40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3021: Entrance of Mithril

As more and more wrecks were discovered, the reason why the two supreme battle castles broke and settled in the sand was preliminarily speculated.

Although the meteorite torrents around the "Gu Thirteen" are very fierce, and the cosmic dust is also full of deadly radioactivity, these are nothing to the supreme war castle, which is thick and solid.

I'm afraid, this is also the reason why Lu Qingchen is so confident that he dared to rush in anxiously without much scanning and calculation of astronomical parameters?

Unfortunately, his luck was too bad.

Judging from the mass of the meteorite that hit the Thick Earth Battle Fortress and the scars of the horrific scars that tore through the Fire Fortress, it is very possible that Lu Qingchen's fleet happened to encounter a massive collision between the "Gu XIII" and another satellite.

The two satellites collided, and the smaller, less dense and mass satellite collapsed directly, breaking into billions of meteorites with extremely high initial velocity and kinetic energy. Even the "Gu XIII" lost about 10%. One of the masses, immeasurable matter burns and turns into a stream of high-energy particles. Accompanied by terrifying radiation and ray bursts, it smashes towards Lu Qingchen’s fleet, which is the psychic shield of the Supreme Battle Fortress. No matter how strong the composite armor is, it can't withstand such a crazy and ferocious torrent.

It was as if two huge vortexes collided, and the five supreme battle castles were nothing more than five dead leaves next to them. How could it not be turned into powder?

The psychic shield was annihilated, the steel shell was shattered, and the ammunition and fuel exploded in series, causing the shocking scenes before him.

"This is... Lu Qingchen's ending?"

Li Yao sighed secretly, but did not relax his last vigilance, "No, with Lu Qingchen's caution, even if he ventures into the unfamiliar gravel star belt, it is impossible to gather all the five supreme battle castles in one place.

"There are only the remains of the two Supreme Battle Fortresses. Where are the other three Supreme Battle Fortresses? Have they already entered the entrance of the Emperor’s Tomb, or are they hiding not far away, with the help of strong psychic interference and radiation turbulence to cover up Own existence, ready to ambush us?

"The interference is so strong and the radiation is such a deadly evil place, even if I dare not expose it to a vacuum for too long without any protection, if Lu Qingchen is going to fight here, the end will definitely be a loss for both sides, he... Is it so crazy?"

Li Yao was lost in thought.

For some reason, in the depths of the brain, there is always a little prickly pain, as if something is going to happen.

Under the command of Li Linghai, some fighters and magic weapon experts boarded the small transport ship, preparing to enter the completely paralyzed thick soil battle fort, collecting the crystal brain data inside, and it is best to find precious data such as Lu Qingchen's logbook.

In addition, all starships have released a large number of unmanned detection magic weapons, crystallized and shining "eyes" made of crystal stones and chips, and go deep into the edge of the gravitational circle of the "Ancient Thirteen". Look for the mysterious and unpredictable "high-quality unknown celestial body".

Li Yao did not participate in these two tasks, always looking at the violent star sea outside, racking his brains and thinking hard.

"What exactly is Lu Qingchen playing? He should know that his secret will not last long. After his fleet sets off, our large forces will definitely catch up, and we have integrated most of the Federation, the Empire, and the Holy League. Strength is definitely not his five supreme battle castles can contend!"

Li Yao muttered to himself, "So, so, if I were Lu Qingchen... how would I stop the chasing soldiers... If I were... I was..."

A large number of stars condensed in his eyes, soon to outline a deadly trap.

"found it!"

At this moment, an inspiring shout came from the communication channel, "Found the entrance to the Emperor's Tomb!"


Li Yao's pupils bloomed with colorful and magnificent brilliance, and his meditation thoughts were temporarily interrupted.


Dozens of three-dimensional light curtains were turned on again and connected to the remote video conference of hundreds of powerful people. The depth of the city house of Li Linghai, the empress dowager of the empire, could not help but be overjoyed and showed a few detection crystals to many powerful people. The image data that the eye just sent back.

The first image was taken with visible light waves. At first glance, in the dark and deep vacuum, there is nothing but catkins and cloud-like dust bands with teeth and claws, only the psychic energy is poured into the eyes. Only under the guidance of Li Linghai can a small almost transparent dot be distinguished from the gorgeous dust.

As the detection crystals flew closer and closer, the small dots gradually enlarged, becoming more and more clear and pure.

Including Li Yao, all the strong have a strange feeling.

They have never seen such a weird celestial body. It does not look like a naturally occurring planet at all, but it is like a pearl. No, it is a hundred times more pure and transparent than a pearl. It is frozen teardrops and clear glass. Thousands of years have eroded the still flawless amber, yes, it is something that shouldn't appear in this universe!

Scanning with special crystal eyes that detect invisible light and various radiations, this crystal clear teardrop blooms with a beautiful brilliance. Millions of colors merge and entangle each other, as if they have life slowly. It rotates and squirms, but it doesn't release a little bit of energy to the outside world.


Many Xeons have such a vocabulary in their hearts.

That's right, the entrance of the emperor's tomb is like a mirror shaped into an absolutely precise sphere, coldly reflecting all the radiation and brilliance around it, and even the entire universe.

Under Li Linghai's remote control, a crystal eye slowly flew towards the entrance of the Emperor's Tomb. The closer it flew, the tighter the hearts of the strong and the experts became.

"This is impossible!"

Detecting the data sent back by the crystal eye surprised all astronomy and psionicists, feeling that the solid edifice that they had learned all their life was slowly collapsing.

Now, the detection crystal eye is less than 500 kilometers away from the entrance of the Emperor’s tomb. At such a “close at hand” distance, it can accurately calculate that the entrance of the tomb—the mirror-like sphere, does not exceed the diameter. ten kilometers.

However, it has a mass comparable to that of the "Gu Shi 13", a huge satellite with a diameter of more than 5,000 kilometers. It is even far higher in quality than the "Gu Shi 13" because it is moving from the gravitational circle of the "Gu Shi 13". It seizes a large amount of matter from within, and continuously transports it around itself in the form of a "material bridge", forming circles of dreamlike veil and ripples.

The volume is less than one ten thousandth of the "Gu Shisan", but its quality is higher than that of the "Gu Shisan". Theoretically, its density should be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times that of the "Gu Shisan".

But this is impossible, because Li Linghai has clearly entered the tomb of the emperor. The gravity inside is quite normal. It can be said that it is maintained within the most comfortable range of the "human" species. Although some unknown elements have been collected, the density is not It's too high.

What is even more strange is that any cosmic body, even if it is a "wormhole" that is not a celestial body, as long as it exists in the universe for a second, it will continuously emit radiation, and at such a close distance, the crystal eye is detected. But it failed to scan the slightest radiation fluctuation.

how can that be?

Of course, black holes will not release any radiation or information to the outside world, but in this way, black holes cannot be discovered by most detection methods, let alone “seen” by human eyes, and the environment inside the black hole is also absolutely impossible. It is not suitable for anyone to survive. Human beings will be torn into long, thin noodles directly by the huge tearing force before entering the core of the black hole.

The Emperor’s Tomb is definitely not a black hole, but something more mysterious and difficult to explain than a black hole—at least, it is impossible to analyze with all the laws of the Pangu universe.

The detection crystal eye is only 100 kilometers away from the entrance of the Emperor's Tomb.

At this distance, it is no longer like a mirror, but like a door, a door facing the entire Pangu universe and leading to an unknown world.

Eighty kilometers, sixty kilometers, forty kilometers, 20 kilometers, ten kilometers, five kilometers, the last ten meters, zero distance, the detection crystal eye contact with the entrance of the emperor's tomb!

In an instant, the entrance of the tomb of the emperor seemed to come alive. From the crystal clear surface, dozens of filaments, which seemed to be condensed by mercury, suddenly appeared, and countless flower stamens wriggled and wrapped to the detective. On the crystal eye, the "mercury" rapidly multiplied and diffused, quickly completely enveloping the detecting crystal eye, and then, as if two water droplets touched together, they were completely fused.

Most of the information transmission of the detection crystal eye is cut off, it is like sinking into a mysterious sea, occasionally sending back some information, but also insane words that no one can understand.


Although very unprofessional, a relatively young astronomer exclaimed on behalf of everyone, "It's devouring!"

"It can't be said to be alive, but the entrance of the tomb of the emperor does show a high degree of self-organization and purpose. You can regard it as a permanent star magic weapon refined by a certain ancient civilization, and it is always subject to... The other half Fuxi's control."

Li Linghai said, "One more thing, I hope everyone will notice that it is not a real celestial body, but just an'entrance'. I have seen things far longer than ten kilometers in the emperor’s tomb, such as the Xinghai Empire. For the most glorious battle castles and super transport ships of the times, if those things are not dismantled and shipped in, it means that the entrance can be expanded and expanded, and it can'swallow' things that are dozens or even hundreds of times larger than their own volume."

"Have you tried to analyze the materials for refining this ‘portal’?"

A materials scientist asked, "At least in the Pangu universe, we have never found such a wonderful material, like... mercury with life."

"Tried, unfortunately, failed."

Li Linghai said, "I used the most cutting-edge equipment in the empire and dozens of conventional metal analysis methods. I was unable to collect even a dust-sized substance from the entrance of the emperor’s tomb. The substance of mercury is called "mithril". It seems to have spirituality. When it is soft, it can be 10,000 times softer than water, and when it is hard, it can be 10,000 times harder than steel. The first few explorations have limited time and it is impossible to do more I hope our actions will go smoothly this time, and all the secrets will be revealed."

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