40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 307: Seafood fried rice and egg fried rice!

Five minutes... Six minutes...

Precision strikes continue.

In the increasingly unstoppable whispers, Yuan Manqiu smiled and said:

"Everyone, this ‘Burning Town’ booth set up by our Great Wilderness War Yard is of course fake. Everything is a model and a three-dimensional picture."

"But this crystal armor, which is undergoing stability testing, has suffered real injuries!"

"Before the exhibition, we conducted a three-day destructive test on this mysterious bone armor. Please see the light curtain. The specific test content is in these videos."

"First, we hit the front of the crystal armor with a heavy blow of up to 20 tons, ten times in a row, simulating the high-speed collision of a heavy armored monster."

"Secondly, we detonated a sky thunder and ground fire at a distance of five meters from the crystal armor, simulating the shock wave and explosion attack of the jet-like monster."

"After that, we sprayed a layer of pure natural monster acid on the surface of the crystal armor, the corrosion strength is comparable to the body fluid of many monsters, and it was not until five hours later that we simply rinsed it with clean water."

"Finally, we poured a flammable liquid on the surface of the crystal armor and ignited it. After letting the fire burn for ten minutes, we extinguished it by covering it with sand."

"Through four destructive tests, the crystal armor that appeared in front of you became this dilapidated look."

"Everyone has seen that, despite the devastation and scars, the profound bone battle armor still maintains a high degree of stability and precision."

"I want to emphatically point out that this crystal armor for testing does not add any natural treasures, nor does it use any special techniques or magical powers. It is refined completely in accordance with mass production standards, that is to say, it is refined afterwards. Any profound bone battle armor produced has the same outstanding performance!"

"If you have any questions about these videos and what I just said, you are welcome to take a close-up inspection later. There are many experts and scholars present. I believe you can tell at a glance whether they are real scars!"

Yuan Manqiu's words caused another commotion. The crowd was like a lake wrinkled by the wind, causing waves of ripples.

At this moment, ten minutes is up.

The moment the countdown went to zero, the cultivator on the test bench just hit the last left fist.

The punch strength is still 888.88 kg, which is exactly the same as the first left punch.

What is even more shocking is that according to the counter next to him, he has thrown a total of 500 left punches and 500 right punches, a total of 1,000 punches!

In exactly ten minutes, a thousand punches were thrown at an absolutely uniform speed. Every weight of the left and right punches was exactly the same!

Such terrifying accuracy is definitely a monster-level performance for the crystal armor or the armor master who controls the crystal armor.

Everyone looked at the eyes of this armor master, and they were all full of surprise.

This armor master completed the test fluently, and walked off the high platform, but when he took the first step, his figure flashed strangely.

"Sorry, everyone, it's not that something is wrong with the profound bone armor, it's just the difference in gravity inside and outside."

Yuan Manqiu said calmly, throwing another blockbuster, "I forgot to tell everyone that this test bench is built within a gravity array, and the gravity inside is ten times that of the outside. "


Everyone was shocked.

Everything that makes them dumbfounded is actually done under ten times the gravity?

What kind of crystal armor is this?

What kind of armor master is wearing it!

Finally, the mysterious armor master walked into the spotlight again, in front of everyone.


The helmet was separated from the top and bottom, revealing an overly young face that was not in line with the ace armor master expected by many industry veterans.

Only a few well-informed reporters took a breath and cried out in disbelief:

"Li Yao?"

As a man of the younger generation in the Great Wilderness Battlefield, Li Yao has gradually become known to some people under the names of "vulture" and "demon star".

But the vast majority of people couldn't imagine that he was still such a terrifying armor master!

"Hello everyone."

Li Yao smiled slightly, "My name is Li Yao, I'm just an ordinary sophomore in the Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy. I only started contacting Crystal Armor last year. I studied at Thunder Training Camp for three months and was finally eliminated Up!"

"In short, I am not a professional armor master, but a craftsman. Controlling crystal armor is just my hobby. Relying on the reliability and accuracy of the profound bone armor, I barely completed the test just now! "

"Even an amateur armor master like me can complete such a test. I believe everyone can see the performance of the profound bone battle armor, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar.

Ordinary people and unidentified cultivators all wondered in their hearts. I didn’t expect the profound bone battle armor to be so powerful. An ordinary sophomore student who majored in refining tools, only came into contact with Jingjing last year. After wearing the armor, it can reach such a terrifying state.

Those who know the truth, especially the competitor’s cultivators, yelled at Li Yao for being shameless in their hearts-sophomore year, it’s true, but who doesn’t know that you "Vulture Li Yao" was originally a famous and powerful newcomer in the Great Desert War Academy , The combat effectiveness is extremely strong!

He was finally eliminated by the Thunder Training Camp and failed to get the Thunder Armorer badge, but that was also because this guy strayed into the depths of the Thunder Mountain Range!

If you really want to control the strength of crystal armor, Li Yao is definitely one of the top students in the Thunder training camp, and can be compared with the current strong Dragon Qianyue in the armor master circle.

Such a monster is ordinary, would it be too humble, bastard!

Before these people complain, the reporters have rushed forward.

Seventeen or eight loudspeaker crystal rods were like swords, guns and swords, and they stabbed at Li Yao's face.

"Student Li Yao, I have long heard that your performance in the Thunder training camp is very crazy. Many of the same group of students are impressed with you. Experts like Long Qianyue all said that they did not make peace in the final knockout. It's very regrettable that you have decided the winner, you must find a chance to compete! Unexpectedly, you control the strength of the crystal armor, really so powerful!"

"Student Li Yao, since you are a test driver of the Profound Bone Battle Armor, you must be clear about its advantages and disadvantages. Can you talk about it from the perspective of a armor master?"

"Student Li Yao, you have just visited many of the mass-produced crystal armors of competitors. What do you think about the major competing products? Especially the crystal armors such as Tiger King, Misty, and Wanjian, although they are refined into cost It is more expensive than the profound bone battle armor, but the performance parameters of others seem to be a lot higher than yours! The profound bone battle armor, are you confident to compete with these crystal armors?"

Li Yao is not a low-key person, smiled slightly, and said:

"In my opinion, the relationship between the Xuan Bone Battle Armor and the major competing products is the relationship between egg fried rice and seafood fried rice."

As soon as the words came out, the audience was silent.

The well-informed reporters couldn't help but stare at each other.

Someone rubbed their ears involuntarily, thinking that there was a problem with their hearing.

Crystal armor and fried rice, where and where are these?

Li Yao calmly explained, "We have visited a lot of booths just now. I have no doubt about the experience and strength of the major forces in refining crystal armor, and I even admire it very much."

"As a crystal armor enthusiast, many of the classic crystal armors they refined are the objects of my study, the goal to catch up with, and even dream of it. I want to buy a few sets of them!"

"However, these classic crystal armors are all high-end models that use a lot of natural treasures."

"A craftsman who is good at refining high-end crystal armor is like a luxury hotel chef who is good at making seafood fried rice with the most luxurious lobster, scallops and abalone."

"The price of such a plate of seafood fried rice, I am afraid it will not be cheap, starting at two to three thousand."

"Now, I want this chef to make a bowl of ordinary fried rice that sells for less than 100 yuan."

"I admit that the chef's craftsmanship is absolutely top-notch, but the cost is under one hundred yuan, how can it be possible to put the raw seafood he is best at?"

"But he is used to the idea of ​​making luxurious seafood fried rice, and he has no experience in cooking ordinary fried rice. How can the ordinary fried rice be delicious?"

"And our Great Desolate War Academy is different. As we all know, as the base camp of grassroots craftsmen, we have accumulated very rich experience in refining low-end magic weapons for decades, just like an ordinary chef who specializes in preparing egg fried rice. "

"For us, to make a plate of seafood fried rice priced at two to three thousand dollars is certainly not someone else's opponent."

"But ordinary fried rice, which sells for less than 100 yuan, is our specialty!"

"From the very beginning, we did not consider the issue of seafood. Instead, we used the most skillful technique to select the best eggs, ham, chopped green onion and rice, to create a bowl of absolutely perfect ham and egg fried rice."

"Just ask, for the same one hundred dollars, would you like to eat a bowl of seafood fried rice without seafood, or a bowl of genuine and sincere supreme ham and egg fried rice?"

"So, I am full of confidence in the Xuangu Battle Armor, and I believe this dish of'Extreme Ham and Egg Fried Rice' will satisfy everyone!"

"It is useless to say more. At this magic weapon expo, the crystal armor is the highlight. The organizer has specially set up a lot of crystal armor competitions. I will control the mysterious bone armor to participate in some of the important competitions. Then you can see , The collision between two different kinds of "fried rice"!"

Unexpected metaphors have already made many reporters feel like flying their pens; the offensive statement of challenge has made reporters even more addicted.

At this moment, there was a sharp, sharp, discordant noise in the crowd:

"Student Li Yao, your performance just now is too unbelievable. It's hard to believe that this can be accomplished by a beginner with a cheap crystal armor. That strength tester..."

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