40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2960: Cross-border strike!

Perceiving the other party's surging power like a tide, especially the other party's ability to call the wind and rain in the virtual space, move mountains and seas, and even use the ability of the laws of logic, Lu Qingchen's face became particularly ugly.

"Boxing champion? What boxing champion!"

He muttered to himself, racked his brains, and searched the entire database again and again, but couldn't find much information about the champion.

You know, this is a virtual space, or Fuxi, a super artificial intelligence that was born hundreds of thousands of years ago, was created by Fuxi. As the virtual space at the core of thinking, most of the external data interfaces are firmly in his hands at this moment. Humans, even those who transform into gods, cannot easily break in.

Only two kinds of people, or two weird life forms can enter here.

The first is artificial intelligence such as Fuxi, Xiaoming and Wenwen.

The second type is Lu Qingchen himself, Li Yao and Professor Mo Xuan, the weird existence between human beings and information life.

This is also the reason why Lu Qingchen dared to be confident and dare to spend so much time with Li Yao.

Unexpectedly, he also smelled an unusually familiar breath on this "boxing champion", as if he were... the same kind!

While Lu Qingchen was looking at the champion, the champion was also up and down, carefully looking at Lu Qingchen.

"very good, very powerful."

The boxing champion said bluntly, "I like it."

The king of boxing was originally an artificial intelligence born for the purpose of "becoming the strongest in the universe". Just as "guarding civilization" is the core driving force of Fuxi and Lu Qingchen, "to defeat all powerful enemies and become the strongest in the universe" is also the king of boxing. The core driving force or "Dao Xin".

In a sense, the boxing champion is a purer fighter than Li Yao, Lu Qingchen, and even Ding Lingdang. How can he not see Lie Xinxi when he sees Lu Qingchen with his teeth and claws?

"Damn, bluffing again, do you want to repeat the trick?"

Lu Qingchen gritted his teeth and felt that it was Li Yao's trick again. He bowed his waist and his whole body was like a water dragon compressed to the limit. Even the light of his whole body changed from white to orange-red. "No matter how many times, I won't be fooled!"

"Qing Chen, believe me, this time is really not a bluff. He is called the boxing king. He is also a strong artificial intelligence, and he is a strong artificial intelligence dedicated to combat. He is really good at fighting!"

Li Yao poked out the head like a small earthworm from behind the boxing champion, with sincere words and a heartfelt heart, "You have just been reborn from Nirvana, and you have not digested and absorbed all Fuxi's data and information. These'Fuxi data' are like stones. Blocked in the depths of your soul, on the contrary, it is a huge burden. In this case, you are definitely not the opponent of the boxing champion. Really, Uncle Li is for your own good, and you have no chance!"

"Really, I can prove that although this guy is always despicable, brazen, and nonsense, he just opened his mouth, but this time he really didn't lie to you."

The Scarlet Heart Demon also came out from the other side of the shoulder of the boxing champion, twisted and said, "Nephew Lu Xian, don't try your own way anymore, you will find your own way, surrender!"

"Shut up, you two noisy guys, shut up all of you!"

Lu Qingchen's eyes were blood red, he fell on the verge of collapse, and said hoarsely, "It's ridiculous. In the past, Professor Mo Xuan still sighed for the real strong artificial intelligence-information life cannot be born in just a few hundred years. In just a few years, one or two information lives have all emerged, first Fuxi, then Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, and now there is another champion? How could it be possible!"

"This one……"

Li Yao thought for a while and said, "Qing Chen, have you ever heard of the'cockroach theory'? If you find a cockroach in the house, then you can be sure that it will never be the only one. Maybe the corners of the house are full of cockroaches, but you didn't find it.

"The so-called'information life' is the same as the principle of cockroaches. Life is never born alone. Perhaps every emergence of life represents the budding of a huge civilization. Since there is a Fuxi, of course there will be a second one. , The third one, even tens of thousands!

"In short, don't force yourself any more, surrender, surrender to your uncle Li without shame, think about how many heroes and heroes wanted to surrender to me at the beginning, black star emperor Wu Yingqi, etc., I didn't even look at him, so He kicked and flew, that is, you, Qing Chen, seize the opportunity and cherish life!"

"What the'cockroach plan', I think you are the biggest cockroach in this sea of ​​stars, and I will never surrender to your insignificant cockroach!"

Lu Qingchen let out a hysterical roar, and two tornado storms swelled again on his arms gathered again. He squeezed out the last drop of power in the soul and the last string of data in the database, and all blasted towards the boxing champion. "No one can stop me, whether it's you, a cockroach, or some kind of'boxing champion'!"


Two storms of destruction, like countless fragmented virtual worlds, countless horrible days of destruction, countless corpse mountains and blood seas of the **** on earth, turned into one hundred and eight thousand mountains, Chao Boxing King, Li Yao and Scarlet Heart Demon Suppress it.

Li Yao and the Scarlet Inner Demon scurry around.

The boxing king’s eyes condensed the flames of the sky, and every rune around his body burned, and his right arm was deformed and expanded, as if all the flesh and blood or data of the whole body was gathered in the right arm, facing Lu Qingchen. The strongest point blasted past.


The core databases of Lu Qingchen and the boxing champion collided.

Both sides didn't leave any room, one shot was the strongest killer move.

It's more than the collision of two ultra-high-speed crystal orbit trains or two starships, or even a meteor hitting a meteor. It's just a four-dimensional jump of a star, jumping directly to the body of another star, it really hits out. Destroy the world, the aura of the end of the world.

In an instant, Lu Qingchen and the boxing champion seemed to be innumerable avatars, fighting fiercely in a variety of identities and forms in hundreds of millions of fragmented virtual worlds, just like Li Yao and Fuxi earlier.

In every virtual world, they blasted out overlapping shock waves that swept across the world. This shock wave overflowed outside the virtual world and turned into turbulence and eddies in the ocean of data, bringing Li Yao, Scarlet Heart Demon, Xiao Ming, and Wen Wen They all blew around, looking for teeth all over the floor.

Li Yao, Scarlet Heart Demon, Xiao Ming, and Wen Wen, two earthworms and two small planktons, had to hug each other tightly in order to barely resist the super storm blasted out by Boxer King and Lu Qingchen, and only felt that time seemed like time. After a long time, it seems that only a second has passed before the storm gradually subsided.

"After all...who won?"

Li Yao beats a drum in his heart, digs out a newly born flagella, swims towards the depths of the data ocean, cautiously probed his brain.

I saw the boxing champion’s huge and unfriended steel body curled up into a ball, like burning the limbs and skeletal bodies into a ball of iron **** in the burning of tens of thousands of degrees. The original gorgeous and shining runes are all dimmed and peeled off. , The whole body was also full of holes and cracks, which looked terrible.

And Lu Qingchen's giant of light was still on the opposite side, showing off his power. Although his body was dimmed a lot, he was still much better than the boxing champion, not to mention Li Yao and the Scarlet Heart Demon.

"No way?"

Li Yao secretly smacked his tongue, "Lu Qingchen, who has swallowed Fuxi, has become so strong that even the boxing champion is not an opponent?"

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha."

Lu Qingchen let out a deep laugh, and the giant of light flashed with evil spirits. He looked at the boxing king and said, "You are very strong. As expected, it is not the two cockroaches that pretend to be crazy and blow up. It's a pity..."

His voice stopped abruptly, his expression suddenly became extremely weird and confused, his eyes rounded and he looked at the champion, unable to say a word.

The boxing champion also looked at him quietly, cherishing words like gold, and said nothing.

Li Yao and the Scarlet Heart Demon smelled a weird breath from the depths of Lu Qingchen's soul, as if some kind of power that was incompatible with the entire Pangu universe was surging out.

"This is, this is—"

Lu Qingchen’s appearance is like 10,000 fleas crawling around in the depths of his soul. He manipulates the giant of light to scratch or even tear his body, tearing apart ugliness on the crystal clear body. The cracks still do not help.

Suddenly, from the depths of his soul, a vague thing floated, like a dazzling marking, gradually spreading on the surface of the radiant body.

That is a rune, or a rune array.

But it was not Lu Qingchen's own, or the unique cultivation talisman array of Pangu Universe.

It is a magic rune engraved with six-pointed stars and various twists and turns like earthworms and tadpoles.


The first magic rune array exploded on the surface of Lu Qingchen's soul, it was like a meteorite burning crazily, penetrating the space, and directly hitting Lu Qingchen's body!

The Giant of Light was smashed, and after the explosion, a large piece of body tissue or database disappeared, and a large amount of data spewed out like blood and internal organs.

Then, there are the second, third, fourth and 101st magic runes, flames, ice, venom, distortion and direct consumption of life energy... all kinds of weirdness that have never been seen before. Attack logic has emerged one after another, launching a brilliant and extremely difficult "cross-border strike"!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Lu Qingchen was shattered by the ensuing magical attacks, and screamed again and again. It was not how much the opponent's absolute power surpassed him, but the unique use of data, information, and energy that he had never seen before. , I never even thought about it-encountering a magical attack in the world of comprehension, this, it doesn't make sense at all!

"Your power is very strong, especially the power in your body called'Fuxi'."

Seeing the colorful "fireworks" blooming around Lu Qingchen, the boxing champion finally spoke and said lightly, "But now you have not learned how to control this power. Instead, you are controlled by this power and become his. slave.

"If you can cultivate for a hundred years and completely refine and absorb this power, and if I have stopped moving forward during this hundred years, then I am definitely not your opponent.

"but now……"


On Lu Qingchen’s face of the giant of light, a mysterious and complicated magic rune array appeared, and then it exploded fiercely. The whole head froze first, then cracked, and black smoke and magma spewed out from the cracks. To the extreme!

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