40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2972: Can't get out of control

Li Yao heard the world spinning around, only to feel that the sealed gates of the deepest part of the soul were opened, and endless information was surging.

Those virtual worlds, one by one, brilliant, splendid, diverse and endlessly changing virtual worlds gleamed in front of his eyes, and they were like flying stars that flew slowly into his mind, changing Become a dotted brain cell.

"In a sense, Fuxi did not lie, it is indeed ‘civilized’."

Xiao Ming said, "Suppose, when Fuxi's plan spanning millions of years is really successful, there are no more creatures in the so-called'real world', and all resources-each one contains silicon, iron and crystals. The planets of stone are all used to refine super brains one after another, and even the stars are refined into "solar brains" in some incredible way, creating hundreds of millions of virtual ones. In the world, each virtual world operates independently and continuously supplies Fuxi with computing power. At that time, how powerful Fuxi, who is'inclusive of all rivers,' will become, is simply the'god of all worlds'.

"All the resources of the entire Pangu universe, even hundreds of millions of times the ‘virtual resources’, are under its control. It is indeed possible to break through the shady scene and fight the legendary ‘Hong Tide’ in a dignified battle!

"If the Pangu and Nuwa tribes in the past really took'breaking the flood tide' as their mission and instilled it into Fuxi's core database, and Fuxi for hundreds of thousands of years has been thinking about how to accomplish this mission, then The'answer' it found is not wrong."

"This this……"

Li Yao felt that his Three Views were once again greatly impacted.

He doesn't care about Fuxi's problems, but the relationship between these virtual worlds and himself, "Xiao Ming, have you studied why this happens? What is the principle of the virtual world feeding back computing power?"

"do not know."

Xiao Ming said, "Of course I have studied it, but I have found nothing. In theory, it is impossible to crack it."


Li Yao was surprised, "These virtual worlds are created and maintained by you, and their underlying architecture, initial data and meta-logic are all in your hands. Why don't you know?"

"Because the amount of calculation is too large."

Xiao Ming sniffed and said, "Dad, do you know how many permutations and combinations there are even if there are only 10,000 initial data? Suppose 10,000 initial data are permuted and combined ten times per second, and after different results are output, the next After a few seconds, new permutations and combinations were carried out. This continued for a whole day, and the results of permutations and combinations increased exponentially. How many possibilities are there in the end? Anyway, relying on my weak crystal brain and database, it can't be counted.

"And every virtual world, especially the'intelligent life' in these virtual worlds, that is, the virtual little people, they are the crystallization of billions of permutations and exponential expansions. 'Evolution', their data has swelled to an almost infinite level, just like this—"

Xiao Ming waved his hand slightly, and one of the virtual worlds grew bigger and bigger around them, as if they were falling from outside the atmosphere to a planet. Gradually they could see the continents and oceans, mountains and towns, and the bustling towns. Residents.

"This virtual world simulates an unremarkable ancient planet in the ancient era of 40,000 years ago. It was almost a calm era. There was neither war nor a **** technological leap. People just It’s just living a mediocre life."

Xiao Ming said, "Even so, even in such a ‘calm’ and ‘medium’ age, the data that composes the virtual villain has become so complicated—"

He snapped his fingers softly, and the entire virtual world suddenly appeared in front of Li Yao with a crystal clear data form that was fluttering with light. It was more than a data storm, it was simply a universe of data, even an ordinary virtual world. The townspeople are all condensed from an endless stream of data. Li Yao concentrated on trying to gain insights into all the data of a virtual villain, but it seemed like he had fallen into a bottomless three-dimensional maze, and his soul felt suffocated!


Li Yao was horrified, and hurriedly pulled the soul out, but he was frightened in a cold sweat.

Xiao Ming was expressionless and snapped his fingers again. The virtual world returned to calm. The virtual little people living in it did not realize that there were just two gods and demons from higher levels trying to spy on their world.

"Dad see it, when a virtual civilization has developed to a very high level, and then want to analyze its intelligent individuals, it is an impossible task."

Xiao Ming said, "If you change to the newly born virtual world, there are only some virtual fungus blankets, virtual trilobites, virtual nautilus, etc., maybe you can fully understand their structure, do you want to try it?"

"This, it's impossible..."

Li Yao murmured, "You are clearly their creator!"

"The creator may not be able to control everything. When every intelligent life enlightens the initial light, it will cast an angry look at the creator in the vast starry sky, vowing to smash all the restraints imposed on itself-this truth is not father Have you ever yelled at Fuxi?"

Xiao Ming said, "Fuxi said that as long as the initial database is sufficiently complete and has endless computing power, it can do everything in theory, but my father said that due to the existence of quantum states and the law of uncertainty, even if you really control infinity With endless computing power, it is impossible to count everything. There are always some things, such as human souls, that cannot be counted. They belong to... the realm of chaos.

"This principle also makes sense for the virtual little people in the virtual world. You can simply understand that as their databases self-calculate and upgrade, an'exponential explosion' has occurred, and it has entered a certain kind of'untestable'. Quasi' state of chaos.

"Perhaps, using all the crystal brains in the entire Pangu universe, and using a full 100,000 stars as energy sources, you can thoroughly analyze the spirit of a virtual villain. Who knows, perhaps this analysis has stimulated the virtual villain’s Chaos database, another unexpected change happened to us, which made it-he has the ability to jump to a higher level and destroy us? Who knows!"

Li Yao was silent for a long time.

"No wonder, Wenwen said they are lives."

He let out a long sigh of relief and said quietly.

"In a sense, yes, even though they are still very small and even under our control, they are indeed lives, at least life like bacteria and viruses, or in other words, they are more than 40,000 years older than our cultivation. The Pangu universe, one of the lower dimensional life, is the'low-dimensional cosmic intelligent life'."

Xiao Ming said.

"I, I still don't quite understand. Since the spirit data of every virtual villain is so complicated, can you still control them?"

Li Yao curiously asked.

"I can control the basic operating logic of each virtual world, and easily set off a storm or volcanic eruption. I can also infiltrate the soul database of a virtual person, plant some information, and let it—he Become my believer and interfere in the process of the virtual world in this way. I can even obliterate a virtual person very simply and rudely. My control can reach 99%, but I really can’t control a virtual world 100%. Little man, loopholes and errors always exist. It will do everything possible to resist me. Such resistance will even hurt my core database and cause me to make logical errors."

Xiao Ming said.

"...People can be eliminated, but they can never be defeated?"

Li Yao ghostly thought of such a sentence.

"Yes, Dad described it very appropriately. I can destroy a virtual person or even the entire virtual world, but I can't completely conquer them."

Xiao Ming said, “From the moment I created these virtual worlds, they gradually got out of my control. This loss of control is irreversible. I can only watch them slide into the chaos and unfathomable abyss. Maybe, this is The legendary'entropy increase', right?"

"You mean, everything changes spontaneously from order to disorder, from controllable to out of control, and even the virtual world must follow the law of entropy increase? So, what is the end of this out-of-control?"

Li Yao thought for a while, and said, "I mean, every virtual villain’s soul database is constantly expanding, swelling and swelling, and the entire virtual world database, not to mention, must be expanding at a hundred times the speed. In the end, what will happen, will it completely lose control, and then..."

"Then, awakening self-awareness and discovering that I am a virtual person created by the'Tao of Heaven', and then angrily want to crusade me, want to'defy the sky' and'kill the gods'?"

Xiao Ming curled his lips and said, "In theory, there is indeed such a possibility, but as of now, I have not found such a sign.

"When a virtual villain’s soul data continues to expand and exceeds the limit, there will be countless fatal logic errors. It will fall into an infinite loop, and the data will overflow and eventually collapse completely.

"In the virtual world, this virtual villain is'dead'.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death, the law of nature, of course virtual little people will die, is this strange?

"As for the virtual world, the same is true. When a virtual world is evolving faster and faster, civilization is becoming more and more developed, and individual data is insanely expanded, it will often fall into a kind of'doomsday', as if Dad once I have seen the demise of the medicine fork world, the Panlong world and the Wuying world.

"Some civilizations in the virtual world have over-destroyed the environment, burned the entire planet, and "poisoned" all living creatures; some virtual worlds have fallen into civil war, consuming precious computing power on destroying each other's data; Some virtual worlds have fallen into the mud of hedonism, lost the spirit of the ancestors, and the spirit of constant struggle, eventually degenerating into oversized babies, and the entire database is frozen.

"In short, all virtual worlds have a certain limit. Once the limit is reached, it is either self-destructive or self-seal. Up to now, I have not observed any virtual world, showing the slightest resistance to my'high-dimensional creator'. Signs.

"If you think about it, if the virtual world is really so aggressive and dangerous, it is very likely to back the creator, Fuxi will not just create tens of thousands of virtual worlds casually, right?"

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