40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3023: The last supreme battle fort!

With the invasion and destruction of the giant soldiers, especially their destruction of the enemy’s defenses, the psychic shields on the surface of the two supreme battle castles dimmed in an instant, and shocking holes appeared, seeming to be rotten black. spot.

The attacks of the original gust of wind and rain became sparse, and one after another was destroyed by the giant soldiers mercilessly.

The giant soldiers that Lu Qingchen took away did not appear in this battle. Within the two Supreme Battle Fortresses, there was almost no power to stop Ding Lingdang and other strong men from raging. They penetrated through heavy armor and cabins. The wall is like tearing apart sheets of rice paper.

"The two supreme battle castles have been completely suppressed by us!"

Ding Lingdang screamed unfinishedly on the communication channel, "The enemy's combat power is much weaker than we thought. Up to now, we have not found that even one enemy's giant soldier, including the number of crystal armors, is seriously insufficient, just like Lu Qingchen took away 50% of the combat power of the two Supreme Battle Fortresses in advance!"

"Be careful."

Li Yao reminded, "I faintly felt something was wrong. Lu Qingchen had no reason to lose two Supreme Battle Fortresses in the Great Clash of Heaven and Earth, and then pushed out the remaining two Supreme Battle Fortresses for nothing... Be careful he will die. Both the "Huanhai Battle Fort" and the "Ruijin Battle Fort" have become powerful bombs, activating the self-detonation system of the Supreme Battle Fortress in an attempt to die with you!"

"I know, he won't succeed."

Ding Lingdang smiled heartily, "After all, the Supreme Battle Fortress is not a real bomb. The so-called self-detonation system is not set up for mass destruction of the enemy, even if Lu Qingchen really detonated all the fuel and ammunition of the two Supreme Battle Fortresses, The shock wave cannot travel too far in a vacuum, and it is impossible to cause heavy damage to the giant soldier by radiation and high-energy particle flow.

"Sacrificing two Supreme Battle Fortresses in vain just to cause'skin trauma' to dozens of giant soldiers, is Lu Qingchen so stupid?

"Don't worry, we will not enter the core activities of the two Supreme War Forts, especially their ammunition and fuel storage. We will definitely keep a safe distance. No matter what Lu Qingchen's tricks, we are on the surface of the Supreme War Fort. Wandering, one by one knocked out its firepower points and defense formations.

"When all the firepower points, turrets, defensive arrays, and power units on its surface were knocked out by us, so that it could not fight, hide, or escape, we would immediately retreat and let the warship gather fire from a distance to attack, slowly Even if its armor is thick, it won't last long to consume its defense.

"The only problem right now is that the battle between our two sides has disrupted the balance of the spirit and magnetism in space. It seems that the meteorite torrents and magnetic interference around have become more violent and disorderly, just like... an unprecedented scale of thunderstorms is brewing. Among them, is this the purpose of Lu Qingchen, not to rely on the two supreme battle castles, but to use the power of heaven and earth to destroy us, and let us repeat the mistakes of the'Hard Earth War Castle' and the'Fire War Castle'? "

Li Yao's heart moved.

This is the only possibility.

Otherwise, given that the two combat systems are incomplete, the Supreme Battle Fortress, which even the giant soldiers did not carry, would definitely not be the opponent of the hundreds of giant soldiers in the expedition fleet.

Lu Qingchen knew this well.

So, how about using the power of "Ancient Thirteen"? For example, to create another big collision between the sky and the earth on the "Ancient Thirteen" to completely shatter the originally very fragile structure of the "Ancient Thirteen", thus setting off a storm of matter, magnetic field, radiation, and high-energy particle flow?

In theory, it is indeed possible to sweep the entire exploratory fleet and all the giant soldiers in the stormy sea.

The question is, what should Lu Qingchen do to completely explode "Gu XIII", which is a satellite with a diameter of more than 5,000 kilometers!

Unless Lu Qingchen has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, he can drill a hole in the crust of "Ancient Thirteen" in advance, drill a cave with a depth of more than two thousand kilometers, and fill it with astronomical spar bombs. In the blast, the "Gu Thirteen" was blown to pieces.

Impossible, Lu Qingchen only came here seven to ten days ago. He neither had so much time nor so many crystal bombs to execute such ridiculous tactics.

Nevertheless, under Li Yao's reminder, Li Linghai strengthened the monitoring between the battlefield and the "Ancient Thirteen" to ensure that no changes were missed.

Including the astronomical parameters of the gravel star belt-the speed of meteorites, the density of cosmic dust, the intensity of psychic interference, etc., are all under high-level monitoring.

Up to now, although the intensity of psychic interference and the density of cosmic dust have continued to increase, causing considerable trauma to the psychic shield and power unit of the starship, it is still within a tolerable range.

The speed of Lu Qingchen’s two supreme battle castles gradually slowed down, and they began to rotate irregularly. Obviously, Ding Lingdang and others’ giant soldiers exploded the main working medium power units, resulting in power output. The problem of unevenness.

These two supreme battle castles are like hippos and rhinos whose legs have been broken. No matter how thick the leather armor is, how strong the impact, and how sharp the front teeth and collision horns are, they are all over.

On the surface of the two supreme battle castles, bright fireballs rose almost at the same time, and even the last strand of thin, trance-like psychic shields instantly dissipated, exposing their pale and twisted armor.

There were bursts of cheers on the communication channel, but Ding Lingdang and other strong men successfully completed the task of destroying the enemy's main artillery, main defense formation, and main power unit.

Next, although the expedition fleet is small in size, the fast assault ship with agility and swift firepower can swarm up like a piranha, tearing the two paralyzed monsters to their heart's content.

Only Li Yao's brows became tighter and tighter, and Lu Qingchen's ugly, sinister, deep and crazy face appeared in his mind.

"The thunder is heavy and the rain is small, Lv Qingchen, Lv Qingchen, you took pains to plant such a trap, sacrificed two supreme battle castles and countless puppets, just to delay us for a long time?"

Li Yao felt that it was impossible.

Lu Qingchen, even a strand of remnant soul captured by "Fuxi", must muster all the will and wisdom to fight to the end, and seize a one-hundred-thousandth of a chance to survive. How could he use this kind of almost suicide? Stupid tactics to renounce?

There is also a supreme battle fort, and where is another "withered wood battle fort" hidden?

If Lu Qingchen had already entered the Emperor's Tomb, he obviously didn't need to bring in all the supreme battle fortresses. So, where is this supreme battle fort hidden, ready to ambush them?

However, even if it joins the battlefield, it is impossible to reverse the overall situation for a very small fortress.

So, so--

Li Yao's forehead oozes fine cold sweat.

"Did you find any unusual high-energy reactions between the battlefield and the'Ancient Thirteen'? I mean - the traces of the'Witherwood War Fort'?"

He raised his voice and asked Li Linghai.

"No, we sent out almost all the detection crystals, and firmly monitored every inch of space between the battlefield and the'Ancient Thirteen'. Even if a starship is hidden, we will find it, let alone the size. A starry sky battle castle."

Li Linghai’s voice also contained deep doubts and anxiety, “This battle was very strange. Lu Qingchen’s trap is too simple and too fragile. It is his control over the five supreme battle castles. still is……"

At this moment, the two heard the harsh siren at the same time.

Discovering a very unusual ultra-high energy response, the last Supreme War Fort appeared, but neither in the dense meteorite belt before and after them, nor in the dark vacuum between the meteorite belt and the "Gu XIII". It is between the "Ancient Thirteen" and the ancient giant star, closer to the gravitational circle of the ancient giant star.

In the last few hours of fierce battle, everyone’s attention was attracted by the "Huanhai Battle Fort" and the "Ruijin Battle Fort". Even people like Li Yao and Li Linghai who can smell the wrong smell on the battlefield will all All of his vigilance spread between the gravel star belt and "Gu XIII", lest Lu Qingchen would use "Gu XIII" to do something, but no one paid attention to the side of the ancient giant star.

Until this moment, the "Witherbark Warburg" released the strongest psychic energy, ejecting a majestic tail flame that is thousands of kilometers long, and its high-energy response was detected by the exploration fleet.


Countless surveillance crystal eyes instantly turned to the direction of the ancient superstar, and tens of thousands of images were taken from various angles, and they were pieced together into a thrilling and incredible scene.

"Withered Wood Battle Fortress" was originally the strangest in appearance among the five supreme battle castles. It doesn't look like it is made of metal, but it looks like the Kuafu tribe in the prehistoric era made it with a huge plant. The surface is clothed. Full of vines as thick as a giant python.

But now, these "vines" are deeply embedded in a huge meteorite, binding the meteorite and the Withered Wood War Fort itself.

The distance is too far to analyze the diameter and quality of this meteorite, but from the comparison between it and Witherwood Warburg, the volume ratio of the two is at least ten to one, and this meteorite is ten times larger than Witherwood Warburg. , It is almost out of the category of meteorites, but an asteroid!

From the very beginning, Witherwood Warburg "bound" this asteroid, floating quietly outside the gravitational circle of the ancient giant star, and even entered the gravitational circle of the ancient giant star a long time ago, slowly falling towards the ancient giant star.

Because the surface of the Witherbark Warburg is covered with a large number of non-metallic and non-ferrous materials, it is difficult to be scanned by the metal detection magic weapon, and there is such a large meteorite as a cover, so no one expected it to hide here.

After the "Ruijin Battle Fort" and the "Illusive Sea Battle Fort" jumped out of the darkness and attracted the attention of more than 90% of the firepower, computing power and detection magic weapon of the exploratory fleet, the Wither Wood Battle Fort launched the main power unit, Gushing out the strongest tail flame, pushing a meteorite ten times bigger than yourself, accelerating, accelerating, accelerating to the limit, and rushing to the ancient superstar!

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