40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3066: The beginning of the legend

"At that time, I had forgotten everything-everything I told you now was only gradually remembered after I was old and dying, and returned to the ancient ruins. But at the time, I was just a ignorant and ignorant person. It's just a child."

The voice of the grave guard came, "Children are naturally ignorant and fearless explorers. Without guidance and lessons, any weirdness and fear cannot stop his adventures. I didn’t even realize that this solidified battlefield was there. How **** and terrifying, I only think that those fierce beasts, giants and war machines are very interesting toys.

"I walked through the silent city of silver and played in the solidified **** battlefield. I pursued the time bubbles that constantly emerged from the void, captured the cracks of time that were gradually cracking, and finally found something consistent with my'curvature of time'. The items-food, nutrients, various magic weapons are small shuttle ships, etc. As long as I gnash my teeth, burn my soul, and do my best, I can drag these things out of the distorted gray mist and drag them into me. In the curvature of time."

Before Li Yao's eyes, the picture flashed again.

The pale golden child is like him in the past—a little garbage bug born in the tomb of a magic weapon, constantly collecting all the resources needed for survival between the **** battlefield and the cracks of time.

The pale golden child swallowed the nutrients and strengthening potions pulled out of the gray mist, refining precious energy between dancing with hands, dancing with teeth and claws, occasionally taking ultra-high compression nutrients that are not suitable for them and indigestible heavens and materials. Bao would still roll around between the sea of ​​blood and the ruined walls with his stomach, but his natural immunity and endurance made him tenaciously persevering again and again, turning him into a naturally nourished, lively wild child.

When he grabbed a large number of magic weapons from the gray fog-chainsaw swords, concussion swords, crystal brains, crystal armors and even the remains of starships, these things became his best toys.

The pale golden boy often used his mind to disassemble all the magic weapons into fragmented components, carefully study their structures, and then put them together in a fluent manner. At a young age, he has the attainments of a magic weapon refining expert.

After discovering the navigation system of a starship, he was deeply attracted by the gorgeous star sea navigation map. He often sat in the center of the gray battlefield, stimulating the gorgeous star sea from the navigation system, staring at the bright stars. The waterway and colorful wormhole dense areas, long silent, thoughtful.

"I almost forgot everything-my memories when I was still in an embryonic state, the strength of human civilization hundreds of millions of years ago, the annihilation of hundreds of civilizations, and the civil war of Pangu civilization, all have been forgotten."

The grave guard said lightly, "But I vaguely remember who I promised to take a look at the outside world on her behalf, and see if there is a more splendid civilization in the depths of the bright stars, and she spared no effort to What is it guarding?

"This promise is like a fierce lightning, activating certain segments hidden in the depths of my genetic chain. In an instant, an endless stream of information floods into my sea of ​​knowledge, making me unconscious. Shi Zitong has mastered some of the skills of starship maintenance and control-judging from the wisdom deep in my memory, these starships refined by the Pangu civilization are indeed the simplest toys.

"I repaired a small shuttle ship and transformed it into a model that can be controlled by only one person. Then, under the guidance of a certain power in the world, I left the archaic relics and galloped in the vast sea of ​​stars in the Pangu universe. In."

In front of Li Yao's eyes, the City of Silver was falling apart, dancing like crystal clear butterflies and disappearing one after another, replaced by a vast sea of ​​stars, extremely splendid stars, and a group of wormholes that are treacherous and infinitely murderous.

But a faint golden stream of light traveled through all of this, bringing the boy who had awakened 10% of the Primordial Bloodline to the center of the star sea.

"I overestimated my abilities. In other words, I am not a natural product, but a freak born in a laboratory. In all respects, my body is quite deformed."

The grave guard said calmly, but Li Yao heard a faint sorrow from the extreme calmness, “I was stimulated by all kinds of messy experiments. I awakened too much wisdom that shouldn’t be awakened and couldn’t bear, but my body was again Far from keeping up with the intensity of these wisdom needs.

"The simplest example, I did use my talents and supernatural powers to repair and renovate a single-man shuttle ship without a teacher, but in my unconscious rebuilding, I simply forgot to increase the strength of the protective device-this ship The single-person shuttle is prepared for those who are the real black wall creators and those who have awakened 100% of the ancient blood. Those who are as strong as gods and demons can even travel freely through the stormy seas in the four-dimensional space without protection. In between, precisely control every cell and every strand of his own spiritual thoughts, chase the clouds, beat electricity, chop the waves, it is conceivable that such a person does not care about any'protective device' and can easily pass through the wormhole.

"But I can't.

"I only awakened 10% of the Primordial Bloodline, my body and soul were too immature, and I had not fully recovered from the double damage of long hibernation and time freezing, and could not withstand the squeeze of the wormhole and the tear of the four-dimensional storm.

"When I realized that I had committed a terrible mistake, it was too late. I was caught in the turbulence of four-dimensional space and completely lost my way. After a series of thrilling, nine-dead squeezing, tearing, spinning, crushing and cohesion, I was thrown out by another unknown wormhole and fell to the edge of the star sea.

"This is my greatest misfortune, but it is also my greatest fortune.

"Unfortunately, after being severely damaged continuously, my abilities were further compressed, and the golden glow that surrounded my body disappeared without a trace. Most of the time, it seemed to be no different from a most ordinary human child.

"Fortunately, when the starship wreck and I drifted to a chaotic asteroid mine, I met my adoptive parents, two very kind human beings.

"That's... the end of the'Thirty Thousand Years Great Dark Era' exactly 10,000 years ago, based on your timing."

Li Yao yelled "Ah".

Knowing that from this moment on, the "Emperor's Legend" will truly bloom on the dark stage with the first ray of dazzling light.

"That was a slave mine under the control of the Monster Race. At the end of the Monster Kingdom's reign, excessive expropriation and ethnic oppression became more serious. The working conditions and living environment of the slave mine were extremely bad, and the human race was like withered leaves. A gust of breeze can blow off a large area."

The grave guard continued, "My adoptive parents are ordinary miners in slave mines, but my adoptive father is very good at driving old mining ships and chasing the most radioactive rare ores in meteorite storms, so he got the mine. With the special permission of the Lord, he can often go to places far away from the main mining area to'leak up', and he found me there.

"At that time, the only child he and my adoptive mother had just died due to malnutrition, my adoptive mother was in grief, and my adoptive father sighed and was full of melancholy. When he found me out of the fragmented debris, I still had breathing. When I was in the heartbeat, I couldn't help being ecstatic, thinking of me as a child given to him by God.

"He made up his mind without hesitation, and secretly hid me between the magical artifacts of the mining ship's humming, and secretly carried me back to live in the name of my dying brother.

"Although the environment in the slave mine is harsh, as long as the specified amount of mining can be completed, the mine owner and supervisor will not care about the life and death of a small child. Everyone will fend for themselves. Occasionally a few miners know My true identity, but they are all very kind people. They regard my arrival as a gift from God to all the miners, and they help my adoptive parents. You will bring me up and grow up together.

"In this way, I grew up among these...dirty, rude, enthusiastic, and kind-hearted miners, and became one of them.

"Although I was growing up, I gradually awakened all kinds of incredible abilities, and faintly felt the difference between myself and the people around me, but the past has long been annihilated in the freezing of time and the wormhole storm, I still have not recalled, myself Who is it, or in other words, I am using new experiences, relatives and partners to define a new self.

"One thing, it may be difficult for you to understand in ten thousand years. The so-called'slave miners' are not just human races, but also many monster races, deep in that dark and cruel asteroid belt,' Race is a meaningless thing, even a weapon used by rulers to provoke separation and divide and conquer.

"This is a very normal thing. Those slave owners and rulers treat human beings so cruelly, and treat their living intelligent life as dust and ants. Would they treat a lower level monster race with a pleasant face and full of humanity? ?

"No, at the end of the monster dynasty, the so-called monster empire fell apart a long time ago. The monster governors and generals everywhere established themselves as kings and killed each other. The losers in this warlord melee are even worse than the human slaves. ——After all, in the eyes of the Yaozu high-level people, the human race is the most docile existence, will never resist, and there is no threat.

"The demon captives who are defeated are often deprived of their magical powers, even part of their organs are removed, and then several hundred catties of shackles are smashed before they are sent to the slave mines to receive the dark torture with the human miners.

"There is no reproductive isolation between most human races and monster races. In such a situation of mutual pity, even if there was a deep hatred in the past, it will not take long to disintegrate, and even give birth to many children of mixed human and monster races. Even more strange and exaggerated supernatural powers, I am mixed among these "half-monsters", and it is not so glaring."

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