40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3008: Scary ancient superstar!

If you think of the Gemini Nebula at the entrance of the ancient tomb as an overwhelming and beautiful butterfly, then using the line of Celestial Star and Seven Sea Stars as the frame of reference, the left wing of the Gemini butterfly is called "Gemini One", and the right wing is Known as "Gemini II".

In the Gemini galaxy, the fifth planet is the largest and most massive. Its diameter is 1,724 times that of Celestial, and its mass is 445 times that of Celestial. It looks like a planet. The behemoth in, approaching the limit of the stable structure of the planet, is an out-and-out "giant planet".

Because the Gemini Nebula is very far away from the empire, even though astronomers in the past have observed spectacular scenes of supernova explosions, they have not done much research on this extremely chaotic star field, and they have not named all the planets shrouded by the Gemini Nebula. Therefore, in the original Imperial Astronomical Database, this giant planet was simply called "Gemini Left Fifth", meaning the fifth planet in the Gemini 1 galaxy.

But now, cosmologists’ attention to this giant planet has greatly increased—because the entrance to the tomb of the emperor is very likely to be in the synchronous orbit of this giant planet, in other words, the entrance to the tomb of the emperor is The gravitational capture of this giant planet seems to have become a "satellite" of it.

Therefore, cosmologists tentatively named it "ancient giant star".

Ancient giant stars are very typical giant planets.

The Big Mac in this planet family is a gas-liquid mixed planet, mainly composed of hydrogen and helium, occupying more than 50% of its total mass. Cosmologists suspect that there should be a variety of A solid core composed of heavy elements, but the time is too short to conduct detailed exploration. It can only be deduced from previous analysis of data on other giant planets.

According to the general deduction of giant planets, the outer layer of this type of planet is often composed of carbon, ethane, hydrogen sulfide, neon and frozen ammonia crystals. Under stimulation, it will continuously release ultra-high-intensity radiation and high-energy particle streams-basically, this type of giant planet is the reserve of stars, or "quasi-stars that have not reached the critical point and cannot become stars." '", the energy that a giant planet continuously releases to the outside world can even exceed the energy it absorbs from the star.

These energies, coupled with the extremely high speed of rotation, turn the outer layer of the giant planet into a chaotic and violent sea of ​​energy, as if the entire planet is shrouded in an ocean of lightning and thunder, even if the density is extremely high, The hard-textured meteorite rushes into the sphere of influence of the giant planet, and it will be completely torn apart by its violent sharp teeth.

The giant planets in the stable period of the galaxy are already so terrifying.

The supernova explosion of the Gemini Nebula completely shattered the stable state of the two galaxies. When the two stars exploded, they ejected overloaded energy and mass, which greatly impacted the stable state of the "old giant star". It also completely broke the shackles of the stars on it, making it look like a batch of wild horses running off the rein, or the ambitious grassroots when the dragons had no head.

The reason is simple.

It is by relying on a mass of hundreds of times that it forms a huge gravitational field that can capture this unruly giant planet and firmly bind it to its orbit.

But now, a certain amount of mass and energy has been lost in the supernova explosion, and the newly formed neutron star is no longer able to drag the "old giant star".

When the supernova explodes, the impact of a large amount of energy and mass has broken through the gaseous outer layer and liquid intermediate layer of the "old giant", and it is very likely to invade the solid core, and the heavy elements in the core are incalculable and inconceivable. His reaction activated the crazy evolution.

On the one hand, the ancient giant star has lost the **** of the star, and its orbit has begun to become distorted and irregular. Perhaps after a “short moment” on the cosmic scale, it will get rid of the seal of the Gemini Nebula and fly to the edge of the distant universe. Become a wandering planet.

On the other hand, all the materials that make up the ancient giant star are constantly squeezed and heated under the action of gravity, trying to raise the core temperature to more than 10 million degrees, triggering a fusion reaction, replacing two aging neutron stars and becoming new stars. !

-Ancient giant stars were originally the most massive celestial bodies in the two galaxies except for stars.

It is like the strongest child in the family, always eager to replace the father's position.

Once it successfully awakens the heart of the star and ignites a raging flame of tens of millions of degrees, it may swallow the entire Gemini Nebula and form a new and stable star system.

Unfortunately, its attempt will ultimately fail, because its mass is still too small, and it has not reached the critical mass point of star birth.

Another very important reason is that the supernova of the two stars exploded, ejecting a large amount of matter and energy. At the intersection, another "star birth" attempt was also being carried out, which took away 50% of its hope. The result can only be "both loses and loses." Neither celestial body can become a star, and it will eventually be silent.

However, before returning to silence, their struggles and efforts will eventually release the most violent radiation, ripples, high-energy particle streams and strong magnetic fields.

For stars and giant planets, it is just a small gesture of "blinking an eye" or "sneezing", for human beings and starships, they are not hesitating to extinction, even for a distracted power such as Li Yao, if Under the strongest magnetic interference of celestial bodies, it is unknown whether his life's magnetic field can still exert some power, and even whether it can remain intact.

In addition, like most giant planets, ancient giant stars also have hundreds of moons.

With the abnormal changes of the entire galaxy and its host star, the stable orbits of these satellites are also fragmented.

Some satellites were attracted by the gravitational force of ancient giant stars, and plunged into the arms of the host star, igniting violent torrents of energy and mass hundreds of thousands of meters high, just like volcanic eruptions magnified ten thousand times.

The orbits of some satellites overlapped, violently collided, and crashed into fragments, forming a strip of irregular and unpredictable gravel stars, mixed with an aura of destruction and devouring everything on their way forward.

In addition, many satellites originally contained a large number of extremely radioactive elements, forming a strong magnetic field with teeth and claws, and even the starship that entered it would directly lose all functions and completely "shut down."

That would be terrible.

It should be understood that the density and mass of each part of the ancient giant star in an extremely unstable state are different, and its gravitational force is also different, which is equivalent to one gravitational trap, or "chaotic source".

When the starship of the adventure team has 100% power, it can of course be cautious and maintain a certain safe distance from the ancient giant. However, if the power unit of the starship is exploded by a meteorite, or the navigation system is disturbed by a magnetic storm, the starship If you fall into the low earth orbit of the ancient giant, you will have to face the overwhelming and endless thunder.

That was the worst situation a starship could encounter.

Even if the old monster of the **** of transformation controls the giant soldier, it may not be able to escape from the attack of lightning and thunder and strong magnetic storm under the condition of hundreds of times the standard gravity.

If caught by gravity and plunged into the depths of the ancient giant star, it will only be completely squeezed into a solidified body mixed with flesh and metal.

This is the horror of ancient giant stars that have been observed so far.

If you really go deep into it, you will definitely encounter various unexpected dangers, ten times more dangerous than the known problems.

But there is no way, the entrance of the tomb of the emperor is in the satellite orbit of the ancient giant star, and only a behemoth like the ancient giant star can attract it, and make a movement that is slightly regulated and can be calculated barely.

The opportunity is not to be lost, and the loss will never come. If the entrance to the tomb of the emperor gets rid of the gravitational circle of the ancient giant and moves irregularly among the vast Gemini nebula, no one will find it.

"Lu Qingchen is really a lunatic!"

Looking at the latest astronomical parameters and environmental monitoring data, Li Yao frowned deeply, "We have mastered so many terrible parameters and made the most careful preparations, so we dare not rush into such a place rashly, Lu Qing Chen dares to break into such a "life restricted zone" only with five supreme battle castles? He is determined, and he will become benevolent if he fails to succeed!

"By the way, our luck is really too bad, Xinghai is so vast, but the entrance of the Emperor's Tomb has appeared in such a chaotic, violent and brutal place?"

However, Li Linghai told Li Yao that it was not a matter of luck, and he was a little bit inverted.

The emperor’s tomb is not located in a stable three-dimensional space. Of course, it is not entirely in the legendary four-dimensional space. It may be reluctant to say that it is located in the folds of the three-dimensional universe, a strange debris space.

If the three-dimensional universe remains stable and there are no gaps to drill, it is naturally impossible for the emperor's tomb to emerge.

Only in extremely harsh environments such as the Gemini Nebula and ancient giant stars, all matter and energy in the entire space are undergoing the most violent changes. In the super-high-speed collision between the planet and the planet, the magnetic field and the magnetic field can tear the three-dimensional space. The stable structure attracts the entrance of the tomb of the emperor and "surfaces" from here.

In the past, every time the entrance to the tomb of the emperor appeared in such an extremely chaotic astronomical environment, including the first time Li Linghai entered the tomb of the emperor, he also encountered a thrilling stellar storm and accidentally fell into it. , Including the subsequent development of the emperor’s tombs, have also encountered various dangers, but the astronomical environment this time is particularly harsh—but it also shows that the diameter of the space gap is long enough to last. It is also large enough to allow a large number of Xeons and hundreds of starships to join in for the largest development!

In short, risks and benefits coexist, whether they are facing Lu Qingchen, Pangu tribe, Hongchao Legion, or the violent universe itself, "Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins" is their only roar!

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