40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3014: The strong swing the sword to the stronger!

"Stupid? Yeah, this is probably the first impression many people see Li Yao, including the original me."

Elder Bai laughed and said, "But think about it carefully, so many heroes who are a hundred times smarter and more powerful than him have all fallen. Only he, a stupid, passionate high school student, has come all the way to today and has come to...the strongest of the Pangu universe. Above the peak of the actor, it is really'lucky' and'coincidence'!"

Long Yangjun's heart moved and said, "Boss Bai, what on earth do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that Li Yao is a very clever person. He seems to have taken a reckless risk. In fact, he has already factored all factors into account. He knows everyone--not only the Federation Cultivator, but also the Empire Cultivator. It is impossible to abandon him."

Boss Bai said lightly, "The reason is very simple. He controls half of the key that opens the core gate of the Emperor's Tomb, as well as a large number of information fragments from the Fuxi database, and the two information beings, Xiaoming and Wenwen, stand by him. Here, it is impossible to ignore his life and death. It can be said that his'utility value' is extremely high. If he falls here, this exploration will have failed before it really starts.

"The exploratory team can bear the loss of an'Iron Fist', but absolutely can't bear the consequences of Li Yao's premature fall. It is precisely this point that he uses his life as a bargaining chip to force the immortal cultivator to rescue him. people.

"Why do you have to do this?

"I think he might be trying to force the immortal cultivator to have a taste of'giving up one's life, forgetting to die, giving up one's own life'. There is a saying called'the taste of the marrow and knowing the taste'. After a lot of things are tried, he will become addicted. Looting can be addictive. Being a good person and saving other people’s lives can also be addictive."

Long Yangjun fell into deep thought.

"How, do you want to save people with me?"

Boss White asked.

"Are you really going to make a move?"

Long Yangjun looked at Boss Bai in disbelief, the fierce king of star thief.

"Don't get me wrong, of course I never thought about being a good person with a kind heart and no regrets. It's just that in most cases, human unity and sacrifice have nothing to do with moral good or bad, just because of common interests. ."

Bailao Avenue, "The simplest truth, when you go deep into the emperor’s tomb or even the hub of the black wall, you find an incomparable ancient treasure, which allows a person to instantly possess the supreme power of gods and demons, but still has to pass through. When the last level is extremely dangerous and may cause you serious injury, who do you want to stand behind you? Is it Li Yao, Ding Lingdang and other cultivators, or this notorious star thief, or those imperial cultivators? Who?"

Long Yangjun squinted his eyes and turned his eyes wildly. After a while, there was a cold war.


She had to admit, "Don't talk about Li Yao, even if Ding Lingdang is standing behind me, it seems to be safer than you or the imperial immortal cultivator. At least, if Ding Lingdang wants to do something, he will only blast his fists in the front. You won’t stab me in the back."


Boss Bai said frankly, "I also hope that when I explore the deepest part of the Emperor’s Tomb and discover the Primordial Treasure, it is Li Yao or Ding Lingdang standing behind me, not you and the imperial cultivator—this This is the reason why I hope Li Yao is alive, and perhaps the reason why he can fight all the way to this day and still be alive and well.

"Come on, try Li Yao's method, maybe you will also... how do you know the taste?"

After he finished speaking, Boss Bai smiled slightly, driving the "Extreme Thief", following the tail flames of many cultivators, and rushing towards the Iron Fist.

Long Yangjun was stunned for a long time, and smiled self-deprecatingly.


She murmured to herself, "Compared to the clever immortal cultivators of the true human empire, it seems that you idiots from the Federation are more cute. If you idiots all fall on the ancient giant stars, I would not dare to interact with those idiots. Smart people go to explore the tomb of the emperor together.

"Then let me have a taste, and it's like being a fool!"

Long Yangjun’s "Sky Crystal" is like building a crystal bridge in the vacuum of the universe, and like a huge crystal clear arrow pointing straight to the direction of the Iron Fist!

Not far away, countless shining spots of light also broke through the violent gravel star belt.

It was from all directions, the strongest and giant soldiers of the true human empire.

The expressions of the immortal cultivators were uncertain, their eyes were puzzled, and they stared at the Iron Fist and the numerous Federation giant soldiers not far away.

From this perspective, the red flares on the ancient giant star with its teeth and claws are like a sea surging with turbulent waves, and the Iron Fist is just a dead leaf between the waves that will shatter at any time. Including Li Yao, the Federation giants Divine soldiers are as small as plankton, struggling in the face of thundercloud storms and violent waves. Any wave that is 10% bigger can swallow them completely.

"Are they... crazy?"

This is the first reaction of all cultivators.

They really don't know what Li Yao, the cultivators, are doing, why they want to be strong, and they want to plunge into the gravitational circle and atmosphere of the ancient giant star to contend with the enemy they can't defeat at all.

However, before their rational thoughts have cleared their heads, this majestic scene of life-threatening, fighting heaven and earth has touched the deepest part of their Taoist heart, that primitive, wild and savage instinct.

The scene of federation cultivators and ancient superstars competing against each other is no different from the scenes of the first humans who drilled wood to make fire, tempered stone axes and spears, slashed and burned, and drenched roads.

——The so-called Xeon, shouldn’t they fight against the tyranny of the world, explore the laws of nature, surpass their own limits, strive for a broader living space for the people of the tribe, and open up a path of various forms?

All day long, I only know that he oppresses the tribe, dominates and dominates in front of his kind, but shivering when encountering the might of thunder, he kneels down and begs for mercy, that's what a hero!

At this moment, the communication network between the cultivator and the cultivator has been initially completed.

But at the other end of the communication channel, only the "wheezing" gasps and the beast-like roars of the cultivators came. No cultivators begged for help from the cultivators, and no cultivators rebuked the cultivators for their selfishness and selfishness. Seeing death and not saving, they just focused on their actions, as if they had predicted that the cultivators would not take action, and even if there were no cultivators, they could defeat the ancient superstar!

Such gasps and roars are like whips that are invisible and invisible, beating fiercely on the Dao Heart of every immortal cultivator.

They were ignored!

Shame, ignoring is a shame a hundred times more serious than anger!

As early as the civil war in the empire, the glorious record of the Federal Expeditionary Force brought great shame to all immortal cultivators. Every immortal cultivator with a little bit of self-esteem and pride is thinking hard about why this is so, the empire and Why did the glory of the cultivator degenerate to where it is today?

In front of him, the nearly crazy adventures of the cultivators and their ignorance of the cultivators made every cultivator a slap in the face, causing their cheeks and hearts to be hot and painful, and they vaguely knew the answer.

"Damn, are these cultivators crazy? They, where did their courage and courage come from!"

"What are they doing, do they want to rely on their own power to compete against the huge gravitational force of the ancient giant? It is impossible to succeed, absolutely impossible!"

"Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I tend to walk towards the tiger mountains, such stupidity, such madness, such...this..."

The cultivators kept admonishing themselves not to follow in the footsteps of the cultivators.

Some even sneered, reluctantly ridiculing the stupidity of the cultivator.

But the cells at their fingertips, and the most primitive energy surging in the deepest part of the cells, did not obey the call of rational thinking, eager to try, and jumped.

"With the tiny flesh and blood of human beings, declaring war on the huge cosmic celestial bodies, such a joyous battle, is the style of the strong!"

Some cultivators couldn't help but groan, and admitted with great pain that, deep in their hearts, there were some envious cultivators faintly, envying them to be so happy, so crazy, so stupid, so desperate, and there are no taboos!

Cultivators can, why can't they?

No, they are not the same. They also have the glory and wealth in the world, they also need to pursue the monstrous power of a hegemon, and they also need to make their family strong and wealthy forever, but also...

But but!

In the face of such a magnificent, majestic, magnificent and brutal universe, what is the glory and wealth, what the beauty of money, what is the power of the sky, what is the power of the family and the admiration of the people... these things that they used to attach great importance to, these billowing red dust are illusory. What is the meaning of these things, and what is it, is it really worth their struggle for a lifetime?

If the "primitive people" are all ants, is it the lifelong pursuit of these strong men to trample on the ants, squeeze the ants, squeeze the ants, win the worship and fear of the ants, and become the "king of the ants". ?

At this moment, within the atmosphere of the ancient giant, a huge ball of lightning suddenly burst out, rushing straight into the Iron Fist.

All the cultivators exclaimed and almost saw the tragic ending of the Iron Fist being penetrated by electric arcs and magnetic storms, all magic weapons were paralyzed, and the power was completely lost.

However, an impenetrable sword light tens of kilometers long appeared in front of the Iron Fist, drew a perfect arc, struck the ball-shaped lightning, and smashed the lightning.

The power of a sword, and even this, not only ball lightning, even the entire ancient giant star seemed to be cut in half by him.

Sword idiot, Yan Liren!

This sword deeply pierced the eyes of many immortal cultivators, and in an instant, in the depths of their Taoist hearts, a series of lightning-like enlightenment erupted.

"Compared with this mighty, magnificent and unparalleled sword, all fame and fortune, glory and wealth, and overwhelming power and flames, are all in the blink of an eye and vanish in an instant!

"Even this barbarian from the seaside of the stars and the remote villages dares to challenge a giant planet with a sharp blade in his hand. Those of us who claim to be standing at the pinnacle of evolution and human elites, after all, what the **** is this? What are you afraid of!"

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