40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3047: God's realm!

"Don't come to this set, and want to talk nonsense to mess up my mind?"

Li Yao sneered, "These fierce beasts clearly attacked from the outside, not released from the inside of the laboratory, so even if Ding Lingdang disrupted the fusion between you and the'other half Fuxi', leading to the main control crystal of the laboratory. If the brain malfunctions, it is absolutely impossible to cause such chaotic consequences. There is only one conclusion, you are lying!

"What's more, you are completely mad-in the past, let alone, it's up to you to set up traps to prevent us from entering the Emperor's tomb, and you did not hesitate to sacrifice the three supreme battle castles and everyone inside to set up a lightning bolt. Trap', you know that you have lost the last bit of humanity and have fallen into a real demon!

"For a demon like you, if the strength increases, the human civilization will be more risky. How can you allow you to completely integrate the "other half Fuxi" and then control the cutting-edge laboratory of Pangu civilization? No matter Ding Lingdang, Long Yangjun, Li Jialing , Boss Bai, the boxing champion or me, whoever encounters this situation has only one choice, and blow you up on the spot!"

The "arsonist" kept pushing hard under his feet, and the iron feet swelling with high heat and flame continued to sink from the "savior"'s chest, causing Lu Qingchen to "squeak" and twitch his hands and feet constantly.

"Hehe, again these meaningless nonsense, what justice, evil, heroes, demons, Li Yao, Li Yao, how come you still don’t understand?"

Lu Qingchen smiled miserably, "So, you have already met the wonderful lightning beings in the Great Red Spot of the ancient giant star? Oh, it's not just meeting, you should have had close contact with them, and even exchanged some Information, right? I can sense that your life's magnetic field is different from the past, as if it has undergone an incredible upgrade and transformation. It seems that you have received a lot of gifts from Lightning Life!

"So, you should know that these wonderful little elves are real energy beings. They have a completely different social form and survival method from carbon-based intelligent life. Their individual lives can last from a few microseconds to a few seconds. Earth-shaking changes can take place in just a few hundred years, making the entire...'civilization' achieve a big bang-like leap.

"Although they are still very primitive, these lightning beings have infinite potential. If they are not completely perished in the catastrophe of a supernova explosion, they are very likely to rush out of the original galaxy and occupy the entire Pangu universe and destroy human civilization in the near future. .

"Yes, this possibility exists completely. Since I can figure this out, of course you can too. If this is the case, I have to ask our great hero Li Yao carefully-you completely destroy the lightning life. Already, at least, have you done everything you can to kill the hope of survival of lightning life, have you put an end to the possibility of them rushing out of the home planet?

"The answer is'no', right? Our hero Li Yao has once again committed the soft-hearted and feminine faults, let go of the lightning life, and even'enchanted' the other party on a certain level. The chance of the opponent rushing out of the home planet has increased... by one in a billion, right?

"Haha, hahahaha, don't deny it, in the virtual space of the'Ultimate Salvation', we fight against Fuxi together. Divine soul fragments have once deeply merged together. Looking at the entire Pangu universe, no one knows you better than me, Li Yao!

"So, suppose that in the near future, lightning life is really under your enlightenment, opening a new evolutionary path, rushing out of the home planet, embarking on the expansion of the stars, conquering the entire Pangu universe, and completely exterminating human civilization. , Two of us, who is the culprit and who is the bigger demon?

"Of course, of course, the life forms of each other are so different. Lightning life may not have the concept of'conquest' in the sense of carbon-based intelligent life. Even, they may be closely integrated with human civilization and become the best human expeditionary force to enter the multiverse. But this is not the point. The point is that when you make a choice to exchange information with Lightning Life, you cannot be sure whether the other party is kind or malicious or even'unintentional', and you don’t know whether your choice will give human civilization. What to bring, destruction or salvation, you are just betting, just like me, a crazy gambler with red eyes."

"Don't put gold on your face, and compare you with me."

Li Yao sneered, "I am different from you. My hands have never been stained with a drop of innocent blood, and I will not deliberately sacrifice the lives of hundreds of millions of people for just and sacred purposes!"

"The only difference between us is that you have better luck and you have always won the bet."

Lu Qingchen turned a deaf ear, and followed his own thoughts. "You have enlightened the information life and created monsters like'Xiao Ming' and'Wen Wen', betting that they will not betray human civilization; you also helped the reformers to cultivate immortals. The empire seized the power of the empire and pushed Li Jialing to the throne of the emperor. He was also betting on his rationality, wisdom and loyalty to allies. You are lucky, and you win the bet temporarily, and things are moving in the direction you hope. Development, but who can guarantee that you can always win, they will never change? If one day, they do change, they will kill thousands of people in the Federation, what you say is "not stained with the blood of innocent people", but It's just the psychological comfort of self-deception. When you fall to the end of the game, maybe in the federal population, will you really become a demon a hundred times more stupid, evil, and crazy than me?

"Admit it, Li Yao, in the face of the boundless universe and mysterious floods, there is no firm will, fearless courage, and wise way of thinking. There are only lunatics, and only the craziest bet like you and me. Apprentice, there is such a one-in-a-millionth possibility to win the next shop.

"Do you know how gamblers can increase their winning rate? Of course, it is a double bet! For the future of human civilization, you and I bet in two different directions. What is the essential difference?

"So, if you are willing to put aside the ridiculous prejudice and the ignorance of mortals, and have a constructive dialogue with me to solve each other's common problems, then I will be happy to accompany you.

"If you are obsessed and have the power of God, you still have to use the moral laws of mortals to seal yourself, and even kill me to vent your anger, then please hurry up. In short, stop talking about those stupid clichés and proclaim your greatness. Justice and kindness are wasting each other's time because..."

Lu Qingchen suddenly stopped and looked behind Li Yao.

Li Yao was shocked. He didn't need to turn his head to perceive it through crystal eye scanning. A giant python, nearly a kilometer long and more than ten meters in diameter, hovered over the nearest skyscraper, staring at them coldly.

"Crack! Click! Click!"

The giant python squeezed fiercely, and the skyscraper was actually chopped by it, and the upper part of it looked like a collapsed cliff, smashing towards Li Yao and Lu Qingchen.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Under the cover of gravel and gunpowder, the giant python rubbed the scales of the whole body at super high speed, spurring a dazzling electric arc, turning his body into a shocking electric whip, smashing his head and covering his head, sweeping the army. .

If it is swept by it, no matter the "arsonist" or the "savior", I am afraid it will turn into two lumps of molten copper and rotten iron.

Every muscle in Li Yao's body is also in a state of arcing, congestion and swelling.

The “arsonist” ignited the prairie fire, and the interference force field solidified all the rubble in mid-air. Under the surging spiritual flames, thousands of rubble were turned into silver-white powder, which was tempered by the flames and turned into A silver sword that is as thin as a cicada's wing but is hundreds of meters long.

The silver sword and the giant python electric whip split into hundreds of phantoms at the same time, entangled tightly, and the shock wave spread out crazily like the ripples of the pond in the storm.

Li Yao and the fierce beast fought fiercely in mid-air, but Lu Qingchen was slaughtered or "dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water", lying on the ground on all sides, ignoring the arcs and sparks shot by the two sides, or even Several swords and lightsaber shadows exploded within half a meter of him, splitting the ground with deep bone cracks, and he didn't bother to move half a step.

"Perhaps you think that I used the lives of all the officers and soldiers on the three Supreme Battle Fortresses as bait, and the lightning traps I set up are very despicable, but don't forget, they are all'soldier bees', puppets, and have no emotion or will. , Is not a human being in the true sense, nor is it a citizen of the Star Federation, my dearest compatriots."

Lu Qingchen said lightly, "The Holy Alliance is the enemy, and the Empire is also the enemy. If I can make the Holy Alliance and the Empire all die together, wouldn't it be able to defend the interests of the Satellite Yao Federation to the greatest extent?

"You know, this kind of exploration of the ancient relics is most afraid of the lack of people’s hearts and their own governance. Don’t look at your team of exploration now seems to be hand in hand, united as one. Who knows that after the discovery of the ancient treasure, the mystery, it will be how is it?

"Can you guarantee that in the face of the treasures and mysteries that can change the process of human civilization, the cultivators and information beings will always be loyal and will never betray the illusory'covenant'? No, you are not qualified to make this kind of'belief' and "Guarantee", as I said just now, you are just betting on the so-called "human goodwill". Once you lose the bet, the federal cultivator will have no chance at all in front of the imperial immortal cultivator who has an absolute advantage. To **** and resist.

"Your Dao Heart, I can understand, but I definitely don't agree with it—especially after seeing the splendor of the Gemini Nebula, the horror of the ancient superstar, the mystery of lightning life, the mystery of the emperor’s ancient tomb, and the chaos of the Silver City. , I have realized that we are entering the realm of God, and all the laws of the world are meaningless here!"

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