40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3011: Fall into the ancient superstar!

"It's... the boxing champion!"

Judging from the unique identity ripple recognition of the distress signal, it is the "Iron Fist" controlled by the boxing champion.

Li Yao's pupils suddenly contracted, and the "Saker Falcon" firmly locked the "Iron Fist", and waves of divine thoughts were transmitted over, reading more detailed distress messages.

With the continuous use of data and information, the awkward situation of "Tekken" and the fragmented structure parameters of the starship appeared on the main control crystal brain of "Saker Falcon".

The luck of the boxing champion is terrible.

His starship did not jump to the rainbow dust belt outside the ancient giant star like other starships, but, as Li Yao had just worried about, jumped directly into the halo that was just generated--the gravel star belt.

The cosmic dust the size of gravel is enough to cause a starship that has just jumped out of four-dimensional space to fall apart, not to mention the nail and fist-sized meteorites, which are 10,000 cannonballs, blasting the inside of the "Tekken" severely Every corner.

Replaced by any human captain, it is impossible to cope with such a dense rain of bullets. Perhaps the starship will disintegrate in the air as soon as it jumps out of the four-dimensional space.

Fortunately, it is the information life of the boxing champion. With his excellent computing power, he planned the route and the defense strength of the psychic shield, and he personally manipulated the mustard grade adhesive repair agent to perform ultra-efficient damage management treatment, and barely managed to save it. With 30% of the power of the "Tekken", a thrilling "landing" was completed.

But just after crossing into the gravel star belt, a new problem appeared again.

Their "landing point" is too close to the ancient giant star, and has been captured by the powerful gravitational force of this giant planet, and has fallen towards the surface of the planet.

If they have 100% power, or even more than 50% power, they may escape.

But now only 30% of the power is left, and the structure of the starship is seriously damaged, so I don’t dare to overload the power unit, just like a drowning man in a swamp. The more you struggle, the faster you will sink, and you can only watch yourself. It sinks deeper and deeper, and eventually, is swallowed by darkness.

Through the remote monitoring system, Li Yao could see that all the parameters of the power units on the "Tekken" turned orange, crimson, crimson, and black, and finally turned pale and feeble gray.

He seemed to be able to hear the sound of these power units bursting and paralyzing, as well as the sound of the main structure of the starship twisting and breaking in the sound of "creaking" metal fatigue.

There is no force that can stop the fall of the "Tekken". Their ending is not to fall into the sea of ​​methane and hydrogen elements of the ancient giant, and be squeezed from several kilometers into iron knots less than 100 meters in diameter; they are swallowed by lightning and fragile. The structure of even the flesh and blood of human beings are completely torn apart-the latter method of death is a bit easier.

"Boxing champion!"

The psychic interference is too serious. Even if Li Yao’s "Saker Falcon" is the closest to the boxing champion’s "Iron Fist", it was a waste of power, and only then used peer-to-peer communication to barely contact the other party. "What's the situation on your side? Is there any hope of escape? Hurry up and launch the escape capsule. I will meet you on the periphery of the gravel star belt!"

"it's useless."

The opposite side of the communication channel was silent for a long time, and there was only the sound of "Shushashasha", as if experiencing a super sandstorm, the boxing champion's voice was intermittent, "The interior of the starship...seriously damaged...many people were injured and couldn't reach it." The escape capsule...the escape area was also pierced by meteorite rain, most of the escape capsules were damaged, not enough for all the crew to escape...Even if you board the escape capsule, the power and armor of the escape capsule are not enough to escape the gravity of the ancient superstar, and The gust of wind and rain in the halo... can't escape."

"……how about you?"

Li Yao's nose and heart felt sour at the same time, gritted his teeth, hardened his heart, and shouted, "You can escape, what are you waiting for, launch yourself quickly, it's too late to be too late!"

Unlike ordinary humans, the essence of the boxing king can be said to be a super large database. It does not have a real body. Even if the efficient operation of the database requires a super crystal brain as the basis, such a crystal brain is not only an "Tekken". ", there are also many "backups" on other starships.

In other words, the boxing king has several clones stored on different starships. Even if the Iron Fist breaks down and sinks into the sand, as long as he launches a large amount of data in time, he can still be "reborn", with the most short-term computing power and The logical thinking ability is reduced a little, and some memory data is lost.

However, the information life is very strong, and weak is also very weak. The transmission of data depends on the rhythm of the psychic magnetic ripples, but the closer to the atmosphere of the ancient giant star, the stronger the psychic interference will be, and the more likely it is to encounter terrifying ionizing magnetic storms. If the boxing king's core database was tragically swallowed by ionizing magnetic storms when it was launched, it would be "the gods and souls will be destroyed, and the catastrophe will be lost."

One second later, there is an extra risk. Li Yao didn't know what the boxing champion was waiting for-time was in a hurry, he couldn't repair the "Tekken", he was just wasting his precious computing power and hope of survival!

"I...can't go yet."

Amidst the strong interference of "Shushashasha", the boxing champion's deep voice came, "I'm trying to stabilize the'Tekken' as much as possible. Before the fuel is exhausted, I will resist the gravity of the ancient superstar, so that the'Tekken' can be on the ancient superstar. Above the atmosphere, more... stay for a while."


Li Yao was puzzled and anxious, "Judging from the damage data of the Iron Fist, you can't repair it, use its own power to escape, and stalemate above the methane atmosphere of the ancient giant star. What's the point! "


The boxing champion said calmly, "Our situation is terrible. Many experts and scholars on the ship have died, and the people who are still alive understand that they are dead soon, but they don't want to die meaninglessly. These people, especially astronomers, begged. I, try to maintain the stability of the "Tekken" and buy more time for them to scan and study the internal data of the ancient giant.

"You know, this kind of super-large, extremely unstable giant planet, in the past, human beings rarely had the opportunity to get so close to it, let alone a series of in-depth observation and study of its data.

"The astronomers on the Tekken want to take this precious opportunity to collect more data and launch it towards your Saker Falcon. These data will fill the gaps in human research on giant planets and help you explore the future. Take action and strive for a little more hope of success-at least, the more you know about the ancient giants, the more likely you are to deal with unexpected events and escape, right?

"I think what these scholars are saying is very reasonable, so what should I say in human terms?'Death to your life with the gentleman', that's right, that's it.

"Li Yao, don't worry about me. I will seize the last opportunity to launch my own core database. Now you only need to make sure that the receiving unit of the Saker Falcon is operating normally and undertake the launch on the Iron Fist. All the data coming here, all the experts and scholars here are clenching their teeth to make sure that the Dao Heart is firm and the soul is clear. Before they are completely torn apart by the giant planet, collect as much data as possible and send it over!"

Li Yao was moved.

Unexpectedly, the answer would be like this.

In a short while, data about ancient giant stars—the composition of the atmosphere, the frequency and intensity of ionizing thunderstorms, the density and gravitational differences in various places of the planet, various data such as flooding, penetrating the gravel star belt, and continuously pouring in. Saker Falcon".

Li Yao's eyes were a little red.

He seemed to be able to see the scene on the "Iron Fist". Those experts and scholars, astronomers, psionicists, meteorologists, and the authorities of various basic disciplines, who had no hands and were seriously injured, already knew that they were It is impossible to escape from birth, the most tragic fall is about to be ushered in, but not even a second of time was wasted to sigh and grieve. They stared wide-eyed, bit their lips, strengthened their will, and faced the most terrifying enemy-Gu Juxing. In front of them, their only remaining weapons, determination and pride were revealed.

Humans can be eliminated, but they can never be defeated.

Even if there is only the last second of their lives, they have to figure out more about the mysteries of the universe.

This is the Taoism of scholars.

Regardless of the Federation or the empire, no matter the cultivator or the cultivator, scholars, especially the cutting-edge scholars of basic disciplines, are often the most special and purest group of people.

The reason is very simple. Even in the Nascent Soul Stage, a cultivator who is obsessed with astronomy cannot go to intrigue, fight for power, and kill each other like those fighting cultivators.

And getting used to seeing the vast galaxies and the cosmic changes on the time scale of hundreds of millions of years, and then let these astronomers look back and indulge in the petty gains among the hairless monkeys, it is too naive, too stupid, and too boring. Up.

At the last juncture of life, scholars from both the Federation and the Empire all released the most magnificent fire of life and became the eyes of all mankind, striving to see more of the beauty and mystery of the universe. This is their survival. Meaning.

"Iron Fist" released a dazzling light, and the downward momentum finally stopped.

However, the tearing between the gravity of the ancient giant and the propelling force of the starship itself caused the metal fatigue of the main structure of the starship to suddenly increase. Everyone can see that the boxing champion will not last long.

The tears in Li Yao's eyes almost turned into magma.

The various parameters of the ancient superstar collided fiercely with those of the "Iron Fist", and found the only possibility from the countless impossible to escape.

"Boxing champion!"

Li Yao yelled, "Hold on, I'll save you, I'll save you!"

"……do not come."

The boxing champion’s always calm voice finally broke the ice and appeared surprised, “The meteorites and ionizing magnetic storms here are too strong, and if you are not careful, they will fall into the gravitational vortex of the ancient giant star. You can’t take the Falcon Hunter on board. Everyone’s lives are joking. We have had a plan. In this situation, we can only give up the desperate starship!"

"I know."

Li Yao grinned, showing white teeth, "So, it's not the Saker Falcon, I'm just here to save you!"

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