled. We have won. This is a'solidarity and unity'. 'Outside', who is it?"

"Are you blinded by stupid kindness again, or are you asking you knowingly?"

Lu Qingchen frowned deeply, his voice getting deeper and deeper, full of irresistible domineering and stupefying magic, "You shouldn’t forget, there are two powerful enemies in the Star Federation, the Holy League and the Empire. ?

"Now, the main brain of the Saint League is destroyed, and even the most elite fleet may fall under your control.

"And the broken heart of the imperial people is completely exposed to us without defense.

"Even if you only have the computing power as small as earthworms, you should be able to think that this is the best opportunity for us to join hands to destroy the Holy League and the Empire in one fell swoop, and to make the Federation rise in the center of the Xinghai World War I and dominate the entire Pangu universe! "

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