40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3041: The structure of the Pangu tribe

This Pangu tribe is still struggling.

He couldn’t find the slightest civilized and wise man’s due to a "civilized man", but he was full of the primitive simplicity, recklessness and savagery like a wild beast. He did not fear the coming of death, but he squandered his last one. With a little bit of vitality, I tried to stand up with my hands and feet again and again, but failed again and again.

In the end, he fell completely, his chest rising and falling rapidly, and roaring like a bull.

The voice gradually fainted. He died, no longer emitting a trace of brain waves, and the expressions on his face that were awkward, arrogant and cruel, solidified into a daze and loss.

Li Yao waited patiently for a long time, and then asked Xiao Hei to come forward to investigate, confirming that the Pangu clan's physiological function was completely cut off, and then cautiously stepped forward.

Standing in front of the hill-like corpse, Li Yao pondered for a moment and decided to conduct an "autopsy."

It doesn't have to be so bloody, it's just using the ultra-high frequency vibration of both hands to simulate the principle of ultrasound to detect whether there is something implanted in this Pangu clan, which makes him crazy.

Li Yao circled the Pangu tribe and returned to the vicinity of his head.

The heads of the Pangu tribe are thick and thin with Li Yao, and Li Yao did his best to hold his temples with his palms.

The palms instantly turned into two gray mists, and the palms emitted faint bio-electric currents, which followed the Pangu tribe’s temples into the body, carefully perceiving the light of his brain that was gradually extinguishing, and every meridian in his body.

This is a very typical Pangu tribe, no different from the corpses found in the Kunlun Secret Realm and Pangu Underground by the Xingyao Federation.

Compared with humans, their uniqueness is that between the left and right halves of the brain, there is also a "third brain" inlaid, which is similar to the materialization of the human "pineal gland", or in other words, it is born with the naked eye. Linggen.

This "third brain" is the material basis for the Pangu tribe to release powerful brain waves to realize ultra-long-distance telepathy and large-scale mental networks.

It is also the innate magical power of the Pangu tribe that can communicate with various carbon-based intelligent life and become the leader of the "Pangu Civilization Alliance".

It's a pity that everything has advantages and disadvantages, and any evolutionary advantage will have to pay a heavy price.

The Pangu people have gone the wrong way in the evolutionary direction, or in other words, their brain evolution is too extreme.

Although the "third brain" has the ability to release brain waves and achieve large-scale high-speed electrocardiographic induction, its calorific value, oxygen consumption, and energy consumption are all astronomical figures.

Perhaps, the original Pangu people inadvertently discovered the mystery of spiritual communication and mental attacks. Those Pangu people who are best at spiritual communication and mental attacks have gained first-mover advantage in the fierce competition for survival, and everyone is heading this way. evolution.

In the long years, in order to carry an increasingly huge "third brain" and process the massive data of telepathic input and output, it has to evolve larger and larger left and right hemispheres and skulls, including a set of humans. The "cooling system" that the brain doesn't have is also a special energy transmission and storage system that supplies the super brain... In order to accommodate these systems, the Pangu people are getting bigger and bigger. Until the end, the average height is more than ten or twenty meters. , Comparable to the largest reptile.

In other words, the Pangu people actually don't need such a huge body, just because they have a super huge head, they have to match such a huge and clumsy body.

So, is it feasible to change the evolutionary thinking and only grow a huge head with no friends, and the body remains the same, or even completely degenerated?

Such weird and wonderful creatures have appeared in many fantasy novels, including Lu Qingchen's "Void Spirit Project", which is also taking this path.

But the body of carbon-based intelligent life is a very delicate and compact system. The so-called body is not only supporting the movement of the brain, it is also responsible for swallowing and digesting the nutrients required by the brain, and it must continuously supply the brain's burning oxygen, especially It is the brain of the Pangu tribe. It often needs ultra-high-intensity operation to achieve spiritual communication and mental attacks. It is often raised to the high temperature of Baidu. In order to cool down, they also have a body fluid that is different from blood and similar to "cooling fluid." It needs to circulate through the whole body at a high speed and discharge heat through the folds of the skin to cool down. It is necessary to have a huge body and large enough skin folds to make the coolant return to extremely low temperature after circulating for a circle, and again to protect the hot brain.

The brain, the basis of emotions, the carrier of thought, and the dwelling place of the souls, although it weighs less than one-twentieth of the human body, it consumes more than one-third of the oxygen and nutrients. A practitioner like Li Yao, the brain is more likely How can I do without a strong body without consuming seven or eight of the oxygen and nutrients?

Therefore, a freak with "only brain, no body" can never evolve in nature unless it is supported by a full set of mechanical and biochemical circulatory systems.

Just like life in nature, it is impossible to evolve a seemingly efficient organ like a "wheel".

Li Yao estimated that on the native planet of the Pangu tribe, the huge, heavy and clumsy body is not a big problem.

Many biologists, cosmologists and archaeologists believe that the original planet of the Pangu tribe is probably a planet with relatively low density and mass, but with relatively high oxygen content and relatively low temperature.

With low mass, low gravity, coupled with high oxygen content, organisms can grow unscrupulously. Even with a weight of tens of tons, they can be as light as a swallow and walk as fast as a swallow.

The low temperature naturally contributes to the cooling of the brain, so that the Pangu people are not too worried about the problem of overheating the brain, so they thrive on the original planet, develop a splendid civilization, and fly out of their home planet.

After they flew out of their home planet and explored countless habitable planets, they discovered that their home planet—the kind of planet with "low mass, low gravity, high oxygen content, and cold air"—is an extremely rare exception. Most habitable planets are like Celestial Stars, Celestial Stars and other "standard planets" from a human perspective, that is, high quality, high gravity, low oxygen content, and relatively high temperature, it is too late.

They have gone so far on the road of evolution. It can be said that the entire civilization depends on telepathy and mental attack. How can it be possible to "cut off and retrain" their most powerful magical powers at once, and completely change their lives. form?

Oh, maybe it is possible. This is the reason why the Pangu tribe wants to "manufacture humans."

Compared with the body of the Pangu people, the flesh and blood of humans may have a hundred shortcomings, but "low energy consumption, strong adaptability, and great potential", these three advantages are enough to win millions of years of survival. Competition.

Li Yao carefully perceives every organ of the Pangu tribe, especially the exquisite "cooling system".

This is a body fluid circulation system that is a hundred times more slender and complex than blood vessels and neural networks, including heat dissipation holes hidden in skin folds. The heat dissipation efficiency is comparable to the power unit of a starship. It is an incredible evolutionary direction.

"Sure enough, the brain cells were completely burned, and the whole brain was in a mess, and Da Luo Jinxian couldn't save it.

"Dragging such a clumsy and redundant body, it is really not easy for the Pangu tribe to survive, build and fight on countless planets with harsh environments!"

Li Yao sighed. The deeper his understanding of the Pangu tribe, the more he felt that the Pangu tribe did not die at the hands of the Nuwa tribe, and certainly not at the hands of human beings, but because of their own evolutionary flaws, or rather, , Is the "way of heaven" that dies in the dark and restricts carbon-based intelligent life beyond its limits and beyond the universe!

While he was pondering, Li Yao suddenly sensed that there were uneven patterns on the inside of the left wrist of this Pangu tribe.

This is a very exquisite rune hidden between the folds, like countless mysterious and complicated patterns superimposed on each other, the standard Pangu characters, like human tattoos.

This "three-dimensional tattoo" made Li Yao stunned.

Although he doesn't know the specific content of the tattoo, he has seen similar tattoos in many research materials, including the Kunlun Secret Realm and Pangu Palace, on the inside of the wrists of many Pangu elite warriors, with similar tattoo fragments.

This seems to be a sign that the Pangu tribe is particularly brave and proficient, and it spread after the earth-shattering civil war between the Pangu tribe and the Nuwa tribe.

In other words...

This Pangu tribe is indeed from the era of the Great War. He is an elite warrior who has received strict training. He is definitely not a barbarian who is savage and drinking blood.

How can it be!

The elite warriors of the Pangu tribe possess all kinds of mysterious and mysterious powers. They will use large battle armors similar to crystal armors and various horrible magic weapons. Their mental attacks should be more organized and targeted. They can respond to Li Yao's mind. Transmission, at least, they should have a high level of awareness of their brain conditions, and know when to cool the brain, instead of uncontrollably launching mental attacks and burning themselves alive!

Looking at the cloudy eyes of the Pangu tribe, Li Yao was deeply confused.

He originally thought that this Pangu tribe was a "wild man" who fends for himself in the natural environment, just like human beings also have "wolf children" who have been separated from the group and grown up in the jungle.

But the tattoo on his wrist indisputably shows that he was once a member of the ethnic group and possessed a high degree of wisdom.

"Could it be..."

Li Yao thoughtfully, muttered to himself, "This Pangu clan has indeed recovered his emotions and will, but the price is the complete loss of reason and wisdom?

"It's like, it's like... emotion and will are an overly violent river, which was originally sealed and strangled firmly. When the seal was completely broken, the torrent became uncontrollable, and even with it, reason and wisdom were washed away? "

This is the only reasonable explanation.

But it is definitely not the answer Li Yao hoped.

Of course, this is not the only Pangu tribe who has been resurrected with madness. Long Yangjun and Ding Lingdang have most likely battled the mad Pangu tribe long ago. The starship that Long Yangjun crashed shows this. a little.

So, where are all the remaining Pangu tribe, as well as Long Yangjun and Ding Lingdang?

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